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[WB] Building a Normal Life (Info) [NSFW]


Jun 14, 2021
Allyria Avorn (Ally, Lady Avorn, The Bright Spark)
Str 0
Dex 2
Con 1
Int 4
Wis 1
Cha 2

HP: 6/6
AC: 12

-Knowledge (nobility)

-Magically Riven: Unable to use int-based arcane spellcasting.
-Prodigal Daughter: Advantage on Int-based rolls.
-Well Read: Can make Knowledge rolls untrained.
-Virgin: -1 penalty on any roll based on her sexuality (both for and against her).


-Robe (+0AC)
-Dagger (1d4)

=Bag of Holding
-400 gold
-Tent, bedroll and mess kit.
-Flint and striker
-Signet ring
-A pile of assorted noble clothing.
-Sealed box (Maid's Cube)


Allyria is a young woman in her teens with fair skin, bright red eyes and long pale-blonde hair that reaches down to her waist. Standing five foot even(152cm), she has a lithe build with a small bust and hips. She typically wears her hair loose, and prefers clothing that is simple and practical... if very fine in cut and materials.

Born to noble parents, Allyria is the eldest child and theoretically heir to the old and storied House Avorn. From her earliest days she proved to be an unusually bright and clear-eyed child, taking to her letters and numbers with unusual aplomb while absorbing stories about her house and ancestors like a sponge. At a young age she was permitted to attend the capital's arcane academy (with suitable donations of course) where she proved no less able. A magical prodigy in true form, she quickly mastered the basics of magic and moved on to practical spellcasting and even dabbled in arcane research, drawing attention from elder wizards. Rather than accept an offer of apprenticeship however, Allyria chose to leave the academy at the age of fourteen to become an adventurer and see more of the world.

While she did not exactly have permission from her family to do this, the simple truth for nobles is that almost anything can be excused as long as it brings honour and prestige. Victory forgiveth a multitude of sins. And Allyria was certainly victorious, she joined a group of up and coming adventurers in the Guild and went from success to success together with her new friends. For two years they rose through the ranks and Allyria even gained some renown of her own, coming to be known as the 'bright spark' for her intelligence and habitual use of lightning to express her displeasure.

That however all came crashing down when her party ran into a threat they could not handle, a mission to purge some undead turned out to be the work of a lich, half the group died, and the survivors barely escaped with their lives. Though Allyria was carried to safey she did not come out whole. The lich had struck her with some terrible curse that left her unable to use magic, the complex mental spellforms she had spend years mastering seemed to have no more hold on the weave than a child's fantasy. Neither clerics nor the elders at the Academy were able to heal her, and she had pinned her hopes on the death of the lich who so cursed her, leveraging most of her personal fortune to add to the Guild's reward for the destruction of the lich.

But when a higher ranked group slew the foul abomination mere weeks later... the curse remained.

Without any ability to use magic, she was drummed out of the Guild for the organization is one of merit and skill and proven ability. A silver ranked adventurer must be able to operate against peer threats, sending waves of novices against a dragon would only make them look inept and waste talent. And so a weak waif, noble or not, former wizard or not, who would accomplish nothing but to die messily the first time they stepped into battle with a oversized rat has no place in the Guild.

Her money spent, her magic gone, her friends dead or scattered and her reputation in tatters, Allyria was forced to return home to her family, who were suddenly much less permissive with her 'youthful rebellion'. Allyria had not given up on regaining what she has lost however, and so clashed with her family's desire for her to settle down, get married and take up her duties to House Avorn. With no ability to actually fight back it was a losing battle however, and before long Allyria was all but confined to her room to await her suitors.

At least until she convinced some of her maids to help her escape.

With little more than what gold she had in her room and a bag of holding she stuffed with her adventuring supplies and the contents of one of her wardrobes, Allyria made her way to the frontier, far from her family's seat of power.

City OutskirtsSlums (Risky)City Center (Normal)City Inner Ring (Safe)Red Light Street (Normal)
Farms (Normal)Whore HouseResidential AreaCastleDragon's Roost
River (Normal)The Busty Barmaid Inn & TavernThe Dancing Dryad Inn & TavernMansionsCasino
Forest (Risky)HerbalistMarketWizard TowerThe Fancy Ladies Bar
Junkyard/Midden (Risky)Pawn ShopPublic BathsMage CollegeAdult Theater
Plains (Normal)Abandoned WarehouseAdventurers GuildThe Sword and Sheath TavernSex Shoppe
Shanty HousesPrisonTailors
DocksMagic Store
General Goods Store

Rolls will be made according to what area is being traveled to. If exploring an area or searching in one, a roll will be made for each hour spent searching. Travel to nearby villages will differ in time. Every day spent on the road will result in a Chance Roll of Normal.

Entering the Inner Ring of the city requires a check in at one of the three gates leading inside the district. If appearing too disheveled, not dressed well enough, or being recognized for committing a crime, being barred from entering or imprisoned is possible.
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Chance Rolls

Safe Area:
1-14 = Safe, 15-17 = Minor Event, 18-19 = Event, 20 = Major Event

Normal Area:
1-10 = Safe, 11-15 = Minor Event, 16-18 = Event, 19-20 = Major Event

Risky Area:
1-7 = Safe, 8-12 = Minor Event, 13-17 = Event, 18-20 = Major Event

Dangerous Area:
1-4 = Safe, 5-9 = Minor Event, 10-15 = Event, 16-20 = Major Event

-Risk level increases by 1 from dusk to dawn. The Dangerous rules are only used after dark in formerly risky areas.
-Dice will get bonuses based on state of appearance.

After 24h of initial creampie roll for impregnation

18-20 results in impregnation
+1 for every creampie in a day
+ for certain medications/drugs/potions
- for certain medication/dugs/potions
+1 for knots
+1 for extra volume

If multiple sources in time frame, roll will determine which caused it. Fertilization will be noted by nausea.

Insectoid eggs will override any sperm threatening impregnation. Unfertilized eggs must have a source of sperm to be fertilized and be lain. Unfertilized eggs will remain until seeded. Insectoid eggs will take either one or two days to be lain once fertilized.

Humanoid/Bovine Pregnancy (After Ritual)
No BumpSmall BumpMedium BumpLarge BumpBirth
Day 1-2Day 3-4Day 5-6Day 7-8Day 9-10

Canine Pregnancy (After Ritual)
No BumpSmall BumpMedium BumpLarge BumpBirth
Day 0.3Day 0.6Day 1Day 1.52

Large Wild Cat Pregnancy (After Ritual)
No BumpSmall BumpMedium BumpLarge BumpBirth
Day 0.5Day 1Day 1.5Day 2Day 2.5-3

Equine Pregnancy (After Ritual)
No BumpSmall BumpMedium BumpLarge BumpBirth
Day 1-3Day 4-6Day 7-9Day 10-1213

Animal period of time will be determined by the months of their gestation period turned into days.

Roll will be made to determine when in the last stage that baby will be born.

Monster times will vary. Mammalian monsters will often require ritual to speed up the process.

Stages of pregnancy will impose negatives on physical abilities as the belly swells.

Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4
No penalty-1 Dex-1 Str
-2 Str
-3 Dex

Cravings roll will be made at noon each day. The base save is a Con save to resist starting at an easy level and raising as the stages of pregnancy progresses.

Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4
DC 10DC 12DC 15DC 18

Dice RollCraving
1.Oral (Giving)
2.Oral (Receiving)
5.Huge Cock
6.Beast Person
8.Animal (Domestic)
9.Animal (Wild)
11.Same Sex
12.New Experience
13.Public Nudity
15.Exhibitionist Sex
17.Inhuman Cock
18.Ugly Person

Succeeding in indulging a craving will reward a moral bonus according to the difficulty/how daring it was to complete until the following noon when next craving save is made. Failing to indulge a craving will likewise cause a negative accordingly.

Weather Types

Heat WaveClear SkiesWindyCloudyFoggyRain/Lightning Storm (50/50)

Weather Change Roll
(Dawn, noon, dusk, midnight)

No Change1 to the Right1 to the Left2 to the Right2 to the Left
Crime Mechanics

Upon "Minor Event", "Event", or "Major Event" being rolled, a d100 will be rolled.

If Minor Event, if the d100 roll is a result of crime stat x2 or less then guards will confront character on her crimes.

If Event, if the d100 roll is a result of crime stat x3 or less then guards will confront character on her crimes.

If Major Event, if the d100 roll is a result of crime stat x4 or less then guards will confront character on her crimes.

Hours spent in jail will be equal to crime stat. Chance Rolls will be made every four hours at the safe level. If character wishes to half her time imprisoned then she can requests the public stocks resulting in Chance Rolls every hour at the risky level.

She can try and convince the guards to let her free or try to run or fight but it will become more difficult as her crime stat rises.
Public Baths

Women's BathsMen's BathsHot Springs (Mixed Baths)
Roll on SafeRoll on RiskyRoll on Normal,
Gain Status "Relaxed" (Recieve a +1 bonus to ability checks, lasts for two day periods (Ex. early morning to noon))

Lewd events throughout the day will be added together to make the DC to have a lewd dream.

More minor lewd events like groping or flashing are worth 2 points.

Very lewd events where there is intercourse are worth 4 points.

Should Allyria orgasm without penetrative intercourse it will be 3 points.

A d20 will be rolled when Allyria goes to sleep. If that number is equal to or less than the total added for the DC she will have a lewd dream.

Lewd dream will be related to the event(s) of the day. A dice will be rolled to determine which is involved. This will result in a fetish roll related to the dream's subject.

Wet dreams will add a +2 to the night encounter roll should Sir Cubes be roaming free from his box.


Edros: God of Justice and Civilization. His symbol is a gavel made into a set of balancing scales. His weapon is a warhammer.

Iaris: Deity of Nature, the fauna and flora of the world. Their form is fluid and shifting like nature itself. There is no constant depiction of them, as when one thinks of nature each person has something different that comes to their mind. As such they have no specific symbol, but are often depicted by some kind of beast, plant, or something mixed between them and even people. Their weapons are those of tooth and claw.

Elo: God of agriculture, construction, and hard work. He is a god of the working class and the development they provide to all peoples and their cities. His symbol is of a bundle of wheat, and his weapon is the staff.

Kuarae: She has only one domain to rule over, for she is it as it is she; Magic itself. The two are so interlinked that magic ebbs and flows with her power, and should she not exist neither would the magic that the people of the world utilize. At first glance, her symbol appears to be a star. Those that are learned know it to in fact be a brumestone; a rare and large rock that has been imbued with magic and can be used in creating enchantments and enhancing spells of all kinds. Her weapon of choice is of course spellcraft.

Catia: The goddess of parenthood and family. She is mother to Cuculi and a few other lesser deities. Her symbol is that of a cradle and has a dagger as her weapon.

Endall: Husband to his opposite, Catia. He is the god of the dead and protects the sanctity of those under his care. He despises undeath as it is an unholy desecration of those he tends to. His symbol is a shepherd's crook, and chooses no weapon.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ysildea: Goddess of art, passion, and beauty. Originally the Elven goddess, she is now shared by many races. Her symbol is a harlequin mask decorated with bright colors and full red lips, and her weapon a gracefully curved elven sword.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gob: Also known as Gab, Grab, Grah, Gil, Gruh, Gob, and Gik. Each name is for the same being, just different aspects of it. Gob is the goblin deity of hedonism and excess. They believe in doing whatever brings them pleasure or joy to the extreme. Their symbols will vary, usually being crude carvings or jagged peices of stone and metal that each goblin sees as as representing their chosen aspect as they see them.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Foddaeth: Father god of the dwarves who's aspects are mining, smithing, and stonework. His symbol is an anvil, a tool used for all three and his weapon of choice, the mattock; a tool usually reserved for mining.

Dulgrila: Mother goddess of the dwarfs who's domain is the home, hearth, and booze. Her symbol is that of a roaring fire, her weapon the crossbow; perfect for defending one's home.

Gruthuki: Son of the Dwarven parental deities. His rule is over war, honor, and grudges. As such, his symbol and weapon are both a two headed battle axe; perfect for both fighting and grudges.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mannarak: Also known as The Grand Bull, he is the god of prowess and bravery for Minotaurs. His symbol is of a curved pair of horns and his weapon a single bladed battle axe.

Laannas: Also known as The Great Cow, she is the goddess of family, nurturing and gentle strength for Minotaurs. Her symbol is of a cloven hoof, and her weapon of choice is a spear.
Blessing: Enhances a mother's production of milk, allowing them to produce greater quantity and quality. +1 bust size until woman under her blessing goes one full day without milk being drained after their normal period of time after birth is over. Has a side effect of making one more fertile for two days after initial effect has ended (Brings initial impregnation DC down from 18 to 13).


Cuculi: A minor goddess of unwanted children, being the unwanted child in Catia's perfect image of family. Despite her sister's child-like appearance, Cuculi is the youngest of her siblings. She nurtures and takes in those unwanted by their own parents. Most of her temples either sponsor or are part of orphanages as a result, mostly taken in the eggs caused by her blessings. Her symbol is a large silhouette of a hand embracing an imprint of another smaller one. She has no weapon of choice.
Blessing: Causes pregnancy to enter an accelerated state, ending in birth of one or more eggs where offspring will grow for another period of time.

Vata: Daughter and middle child of Catia and Endall, she is the embodiment of childhood, dreams, and hope. Her symbol is a wooden chest and has no weapon.

Ides: Eldest child of Catia and Endall. He represents the transition of life to the thereafter and protects those traveling to their home beyond death. It is his duty to not only keep the souls of these travelers safe, but to find and guide the one that have been lost or trapped. His symbol is a cloaked figure and wields a scythe as his weapon.

Udia: She is the goddess of lust, desire, and sexual freedom. For those that revel in carnal pleasures, she is the one that presides over such wants. Once a mortal, she accidentally gained godhood through unknown means. Her symbol is a pair of lips, and has no need of a weapon.

Dragon's Roost

No interest
0 tip bonus
Mild interest
+2 tip bonus
+4 tip bonus
Great interest
+8 tip bonus
Extreme interest (group)
+16 tip bonus

A Cha roll will be made alongside the chance table every hour of the shift to determine how much she will be tipped. The total roll will be the amount tipped. Bonuses will be given depending on how interest rolled.

Additional positive and negative modifiers will be awarded based on how reserved or lewd clothes are.

Pay for 4 hour shift
20 Sovereigns per shift base pay
30% of clients pay and tips



  • Bedrooms with beds and pillows
  • Madame Rimeia's Room
  • Unknown Employee's room
  • Bar
  • Stage
  • Tables
  • Private Booths
  • Change rooms
  • Earnings box between change room and office
  • Madame Rimeia's office, doors to both change room and hallway
  • Job postings outside office
  • 2 meeting rooms
  • Showers and baths behind change room
  • Infirmary
  • Stables/Kennels
  • Animal fuck room attached to stables/Kennels
  • Simple animal fuck room across hall from stables/Kennels
  • 2 bondage rooms
Each sex room has a notification spinner outside. Can be set to 'Available', 'Open for more', 'Occupied', or 'Needs Cleaning'. There is a back stairwell so that girls needing a bath may get to them discreetly from upstairs.

Torthoth: Elderly male Dragonborn with dull red scales and bright orange eyes.

Kroshk: Young male Lizardfolk with deep colorful green scales and a blood orange sail under neck. Has two cocks, both rounded and thick at the base with a curved and sleek shape that tapers toward the tip. Did not get a good look at size.

Olga: Middle aged female Human proprietor of The Dancing Driad. Medium height, muscled build.

Fidrir: Middle aged male Human Proprietor of the dancing Driad. Medium height, very muscular.

Galarth: Older Half-Orc male and owner of the pawn shop. Black hair, patchy beard, chipped tusk, and a heavy accent.

Madame Rimeia: Tall older female Tiefling with blood red skin, ebony horns that flow backwards from her skull, lustrous raven hair and a sizable bust. Proprietress of The Dragon's Roost. Silken voice with an accent that is definitely not French.

Keolath: The male Goliath bartender and occasional muscle at The Dragon's Roost.

Argarak: A massive eight foot tall Minotaur male with ruddy brown fur and a head and beard of black hair like the tuft on the tip of his tail. Ribbed black horns curve up and forward like a two tined fork matching his hooves and a wet black nose. His malehood is fifteen inches long and three and a half wide in diameter, wider at the median ring several inches from the base where it grew yet thicker and also at the flared tip. It is a brown color with mottled pink spots across it. Has a difficult time saying more complicated words in common.

Yru: An elderly female Tortle with a mottled brown shell with moss and vines growing atop it.

Braben: Young priest of Vata. Clean shaven with chin length brown hair
Sionia: Elven female proprietor of the 'Taste of Adventurers'.

'Whisper': Male human with well groomed salt and pepper goatee with cold blue eyes. Mysterious man met at 'The Sword and Sheath' tavern.

'Adventurous' owner: Tall Elven woman with long light brown hair and medium bust. Owns the risqué clothing store known as 'Adventurous'.

Dadae 'Snow': White scaled Lizardfolk entertainer at Dragon's Roost. Her earpiece has a rainbow pattern with its stone.

Veve: Female Harengon with brown fur and white patches, long droopy ears, smallish bust. Minor cleric of Udia hired to be a medic for Dragon's Roost.

Bore: Male Earth Genasi with stoney gray skin and braided black hair. Minor Cleric of Elo hired to be a medic for Dragon's Roost.

'Father': Tall muscular human man with broad shoulders, sharp goatee, brown hair, and a stereotypical handsome face. Wears clothing indicative of him being a moderately successful merchant. Father of 'Son'. Has an eight inch long cock.

'Son': Moderately fit human male, looks just like his father in early 20s, no facial hair. Son of 'Father'. Has a seven inch long cock.

'Wastrel': Middle aged human male with beer belly and balding head of graying hair. Wears clothing indicative of him being a moderately successful merchant. Has a six inch long cock.

'Oldy': Old wizened human male with somewhat crooked teeth, pockmarked face, bald head, and a decently groomed white beard of chest length. Wears clothing indicative of him being a retired knight. Has a seven inch long cock.

'Fatty': Male Human in his early 30s, round and rotund with a bald pudgy face and thin blonde hair. Wears clothing indicative of him being a successful merchant. Has a fat six inch cock.
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Lactation begins at the beginning of the final stage of pregnancy, and goes on for as long afterwards. (Human final stage lasts 3-4 days and milk will continue 3-4 days after). Breasts have a 50% chance of swelling a size up during this stage.

May be milked in exchange for money at dairy farms. Must be tagged or branded as livestock to sell milk. Different sizes of breasts produce different amounts of milk per day.

1 bottle2 bottles3 bottles4 bottles

Breasts can be modified in a few different ways. Sizes can be changed by certain blessings, potions, or pregnancies. Milk produced by these can be modified by certain blessings and potions as well. After milk production is over they will go back down a size per day. Potions can be used outside of lactation times to temporarily boost breast size for a day or two.
Dragon's Roost Earring

An ear cuff resembling a set of small reptilian claws, wrapping around the ear from behind. On a human the cuff looks like two 'claws' over the top curve of the ear, two running down the edge and the last seeming to curve under the lobe but is actually pierced through it.The ‘back’ of the earring is a slim ?-shaped shaft of gold connecting the claws together. If it were mundane it would seem quite easily bent, but as a magic item it is far stronger than its material would suggest, as well as naturally resizing itself to fit an attuned user.

The cuff symbolizes membership in the Dragon’s Roost Courtesan House of Anegate, and marks the wearer of a member of the city’s redlight district community. Though most of these are made of simple etched gold, a variation exists with claws made of brilliant gems in gold mounts, which can be earned by those with the proper disposition.

It is enchanted with a set of simple alarm spells and mild curse. The spell can be activated by the wearer at will and alerts nearby members of the Dragon Lance, as well as allowing them to sense the distance and direction of the alarm. However due to its relatively low power as a magic item, the radius at which the alarm can be detected is relatively small. Large enough there will always be a patrol in range inside the Red District, but chancy outside of it and quite useless outside of Anegate entirely.

The curse simply prevents the earring from being unattuned, making it impossible to remove easily. This is to protect the wearer by making it impossible for a client to take it off or force a girl to take it off themselves. This a very modest ‘curse’ and could be easily undone by one skilled in the construction of magic items, though Rimeia has a ‘key’ she uses to take it off of girls who wish to quit and leave the life.


Joining a clade requires one to be sponsored by several existing members, the exact requirements and expectations vary from one to another. More than half of the roost’ girls are content with just gold.

-Obsidian/Ruby: Dominatrixes
-Spinel: Masochists
-Opal: Cock worshippers
-Sapphire: Anal queens.
-Ruby: Refined noble escorts.
-Amber: Animal lovers.
-Pearl: Breeders
-Emerald: Exemplar prostitutes; will do anything for the right price.
-Rainbow: (Ruby/citrine/emerald/sapphire/amethyst): Extremely enthusiastic lovers of the same gender.
-Diamond: Geisha, non sexual listeners.
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Allyria Avorn (Ally, Lady Avorn, The Bright Spark)
Str 0
Dex 2
Con 1
Int 4
Wis 1
Cha 2

HP: 6/6
AC: 12

-Knowledge (nobility)
-Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Goblin.

-Magically Riven: Unable to use int-based arcane spellcasting.
-Prodigal Daughter: Advantage on Int-based rolls.
-Well Read: Can make Knowledge rolls untrained.

Fetishes (+1/-1 to rolls invoking fetish)
-Inhuman Cocks



-Robe (+0AC)
-Dagger (1d4)
-Dragon Roost Earring (Attuned. Left Ear. Alarm and tracking (Dragon Lance))
A delicate golden cuff that resembles a set of dragon claws clutching her left ear from behind. Symbolizes employment in the Dragon’s Roost Courtesan House, marking her as a whore and also a member of the wider redlight district community.

=Bag of Holding
-153 Sov
-Tent, bedroll and mess kit.
-Flint and striker
-Signet ring
-2x daggers
-Sealed box (Maid's Cube)
--Deep red backless double slitted dress with translucent black netting over deep cleavage
-A pile of assorted noble clothing.
Two silk shifts one modest grey, the other skimpy and red. Two formal dresses, one black and backless and one blue with white ruffles. Two travel dresses, both dark blue and worn. Her adventuring outfit; a finely woven and mildly enchanted robe with a cape and a slit up the side of the skirt for movement. Assorted plain underwear. A pair each of dancing shoes, riding boots, and heels.

Fetish Progress
Anal: 1/10
Oral (Receiving): 1/10
Same-Sex: 1/10
Size Queen: 1/10
Size Difference 1/10
Humiliation: 1/10
Praise: 3/10
Non-con: 1/20
Creampies: 3/10
Vaginal: 2/10
Oral (Giving): 1/10
Cock Worship: 1/10
Group: 1/10
Spanking: 3/10
Breastplay: 1/10
Prostitution: 1/10

Vaginal Notes
Length Limits
Meh: 0-4 (doesnt provide much pleasure)
Comfortable: 5-7 (pleasurable in most situations)
Stuffed: 8-10 (thrilling if properly ready and aroused, deeply uncomfortable if not)
Forced: 11-13 (Painful, will cause damage, distension, bleeding. Larger sizes simply cannot fit.)
Narratively speaking shes quite gifted in terms of elasticity, and can handle way more girth than is nominally realistic. Up to horse sizes. Anything bigger wont penetrate without causing damage. Generally she derives more pleasure from girth than length, and bigger the better.
Allyria's fetish for inhuman cocks means that she finds oddly shaped penises more pleasurable and thrilling than human ones. This can make up for things like lack of girth, or make large cocks even better. Non-human penile mechanisms (like a canine knot, pig womb plugging, etc) greatly amplify this effect.

Anal Notes
Max length amounts to 'anything that can fit in her lower torso', but her ability to fit wider girths and enjoy anal sex itself are limited by training. Either devoted sexual training, or passively with a butt plug.
Easily Enjoyable: - (no lube needed for pleasure, can be accomidated casually with lube)
Uncomfortable: 0-2 (needs lube for pleasure, otherwise deeply uncomfortable to occupy, painful for sex)
Impossible 2+ (cant enter without causing damage, no amount of lube will help.)

Allyria is a young woman in her teens with fair skin, bright red eyes and long pale-blonde hair that reaches down to her waist. Standing five foot even(152cm), she has a lithe build with a small bust and hips. She typically wears her hair loose, and prefers clothing that is simple and practical... if very fine in cut and materials.

Born to noble parents, Allyria is the eldest child and theoretically heir to the old and storied House Avorn. From her earliest days she proved to be an unusually bright and clear-eyed child, taking to her letters and numbers with unusual aplomb while absorbing stories about her house and ancestors like a sponge. At a young age she was permitted to attend the capital's arcane academy (with suitable donations of course) where she proved no less able. A magical prodigy in true form, she quickly mastered the basics of magic and moved on to practical spellcasting and even dabbled in arcane research, drawing attention from elder wizards. Rather than accept an offer of apprenticeship however, Allyria chose to leave the academy at the age of fourteen to become an adventurer and see more of the world.

While she did not exactly have permission from her family to do this, the simple truth for nobles is that almost anything can be excused as long as it brings honour and prestige. Victory forgiveth a multitude of sins. And Allyria was certainly victorious, she joined a group of up and coming adventurers in the Guild and went from success to success together with her new friends. For two years they rose through the ranks and Allyria even gained some renown of her own, coming to be known as the 'bright spark' for her intelligence and habitual use of lightning to express her displeasure.

That however all came crashing down when her party ran into a threat they could not handle, a mission to purge some undead turned out to be the work of a lich, half the group died, and the survivors barely escaped with their lives. Though Allyria was carried to safey she did not come out whole. The lich had struck her with some terrible curse that left her unable to use magic, the complex mental spellforms she had spend years mastering seemed to have no more hold on the weave than a child's fantasy. Neither clerics nor the elders at the Academy were able to heal her, and she had pinned her hopes on the death of the lich who so cursed her, leveraging most of her personal fortune to add to the Guild's reward for the destruction of the lich.

But when a higher ranked group slew the foul abomination mere weeks later... the curse remained.

Without any ability to use magic, she was drummed out of the Guild for the organization is one of merit and skill and proven ability. A silver ranked adventurer must be able to operate against peer threats, sending waves of novices against a dragon would only make them look inept and waste talent. And so a weak waif, noble or not, former wizard or not, who would accomplish nothing but to die messily the first time they stepped into battle with a oversized rat has no place in the Guild.

Her money spent, her magic gone, her friends dead or scattered and her reputation in tatters, Allyria was forced to return home to her family, who were suddenly much less permissive with her 'youthful rebellion'. Allyria had not given up on regaining what she has lost however, and so clashed with her family's desire for her to settle down, get married and take up her duties to House Avorn. With no ability to actually fight back it was a losing battle however, and before long Allyria was all but confined to her room to await her suitors.

At least until she convinced some of her maids to help her escape.

With little more than what gold she had in her room and a bag of holding she stuffed with her adventuring supplies and the contents of one of her wardrobes, Allyria made her way to the frontier, far from her family's seat of power.
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