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Kenterra's Saviors (Crystalpunk Adventure and Dungeon Crawling)


Awoo? Awoo!
Apr 18, 2020
Hello all! I have here a setting of my creation that I would like to do a story in! It's not fully written out, but there's (I hope) enough to have some fun with! But please feel free to ask questions and share ideas!
Basic History
Kenterra is the planet that the kin live upon. Kenterra is the Mother Goddess, progenitor of the dragons, forces of nature and guardians of life. Long ago, however, Kenterra was but a lonely woman, a lonely hunk of dead rock floating through the void of space. It wasn't until the Primordial arose and found his way to her that Mother Kenterra was no longer alone. The Goddess and the Primordial – named Tael – grew close. From this bond came the dragons. Creatures born of love, and powerful forces of nature. With the combined powers of the dragons, life flourished on Kenterra. And so did the Kin emerge. Each dragon, each Pandryl, was made the patron of a kin, to lead them through the ages.

Not all was always well on Kenterra. There were fights, disagreements, wars. It wasn't until the twin darkness, Chaos and Ruin, attacked that the kin saw what they could accomplish if they worked together. Utilizing woven Ken – magic – and weaponry powered by Crystallized Kenenic Energy – Known as Kenencrystals (or simply Crystals in common parlance) – the war against the twins was won. But not without cost. Mother Kenterra and Tael sealed themselves away from the world, sacrificing their own freedom to save their children. The dragons disappeared, leaving in their place the Dragon Towers.

Now, a millennia after the Twin War, Chaos and Ruin have broken from their prisons. Ruin's Miasma once more creeps into the night, feeding off the nightmares of kin. Chaos takes these nightmares and makes them reality, a force of dark creatures to fight their battles. It is time for the kin to once more join forces. The twin darknesses, however, make this difficult with their powers. Nightmares, fear, paranoia. But a new hope has arisen in the dragonborn, the Pandrylyr. With their special abilities, thought to be born of dragonsblood, they are believed to be the saviors of the kin. To defeat the monsters at the crown of each tower, and seal away the Twin Darkness forever.

Yet another legend exists. That of the Taelesol. It is said that, until the Taelesol is found, the dragonborn will be unable to succeed. That the kin will forever be disparate, fighting a losing war on their own. That legend does not stop the Pandyrlyr from trying, though.

The Kin
Humans, born under Pandryl'Aelr, the Dragon of Dreams, are the youngest of the Kin – speaking relative to the emergence millenia ago. They are considered the baseline by many, as their lack of powers or abilities make them seem average. Yet humans never stop dreaming. A majority of Kenenic technology was developed by humans, or at the very least by the design of one. They are one of the more varied kin and are able to adapt to live almost anywhere.


Born of the Faith Dragon, Pandyl'Oeila, the Aer are the eldest – and longest-lived – of the kin. The creed of the Aer is to believe. To have faith in oneself and their allies. To believe that they can succeed. This gives the average Aer an ability to push on through adversity rivaled only by the Dochu. The Aer tend to be tall and lithe, with long pointed ears and an affinity for magic. Their eyes tend to be on the brighter side of coloration, and their natural hair colors are a lot more vibrant than other kin.


The Hirde are a kin who are born under the dragon Pandryl'Indel, aspect of wonder. They seem to derive power from the cosmos, with such factors influencing the form of a Hirde.There are two major forms of Hirde, Lun and Sol. A Lunhirde is conceived under the moon, the Solhirde under the sun. Many other stellar phenomena affect change on them, but most changes are minor.


The Lunhirde are canid-type Hirde, drawing power from the phases of the moon. Their bodies are very expressive of their emotions, with a simple look at their ears and tail almost certainly hinting at what they are feeling. Generally they feel more comfortable in a group, especially a stable one. Loyalty and honesty are paramount to a Lunhirde. They tend to have fur colors on the black, grey, and white spectrum, with browns and sometimes even reds thrown in. Their honest eyes are generally brown, blue, or green.


The Solhirde are the feline counterparts to the Lunhirde. They are somewhat more reserved and solitary beings, though they can exist in a group without issue. They are a bit more colorful, having more mixing of whites in with the oranges and darker colors of their Lunhirde brethren. A Solhirde is more capable of deception and hiding their emotions, but they are still loath to betray a close friend.


The Orei are a kin born under the dragon Pandryl'kas, the Dragon of Power. Generations ago, the subtypes of Orei were one – until the Divide. The Grand Voices of the conclave began a feud of what aspect of the land was most powerful: Water, Earth, or Air. Without Kas to guide them, the feud continued until a war broke the conclave and the three groups went their separate ways. Since then, the three Orei have changed in such a way that their bodies are drastically different; though many still hope for reconciliation between the tribes. As a people, the Orei tend to be ritualistic in manner and spiritually attuned to Kenterra itself.


The Aquos are descendants of the Orei who followed the way of water. They are generally brightly colored with various aquatic features; Fins on their arms and legs, combined with webbing for their fingers and toes, allow them to speed through water effortlessly. In battle, the Aquos are relentless in their attack, battering their foes with the persistence of waves, all while flowing like a river around their enemies.


The Terrus are Orei who follow the way of earth. Despite what the name might make one think, the Terrus do not live underground. They tend to be stone-skinned and tough, stubborn creatures with eyes like gemstones and earthy colored hair. Their bodies are able to take and inflict great damage, but Terrus know this and many are much more gentle than their appearances may suggest. In battle, the Terrus are as straightforward as ever, trudging toward their foes to crush them with a single blow.


The Windes are the Orei that believe the air is the most powerful aspect. They tend to be light on their feet, with light Mn
eyes, bright hair and pale skin. They generally have feathers on their arms and body, being unable to fly but helping with their agility. Sometimes flighty, though by no means fair-weather friends. In battle, they dance around their foe's attacks and pepper them with quick, powerful blows.


The Flaras are an Orei that split from the conclave long before the divide, originally branded as a radical sect of destruction. The truth is that the original leader of the Flareas saw the separation of elements as counter-intuitive, as every element is capable of great destruction, but also critical in the propagation of life. As such, the Flareas have one of the more measured approaches to combat, fulfilling their destructive urges carefully in order to minimize unintended damage. Physically, they are generally lithe, red-skinned humanoids with spaded tails and horns atop their heads. When weaving, their hair starts to glow as if burning, being brighter the stronger the magic.

Magic and Technology
Ken is the lifeforce of the world, an energy gifted to the Kin by the Great Mother Kenterra. Kenenic energy infuses all things, living and not. The art of creating and casting magic spells is called weaving. Weaving utilizes innate energy, as well as that from the world surrounding the weaver, to create any number of magical effects, from creating a sword of fire, to healing, and almost anything else. However, the stronger the spell, the more energy it uses. And the amount that can be drained in a particular area is finite. Therefore, there are very few who focus all their skill into weaving, as once an area is drained, it must replenish. And to cast spells in such bare areas, one must draw on their own life force.

Kenenic technology utilizes crystalized Ken as power sources. Anything that requires a power source runs off of Kenenic energy – from skyships and golems to the humble street lamp. The only place where such crystals can be mined are from the Dragon Towers. The dragon towers themselves mark the places where the dragons were laid to rest. They are both mines for crystals and dungeons full of dangerous monsters. Each tower is controlled by a guild, whose home hall is a fortress around the entrance to the tower. The guilds are the ones who delve into the towers, slay monsters, and gather crystals. To join a guild is a great honor, but a dangerous one.
The RP itself would center around the Pandrylyr, prophesized heroes of Kenterra. I may or may not play the Taelesol as a character, I'm open to thoughts on that. But the plan would be that the group comes together somehow, learn of their heritage, and then travel to the Dragontowers to try and seal away Chaos and Ruin before it is too late!

If you're interested or have questions, don't hesitate to chime in!
I'd be interested! Not sure what I'd play yet.
@Foxy DeVille @Revelations

Is there anything that you think I should do to the RP to attract more interest? More plot, more world, better plot, etc?
I think maybe a bit more information on what player/group expectations and story would entail wouldn't hurt. IE: is this meant to be a high smut game? Lower smut and more story? Lots of action? What would you like to do with it?
I think maybe a bit more information on what player/group expectations and story would entail wouldn't hurt. IE: is this meant to be a high smut game? Lower smut and more story? Lots of action? What would you like to do with it?
Low smut, action/adventure with building bonds, friendships, romances, and helping the world while working to save it
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