Despite it all, the reunion of the Inquisitor and her cousin was a sight that made Cullen's lips effortlessly pull into a genuine smile. It briefly made him think of his sister, back home, but he was quick to banish those thoughts away as he clasped his hands in front of him comfortably. He'd have plenty of time to reminisce and get a letter in order to send back to his family soon enough - right now, he had more important matters to attend, and being present in body and mind was an absolute requirement.
Quietly, he allowed the elves to exchange their greetings and nodded when Nova suggested to retire to the castle's garden. He followed behind at their pace, noting the body language of their guests, partially out of habit. He knew that they were trusted individuals, but that didn't wear his Templar training down - and he knew all too well that familiar faces weren't always to be trusted in these trying days. Samson was a very clear reminder of that.
As custom, he allowed everyone else to take their seats before he shuffled into one of his own, doing his best to keep a comfortable distance from Lara; but as it were, the man's broad shoulders weren't the easiest to contain within the armour he adorned. The best he could do was a slight angle at the table, which worked in his favour, as it kept his attention on the trio that needed his input the most. Comfortably, he relaxed his right arm on the table top, and let his left rest easily in his lap.. but those fingers were ready to grasp at his sword should he have any use for it. The lightly coloured hues of brown eyes drifted from the others seated to scour the food before him, and when Lara was done taking her share, he finally reached forward to grasp a piece of black bread and carefully began to butter it.
Despite his eyes concentrating on the food within his hand, he was quick to lift his gaze as the mood changed, and the scrolls shifted hands. A small look of concern drifted over his face, and his expression turned to one he seemed to wear more often than not these days. His eyebrows creased together, and he inhaled softly, waiting to hear what news Lara and Zathel had brought with them. His hands froze for a moments time when he heard the words 'red lyrium', and the Commander's jaw set tightly, before he resumed filling his bowl with stew. No matter how much he attempted to remain stoic, it was obvious from the rigid body language that he was immediately put on edge just from those two words alone. He finished filling his bowl and seemed to relax for a moment, his eyes focused on the steaming assortment of food contained before him, lost in temporary thought.
It wasn't until he heard the Inquisitor's voice call his name that he blinked and his head lifted, turning his attention to the left side of the table. There was a brief look of confusion on his face before he shook it off, and he nodded his head. "Yes, of course, Inquisitor." He cleared his throat, buying himself some time to soak up what he had heard Lara say, committing to paying attention once more. And then, with a heavy sigh, he angled his body a bit more towards them and put forth his usual demeanor; a man that was in charge and in control of his emotions, no matter how fleeting that last prospect may be at times in the privacy of his quarters.
"What we know of the Venatori and their meddling with red lyrium isn't fully complete; most of it come from one of our own that has seen what the altered lyrium can do first hand. And then, of course, what we've bared witness to with our own eyes. We've all seen the mutations it can cause, and the ruthless amplifications it can give those that are affected. If their numbers are increasing in the Free Marches, it's only a matter of time before they swarm and take over your clan." For a moment, his eyes drifted from Nova to Lara, knowing that both of them had equal stakes at risk. "It might be in our best interest to move while we have the upper hand, and catch their forces before they grow stronger. Prolonged ingestion of the corrupted lyrium is only going to increase their strength, magic, and the likelihood that they turn into something else completely. I'm willing to spare as many men and women as we have to clear their infestations, but I'd feel much more comfortable sending our people sooner rather than later."
Sitting back in his chair, Cullen set the buttered bread into the bowl of stew, allowing it to start soaking up some of the juices while his mind strayed to more important matters. His slight appetite had almost immediately been suffocated by the news, and his mind was wandering to other possibilities than just the Venatori - like the Red Templars they'd started hearing rumors of.
"The only thing we can do is push back; destroy any veins we happen upon, and cut this particular head off the snake. It wont severe the beast we're dealing with, but it will at least ensure that your clan is safe for the time being. And.. with any luck.. we might get a foot ahead of this corruption." He looked directly at Nova now, knowing that he needed her permission to do anything drastic. "I will see to the safety of your kin, Nova. That I can assure you. But I'm afraid this is only the beginning of some tough battles and decisions to come. I do not envy the seat you must fill, but I will be at your side every step of the way; as will your other advisers."