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Fx Any Red's Lady Larks


Jun 21, 2015
Greetings one and all to those who come!
I am Red, and I like RPing. I tend to be rather improv-heavy, jumping right into a story and just making it work. My usual post length is anywhere from 100 to 400 or so words, erring on the lower end of that range.

I've got an F-List in my signature, stored on a Google Doc (because the actual F-List site didn't work very well for me). Also got the image in the signature, if you don't trust strange documents on Google.

In general, I like to have a good mixture of story and smut. I also prefer threads, but have no issues playing via PMs instead.

Couple of pitches below! If one appeals to you, lemme know via a PM, even if the recommended partner characters don't. I'm always happy to hear new ideas!

Callie Goldi, Gnomish Paladin
A holy warrior fighting for the good of all, Callie has spent much of her youth in a monastery, training. She has only recently ventured into the more social world-excursions besides hunting down a vampire or rampaging baloth.

A good partner character could be someone who's normally not so righteous, to play against Callie's strong convictions. I would NOT like any character to be out-and-out cruel or evil. Pickpockets, for example, are fine. Murderers not so much.

Dwilla, Dragonfire Adept
Born to a draconic father and a human mother, Dwilla has significantly more personal power than most. But it's not under the best control-her father didn't remain for her birth, so her mother has done her best, but she's been out of her depth. The two have moved from village to village, with decent swathes of time spent isolated, simply because of uncontrollable accidents.

She's recently turned twenty, and is finally striking out on her own, having (perhaps misguided) confidence that her powers are her own now.

A good partner character could be a young dragon, or a mage of just about any age who wishes to learn with Dwilla.

Eri, magical Girl
She was once an ordinary college student. Now, she fights dark monsters making their way into the world! While still struggling with classes. It's a lot.
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Added another character!

Dwilla, Dragonfire Adept
Born to a draconic father and a human mother, Dwilla has significantly more personal power than most. But it's not under the best control-her father didn't remain for her birth, so her mother has done her best, but she's been out of her depth. The two have moved from village to village, with decent swathes of time spent isolated, simply because of uncontrollable accidents.

She's recently turned twenty, and is finally striking out on her own, having (perhaps misguided) confidence that her powers are her own now.

A good partner character could be a young dragon, or a mage of just about any age who wishes to learn with Dwilla.
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