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The Start Of Adventure [Red Scarlet and WinSquid]


Jun 21, 2015
The adventurer's guild wasn't too busy, not at this hour and season. There were a few warriors, back from a bounty of some wolves, and an alchemist deep in discussion with one of the merchants that worked with them. And, behind the counter, a bored-looking dwarven woman, not having much to do but required to be there to earn her pay.

Dwilla walked in, feeling more than a little nervous. The city of Ohm was larger than any she'd been in before, but there weren't generally guild outposts in the smaller towns and villages. With a deep breath, she walked up to the counter. "Excuse me?" she asked. "I'm, um... Looking for a guild application?"

"Got a sponsor?" the dwarf replied, eyeing Dwilla and trying to take her measure.

While tall and well-muscled, Dwilla did not have the air of someone particularly sure of herself. She had the body of someone used to hard work on a 6' frame, but her stance was slightly awkward, uncertain. "No, I don't," she told the guild attendant.

"Any special abilities?" she continued.

"I've got draconic ancestry, and-" Dwilla said, eliciting a laugh from the worker.

"You and bloody everyone! Dragons fuck anything, like rabbits. Hell, pretty sure if you go far enough my family tree, there's some dragons in there too!"

Starting to get a little mad, Dwilla tried to steady herself. Deep breaths, Dwilla. Not fiery breaths.

Feel free to come in and try to mediate the situation! You can decide whether you're already a guild member and can therefore sponsor Dwilla, or are also new.

Looking forward to this!
"O-oh do you need some help?"

A timid yet soft voice came from behind Dwilla as a small figure came to the counter beside the draconic ancestry. The person was a very short male that seemed almost female in apperance yet if looked at closely it was something you could tell. They were in a full mage outfit with the cleric sigil stitched on the cloth to show what side of magic they were.

A healer it seems and a steryotipical femboy sort of male but they almost seemed a bit gloomy. Was their stature the reason for this or are they just naturally gloomy? Purple hues went along the dragons body till the head had to crane all the way back for the male to see Dwilla's, a smile forming as the gloomy look turned into a soft gentle one as if trying to ease the dragons fire like nature.

"I could provide some ass-assistance if you need. A sponsor right?" The healer asked as he went and pulled out a leather wrapped book and popped it open. "I am free for some assistance if you want me to help," the male stated before returning the book to his cloak. "I could do the sponsor ship and see if everything is good, is that alright?" He asked to the dwarf who had made that fuck anything comment.

Chris here was a member already and while not the strongest or best he was still a good healer and due to his nature to help all who needed it this resulted in him not working as much on dangerous missions. He was normally the noobie helper to get those in the door of the guild before they went off.

"If that is alright with you miss."
Dwilla turns when she hears Chris's question, little licks of fire at her mouth. She breathes out, a little smoke escaping, and nods. "Yes. Thank you," she tells him.

The dwarven woman rolls her eyes. "Bleeding heart white mage..." she mutters, but does take Chris's information and gets Dwilla registered. With that done, she hands Dwilla the paperwork to sign, and once signed, stows it underneath the counter. "Right, he's your sponsor, so he's responsible for making sure you're educated on guild policies, rules, all that. Good luck."

"Thanks," Dwilla says back, not exactly enthused by that introduction. But she turns to face Chris, looking down so she can be eye-to-eye. "And thank you," she adds with a much more heartfelt tone. "I'm Dwilla. From the southern villages-not any one in particular, just kinda all them," she tells him as she moves away from the employee. "It's my first time being in a city like this. What's your name?"
Ignoring the bleeding heart since.....well.....he was one....Chris just keeps the chearfull smile an turns to begin walking along side Dwilla.

"N-no worries, I usually help all the new comers to the guild with their intro quest whenever I can since I know how hard it can be to get a guild member to help. Some are....picky when it comes to helping but I always try to help all I can." Chris naturally walked a bit slower than Dwilla due to height difference but he would shuffle along to keep up with her. "Nice to meet you Dwilla, hopefully the city here will treat you well and that you do not get too home sick now."

Chris would direct Dwilla to the staging area of the guild.

A few teams of adventurers are moving about and getting gear and items while some are discussing plans for moving out and the like.

"Since you seem like the brave type you will no doubt get taken for front line adventures and this place is where you and your team will make sure they are squared away for their quest. The guild does have a tax if you decide to join but the tax is used for making sure the supplies is always stocked and that each quest you can have a set number of potions, tools, equipment for camping and anything else. The better you do and higher rank will result in more max limits on items and also new ones being available to you before the lower ranking ones."

Chris would show as much as he could with all the items one could get and all that.

"Also if you do very well and even get recommendations from the ones who make the requests for doing very very well you can get in guild credit ontop of rewards so you can get more without using your own funds if lets say you want to make sure you get extra potions."
She nods along to Chris's words, paying close attention. "And there's a bounty board or job board or something?" Dwilla asks. "I'm assuming you have to properly sign up for a mission to actually get supplies. Oh, is that it?" she adds, approaching a board hung on the wall with parchment and scrolls attached. "Let's see, let's see... While I'm looking through these, we should probably let each other know what we can do, if we're going to be working together."

"As you might've overheard, I've got some pretty direct draconic ancestry. My dad was a red dragon," she explains, her voice not giving any hints of any particular thoughts she might have on her father. "So I'm strong, fast, tough... Relative to normal folk, at least. Maybe not to an ogre. I can breathe fire, but it's... Not perfectly under control. And any arcane magic from my ancestry is even less under control, so we should not count on that."

Dwilla pauses her perusal of the board for a moment to look back at Chris. "She mentioned you're a white mage? Healing, support, that kind of stuff, right?"

On the board is a smattering of quests, requests, and tasks. Some are overly mundane-most adventurers wouldn't care enough to rethatch someone's roof. Some are overly dangerous for the two-clearing an entire undead ruin is beyond what either could do. But some are right about their speed, hopefully-an ogre and his pet worg terrorizing some farmers, a trade caravan in need of an escort, and a lost locket in the woods near Ohm are all reasonable.
"Ah you know about the board and bounties. Yes you will naturally need to accept a quest and then go to find a team and then come here if everything is good." Chris walked along to the board and watched as Dwilla went and looked over the quests before explaining what her abilities were and points on what she was good at and not good at.

"Yes I have seen a few of your kind and no doubt while not as strong as other races, I am sure you will be quiet amazing to watch." Chris stated with a smile and went to make mental notes on what she is good with and wasnt good with. "Yes I am a white mage who is as you can tell.....not nearly as strong or fast or resilient as you may be but I do know a lot about healing. I even have ointments and potions of my own making and a bunch of others. I always make sure there is a way to heal.....even in.....dire situations but never had to do it that way since I have so many others. Just let me , my magic and my white cream keep you healed and healthy."

Chris would show off the potions and the like he keeps on himself showing off how he was one to not allow any option of healing run out. He would heal you in any way he can, hopefully the dire situation wasnt needed but it did show his readyness to heal.
Dwilla chuckles a little bit, a small smile on her face. "I trust you, Chris. For a first mission together... Maybe the ogre? Farms are pretty important to keep working, so everyone can stay fed," she says, taking the parchment down. "Who do we take this to, to get it officially assigned to us?"

"That would be me," an older man replies, his salt and pepper beard trimmed short. He wears a large blue cloak over the rest of his outfit, and approaches Dwilla and Chris. "I'm the head of this little Ohm outpost. Normally we'd have others handling the day-to-day tasks, but we're sadly understaffed at the moment. Norman Defoe, at your service."

"It's nice to meet you, sir," she says back, and hands the quest parchment to him. "I'm new to this, but I do have some experience fighting in general, and I've got Chris helping me. Think it'd be something for me and him to take?"

Norman looks Dwilla up and down-no need to do the same to Chris, since he knew the mage from his time here. "Going solo, I'd be concerned for you. But given that this mission just entails driving the ogre away, no need for a fight to the death, and with Chris backing you up... I think you'll do fine. Do you need to rent any weapons?"

Dwilla shakes her head. "No sir-I'm good with my hands."

"Take a dagger anyway. Something sharp usually comes in handy," he tells her. "I'll prepare a small adventuring kit for you and Chris, and you'll be off." Norman heads to the armory to get things squared away, and Dwilla turns back to Chris.

"Alright. Alright! We can do this!"
"It sounds like it can be easy for a first time while also providing a chance for you to show how strong you can be. An ogre is a dangerous enemy in terms of strength." Chris would nod at the choice and turn to walk with Dwilla to the counter where Norman was and let her interact with him and do everything herself as he just watched.

With Norman off he would turn and smile to Dwilla and give a thumbs up.

"You are pumped, that is a good motivation! I a sure we got this." Chris would then go and get the potions and other supplies for them.

"I am already stocked, the guild wont let me keep getting potions. Since I help newer adventurers I end up having potions left over and after while I was cut off. Not like I was re selling them or anything." Chris said with a semi pout and crossed arms at the memory. But it was true, with newbies not getting the most dangerous of quests means you dont use as much potions.

If you checked Chris before you might think he had a potion addiction or they were drugs and not actual potions.

"Do you need anything done before we head out or are you just ready to go right away?"
"Soon as Norman gets back with the gear," Dwilla replies "let's go!"

Norman comes back shortly, giving Dwilla a satchel with various useful supplies, from rations to a dagger to a map to a lantern with a bit of oil. "Good luck. And stay safe."

Leading the way outside, Dwilla looks over the map. "Let's see... The ogre's been spotted near Brandston and Marsill... Not a ton of trees near there, but... Huh. Map could be better," she comments. "When I was younger-maybe eight or nine-my mother and I went through this area. There's a little cave, should be right there on the map," she points to an empty spot, "but it's not. Caves don't generally migrate, so that should be the first place we check. Would also make sense if he had a small hideout that no one in Ohm knew about too-would explain how he can terrorize the villages so close without being tracked."

"Marsill's about four hours away, Brandston's a little further," she comments as they leave Ohm's borders. "And the cave's maybe another half hour from Marsill." She eyes the sun, still low in the morning sky. "Good thing I came early-we should be able to make it in daylight. Wouldn't want to fight at night."

Feel free to scoot us further ahead!

I don't want to bog down in travel details too much.
"Alright, glad I dont have a date today so you can use me all day if need." He gives a smile and a light laugh before clasping their hands together before looking at his inventory. He was a worry wort so while he is all stocked and ready he just double check and triple checks on top.

With this Dwilla can see his full outfit. He had on a skin tight white under shirt that was made to make sure he could move without any restrictions if needed along with surprisingly thick clothed cargo pants. Really he had a ton of packs and satchels and bags with everything a support can want and need.

Basically he was a support prime example and he did not mind being that support. A swiss army healer if you needed an example. A thick belt around his waist that trailed off and wasnt in the belt loops itself after the first few. A pair of adventure shoes that means just mostly reinforced but not boot level resistance and thickness.

Around his neck was a choker that was made from hardier material which means he likes the look and there was no real advantage battle wise.

Body wise he was all his muscles would be comparative to her finger....well more likely hand if being realistic but he was very not muscular or big in any way though those cargo pants are baggy with pockets.

But once things were ready to go he would be walking with Dwilla while she looked at the map and began discussing the game plan and method of their quest task line.

"My my normally people need help to make a plan but you have natural experience and a battle sense for sure. I will keep quiet in all decision making so you can get all the experience you need but will give tips if you need any."

Chris then begins looking through his various pockets and bags and pulls one out which has inside some adventure cookies! Not anything special but a hard tack treat that provides a sweet treat with nutrients.

It was his own formula so a bit sweeter than most.

Offering some he would begin the walk with Dwilla.

------Hours pass of various topics and history notes.-------

Chris tells how he has been a guild member for 5 years already and is a silver rank but that is due to mostly him again helping newbies over all and not doing super dangerous world saving missions but he has helped in some undead outbreak events that happened once but only because it was in the city he was in.

Chris is older than Dwilla and enjoys all colors that exist and doesnt have a favorite and also Chris hates anything bland in flavors and is a good cook and baker.


"Alright so the cave is over there past the valley right? How do you want to do this? Should we look for scouts or do you want to just go in and punch things?" Teasingly Chris smiles at Dwilla and her more brawler style since she didnt want daggers after all back at the guid.

"Any way you want to do it and I will support however I can."
Dwilla looks out at the terrain. "It's more at the base of the valley-near the end there. And the farmers haven't reported anything besides one ogre and worg, so I don't think we need to be worried about scouts. All the same," she says, "we should try to be stealthy. No idea when the big guy sleeps or walks about." Her eyes drift to the area above the valley's end-it's steep and stony, but...

"Let's go up. We'll wait a bit, see if the ogre returns or pokes his head out, and if he does, we can get the drop on him that way. It's shallow enough that I can slide down it rather than just fall," she says, putting her words into action. Going up the hill first gives Chris a nice view of Dwilla's rear, pleasantly curved in her pants and with just a bit of jiggle visible. But, with a mission going on literally right now, perhaps not the time to dwell on her ass too much.

Atop the hillside, the two wait in silence for about fifteen minutes. Their stakeout does prove worthwhile, as they spot some movement at the far end of the valley. "Down!" Dwilla hisses through her lips, and pushes herself lower to the ground. The worg, easily the size of a small horse, is the first creature visible, but it's followed shortly by his master. The ogre is laughing, a somewhat menacing sound, and speaks to his pet in an unfamiliar language. The word replies in the same tongue, his voice lower. "Didn't know they could talk..." Dwilla mutters.

The worg bounds for the cave entrance, entering before either can respond. Ambling by more slowly comes the ogre, with Dwilla ready to drop at a moment's notice. Just before the ogre reaches the entrance, she throws herself forward, sliding down the steep hillside. The ogre looks up in time to meet Dwilla's foot as she kicks down, knocking him on his ass. She follows up with a flurry of punches, focusing on the ogre's head, but the worg, faster than she expected, lunges at her from behind, tearing her off his master.
"My my you are smart in battle sense aren't you, I really should just let you do your thing without input but then I wouldn't get to talk so you see the problem." Chris chuckles softly at that and goes to take in all Dwilla stated about waiting to see just where the target might be. There was no way in knowing so taking a bit to wait and see was the best choice.

Dwilla was indeed more advanced for newbies, she probably didn't need a sponsor but then again how would the guild know that without him seeing it first hand.

Being smaller would result in him falling behind as Dwilla made her stride up the hill which did give Chris something to look at. It wasn't blatant but naturally just looking upward, he wasn't going to complain though and did catch a jiggle here and there.

But the mission did come first so he re focuses on not being left behind!

After the fifteen minutes and the down he would drop and if not for his white garment he might have been small enough to hide in the brush like a tiny animal hiding from prey.

"well if left to their devices they can form their own language even if crude it is still something." Chris says as he was was about to ask about the plan was before Dwilla just begins to slide down like she was naturally able to do that.

Chris mean while would follow but he was nearly tripping over himself as he was not experienced in ski-ing without snow or skis!

Regardless he keeps his footing and moving through some pouches he would pull out a small ball and using his teeth he would yank on a string that was attached to it.

"Close your eyes!"

Tossing it forward it would land in front of the worg before it reached Dwilla fully and a flash would erupt out to blind the pig...thing...boar....whatever it was.

While it would blind the thing it did not stop the momentum so it might still easily ram into Dwilla but the effectiveness would not be as much as it could be and it could even hurt its master since Dwilla was right on top of the guy punching him in the face over and over again.
Obeying without hesitation, Dwilla shuts her eyes tightly. The sudden light blinds both the ogre and the worg, though the worg's keen smell let it still move towards Dwilla.

"RRRAAGH!" the ogre yells out, fists smashing all around in a blind fury, hitting the stony ground, the worg, and Dwilla, eliciting grunts of pain from both the living beings hit. Noticing the lack of coordination between the two, Dwilla maneuvers around so the worg is always in the ogre's line of attack.

The worg growls something at the ogre, who yells back, again in the incomprehensible language. Dwilla takes advantage of this momentary lull to tackle the worg. "Fuck he smells greasy," she mutters to herself as she gets close. But the smell lights an idea in her mind.

The ogre starts to clear his eyes as Dwilla opens her mouth wide, a blast of fire exiting and lighting the worg's greasy fur ablaze. Dwilla has only a moment of satisfaction with her plan before she realizes that she is now grappling something that is on fire. She tries to extricate herself, but the incensed worg claws and bites at her. The ogre, now realizing he's dealing with more than he really wants to, starts to back away.
Moving finally to the ground and not face planting, Chris would look around at the situation and move to always be behind Dwilla or at her side for obvious support positioning.

Raising his hands he would begin activating some magic and gets ready to heal Dwilla as she did take some hits and even if wild and uncoordinated they still hurt a lot no doubt.

But then Dwilla shows her barbarian thinking and LIGHTS THE THING SHE IS GRAPPLING ON FIRE!

"SSDFM<Sdf What are you doing?! Why did you set it on fire!?"

Panicking only for a moment he would notice that the ogre was starting to back away instead of attacking to help the currently on fire ally.

Thinking a moment the mage goes to activate right now not healing magic and instead switches it to another support buff magic type. Using his powers he would cover Dwilla in magic and begin to increase her strength.

The closer he was the more enhanced she gets so he would shuffle his way as close as he could without getting in the space of the thing on fire!

"Quick throw it at the ogre!"

If need Chris would provide help by actually touching her for the maximum increase!
Still struggling, Dwilla feels Chris's spell strengthening her. She starts to overbear the worg, but isn't quite strong enough, until Chris reaches out and places his hand on the nearest bit of Dwilla he can touch.

With Chris's hand on her ass, she lifts the worg bodily and chucks it at the ogre. The two go down, and start trying to pat the flames off. Dwilla yells something wordless at the two, a battle cry and a victory cry. The big ones, able to get the fire down enough to not crisp, look at Dwilla's menacing (if smaller than them) figure. They wisely choose to run.

The sun shines brightly over the hill as the two watch them flee. When they're thoroughly gone, Dwilla lets out a mumble. It's followed by a louder "Oh gods holy crap how did that happen. I... I've never fought like that, and, and, holy stars..." she takes a deep breath, which does nice things to her chest. "That... That was dangerous. And scary. But we did it! Holy fuck we did it!"

She looks at Chris, a broad smile on her face. "We did it!"

After a little time spent to calm down, Dwilla assesses the situation. "Okay... We should check the cave for anything valuable. Never know what he might've scooped up. And..." she then assesses her state of dress. While her body is more fireproof than most, leaving her largely unharmed, her clothes are not. A large chunk of the front of her shirt has burned off, as have the lower parts of her pants. She turns her body away from Chris's view, covering her bosom. "Um, did Norman pack spare clothes? Or do you have something that would fit me?"
If you asked Chris why he grabbed her ass he would say he just touched what he could in a blind panic but...well....he ASSessed the situation and....well the lord gave him a chance and he took it.

Even though he was curious what her muscles felt like but it was pure panic as she was fighting a worg on fire!!!

Thankfully though with this she lifts and tosses the animal at its master and then Dwilla lets out a combination cry that no doubt would intimidate anyone on the receiving end before running off.

A moment of calm as Chris lets out a sigh and is happy that this has resulted in a win! Then with Dwilla doing her little celebration he pulls his hand away before she fully notices but when she gives a broad smile he would return it.

"Other than the interesting fire stunt amaziaaauyzing. The last word being stretched in a bit of a surprise at her exposed breasts as he quickly looks away before grabbing the bag and looking through it to see if here is anything inside.

" he didnt....oh hey here it might...well it is very small but it will be something." Chris stated as he goes to unclasp his cloak and pulls it off as he quickly moves to offer it to her while looking to the side. "Here you get covered and I will go check on the cave." Chris would quickly make his way when she takes the cloth and gives her privacy!
Dwilla fiddles with the cloak until it covers her breasts... Mostly. She mentally curses her height, as anyone shorter will have a nice shot of underboob, but there's not much that can be done till they get back to Marsill-unless the ogre had any fabric in there clean enough to be worn by someone. She follows Chris in once she's done her best, and looks around, her keen, draconic eyes easily able to pierce the dim light.

"That's more bones than I would've liked to see. At least they're animal bones," she comments as she catches up. Among the bones, poor quality bedding, and pit that smells disgusting is a wooden chest, sealed with a rusty iron lock and some chains of similar repair. "Gods, this place reeks," Dwilla adds as she looks at the chest. "Let me check the pack... Crowbar, that'll do."

She jams the tip of the metal bar into the lock and heaves. A few big thrusts and the lock snaps, followed by the same work on the chains. Inside is a small collection of coins, mostly copper and silver but with a few gold coins amongst them. There's also a soggy scroll who's ink is surprisingly intact, and the key to the now-broken lock. She shuts the chest. "Might as well just carry this whole thing back. The scroll we should keep, the key is pointless, but this money is probably the farmers'."

Dwilla hefts the chest over her shoulder, and walks out. "When we get to Marsill, want to see if we can get a room? We'd be traveling in the dark if we try for Ohm right away."
Entering the cave first the boy would immediately cover his nose as the scent of the absolute shit hole that this ogre lived in.

" they not smell this shit," Chris groaned as he went to dig through his pouches and pulls out some scent neutralizing plants and just rubs them all over his nose before he is able to push forward and explore. Kicking bones and the like as he takes a glance around before Dwilla returns. When she does h would notice the predicament that her top was and the major under boob she had though focuses on the task at hand.

"Well it isnt much but the chest might have something. How do they live in this place, I need like 10 baths to feel clean if I slept here at all." Chris complained as he watches Dwilla work. His eyes moving to her....chest area yes but he averts there as much as he can but the eyes do wonder.

"Good idea, hopefully there is a nice place to stay for the night." Chris stated as he watches as Dwilla lifts the chest over her shoulder and walks out as he is left wondering if he could even lift the chest at all.

"I will cover the place this time since it is your first quest so the expenses will be covered by me and my guild cash alright? Just no five star places with massages." Chris chuckled before quickly leaving this very bad place of a home that no doubt will be a lingering smell all day.

At least he wouldnt smell like burnt worg.
"Oh, thank you Chris," she says when he mentions covering the cost. "Agreed on needing a bath too."

The two make the trek back to Marsill, where they had stopped briefly to explain what they were doing. The sun is well past the midday point when they arrive, and the only person there to greet them is a middle-aged woman looking after a few children. "Mom, why is that woman half-naked?" one of the kids asks.

Dwilla blushes, and tries to cover her chest better with her free arm. The woman sighs at her son, and calls out. "What happened?"

"We, uh... Had a fight. There was fire. My clothes got burned," Dwilla answers, putting the chest down. "But we retrieved what seems like most of the ogre's hoard. It should hopefully help you and those in Brandston rebuild."

The mother nods. "Thank you. Thank you both," she says, idly covering her son's eyes with a free hand. "Is there anything we can do to thank you?"

Dwilla shakes her head slightly, but does say "Any place we can stay for the night? Preferably with a bath."

"Go past my home," she gestures to the one she's in front of, "and head for the village center. The Xeres have a little inn-it's not much, but it's comfortable."
Chris would be blushing a bit due to the awkward situation with the kids being blunt about the whole thing, it was a cute moment but still a tad awkward.

While a bit bad ass due to fighting something on fire and being immune it did lead to like results and some dont like that. The fighting cool but not the exposed body sort.

"Sorry that it was a problem for a bit but hopefully they wont cause any more problems." Chris added and chuckled a bit as the mother covers the child's eyes to protect him from the....well beauty named Dwilla. "Thank you for the directions, have a good rest of your day." Chris would say before waving to the family and then begging on the walk to the village center.

"Shall we find you some shops that sells some more ughh...appropriate amount of cloth to help?" Chris asked as he scratched the side of his cheek as he was trying not to get the focus on Dwilla's chest but they should get her something more......concealing. "If you want to of course, Or you could go to the inn and get the room and I go get some cloth?"

Chris was trying to provide some help to keep her from being too embarrassed by walking around a whole village half nude.

"Is that fine or what?"
Dwilla nods when he mentions getting it himself. "Let's just get a room, and if you could, you can run and get something large enough."

The center of Marsill is a little more crowded, but at least Dwilla has both her hands available to cover her ample chest now. Most of the buildings are unadorned, but one has a sign in front, reading 'Xere's Inn And Tavern'. The two head for it, ignoring the catcalls of some slightly drunk men.

Inside, there's a young-looking elven woman behind a bar, two people playing a game of chess off to one side, and a nice fireplace roaring away. "Welcome!" she calls out before even looking at the newcomers. "Um, how can I help?"

"Can we get a room for the night? One with a bath?" Dwilla asks. "Chris said he'd handle the payment, so if I could just get a key for some privacy..."

"Yes, of course," the elf says, and hands a key off to Dwilla. "Just down the hall, last door on the right."

Dwilla says a quick "Thank you," and goes there. "Oh, Chris? Stop by once you handle payment. I'll give you the key and stay in the room for now."

If Chris just so happens to come in without knocking and Dwilla is busy getting clean... Well, these things happen.
With the task at hand Chris would walk with Dwilla as they made their way to the inn, apologizing for the tight top as she got called even though it wasnt his fault.

Arriving at the inn Chris would get the door for her and came in from behind as she talked to the front desk lady about payments and getting the key, nodding at the plan of him taking care of the payment. Turning though as she spoke about him stopping by once the payment has happened and to get the key from her.

"Ah alright no worries, I wont be long." Chris would then turn to the elf and begin to get checked in.

Writing down the information and signing he would then be prompted to pay.

This is where a funny scene comes into play as he then begins to check for his guild wallet to pay for the expenses but there comes the problem.

A camera pans over to Dwilla and an arrow points at the wallet that is in the inner pocket an which was right up against one of her breasts.

"Er....let me...check."He then begins to check every single pocket for the amount that the bill was, finding copper coins and silver ones here and there until eventually he got the payment covered but it was quiet a snickering site or at least the chess players did.

This would result in Chris being a bit red embarrassed with how long he took to pay it off that he walks in without knocking or remembering that the lady might be doing something that requires privacy.

"Hey can I get the key and my wallet, I forgot it in my coat and barely got the cost of the room."
In the interim, Dwilla has filled the bath and stripped out of her clothes. (What's left of them, at least.) Chris opens the door to find Dwilla's bare ass at eye level, as she bends to fold the clothes. Her mind focused on the warm bath awaiting her, she doesn't even notice Chris at first. Not until she stands.

"Chris!" she yelps. "Close the door!" she adds, moving her arms to try and cover her impressive bust. She also reaches forward, cursing that the door opens outwards and not inwards.
Chris would be blinking and stuck in pure shock as he slowly went even redder than he was previously due to the embarrassment now being turned into whatever emotion it is when you see a six foot draconic blooded female in the complete nude just bending over and showing off her ass and everything that entailed.

Jaw was sufficiently dropped as his purple hued eyes took in everything pink that might be shown.

Jumping a bit he would instantly grab the door and close it with him on the inside due to the fact it was out ward and not inward.

This means he was still in the room and staring before then covering his eyes with his hands.

"Sorry! Crap crap I didnt know you were taking a bath already!" He would be trying to control his breathing due to his heart racing and due to this he didnt notice fully how much of a tent he was pitching that shows while he as tiny and cute in most areas the specific area between his legs was actually quiet big and was trying to escape his pants to see Dwilla himself.
Dwilla, panicked enough to be treating this like a combat situation, grabs Chris, yanking him off the ground and pinning him against the wall. "What are you doing?" she asks, though not sure if she's talking to herself or to her partner.

It's at this moment that she realizes that her face is almost level with Chris's. And that he's actually pretty cute. And that something hard is poking her right beneath her tits.

She drops him, blushing beet red. "Oh gods oh stars oh crap oh fuck," she manages to get out. "Close your eyes already!" she orders.
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