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Fx Any damsel seeks monsters, dark fantasy & adventures [updated!]


Jan 7, 2025
eastern australia
welcome comrades all. i’m a long time roleplayer (15+ yrs)
looking for some long-term pals. in general, i am a very
adaptable writer — i tend towards long posts & heavy
worldbuilding, but as long as you have ideas & i can
understand you, the door is wide open. my replies usually
start at around 200 words, getting well up into the thousands
at times, but i am happy to go with the flow. if the themes of
this search appeal to you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

in prose, i am habitually 3rd person, past tense exclusively,
but i don't care if my partners use present tense. i don't use
images or face claims, but feel free to.

in terms of setting, i prefer pretty much exclusively historical
or historical-based settings, tending towards the early
modern/early industrial periods (roughly, 1600-1800). i will
write outside this general vibe, but for ancient periods,
medieval or victorian/steampunk/dieselpunk, you’re going to
need to bring some plot juice. i cannot be persuaded to give
up my buckled shoes & muskets easily! i love to research
though, so i won’t say no upfront to any alternative periods,
just know that my tastes are fickle and unless that shit hits my
brain just right it might not be for me. just no modern, slice of
life or future/space stuff (unless it’s really retrofuture Treasure
type stuff). fandoms are also by and large off the table,
i have not seen anything current or popular. okay? Alright.

one last detail before we get into the juicy meat of it, in terms
of plot-to-smut ratio, at present i’m looking for more adventure,
plot-based stories with a heavy dose of smut, rather than single
shot smut stories.

the details.

ostensibly in this i’m looking to play a human character up
against monstrous, anthro or otherwise beastly & inhuman
characters. i will go along with more human-like creatures
(vampires, elves, orcs, what have you) if that’s more your style
though — especially if you wanna be bold & do something weird
or imaginative with them.


if any of this appeals to you and you want to play a regular human
guy or whatever, still, please reach out. especially if you have
a wicked little man you want to unleash on me.

i’m looking for more adventure-based plots, a few you can find
below, but smaller-scope, smaller-scale stories would be welcome
too, for the right hook. i would prefer to
play a single character to
start, and i’m looking for a partner who wants to play a single
character or small group of characters rather than a revolving cast.
Men, women & all others welcome & encouraged, trans & intersex
characters particularly. this is a dickgirl support zone.

A brief bank of themes I like to write about/general words to inspire you:

culture clashes / revolution / class differences / exploration /
arranged marriage / forbidden romances / mysterious strangers /
scheming characters / slow burns / damsels in distress / resisting
alleged destiny / yearning / long & complex plots / worldbuilding /
magic & magical technology / marriages of convenience / sex workers

a brief bank of kinks i would like, but none are mandatory.

macro & size difference (any sizes) / breast play / lactation / breeding /
knotting & tying / anthro characters / size bullying &
pressing/smothering / weird, exotic & animal cocks / harems & group sex /

primal & chasing/fighting / tribadism & outercourse

and a brief bank of nos:

receiving anal / playing younger characters / scat & watersport / gore & vore /
torture / humiliation / abuse / somnophilia / snuff / zoophilia.

my f list can be found here!

This is important enough that i need to put it out in the open:
absolutely no non-consent, rape, or coercion — not in the concept
of the plot, & not in the play itself. our characters will either be
100% on board, or they will be up to their own wicked schemes.
i don't enjoy this sort of thing at all and i don't want anything to
do with it. i'm happy with amoral, cruel, even evil characters, but
know my girls will give as good as they get.

a handful of loose plots.

just a couple things to get your mind running. i encourage you to
send me your own plots & riff on these as it inspires you.

a lady in distress
your character (a disgraced noble, an exiled criminal, whatever you
would like) comes across a mysterious, kidnapped woman from a
faraway land and comes to her aid, only to find out she is a princess
from a strange hermit kingdom far to the north that is little-known
by their neighbours. thinking they can make their fortune by
returning a lost princess (& regain their families favour, or whatever
else you’d want), offer to return her home in exchange for her hand
in marriage. she accepts, perhaps a little too readily — without
mentioning, of course, that she comes from a vastly different culture
without money or class. both lying and manipulating each other,
where could it go?

I would love to play this with 2 competing love interests my character
could play off each other for her own gain, but one would be fine.
would also love playing this with a character who is quite wicked &
amoral — most people don’t want to bring that kind of smoke lol.

life debt.
a farm worker walking in the woods comes across your character
caught in a snare, who she rescues from their plight. this leads to
yc pledging absolute service for repayment of their life debt — with, i’m
sure, comedic results. More of a lighthearted sort of story — perhaps
there can be an adventure to return yc to wherever they came from? up
to you — send me your thoughts!

wolf's wife
a young woman from a puritan-like society is persued by a lycan in the
woods, only to find when she is subdued that the beast is not interested
in eating her. she returns frequently to engage in this game with her new
lover, all while wondering who in her small town might the creature be?
doesn't actually have to be a werewolf, if you've got something more
interesting in mind.

a frontier romance
in a distant outpost, women are scarce, and most of them work the brothels.
one such woman helps a stranger on the road, before taking him back to town
where she manages the girls at the saloon. despite her reluctance to get involved,
the two begin an affair in the wild frontier that threatens to set alight the tensions
of an isolated village.

a fantasy western. let's go wild with it. lots of ways we can take this one, so by
all means bring me your riffs & ideas.

guarding hands
hired to convey a noble to their new home & fiance, a guard finds

themself falling in love with their charge when danger throws them off
their intended trail.

an exceptionally vague set up in which i will happily play either party!

witch of the wood
a werewolf under transformation finds themself entangled with a mysterious
witch under the light of the full moon. the beast is enamoured with her, and
shares a passionate and tender romance with her. however, in human form,
they can't stand one another, even as they are inexplicably drawn together.

kinda vibing the contrast between a loving romance between woman and
monster, vs a hate-each-other, toxic, hate-fuck vibe with his human form.
just for a little subversion, you know?

the practice bride
a misbehaving & libertine heir or aristocrat is hired a live-in courtesan
and companion in an attempt to tame them. more of a raunchier
Austen-esque comedy of manners.

i don't have a specific plot in mind, but i would love to do some kind
of dragon rider plot --- rider x rider or rider x dragon. i have a small
handful of threads of ideas, but nothing i can put into a single
paragraph lol.

i would prefer to write over PMs here, but i am also open to Discord for the
right hook. send me whatever you've got if you think i'll like it.
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