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Mx F or NB It's All in Your Head {Canon Mind Control RP; NSFW links}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Ah yes, the mind, where all sexual fantasies begin. Though you hardly need me to tell you that. Certainly the more brash or immature may think directly of those reproductive organs, of the swollen phallus or the dripping vulva. To be fair, we would not have these sexual desires, these wants without such parts. But like all things with us ever so complicated humans, it truly begins in the mind. The mind, where you think of your wants, your desires, your most basic drives. You look upon others with lust and envy, wanting to possess. If you cannot have than you want all the more. Not that such a limitation exists within the mind. No, here, your imagination can play. Even the darkest of fantasies can play themselves to conclusions. Thoughts of open, drooling mouths, of eyes awash in lust, of bodies coated in sweat and cum. They bounce about.

Or they do with some of us. Enough of us. But not them. Never the ones we truly want, those untouchable sorts. Perhaps sexual thoughts don't even cross their minds, innocent little things. Their fantasies may go no further than stolen kisses or fleeting touches. Or maybe they "make love," seeing sex as an expression of that. Gentle thrusts from beautiful boys fill their minds. Loving caresses that make them quiver, their flowers trembling and opening before them. Yes, these are certainly not the same ones thinking of those dark fantasies. Their minds are too focused. Too pure.

But what if we could change that? Could control the mind? Could make them... more cooperative, more... in line with our way of thinking? What if thoughts not their own intrude, leading to actions they don't fully understand? What then?

Quite a dark fate indeed...

That might have been a tad more abstract than I originally intended, so in case the title and/or opener confused: this is a thread about RPs with mind control as a primary focus. The idea is to write erotic stories with partners wherein characters, primarily the females in this case, have their minds altered by some outside force, and said alteration leads to sex that they likely didn't initially want, along with the fallout that comes with that. I very much want to emphasis the mental elements: the corruption, the intrusive thoughts, the warring control. But I also very much want to emphasis the erotic and pleasurable parts: oral, orgasms, and lots of lots of fucking.

This is inspired by a lot of things, including a series of Japanese Adult Videos (JAV) called "brainwashed esthetic," which involve various beautiful women being brainwashed into erotic situations. I've also been very much enjoying/anticipation a RWBY erotic kinetic novel called RWBY Rise of the White Fang. And finally, I'll toss out the erotic writings of one Rabblelaid, who often does the corruption part of erotic stories very well. Knowledge of all or even any of those is not required, though it'll obviously help gain some understanding of at least the general thrust and focus here.

I thought about it a lot, and I wanted to hone in on just a few canonical characters for this one. I like the whole corruption of a champion of goodness, someone who doesn't think about sex and may even be a powerful individual and therefore using sexual means to eliminate them is a good move. Plus it saves character development. I may be interested in original characters to supplement, but I want to start with this list.

I'll be putting this request thread up under both male and female request threads. I am not looking to control the minds of any male characters, but females (and non-binaries for that matter, though I don't think I have any). I am willing to write the female being controlled, who will be a canonical character, or to write the male character doing the controlling (who may be canonical or not; partners' choice). I'm willing to do this via thread or PM, with little preference either way. I'm only interested in partners who are willing to plot and work with me, so I'll be providing snippets here. That doesn't mean I don't have more (most of these I've been toying with for a while), but I want us to build together.

Now, with that overview sort of discussed, lets get some details, shall we?

General Direction
(note: not required, more of a sort of overview and main elements I'd like to hit and/or emphasis throughout the RP)
  • Target Selected
  • Put into vulnerable position for initial implantation
  • Erotically charged first implantation
    • Visible sign of control, particularly change in color of iris, even better
  • Mental struggle and pull
  • Sexual interaction with awareness fighting against control
  • Possibly further interaction, depending on setup
  • Second implantation, more intense than first
    • Sign of control deepening
  • More erotic action that deviates further from initial personality
  • Fetishes to be emphasized developed
  • Noticeable changes to female
    • I'm not interested in changing too much about the body? Maybe hair color
    • Definite change of dress
    • Visible sign of corruption/ownership
  • Highly pleasurable erotic encounter making her doubt self
  • Possibly enough session, if not, move to full implantation
    • Bonus if given (false) choice and chooses pleasure
  • Ending in new highly sexualized state


I want to start by going over a few methods of said mind control that I'd like to focus on, though I wouldn't necessarily include them. I know there are lots of ways of enacting hypnotism, but these are the ones I find most engaging/interesting and would prefer to focus on. I may be interested in others, but some are of no interest to me (basic watches or fire and the whole "you're getting sleepy" ones are really not interesting). I'll cover the basics of what I mean, elements I'd like to focus on, and give a short snippet of how I'd see at least part of the actual mind controlling scene going.

Oh yes, I want there to be a focus on the actual process of brainwashing/hypnotizing too, particularly if we can add a sexual element. I would particularly love it if part of the process is arousing, and if orgasming either while the process is going or while under the influence increases its grip on said person.

The Headset
  • Overview: this involves attaching a headset of some kind over the female's eyes. It then uses displays, sounds, etc. to implant the thoughts/conditioning into the "victim." This is usually controlled via another screen, though there are other options available.
  • Origins: usually technological, sometimes magical
  • Emphasis: conditioning, tracking, control
  • It looked so simple on the surface. A visor, placed over her eyes, hiding them from the world while she slumbered. It wrapped around her head perfectly, an inescapable prison, not that she'd be able to free herself. Soon she wouldn't want to. The computer screen displayed current signs, thought patterns, vitals, statistics that would make her flush if others were to know. Strokes of the keyboard began rewirting. Sexual desires increased. Sensitivity amplified. Common sense reduced. Obedience enhanced. Adjustments, tweaks, all to sculpt her more and more into their creation, their plaything. Stimulation would enhance implantation, of course, and matters would be arranged. A stroke of the keys, an intoned, "process beginning." Pink light flared in the visor, lips parting. Images, fantasies, erotic sensations, they all bombarded her open, pliant mind, blasting past defenses even as the stimulation of her body began. They'd continue the process until orgasm, knowing that to the be the key moment of full implantation, of beginning the necessary rewiring.

Womb Tattoo
  • Overview: a magical insignia inscribed upon the body either via ink, branding, magic, or even technology. It's generally represented as a heart placed directly over the womb, with stylized, usually jagged, spirals extending out like wings. The insignia often glows, usually pink, particularly when the magic is being enacted.
  • Origins: magical
  • Emphasis: magic, breeding, corruption, heat, intensity beyond the natural
  • The trembling hand continued drawing the enchanted ink across pale skin. The black lines must be drawn precisely upon the body, must be angled just so, must align to best allow for the flow of magical energy. As if doing this weren't nervewracking enough, knowing that proximity and accuracy would make it better, stronger, only screamed for more perfection. The symbol would forever mar this otherwise pristine, perfect flesh. It would speak to her new condition, flare as desire and magic worked their will upon her. How could she possibly resist with womb and mind working in perfect concert against her, betraying her true thoughts and body? The chanted words must come next, breathed with utmost accuracy. Magic poured forth, seeping in. The black symbols glew pink around the edges, looking white hot, forbidden magic cacascading along her. Soon it would eclipse, would climax, pink flaring in the center and driving straight into the core. The magic cascaded, crackled, and soon it would be done, that first step toward truly making her into the erotic being she was always meant to become
The App
  • Overview: a hentai standard, this involves an app on the phone controlling the female. Often with some sort of controlling interface
  • Origins: technology, maybe with some magic
  • Emphasis: convenience, accessibility, stats and tracking
  • A flash of the screen, then the phone had to be held still, of course. Not for long: the modern day mind controller had things to do, things generally being targets and victims. Soon a picture of said victim would appear in the app. Basic statistics flooded through: sexual preferences, current crushes, etc. The app promised all sorts of upgrades and deals, a two for one offer popping up almost as soon as it began. Sliders would allow for ease of manipulation. It would be a sloppy process, hardly surgical or precise, but just think of the convience. Slide things around, make some fine adjustments. A drop-down menu provided several different options and basic programs to explore, all in an easy to use app! Just hit confirm to begin the process now.
Direct Contact
  • Overview: a being or device enters the female's head, usually via the ear, and manipulates the brain directly through stimulation.
  • Origins: biological or mechanical
  • Emphasis: biology, direct manipulation, literal mind fucking
  • Tendrils slid along ears, burrowing into her. Sedated as she was, she barely twitched, body spasming. By now consciousness hardly mattered. In fact, it somtimes proved better if the victim's mind was currently active. It would allow her to realize what was being done, to fully experience the changes in real time. The tendrils drilled passed the ears, snaking further into the body. With practiced precision they wound and wriggled their way through. It was a slow process, meticulous. Precise navigation and manipulation would be necessary to not cause undue results. This would not be the hack jobs of those others, oh no, not for this one. The tendrils would reach the brain directly, would begin exploring the very center of those thoughts and minds. Directly manipulate, stimulate, start hampering certain pathways while enhancing and encouraging others. Perhaps enjoy a little while there, truly fog the mind and senses.

The following are the various girls I'm interested in, usually with an image attached (because I have several and love the images). If you're not as into that, then we can avoid it. I'm looking for them to be played fairly close to canonical personally and physically, but there's obviously room for some interpretation. I'll be including a few plot snippets/directions underneath each as potential directions to head and explore. Basically just pick a girl or girls of interest, start with a snippet or direction, and go from there!

I'm also going to be fine with some possible mixing and matching or flipping. I am mostly wanting to stick to canonical representations and worlds (a good enough plot might convince me otherwise).

Listed vaguely in order of most desired, but that's flexible.

Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
  • A new professor comes to Hogwarts, specializing in magi-tech. Hermione ends up one of his favorites, sure to earn lots of points.
  • A Slytherin student develops magi-tech to take out Gryffindor's brightest star.
  • Rumors of a new Forbidden Spell that inflicts a womb tattoo upon unsuspecting witches circulated. One night, while Hermione is asleep, someone sneaks from the restricted section to take advantage.
  • While championing House Elf rights, Hermione is asked to participate in a special ritual that will make her an "honorary elf."
Zelda (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Purah, or another like minded individual, has developed a unique set of tech based off Ancient technology. Best to test it on the princess, of course!
  • The Yiga utilize ancient technology to bend one of their greatest enemies to their will.
  • While exploring, Zelda stumbles upon a strange Guardian protector. It activates, subduing her and scanning her mind. Upon realizing the new world, it develops a new objective.
  • Curious about a race of creatures, Zelda agrees to participate in a secret ritual, almost giggling as they paint a weird symbol on her lower stomach.

Supergirl (DC Comics)
  • Kara's investigating a new supposed spa treatment, not realizing it's an establishment for brain-washing.
  • Lex Luthor decides the best way to get back at Kyptonians is through special technology.
  • A common crook gets their hands on some dangerous tech, using it not only to control one of the strongest, but to thoroughly enjoy her.
  • An alien species invades earth, looking to latch onto and control the strongest breeders.

Revy (Black Lagoon)
  • Revy pisses off the wrong person, who gets their hands on a unique headset that will help.
  • Needing some quick cash, Revy agrees to this weird sex thing Rowan offers, not realizing there's training involved first.
  • A black market app shows up on a rival's phone
  • A group of sex trafficers get the drop on Revy, and decide to convert her to new merchandise.
Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen (Spider-Verse/Marvel)
  • Gwen hears about a lot of girls going missing at a club, so she goes undercover to investigate.
  • Having defeated Spider-Gwen in a fight, a variant of Dr. Octopus has a unique way of making sure she doesn't fight again.
  • A leaked app winds up on the wrong student's phone; he targets hottie Gwen Stacy, not realizing he's snagging a superhero in the bargin.
  • An alien species invades earth, looking to latch onto and control the strongest breeders.
Yuna (Final Fantasy X/X-2)
  • The Gullwings are hired to test some new Al-Bhed tech. Yuna is asked to put on a headset to see some particularly interesting spheres.
  • A new Al-Bhed machina goes berserk, attacking Yuna.
  • The Ronso have gotten their hands on the Gullwings, or at least Yuna. While she slumbers, they put her through an ancient ritual to enscribe her with the womb tattoo
  • A new creature is appearing out of the dark places in the Calm Lands. When Yuna goes to investigate, she discovers just how interested it is.
Korra (The Legend of Korra)
  • Frustrated at the current Avatar's behavior, the White Lotus decide to use ancient rituals to control her.
  • Anti-Avatar terrorists discover a unique, edgy technology and decide to use it on Korra
Luna Snow (Marvel)
  • I honestly know nothing about this character, but her design and history are hot, so I'm including her.

Marnie (Pokemon Sword/Shield)
  • A new app supposedly lets a trainer get closer to their Pokemon, so Marnie asks someone to use it on her, not realizing The Consequences
  • Team Rocket infiltrates Galar and is incredibly disappointed to find out what Team Yell is really all about. Fortunately they have the technology to change the figurehead to make Yell more like Rocket
Tifa Lockheart (Final Fantasy VII)
  • In order to be considered for one of Don Corneo's honeybees, there's some unique training you have to go through first.
  • A Shinra employee/executive decides the best way to get Tifa out of the picture is by utilizing some new Mako-tech.
Wonder Woman (DC Comics)
  • Lex, or some other suitably powerful
  • An alien species invades earth, looking to latch onto and control the strongest breeders.
Batgirl (DC Comics)
  • While searching for a new set of dangerous criminals, Batgirl accidentally activates a hypno-hack back. They trace the hack to her, then hook her up to a device to finish.

In general, if you see this, it means I'm interested in playing. I'm fairly on top of things when I'm highly interested and on, and am definitely looking for more RPs. If you really want to impress me, mention your own favorite mind control stuff (or talk about the ones I mentioned) or talk about kinks that are definitely emphasized either in this thread or my f-list.

I promise to get back to anyone who shows a genuine interest and willingness to plot with me, and I hope to get something together. If I flake out, I promise to at least put up a status letting you know, but I should be good for the short term at the very least.​
There she lay, Hermione Granger, sharpest witch of her generation. The magi-tech headset had been strapped to her head, the visor covering those sharp eyes completely. It latched securely to her head, but still allowed for the unruly brown curls to fall about on the bed beneath the brilliant young witch. The stripped back school uniform, just the grey vest over white shirt and skirt, didn't seem particularly daring or outrageous, hardly showing off the delicate feminine body beneath. While Hermione may not care much for the charms and spells most witches used for appearance, she had a natural beauty that was hard to hide even now.

The skilled magi-wizard smiled as his fingers flew across the keyboards. How simple it had been to get her to do this! To lay still and experience the tech. Because how else could she properly understand? Silly thing relied too much on books, truly thought magic and technology wouldn't combine. A lesson she would learn soon enough. fingerstrokes activated incantations, the magic surging. Pink light shown along the visor, the energy and thoughts beaming straight into Miss Granger's eyes. Magic light lanced through those expressive browns, piercing into thoughts beneath. The foundations would be laid for now, a basic obedience programming.

Of course, they'd have to fight through that brilliant mind of hers first. It hardly mattered now; once this far, the system never failed. Soon Hermione would be just as eager as the rest. But ah, how sweet that process would be!

The cute little costumed teen's tight little body jerked in the writhing mass of robotic tendrils. Her mask had been pulled up just enough to show her freckled face and bare those cute little pierced ears. Now they were pierced in a much more literal sense, wires twisting into them. They jerked and pulled, the girl's body writhing in perfect timing with the movement. A sharp drilling sound reverberated throughout the lab, echoing on the empty walls. An almost pop accompanied it, as the tendrils pushed further. They snaked across her brain, feeling the contours.

"Quite interesting, all the enhanced senses here," spoke the bespectacled individual studying her. The tendrils connected to their back, perfectly controlled by one of the most brilliant minds in the multiverse. They knew each and every pathway they mapped now, smiling. "A little rerouting here---" the tendrils jerked as the masterful scientist tweaked, "and that lauded spider-sense of yours turns into a mating radar! Oh, it may tie a bit into your pleasure centers, so you might feel---" a howl from the teen cut him off, as he allowed her flexible body just enough mobility to jerk into a near perfect arch. An orgasm more intense than she could have possibly experienced physically slammed into the little blonde. Caused by pure mental stimulation, it would shoot into her body and brain with such force that it would blow out other thoughts.

It also explained why wet started bubbling at the crotch of her skintight suit, seeping downward. "Quite messy," the tentacled scientist clucked their tongue. "And I haven't even amplified your pleasure receptors yet!" The look of fear in those blue eyes excited the scientist ."no, that's over... here!"
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