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How many words you know?


Welcoming Committee
Jan 2, 2020
So, if you have the time, please take the following test. This should not take longer than ~ 2-3 minutes.

Apparently I know 25k English words. I am kind of curious how others here score.
according to this ~ 16K. . . . so not a lot, obviously :ROFLMAO:

Some of these words are so rarely used, but I learned Mawkish this year so I feel good about that. Clutch word.
According to the test, it is about 29k, though, like Rev said above. A lot of these words are rarely used, and I had to think about them, but I knew their definition even if I had never regularly (or ever) used them before.
According to the test:


I guess all the years in uni studying Lexicology paid off XD
Around 25k. There were some words I knew and could vaguely remember the context and assume the general meaning of it, but I didn't check them since I couldn't tell you off the top of my head.

Still, I think I did pretty good especially since English is not my first language. :unsure:
Apparently my barely-educated head is familiar with in excess of 28,400 words.
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