- Joined
- Mar 21, 2014
Hey all, so I'm offering to GM a game where you present characters to be victims of change. As GM, I'll play either a magic character or simply a mysterious magic force, which slowly causes a series of increasingly extreme changes to you character. I'll also GM npcs to interact with, strangers, friends, coworkers, lovers, ext. And you're welcome to play multiple characters at once or additional side npcs if you like. At first, the changes will be minor, maybe your character won't even notice. As they continue to build up and further change your character, your character will react. Likely early on they'll try and hide their changes and continue going about their normal lives. In the end though it will be impossible to hide. Maybe they'll find their way into a new life, maybe they'll be reduced to living as an animal, monster, or freak. Once we've got all the changes and reactions and life changes we want out of a character, the magic force will move on to a new character and start changing them and we start all over.
For setting, I'm mostly thinking a normal modern world. But if that doesn't interest you I'd possibly be willing to do some kind of fantasy, historical, or scifi setting too. For erotic and relationships, I prefer to play a top male, vs any sort of partner. This could be a dom or sub top. Female npcs can be provided but without sexual content.
Limits include sexual gore, filth, gross stuff. And absolutely no underage or bestiality (unintelligent creatures and animals)
I only play through PMs.
I prefer longer multi-paragraph replies. At least two or three paragraphs with some detail, no one liners. Also looking to have multiple daily replies, as schedules allow, at least once a day.
If you're interested, send me a PM. Let me know what style of how the transformations will work, for example, (and feel free to copy paste any of these options you desire into the PM)
(my most preferred) - you present a character, and I decide how to change them on the fly, I write out in detail how your character changes. You have full control over your character's actions and reactions
(also alright) - you present a character, and I decide how to change them on the fly, you write out in detail how your character changes. You have full control over your character's actions and reactions
(less preferred) - you present a character, and we discuss and plan out of character how to change them, I write out in detail how your character changes. You have full control over your character
(not preferred) - you present a character, and we discuss and plan out of character how to change them, you write out in detail how your character changes. You have full control over your character
Also include what transformations you want to include or not include. Feel free to copy paste this list and answer beside each one something like - favorite, good, neutral, no. Feel free to add any others you want to include or not include
Anthro Animal
Full animal
Partial animal
Animal body parts
Animal cocks
Exotic cocks
Mythical creatures
Centaur (Taur) creatures
Strange creatures
Slime, Ooze
Living Rubber, Latex
Body horror creatures
Gender change Male to Female
Gender change Female to Male
Gender change Male to Intersex
Gender change Female to Intersex
Muscle growth
Muscle loss
Multiple body parts
Additional body parts in strange places
Body horror body parts
Large muscle growth
Large genital growth
Large breast growth
Hyper muscle growth
Hyper genital growth
Hyper breast growth
Size growth
Macro size growth
Excessive cum
Mental changes
Intelligence drain
Sexuality change Straight to Gay
Sexuality change Gay to Straight
Animal instincts
For setting, I'm mostly thinking a normal modern world. But if that doesn't interest you I'd possibly be willing to do some kind of fantasy, historical, or scifi setting too. For erotic and relationships, I prefer to play a top male, vs any sort of partner. This could be a dom or sub top. Female npcs can be provided but without sexual content.
Limits include sexual gore, filth, gross stuff. And absolutely no underage or bestiality (unintelligent creatures and animals)
I only play through PMs.
I prefer longer multi-paragraph replies. At least two or three paragraphs with some detail, no one liners. Also looking to have multiple daily replies, as schedules allow, at least once a day.
If you're interested, send me a PM. Let me know what style of how the transformations will work, for example, (and feel free to copy paste any of these options you desire into the PM)
(my most preferred) - you present a character, and I decide how to change them on the fly, I write out in detail how your character changes. You have full control over your character's actions and reactions
(also alright) - you present a character, and I decide how to change them on the fly, you write out in detail how your character changes. You have full control over your character's actions and reactions
(less preferred) - you present a character, and we discuss and plan out of character how to change them, I write out in detail how your character changes. You have full control over your character
(not preferred) - you present a character, and we discuss and plan out of character how to change them, you write out in detail how your character changes. You have full control over your character
Also include what transformations you want to include or not include. Feel free to copy paste this list and answer beside each one something like - favorite, good, neutral, no. Feel free to add any others you want to include or not include
Anthro Animal
Full animal
Partial animal
Animal body parts
Animal cocks
Exotic cocks
Mythical creatures
Centaur (Taur) creatures
Strange creatures
Slime, Ooze
Living Rubber, Latex
Body horror creatures
Gender change Male to Female
Gender change Female to Male
Gender change Male to Intersex
Gender change Female to Intersex
Muscle growth
Muscle loss
Multiple body parts
Additional body parts in strange places
Body horror body parts
Large muscle growth
Large genital growth
Large breast growth
Hyper muscle growth
Hyper genital growth
Hyper breast growth
Size growth
Macro size growth
Excessive cum
Mental changes
Intelligence drain
Sexuality change Straight to Gay
Sexuality change Gay to Straight
Animal instincts