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[CS] Unconscious' Subconscious Character Sheets!

Character Sheet


Call Me Binx!
Apr 6, 2013
Good Morning, noon, or night!
Unconscious is, well, conscious, and I’m here to infodump.
Respectfully. (or disrespectfully *winkwonk*​


This is primarily an archive for characters that I have used or am using in order for me to better make the worlds that Myself and my partner(s) more true to tale. It also provides me a space to pick and choose through sheet templates as required, and stores any WIP characters that I'm still working on. These characters are for my (and my RP partners) personal reference and use only, and are not open to new RPs.

I tailor each character I play for each RP partner I have, so DO NOT under ANY circumstance PM me and ask me to play any of these characters with you. I would say you’ll be ignored, but honestly I’d probably block instead, as It shows a detrimentally severe lack of attention to detail that honestly is a pet peeve of mine. I understand a quick skim of the text, but you should at least read the bold red lines. ‘Preesh a-vah-cah-doo, thanks.

Now, keep in mind, this is not indicative of skill level, and that I do change my writing style and amount of detail implemented into it to match my partners level of perceived preferred detail. Some sheets may be simpler and less intricate than others.

If you've found this thread, you were either forum browsing (Hi hi~ Welcome iiiiin~), or you're one of my partners and I linked you to one of our beloved creations (Because, let's be honest, they wouldn't exist if not for you~) to read through and reference and/or recommend detail as you see fit. Also, any characters I happen to reference that are not actually included in the sheets are LIKELY NOT MINE and I WILL NOT be expounding upon them. That is up to the discretion of my partner(s) to do them selves.

Side note, If you would like to use the base or detailed templates I have, feel free. I’d actually be flattered. If asked to write a character sheet for someone, I probably won’t since - and this is my personal opinion - it is best to write your own, or be apart of the creation process so you know EXACTLY how your character acts, reacts, and thinks in specific situations, or to specific stimuli.

Thank you for your time.

Welcome to the SHOW~!
The Things We Do For Love WIP! New
Contains mention of loss of life, injury, and bullying

"Steadfast in bondage. Honesty in servitude.Glad to serve, on my hands and knees. As always for sir, and ever shall be."



Name: Cleo (pumpkin, bunlet, kitty??) Alexandre

Age: 18 (almost 19??) (BD: Oct 19th) (libra)

Sex: Female

Likes: Cats, pink, fashion (She actually just likes looking good, but hey), fluffy things, coffee, music, gummy bears (Not just any kind, though. The fancy ones. The albanese gummy bears. Really, she’ll make herself sick, don't do it.)

Occupation: student.

Major: None, just getting the basic curriculum out of the way, but is leaning towards a music composition degree (DJ-ing! Freaking cool as all get-out), wanting to make music for anime. (Math, english comp, natural sciences, humanities and social sciences, musical composition as an elective (an online class, since most people take it as an extra and can’t physically attend classes at a set time. Pre-recorded curriculum, most of the time.)

Looks(Beginning): long Dark hair, brown eyes usually in a t-shirt and cardigan, coal black skirt. Prefers skirts, and a classy look. See below for outfits.

Identifying characteristics:
Scar on the right side of her waist, very near her stomach and arching down her hip:
After Leeroy departed, the issues with bullying didn't stop. In fact, with his absence, it only got worse as his presence was likely the only thing actually protecting her after he initiated all of it. Her sophomore year was particularly brutal, as they'd finally taken it too far, resulting in an injury in chemistry class - A beaker with mercury (Dunno what for, honestly. Labwork was never my strong suit) had been dropped, and Cleo was blamed for it, her lab partner having been one of her bullies. This resulted in them pushing her (Along with some vitriolic words being thrown her way) and she slipped, the neck of the beaker (shattered, mind you) cutting her. With the mercury poss getting into her bloodstream, she had to be taken to the hospital, and with the cut being pretty dang deep, she needed stitches. After this, the bullying virtually ended, and her life got a little better. She likely would be nonchalant about it, treating it as something normal to have happened, or that she deserved it even into adulthood. (You didn't, baby girl T^T.) Of course, Mamaw kicked ass and got them all removed from school, complete with restraining orders (You go, gorl)​

  • Tends to obsess over the negative things that happen to her, very woe-is-me
  • Feels intense opposite emotions usually at the same time i.e. Attraction/repulsion. Or her emotions are quick to change, though not to the extent of BPD.
  • an odd talent in stepping in and stopping an argument, though it doesn’t tend to work for herself.
Pushover/ people pleaser
  • Tends to give in to demands easily in order to avoid confrontation at the cost of her own comfort
  • Though she doesn’t tend to go out of her way to meet new people, she’s naturally very welcoming towards others, and is usually the first to introduce herself in a group setting. Not a hugger though, nor does she like physical affection in public. This can make her very sexually unapproachable for people she dates, even in private.
  • She has an intense sense of right and wrong, though because of her pushover trait and hate for confrontation, she tends to be unable to stand against any wrongs done unless its towards someone other than herself
Slightly Vain
  • She likes to dress well and intentionally tries to look pretty and/or nice, regardless of the situation. This sometimes makes way for some wardrobe malfunctions~ *Wink wonk*

  • Listening to music (that tracks)
  • Mixing (DJ kinda stuff, like Remixes and things like that, sound board and all. She also sometimes makes covers for her Papaw. Maybe she would get paid in high school to mix at a few house parties??)
  • Horror movies! (Why? Hmmmmm - maybe the year in high school really did fuck her up a little, and she secretly (and unknowingly) began to crave the adrenaline rush? Kinky? Hmmmmm~)
  • Jogging (It's forced; she likes to look good, and she started after Leeroy graduated to help her with getting rid of anxiety)
  • Maybe a dance class? (she likes music, so its reasonable, but Idk if she should be good at it or not, but she would definitely like how it made her feel, and let her pretend to be something she wasn’t. Kyle Hanagami choreo? Youtube, for dances, girl, c’mon, y'know where to find ‘em.)



Grandpa: Stephen Alexandre "Papaw"
  • Retired Construction advisor, he spends most of his days gardening (Calling it Yardwork, instead, because Manly)
  • Is almost aggressively loving and soft hearted, mostly preferred acting as a house-husband and taking care of his wife, daughter, and granddaughter.
  • He tends to take Cleo’s side in arguments and spoils her.
  • He and Cleo also gang up on Roslind to tease her. Likes to brag about Cleo and is extremely proud of everything he does. When she began to mix music, he would get in trouble for showing his friends, to the point that Cleo has rules for him whenever she makes music: Only for you, don’t send it to your friends. If you want to show them, they have to physically be there, and it can NOT go into their possession. He, obviously, tries to sneak it out, but Roslind always catches him and tells Cleo.
  • Looks like santa clause. (Love him. He's so cute)

Grandma: Roslind Alexandre "Mamaw"
  • Retired elementary school counselor.
  • She spends most of her time reading or watching soap-operas.
  • Is of greek descent.
  • Loves to cook and bake, and is very “if you love me you’ll eat it.” and makes sure that everyone who steps into her house is well-fed.
  • She’s much more reserved than her husband, but is secretly as soft-hearted as him and is significantly more protective (I love angry grannies. Can you tell?).
  • She does everything she can to make sure Cleo is happy and feels loved and safe.
  • Extra: When Cleo was being bullied when she was younger, Roslind was beside herself with worry by how much Cleo changed (She knew Cleo was being bullied. Intuition), very nearly storming into her school to start a fight, but couldn’t because Cleo didn’t tell her anything for fear of her GPs getting hurt and was enduring everything all on her own.

Mom: Layla Alexandre
  • Deceased.
  • Worked in a flower shop, having grown up loving flowers because of her dad (Stephen).
  • She saw Eli on stage at a live-bar and immediately went to go talk to him after the set only for him to be an asshole and brush her off. The thought “I can change him” was very strong with this one. And she did, through sheer perseverance.
  • Was taking Cleo to the Dr when she was a baby. It was in the middle of a snowstorm. They lost control of the car, slid off the road, and were killed instantly.

Dad: Ellis (went by Eli) Alexandre (Took his wife’s last name)
  • Deceased.
  • Prior Drummer
  • Hated everyone and everything until Layla burrowed under his skin, wouldn’t leave him alone, and he eventually fell for her. He kept taking drumming gigs whenever he needed to, but eventually began to take jobs working for his father-in-law.
  • Was extremely loving to his wife and daughter (though she doesn’t remember), and would constantly get in trouble because Cleo would hit things and hurt herself trying to mimic his drumming. He even tried to teach her the metal growl (this also would get him in trouble because they would wake up to little Cleo roaring that little baby roar in the middle of the night. It was cute, but they basically never slept).
  • Was taking Cleo to the ER when she was a baby (She got pneumonia). It was in the middle of a snowstorm. They lost control of the car, slid off the road, and were killed instantly.


  • A seven year old black cat.
  • Cleo got him in the middle of her middle school years (before Leeroy) when she and her grandparents had been looking in the pet shelter. It was for her birthday, and the moment she laid eyes on him, she fell in love.
  • He was a little sick and the runt of his litter, but he immediately warmed up to her.
  • He doesn’t like strangers, and goes as far as hissing and scratching.
  • Protective of Cleo and he tends to puff up and guard her. He even scratched her grandpa when he was tickling Cleo. (obvi, she screamed. As one would when playing and being tickled)
  • Cleo uses a picture of her and him as her phone background, and a picture of him staring up at the camera as her lock screen. She took those pictures herself. (See above)

Favorite artists: Nano, Creepy Nutz, Baby Metal, yungblood.( lots of anime soundtrack makers and shizz.)


Videos on her phone (Backgrouuuuund~):

The camera is being carried by someone through a homely looking house. First exiting a bedroom that was very simply decorated (grandparents room) down a hallway painted white, pictures along both walls with Cleo as a baby, child, teenager, all grinning happily. Some of them with a white-haired elderly couple along with Cleo. There was one with the old woman and Cleo standing arm-in-arm, heads tilted into each other, and another of the elderly man, dressed in a Hawaiian shirt, hugging Cleo tightly with her arms trapped between them, and pressing a kiss to her temple. In that picture, Cleo was obviously laughing, and her Papaw, the large old man, was visibly trying to keep from laughing himself, the apples of his cheeks reddened and the crows feet at the corners of his eyes pronounced.

The camera turned a corner into a room - a living room (Living room) with curtains pulled to let the sun in, a blue sofa with multicolored pillows. Really the living room was messy - with a laptop on the floor, forgotten, and textbooks everywhere. On the couch, a slightly younger Cleo was seated - she was likely in her senior year - one leg hanging off the cushions and the other curled under her.

Petri~” she was holding a sleek haired black cat, its hind legs hanging limply as she held it in the air. “Handsome bo~y, you are so cute!” She drew him closer, making kissing sounds with her face buried in the fur of his neck. She pulled him away. “I just wanna squeeze you!” Pulling him in again to kiss his little face, Petri turned his head away, the expression on his whiskered face somehow disinterested as a singular paw lifted to press flatly against Cleo’s mouth. She pulled him away again, only to try again.

This time, both of his paws came up and he stared blankly at the person holding the camera. “No~” She whined, “Petri…” He was surprisingly patient for a cat.

An elderly yet feminine voice chuckled. “He doesn’t want kisses right now, Pumpkin.” Cleo’s head turned toward the camera, a heart wrenching pout marring her features.

“Mamaw…!” With that whine, she seemed to regretfully accept it, pulling him against her chest and cradling his small body like a baby. Contrary to his previous behavior, his golden gaze lifted to her face, pupils wide and round, as his tail flicked and he reached a paw up to bat gently at her cheek. Cleo’s pout immediately shifted to a radiant smile. With a certain tenderness her fingers found the fur on his chest and she scratched him softly and her voice warbled lovingly. “Sweet boy…” When Cleo dipped her head, Petri’s lifted to rub his face against hers.

Photo by Papaw that he sent her:

There was a picture on her phone. It was a candid photo with Cleo unaware of it being taken (candid- duh). She was in her room sitting cross legged at her desk in a pair of white cloth shorts and a blue hooded sweater, with pink headphones over her ears and she was chewing on the end of a pen while staring at the computer screen. The screen itself had digital audio software pulled up - different sounds in different colors frozen on the monitor. In her lap napped Petri, his tail hanging over her left thigh while her right hand was laid gently over his back.
(Cleo's room)

Papaw’s FB Post:


Her Papaw posts this on facebook to all of his old-people friends with the caption “Our little girl is all grown up and headed to college! We’re so proud of you, Pumpkin!” This picture is saved in her phone.

This makes Cleo smile and even give a little laugh. (It was just after she got accepted, and was right outside their house - she was trying to help her Papaw with yard work, but the only thing he let her do was sit in a lawn chair and sip lemonade (with the threat of putting her over his knee like she was a kid. He never did, though. Far too soft of a man for that. UGH I LOVE HIM.)

He even would occasionally come over and put his overly large hand on her forehead to make sure she wasn’t getting too hot. Every time he did, she would push it away with a childish ‘Papaw~!’And each time, without fail, he’d give a boisterous laugh.)

photo ideas: ON HER PHONE~!


At the park with her GP’s, just before her high school graduation. Her hair isn’t that short, and is more like the picture of her in overalls. (Below)


her junior year of high school.


Another selfie.


High school Graduation photo (in Yearbook)


(few months into highschool? Def isn't as happy, so I'm thinking it's a few months after her torment started!)


Selfie she took with Petri! Fuckin cute. Love her eyes. With how her personality is, she definitely likes to take selfies. She Probs has an instagram. Y’know. Ego.


First picture with Petri.

Other inspo:


Dorm room after she moves everything
- two desks moved to the right in an L shape, leaving one chair by the door,
- four small picture frames of her grandparents together, her late parents together, her and Petri together, and just one of Petri with her laptop sitting in the corner.
- go to a thrift shop and a store to get little knicknacks for her desk and plastic drawers to put under her bed as well as a rack to hang clothes and coats.
- Her shoes will probs be under the bed.

Lace panties?? (No drawn ones that I like so it’ll have to do. Modeled after “Nova Lace Cheeky Panty” in hot pink. Maybe a softer pink that's just as bright? Carnation pink?)


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