- Joined
- Jun 14, 2021
Allyria Avorn (Ally, Lady Avorn, The Bright Spark)
Str 0
Dex 2
Con 1
Int 4
Wis 1
Cha 2
HP: 6/6
AC: 12
-Knowledge (nobility)
-Magically Riven: Unable to use int-based arcane spellcasting.
-Prodigal Daughter: Advantage on Int-based rolls.
-Well Read: Can make Knowledge rolls untrained.
-Virgin: -1 penalty on any roll based on her sexuality (both for and against her).
-Robe (+0AC)
-Dagger (1d4)
=Bag of Holding
-400 gold
-Tent, bedroll and mess kit.
-Flint and striker
-Signet ring
-A pile of assorted noble clothing.
-Sealed box (Maid's Cube)
Allyria is a young woman in her teens with fair skin, bright red eyes and long pale-blonde hair that reaches down to her waist. Standing five foot even(152cm), she has a lithe build with a small bust and hips. She typically wears her hair loose, and prefers clothing that is simple and practical... if very fine in cut and materials.
Born to noble parents, Allyria is the eldest child and theoretically heir to the old and storied House Avorn. From her earliest days she proved to be an unusually bright and clear-eyed child, taking to her letters and numbers with unusual aplomb while absorbing stories about her house and ancestors like a sponge. At a young age she was permitted to attend the capital's arcane academy (with suitable donations of course) where she proved no less able. A magical prodigy in true form, she quickly mastered the basics of magic and moved on to practical spellcasting and even dabbled in arcane research, drawing attention from elder wizards. Rather than accept an offer of apprenticeship however, Allyria chose to leave the academy at the age of fourteen to become an adventurer and see more of the world.
While she did not exactly have permission from her family to do this, the simple truth for nobles is that almost anything can be excused as long as it brings honour and prestige. Victory forgiveth a multitude of sins. And Allyria was certainly victorious, she joined a group of up and coming adventurers in the Guild and went from success to success together with her new friends. For two years they rose through the ranks and Allyria even gained some renown of her own, coming to be known as the 'bright spark' for her intelligence and habitual use of lightning to express her displeasure.
That however all came crashing down when her party ran into a threat they could not handle, a mission to purge some undead turned out to be the work of a lich, half the group died, and the survivors barely escaped with their lives. Though Allyria was carried to safey she did not come out whole. The lich had struck her with some terrible curse that left her unable to use magic, the complex mental spellforms she had spend years mastering seemed to have no more hold on the weave than a child's fantasy. Neither clerics nor the elders at the Academy were able to heal her, and she had pinned her hopes on the death of the lich who so cursed her, leveraging most of her personal fortune to add to the Guild's reward for the destruction of the lich.
But when a higher ranked group slew the foul abomination mere weeks later... the curse remained.
Without any ability to use magic, she was drummed out of the Guild for the organization is one of merit and skill and proven ability. A silver ranked adventurer must be able to operate against peer threats, sending waves of novices against a dragon would only make them look inept and waste talent. And so a weak waif, noble or not, former wizard or not, who would accomplish nothing but to die messily the first time they stepped into battle with a oversized rat has no place in the Guild.
Her money spent, her magic gone, her friends dead or scattered and her reputation in tatters, Allyria was forced to return home to her family, who were suddenly much less permissive with her 'youthful rebellion'. Allyria had not given up on regaining what she has lost however, and so clashed with her family's desire for her to settle down, get married and take up her duties to House Avorn. With no ability to actually fight back it was a losing battle however, and before long Allyria was all but confined to her room to await her suitors.
At least until she convinced some of her maids to help her escape.
With little more than what gold she had in her room and a bag of holding she stuffed with her adventuring supplies and the contents of one of her wardrobes, Allyria made her way to the frontier, far from her family's seat of power.
Str 0
Dex 2
Con 1
Int 4
Wis 1
Cha 2
HP: 6/6
AC: 12
-Knowledge (nobility)
-Magically Riven: Unable to use int-based arcane spellcasting.
-Prodigal Daughter: Advantage on Int-based rolls.
-Well Read: Can make Knowledge rolls untrained.
-Virgin: -1 penalty on any roll based on her sexuality (both for and against her).
-Robe (+0AC)
-Dagger (1d4)
=Bag of Holding
-400 gold
-Tent, bedroll and mess kit.
-Flint and striker
-Signet ring
-A pile of assorted noble clothing.
-Sealed box (Maid's Cube)

Allyria is a young woman in her teens with fair skin, bright red eyes and long pale-blonde hair that reaches down to her waist. Standing five foot even(152cm), she has a lithe build with a small bust and hips. She typically wears her hair loose, and prefers clothing that is simple and practical... if very fine in cut and materials.
Born to noble parents, Allyria is the eldest child and theoretically heir to the old and storied House Avorn. From her earliest days she proved to be an unusually bright and clear-eyed child, taking to her letters and numbers with unusual aplomb while absorbing stories about her house and ancestors like a sponge. At a young age she was permitted to attend the capital's arcane academy (with suitable donations of course) where she proved no less able. A magical prodigy in true form, she quickly mastered the basics of magic and moved on to practical spellcasting and even dabbled in arcane research, drawing attention from elder wizards. Rather than accept an offer of apprenticeship however, Allyria chose to leave the academy at the age of fourteen to become an adventurer and see more of the world.
While she did not exactly have permission from her family to do this, the simple truth for nobles is that almost anything can be excused as long as it brings honour and prestige. Victory forgiveth a multitude of sins. And Allyria was certainly victorious, she joined a group of up and coming adventurers in the Guild and went from success to success together with her new friends. For two years they rose through the ranks and Allyria even gained some renown of her own, coming to be known as the 'bright spark' for her intelligence and habitual use of lightning to express her displeasure.
That however all came crashing down when her party ran into a threat they could not handle, a mission to purge some undead turned out to be the work of a lich, half the group died, and the survivors barely escaped with their lives. Though Allyria was carried to safey she did not come out whole. The lich had struck her with some terrible curse that left her unable to use magic, the complex mental spellforms she had spend years mastering seemed to have no more hold on the weave than a child's fantasy. Neither clerics nor the elders at the Academy were able to heal her, and she had pinned her hopes on the death of the lich who so cursed her, leveraging most of her personal fortune to add to the Guild's reward for the destruction of the lich.
But when a higher ranked group slew the foul abomination mere weeks later... the curse remained.
Without any ability to use magic, she was drummed out of the Guild for the organization is one of merit and skill and proven ability. A silver ranked adventurer must be able to operate against peer threats, sending waves of novices against a dragon would only make them look inept and waste talent. And so a weak waif, noble or not, former wizard or not, who would accomplish nothing but to die messily the first time they stepped into battle with a oversized rat has no place in the Guild.
Her money spent, her magic gone, her friends dead or scattered and her reputation in tatters, Allyria was forced to return home to her family, who were suddenly much less permissive with her 'youthful rebellion'. Allyria had not given up on regaining what she has lost however, and so clashed with her family's desire for her to settle down, get married and take up her duties to House Avorn. With no ability to actually fight back it was a losing battle however, and before long Allyria was all but confined to her room to await her suitors.
At least until she convinced some of her maids to help her escape.
With little more than what gold she had in her room and a bag of holding she stuffed with her adventuring supplies and the contents of one of her wardrobes, Allyria made her way to the frontier, far from her family's seat of power.