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【Dragon Age:Another Chapter {cyx. & Ech0}】


May 2, 2024


"You saw another story, written in desperation to give me more credit than I ever deserved."

@cyx. & Ech0
Last edited:

Nolarana Lara Lavellan

"Atrast nal tunsha — may you always find your way in the dark."

The conclave had been a disaster, and it had been heard from around the world of Thedas and beyond. It had been important enough to Keeper Deshanna Istimaethoriel Lavellan to send her 1st, the next in line to lead the clan, to investigate the goings on of the Humans who were to meet at this "conclave". The trouble between the Mages and Templars of Thedas since the destruction of Kirkwall's chantry and the death of Grand Cleric Elthina had prompted Deshanna's decision to send Nova forth.

5d143a11d84323b5fc5f3f7309afa937.jpg ❝I will go with her,❞ Nolarana said, her chin raised as her spine straightened. ❝It would be far better to have more than one—❞

❝No,the Keeper interrupted, effectively putting a permanent pout on the young elf's face. ❝I require you elsewhere, Lara.❞

❝You can't send Nova by herself,❞ she replied, the attempt to tone down her displeasure had not gone unnoticed by Deshanna.

Camdis and Cadis will be accompanying her. You and Zathel will be taking a trip to Bastion.❞ The Keeper's voice had taken the serious, no-nonsense tone that Lara had become all too familiar with since having come into her magic.

❝You're sending the 'twins' with her? They're more likely to get themselves killed if not her too,❞ Lara remarked, her arms folding across her chest in defiance.

download (10).jpg ❝Two heads,❞ Cadis began.

❝Are better than one,❞ Camdis finished. The duo had been a pain in Lara's side for as long as she could remember.

You both are idiots, you know this, right? Lara's brow raised as she spoke the words, eliciting a chuckle from both of the blonde-haired elves.

❝We are aware of your opinion. Had been their collective response.

❝Lara, that is unfair, the Keeper interjected, though her tone had said she agreed, to an extent. You question my decision?

❝Only that one, she said with a sigh.

With her head held high, Lara turned from the trio and quickly went in search of her cousin. So close the two had been, both losing their parents and having been taken in by the Keeper, they were closer to siblings than the cousins they had been.

Nova and Lara had grown up together, both coming into their magic at an early age, and while Nova had been the Keeper's favourite, Laura oftentimes found herself in trouble with Deshanna. Though Lara knew she should or shouldn't have done what managed to get her in trouble, she always found the temptation too much to resist. The two had looked similar and one could clearly see the family resemblance if not think they themselves were twins. Their Vallaslin had been the main distinguishing feature of the pair. While Nova had gone the more traditional route, Lara had been less dedicated to the pantheon and chose something that would get the Keeper off of her back.

❝You heard? Nova's voice was even as spoke, not bothering to turn around while she continued to pack her small bag.

❝Yes, and I don't like the idea of you going off by yourself, Lara replied, taking a seat on the small cot inside of Nova's tent.

❝I won't be by myself. I'll have the twins with me—

❝You might as well be going by yourself! You'd be less likely to get yourself killed, she interrupted, only to be met with the soft chuckle of her cousin. ❝I do not find this amusing, Nova.

❝Nor do I, but you and I both know the twins aren't the problem. You want to go with me. Nova stopped her packing to look at her cousin. Look, I'll be fine, okay?

❝Be wary of the Shemlen, Lara said, removing the dagger at her waist and placing it within Nova's hand. ❝They cannot be trusted. Get close, observe, then get your arse out of there and back to us where you belong.

❝You are too hard on the humans, Lara, and the twins for that matter, Nova replied, looking down at the dagger her cousin had just given her, with a small gasp at realising the item. "This is your father's, L. I can't take this.

You will and you can return it to me when you return to us... Safely, would be a preference, Lara said, ignoring the sting in her eyes where the tears threatened to make themselves known.


There was a voice outside the tent, yet it sounded so much further away and far more panicked than it should have been.

arana! Wake up!
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Did you slip into the Fade? I've been trying to wake you for a while,
the familiar voice that lulled her from the past said when she finally opened her weary eyes. We should reach Skyhold by this afternoon... we are closer than I had believed.

I had told you we should have kept going, she replied, rolling over to let her spine crack before sitting up. How long have you been awake, Zathel? The sun has already breached the horizon...

If you hadn't been falling off of your horse, I would have woken you sooner, he answered as he finished tying the strings of his bedroll onto his saddle.

Making quick work of packing the bedroll and saddling her horse, Bethril, a Dalish All-Breed that had an attitude to match the woman who rode her. With hooves stamping impatiently as the elf approached with the saddle in hand. Yes, my dear, Beth, she cooed, placing the saddle across the animal's back. I know, I am late, to which the horse snorted. I'll make it up to you later...

I'll never understand why you talk to your horse the way you do, Zathel said as he swung himself into his seat. But I will never get over how she looks as though she understands and answers you when you do speak.

As if on cue, both horse and rider of the female variety looked to the man sitting before scoffing. He simply doesn't understand our kind, does he, Beth? As the mare nodded, Lara heard a groan followed by the click of Zathel's tongue before his mount began walking off.

I understand your lot, just fine, he replied over his shoulder before returning his head to the road. It's you I don't understand...

With a small laugh, Lara finished double-checking the belts and ties before jumping astride Beth, not needing to motion the beast forward. He seems to be in a mood, eh?

The road stretched on, the trees beginning to thin the closer they got to Skyhold, home of the Inquisition, led by a Dalish. The pace had picked up when the great building came into view and Lara's apprehension began to grow with each step they took. She had only heard rumours of what had happened during the explosion and though she had believed that Nova was still herself, a small inking in the back of her mind still wondered just how she had changed since exiting the Fade.

And now that they were entering the gates of the stronghold, she was about to find out whether or not her cousin was still that... Herself.


cullen rutherford

"if i seem unsure, it's because it's been a long time since i've wanted anyone in my life. i wasn't expecting to find that here. or you."


A rapping below the loft where Cullen's sleeping quarters stirred the man from his sleep, causing him to shoot up from his prone position. His bare chest rose and fell as his lyruim-plagued dream began to seep away, and the reality of his surroundings came flooding back. Caramel brown eyes lifted to the hole within the tower he had claimed as his own, and he focused for a moment on the soft blue hues of the sky, not yet touched by the veil's tear.

"Commander Cullen?" the voice spoke once more, breaking Cullen's small dissociation. Blinking, he shook the cloud from his mind, and swung his feet over the side of his bed. Lifting to a stand, he crossed over to his clothing and began to dress himself. As he adorned his clothes and armour, he peered through the cracks of the wearing floorboards at the scout taking up space in the doorway.

"Just a moment, Charter." He called down to the woman, fastening his belt securely. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Cullen inhaled a deep breath to officially wipe his mind clear of his nightmare, and then he descended the ladder.

The elf gave him a soft smile, leaning against the door frame. "Sorry to wake you, Commander. Harding told me to deliver this." She held a gloved hand out as Cullen approached her, revealing a leather pouch. Cullen took the offered parcel and a small smile tugged at his lips, already knowing without loosening its drawstring what was inside. He did so anyway, opening the top in order to lift it to his nose, and he inhaled the aroma of the tea leaves that were held within. "Poison?"

A soft laugh escaped as Cullen retreated to put the pouch on his desk, shaking his head. "Harding's family sends her tea leaves. She's been giving me some ever since she learned I enjoy them, as well. Thank you, Charter. And tell Harding thank you, as well."

"You remember I'm Lilianna's messenger, right?" the elf retorted with a snarky smirk, pushing off the door frame. Cullen smirked in response, shaking his head softly.

"I've got to make arrangements for the pair arriving today to meet with the Inquisitor, or I would. You'll be seeing Harding well before I will."

⋖ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ⋗

Some time later, Cullen was stationed near the front gate of the stronghold. On either side of him were Inquisition soldiers, ready to aid in welcoming the two scouts from Nova's clan. Idle chatter went back and forth between the men, occasionally calling a 'hmm' or nod from the Commander in response, but otherwise he remained quiet. He appeared relaxed; his left hand remained positioned over the hilt of his sword, not as a precaution, but in a comfortable lean. Those brown eyes drifted between the bridge and the sky, seeking out the green glow from the rift's influence, and he couldn't resist enjoying the fresh scent of the crisp air.

"Is that them, Sir?"

Cullen's eyes flicked back towards the bridge, and two riders came into view. Rolling his shoulders, straightening his posture, Cullen gave a small nod. "That's them." He couldn't recognize the pair by face, having only had a brief moment of time with the Dalish clan when he'd carried out an expedition to ensure their safety, but he could tell from the adornments on their horses. That, and Skyhold was out of anyone's way - they didn't have anyone breaching the stronghold's perimeter that hadn't been invited.. yet.

As the horses approached, the two soldiers at Cullen's sides stepped forward, offering to take the reigns and allow the elves to ease off their mounts securely.

"Welcome to Skyhold," Cullen spoke softly, bowing his head in greeting after taking a moment to look either elf in the eye. "My men will ensure your horses are tended to; we have a fairly good stable secured for the Inquisition's mounts. Like you, they'll want for nothing while in our care." Nodding towards his men, they began to escort the horses calmly towards the barn. With the large beasts out of the way, Cullen eyed up the informants from the clan and then gestured over his shoulder towards the stronghold's main stairway.

"I know the journey must have been taxing; Nova's arranged for a meal. Usually we conduct our meetings more professionally, but.. well. Nova insisted."

Offering a small smile, he attempted to keep his eyes from lingering on the female elf that had arrived, and he turned on his heel to lead the pair up the stairs towards the main door of the stronghold. As he fell in step between them, he released the hold he had on the hilt of his sword, and allowed his arms to casually sway at his sides, not wanting to give either of them the impression that he felt like he needed the weapon.

"I'm not sure if we've met before," he found himself musing out loud, glancing towards Lara at his side with a soft, half-smile. "-but I'm glad that you've arrived. Nova's been growing restless since the attack on your clan, and having you here should put her at ease. Family is important in times of need."

Nolarana ❝Lara❞ Lavellan

"Atrast nal tunsha — may you always find your way in the dark."

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

The blonde warrior had stood out to Lara like a Qunari in a Chantry full of humans and the way he stood with observing eyes had hinted that he had witnessed their trek over the threshold before she had glimpsed him. 'A keen eye,' she thought to herself, with a half smirk creeping to her face. 'Good to know..."

"It is good to meet you, Commander Cullen," Zathel replied first, as the pair passed the reigns of their mounts to a couple of soldiers who had approached them. "I believe you and Lara have already met, but I had not had the pleasure." His approach had been friendly enough, and with his arm held out in welcome was sure to miff the ever-cautious travel companion. "I'm Zathel, it is an honour."

"Aye," a feminine voice called out, still hidden from her mount as the elf attempted to collect a few items from her saddle bag. "I remember a brief introduction at Wycombe. It is good to see you, Commander. I hope Nova hasn't been cracking her whip over much." With the horses led away towards the stables, she was able to see the smirk on Zathel's face before she followed suit, but not before casting a glare that held a promise of pain to the elf. Lara politely smiled at the Commander and offered her hand. Once the formalities were exchanged, the human turned to usher the duo inside.

"It took you long enough," a familiar voice rang, though Lara was still blinded by the light of the sun that had peeked over the tips of the stone building. "I swear, I was about to send out a search party for you two!"

Glad for her knack at balancing when Nova collided with her as she was still on the steps to what could have been a very bad fall, the embrace that came with the test of balance had been worth the near-tumble. "I have missed you, dearly," she said, pulling herself away. Finally.

"It is good to see you, too," Lara laughed, glad see her cousin smiling and dreading having to be the one to make the smile leave. "I wish I could say I bring good tidings, but I'm afrai—"

"No need to be all doom and gloom, just yet, Lara," Zathel's jovial voice chimed in. "Let us discuss this matter over food..."

"It is good to see you too, Zathel,"
Nova chuckled, as the dark-haired elf pulled her into a bear hug. "And that you still have a healthy appetite."

"I'm a growing man who has been travelling with the only Dalish for miles who can burn water,"
he said without bothering to hide his sarcasm. With a wink to Lara, he leaned in to whisper into Nova's pointed ear, but making sure he had been loud enough for Lara to hear him. "I jest. She's at least catching it before that pan burns now."

"Come now,"
Nova said when she felt the chill imitating off of her cousin. "I am sure it isn't that bad... erm, why don't we head to the garden? I've had a table set and I am sure some refreshment after a long ride will allow everyone to relax.

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

The garden had been devoid of others, with only the sounds from the Great Hall coming through the doors they had just walked through. It was serene and a place Lara could see Nova spending a lot of time with her thoughts.

"It's peaceful here," she said aloud, looking over the small garden of rare herbs that sat nestled in the corner of the yard. "You've managed to grow Amrita Vein, I see," she questioned with wide eyes and a raised brow at Nova. "Deshanna would be very pleased at this!"

"It isn't that hard to grow it," Nova scoffed, knowing that if it were left to her to tend the garden, everything within it would die. "Plus, Harding would have my head if I let anything happen to them," she admitted, knowing that had she not, Cullen likely would have. "Come, we don't need to discuss my gardening skills. Your message was very vague..."

Zathel did not need to be told more than once to have a seat, as he was already piling a plate high with nug-gets and Dalish Deep Forest Comfort, a dish that consisted of wood-burrowing beetles, halla butter and cheese, mushrooms, elfroot, hot red pepper for a bit of a kick, pine nuts and wildflowers. It had likely been made just for Zathel since Lara and Nova both were not overly fond of the beetles used. The black bread and ram and potato stew had summoned a growl from Lara's stomach and lead her towards the table.

Nova, sat at the head of the table, leaving the guests to sit on either side of her while the rest had filed into the empty seats surrounding the rectangle table. Laura had thought Commander Cullen had sat a bit too close, but a man of his size, it was likely it was not on purpose.
"I admit, cousin, that I bring troubling news from Bastion," Lara began, passing the scrolls she had collected earlier from her bags. "I am sure by now you know the Venatori are obsessed with you, hence for the need for your aid in Wycombe, but their influence has spread further North."

I see," she replied solemnly, looking over the contents of the scroll. "I see there have been red lyrium sightings as well. This is not good... not, at all..."

"I did sthay we bwing bad newths, yeah?"
Zathel's speech, hindered by the freshly shoveled food into his mouth.

"No, Zath, I said I bring bad news, you complained about my cooking," Lara interjected, glaring over the raised rim of her goblet. "It's time for the adults to chat and for you to shush." Leaning back in her chair so she could include the Commander more in the conversation since he would likely be the one leading any sort of mission to help once more. "I have been looking into the red lyrium, Nova. I am sure you and your people know more about it than we do, but it is turning people into... monsters. These Venatori... they're using it and it is stronger than regular lyruim. I would welcome any thoughts on what to do. Wycombe is holding, for now, but with the way this stuff is spreading... I may need to ask for your aid once more... And yours, Commander, if it comes to that."

"Cullen," Nova said casually, though the news troubled her deeply. "I could use your insight on this..."


cullen rutherford

"if i seem unsure, it's because it's been a long time since i've wanted anyone in my life. i wasn't expecting to find that here. or you."

Despite it all, the reunion of the Inquisitor and her cousin was a sight that made Cullen's lips effortlessly pull into a genuine smile. It briefly made him think of his sister, back home, but he was quick to banish those thoughts away as he clasped his hands in front of him comfortably. He'd have plenty of time to reminisce and get a letter in order to send back to his family soon enough - right now, he had more important matters to attend, and being present in body and mind was an absolute requirement.

Quietly, he allowed the elves to exchange their greetings and nodded when Nova suggested to retire to the castle's garden. He followed behind at their pace, noting the body language of their guests, partially out of habit. He knew that they were trusted individuals, but that didn't wear his Templar training down - and he knew all too well that familiar faces weren't always to be trusted in these trying days. Samson was a very clear reminder of that.

As custom, he allowed everyone else to take their seats before he shuffled into one of his own, doing his best to keep a comfortable distance from Lara; but as it were, the man's broad shoulders weren't the easiest to contain within the armour he adorned. The best he could do was a slight angle at the table, which worked in his favour, as it kept his attention on the trio that needed his input the most. Comfortably, he relaxed his right arm on the table top, and let his left rest easily in his lap.. but those fingers were ready to grasp at his sword should he have any use for it. The lightly coloured hues of brown eyes drifted from the others seated to scour the food before him, and when Lara was done taking her share, he finally reached forward to grasp a piece of black bread and carefully began to butter it.

Despite his eyes concentrating on the food within his hand, he was quick to lift his gaze as the mood changed, and the scrolls shifted hands. A small look of concern drifted over his face, and his expression turned to one he seemed to wear more often than not these days. His eyebrows creased together, and he inhaled softly, waiting to hear what news Lara and Zathel had brought with them. His hands froze for a moments time when he heard the words 'red lyrium', and the Commander's jaw set tightly, before he resumed filling his bowl with stew. No matter how much he attempted to remain stoic, it was obvious from the rigid body language that he was immediately put on edge just from those two words alone. He finished filling his bowl and seemed to relax for a moment, his eyes focused on the steaming assortment of food contained before him, lost in temporary thought.

It wasn't until he heard the Inquisitor's voice call his name that he blinked and his head lifted, turning his attention to the left side of the table. There was a brief look of confusion on his face before he shook it off, and he nodded his head. "Yes, of course, Inquisitor." He cleared his throat, buying himself some time to soak up what he had heard Lara say, committing to paying attention once more. And then, with a heavy sigh, he angled his body a bit more towards them and put forth his usual demeanor; a man that was in charge and in control of his emotions, no matter how fleeting that last prospect may be at times in the privacy of his quarters.

"What we know of the Venatori and their meddling with red lyrium isn't fully complete; most of it come from one of our own that has seen what the altered lyrium can do first hand. And then, of course, what we've bared witness to with our own eyes. We've all seen the mutations it can cause, and the ruthless amplifications it can give those that are affected. If their numbers are increasing in the Free Marches, it's only a matter of time before they swarm and take over your clan." For a moment, his eyes drifted from Nova to Lara, knowing that both of them had equal stakes at risk. "It might be in our best interest to move while we have the upper hand, and catch their forces before they grow stronger. Prolonged ingestion of the corrupted lyrium is only going to increase their strength, magic, and the likelihood that they turn into something else completely. I'm willing to spare as many men and women as we have to clear their infestations, but I'd feel much more comfortable sending our people sooner rather than later."

Sitting back in his chair, Cullen set the buttered bread into the bowl of stew, allowing it to start soaking up some of the juices while his mind strayed to more important matters. His slight appetite had almost immediately been suffocated by the news, and his mind was wandering to other possibilities than just the Venatori - like the Red Templars they'd started hearing rumors of.

"The only thing we can do is push back; destroy any veins we happen upon, and cut this particular head off the snake. It wont severe the beast we're dealing with, but it will at least ensure that your clan is safe for the time being. And.. with any luck.. we might get a foot ahead of this corruption." He looked directly at Nova now, knowing that he needed her permission to do anything drastic. "I will see to the safety of your kin, Nova. That I can assure you. But I'm afraid this is only the beginning of some tough battles and decisions to come. I do not envy the seat you must fill, but I will be at your side every step of the way; as will your other advisers."
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