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Man love.(Asuarah Garretson)


May 20, 2010

A young pirate captain floated on a spare peace of driftwood, he was barley conscious, he was surprised that he was even alive. A large bottle of water was strapped on his back, his clothes were ragged and soaked. Unfortunately not with just water, he was bleeding a little. Not enough to cause that much concern even in this situation, but it was obvious he had been in a mighty battle. Colkura tried to keep his eyes open and not fall asleep. He knew that his sleep might be a much more permanent one if he did. “With his last bit of energy he shouted. “I'm the man who will be king of the pirates!” Hopefully someone heard his plight and would rescue him.

And all he remembered was about something big...and red...and round.
Nami and the Straw hat crew were sailing along minding their own business when Usopp shouted something about a man overboard.. Luffy and Zoro rather immidiately helped to bring the guy aboard, mostly because Luffy would nto just leave him there. Nami cam eout of the kitchen and raised a brow. "What is going on out here?!" Zoro just scoffed. "Luffy found another guy overboard." She sighed, he was going to get them killed one of these days. "fine, bring him in here and let me take a look at him."
Colkura didn't realize what was going on as he was hosted onto the ship. It wasn't nearly as amazing as his, but right now he really didn't have time to be picky. His hazy eyes looked at the strange crew not recognizing them, but not caring in the slightest he was just happy to be saved. "" He said as he fainted.
Sometime later the man would awaken to a flame haired beauty looking down at him. Upon one shoulder was a mark of Aarlong's crew. She was bandaging up his wounds with grace and skill. "there we go then, all set."
Colkura look at the beautiful women up above him. He looked at the mark but didn't much care for what it represented. Apon further looking at the girl he came to a different conclusion. "Oh god I have died, for you must be an angel." Normally that would be a pretty cheesy pick up line, but he was actually afraid he died, because there was no way that this girl could not be an angel.
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