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Jul 24, 2013


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the unhallowed

"the devil comes as everything you've ever wished for."


October 1892. The Witching Hour.

Their pact had been forged at the crossroads, the new moon unseen overhead. A heavy fog lay across the land, the woodland practically bereft of any light in the cold fall morn. It was here that Isadora Van Wyck stood, a girl barely more than sixteen years of age, dress tattered from her pell-mell flight from her familyโ€™s manor, feet caked in mud. Desperation had driven the benighted young woman out into the night, running far from the home that should have been sanctuary. Her plight was not an uncommon one, a young girl alone raised among the wolves of high society. Subject to abuse, to cruelties, and to a numbing fear that permeated her very life. Here at the crossroads, she fell to her knees; here with trembling lips she collapsed and begged for a benediction to fall upon her forgotten soul. She did not beg for wealth, nor even vengeance, but something far more horrifying: love. A protector to shield her, to save her from the horrors of her life. One that would come to her with kindness, to save her. Salvation was close kin to damnation, and so in her darkest despair her call was answered.

A presence older than time unfurled in the shadows of the forest. The Unhallowed. It came with the rustling of leaves and the hint of ash that stung the air. Its form was writhing shadows save for the singular throb of something eldritch deep within, and the burning malice of its eyes. The Unhallowed cloaked her, a chilling blanket of eternal rest, obscuring the world save for its voice. A voice which whispered with deep resonant intonations, promising succor. Offering its heart. And all the young aristocrat need promise was her devotion. To be his betrothed. To become his bride upon her age of majority. And she accepted.

And when she woke the following morning, Isadora accepted that she had dreamt it all. Until the accidents began to happenโ€ฆ


December 31st, 1894. New Yearโ€™s Eve.

The gates of the sanitarium were ominous. Thankfully, they loomed behind Isadora Van Wyck as the carriage began its journey, the past remembrance of the misbegotten day she first laid eyes upon them prominent in her mind. She had arrived there, thin and ghostly pale, wrists bruised from the grip of hands that sought to restrain her hysterics at the age of seventeen. Her stay had been a lonely one, a dreaded curse lingering over the young womanโ€™s existence even in the absence of the one to which she made pact. None who prayed for her healing stayed long in her presence, all those who had extended a hand in kindness vanishing mysteriously. She was the albatross, the evil eye, and even other inmates muttered tales of unshakeable dread in her passing. Now she emerged from the wretched place, a woman of eighteen years of age, to return home. And perhaps return to her lost love. The Unhallowed had kept its promise to her, shielding her from harm, though in doing so devouring all those who sought to alleviate her isolation. It had loved her, in its own way. A sickening suffocation but a love, nonetheless.

Thoughts dismissed as she arrived at Van Wyck Manor. The house stood at the end of a winding drive, its stark silhouette nestled between oaks and hedgerows. Abandoned since Isadoraโ€™s commitment, there was a strange sensation that it was no longer part of reality. As if it had been displaced from time itself, left to its own devices, waiting for the return of the bloodline. A modest estate, it had been nonetheless maintained in her absence. The grounds had been kept neatly trimmed, the path to the house clear of snow, but there was a silence that went unbroken. No footprints led to the grand doors, nor any signs of habitation. Save for one thing. One thing alone.

There, in the window on the second floor that had been her room, was the steady glow of her bedroom lamp. Something welcoming her home.

The carriage came to a stop and her coachman clambered down from his perch to open the door, reaching in to pick up her suitcase, and what little belongings were within, before stepping aside for her to descend. The older man, who went by name of Rory, was furtive, his hand trembling; and not from cold as he spoke with tremulous intonation.
โ€œBeggin the Missus pardon, but, does she have need of me this night? I can return in the morn if she want.โ€
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isadora van wyck

"don't let the devil hear you weeping, or darkness comes as your friend."

Two long years had passed since that fated night in the woods. She had been a naive girl back then, scared of her father's angry outbursts; her mother's neglectful cold shoulder; and the blind eyes the servants would turn towards any mistreatment that went her way. The young lady of the manor had grown up expecting to be seen and not heard, to promptly do as she was told without question, and to follow in her mother's footsteps and secure a husband that would be an asset to their family name. When she started rejecting the idea of marriage at fourteen, that's when everything had changed for the girl.

Until the night her father met an untimely end.

The pact that had been made in the woods hadn't seemed like it could be a reality; Isadora had woken up that morning like every other morning. A servant had drawn her curtains, exposed her to the rise of the morning sun, and called upon her to get herself decent and ready for breakfast. Upon leaving her room, her father was waiting, arms crossed behind his back and a glower already resting on his features. His dark eyes picked over her, embedding her with his disdain as though he had physically laid his hands on her. When he brought up an arranged marriage, everything spiralled out of control. Isadora was defiant, immediately expressing that she didn't want to be married - her father's face contorted into a look of hate, and he lunged. The next thing she knew, a darkness had wrapped around the pair of them; instead of feeling the outstretched crooked hands of her father wrap around her neck, she was left with a comforted embrace, and then a shriek filled the upper walkway of the manor before a loud thud echoed below.

When the darkness evaporated, and Isadora's amber eyes could peer over the banister, her father's body came into view below.. twitching as he struggled to breathe. His neck was broken, and his body writhed and floundered until he eventually succumbed to the catastrophic injury. Minutes ticked by until a servant finally entered the lobby and stumbled upon the lifeless body, and after her shrill scream entered the manor's foyer, the woman's eyes peered up and caught Isadora's figure; and for a brief moment, the woman would have sworn she had seen a set of pale glowing eyes above the young lady's shoulder.

โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹†โ‹… โ™ฐ โ‹…โ‹† โ”€โ”€โ”€

As the door to the carriage was opened, Isadora remained seated as she collected her thoughts. Her mind was a whirlwind of memories and nightmares, and she was thankful for the few extra moments to collect herself. Once Rory had lifted her meager suitcase, the eighteen year old stepped down onto the familiar stone of her family's property, and her eyes lifted to the desolate manor. Amber eyes traced along the empty windows; the dying vines that clung to the surface of the building from neglect; the lonely porch that beckoned her. The flicker of light within her room caused her gaze to pause, and she focused on the window, hoping to see something - anything - of the whispered shadow that she dreamt of every single night while she was locked away in that sanitarium.

Rory's words penetrated the cool winter air, and Isadora blinked, keeping her gaze pointed towards the soft glow of her bedroom window. "That wont be necessary, Rory." Very slowly, the woman's head turned to glance towards her carriage driver, and she attempted to give him a weak smile. "You've done enough. I'll send for you should I require your services; go home and get some rest." Isadora knew why he shook; why he looked so uncomfortable. It was the same way everyone reacted around her, scared of ending up in an early grave due to her dark passenger.

The man didn't hesitate to put her suitcase down and retreat back to the carriage, leaving the young woman alone. Isadora took a moment to inhale the familiar smell of her family's property before leaning down to grasp the handle and make her way inside.

As expected, the manor was cold and still. It hadn't been touched by anyone in months. Protective drapes were still in place over the furniture that adorned the foyer of the manor, and if it weren't for the moonlight seeping into the windows, Isadora would've been walking into a dark abyss of nothingness. It was enough to lead her up the staircase towards her bedroom, guiding each step of her delicate high heeled boots on their journey.

Twisting the door knob to her room, Isadora's amber eyes peered into the still confinement she used to be so familiar with, searching. It was empty, save for the lamp that rested on her nightstand which glowed with light, casting shadows with its every flicker. Slowly, she passed the threshold of the door frame, and got to work bringing the room back to life.

โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹†โ‹… โ™ฐ โ‹…โ‹† โ”€โ”€โ”€

An hour had passed, and Isadora had lit her fireplace and pulled back the protective covers from the furniture in her room. Her suitcase had been unpacked and tucked away under her bed. And as she filled her bed warmer with hot coals from the burning fire, she found her mind drifting. Every creak within the house made her look expectantly towards her closed door; every shadow cast around her room by a stray flick of fire had her heart racing.. She kneeled before the fireplace in her thin white nightgown, nearly ready to climb into her lavish bed, unable to shake the feeling that someone was missing. Something.

With a disappointed sigh, she stood with her warming pan clenched within her right hand, and crossed to her queen sized bed. Easing the bedding up at the foot of the bed, she nestled the pan under the covers.

"I thought you would be here.." she found herself muttering under her breath, her tone low and lonely as she settled into bed. She leaned over and snuffed her bedside lamp out, drowning her bedroom in a deeper darkness. The only light that penetrated her bedroom belong to the dying fire in the fireplace. "I was ready for you to be here.." she breathed out into the air, easing underneath the duvet and retreating her head to her pillow. With a heavy exhale, she willed herself to sleep, with a hope that being back in her own bed would save her of the nightmares and deranged dreams that had taken hold of her for the past two years.

the unhallowed

"the devil comes as everything you've ever wished for."


The faint crackling of the fire was the only sound in the room, the light weakly flickering from the dying glow of the embers. As the fire guttered weakly, the shadows of the room grew in its absence, vague motions that hinted at an unknown. As if summoned for the sheer purpose of caressing Isadoraโ€™s slumbering form. The fire flickered forlorn before succumbing to the encroaching winter cold, plunging the room into darkness. If the young woman were awake, if she could see, then she would know her prayers had been answered once more. Frost spread its pattern cross the window, the hint of monstrosity within the ever deepening cold. Remnants of eyes outlined in the panes, denied physical form, but peering into Isadoraโ€™s refuge. The curtains stirred, rustled by a breeze that could not exist, as if something waited within the depths of the fabric. Through the frosted pane a sliver of moonlight pierced through the sky, illuminating the room, and Isadora was not alone. There, a silhouette could be found against the drapery, a shape undefined. But how did one define living shade? This was no man, no beast, but some grotesque amalgamation that defied all logic. But one characteristic was unmistakable. The glowing claret of the Unhallowedโ€™s demonic eyes.

Its very presence was oppressive, the world itself reacting to its coming. This was not natural, it was primordial, hearkening back to a period of time before man was cognizant of their sentience. The Unhallowed had existed from the dawn of the first nightmare, the first whispered plea, the first terrified shriek of the human species. And it had chosen Isadora, come to her in her hour of desperation, bound and pact made for some unfathomable reason. What did such a being need of her soft skin? What did such a horror require of her lilting voice? It knew no needs of compassion or merciful tenderness. But the Unhallowed knew hunger, it knew the gnawing ache of time immemorial. Of loneliness, of jealousy, and perhaps even the tang of fear. Whatever the machinations of such an entity might be, they would come to fruition with Isadora this evening as it manifested in her room. Though, in truth it had no choice in the action. The bargain had been struck; the pact inviolate. It was bound to honor its word, and honor it had. Even the devil was required to pay its due.

The firelight might have proven no impediment to such a force, but it belonged to the night. And just like on that forgotten night of Isadoraโ€™s past, it suffused the space of her room, wrapping it in a cloak of everlasting depth. An otherness that filled the room to its capacity, pausing only above her bed to savor the sight of her. How long its eyes had gazed upon Isadora from afar, unable to cross the threshold of the sanitarium grounds, now finally given reprieve to bask in the sight of her. A hand made from the cloth of oblivion itself reached to touch the coverlet that protected the young woman from the blistering freeze of its presence. A hesitation, a whisper of something spoken, as if even it realized it was on the cusp of a beginning. The shadowy limb turned, fingers splaying out inhumanly to caress an obsidian fingernail along pale brow. Unanswered longing stirring something deep within the Unhallowedโ€™s recesses. And thenโ€ฆ

โ€ฆfirelight. Leaping ablaze to warm the room once more, alive and hungry tendrils licking to enormous heights as it filled the hearth with the depth of hellfire itself. The banked embers glowing yellow as the sun itself, before tapering down to something far more manageable. The crackle of cold wood snapping, the smell of heavy logs a remembrance of pleasantries from times long past. And here, alone, Isadora might wake to the caress of unimaginable softness that began anew. No longer hesitant as it petted her hair, once more unseen, save for the alluring promise of its voice in the heated air.

Did you think I had forgotten, my beloved? Such longing I have had, unrequited and unholy. You are as I dreamt you would be; a blossom of beauty in winter. This world has wronged you so, but now the hour has come. This night marks the fulfillment of our bond, eternal.


isadora van wyck

"don't let the devil hear you weeping, or darkness comes as your friend."

Heavy dreams had blanketed the young woman's mind as she had started to ease into a deep slumber. Isadora's body occasionally flinched, lining up with the turns and twists of her dreams as they descended from uncomfortable into horrific. Soft whimpers eventually started to escape into the crisp air of the bedroom to accompany the grimaces that took hold of her pale features. And if one were able to hear the raven haired beauty's heart, they'd be able to notice the way her heartbeat drastically increased as the seconds ticked by.

Another nightmare; a retelling of the mysterious and gruesome deaths that had followed her around. Only, as she relived the twisted moments that retold the last breaths of her closest family members, it was as though Isadora were a third party to the situation. She could see herself, standing frozen and in shock, as her father was seemingly thrown over the banister to fall to his death; she could see the dark shade that lingered behind her, wrapping itself around her protectively, shielding her from the man that was partially responsible for bringing her into this world. And as her golden eyes connected with the red gleam of the hallowed creature, she felt something within her stir. A voice penetrated the nightmare, booming everywhere and no where at the same time.

The voice lulled her back to a sense of peace, calming the way her breathing had picked up, and her body had began to stir. Isadora's eyelids slowly fluttered open, and for a moment as she felt the caress of a hand, stared up towards the canopy that draped above her. And then, as though her body had a mind of its own, she felt herself nuzzle into the hand that pet against her hair, attempting to nuzzle against its shape. Her eyes closed, feeling whole at the pressure, and her body relaxed entirely into the soft mattress below her.

"You are here.." she whispered, almost in disbelief. The shade's words echoed in her mind, and slowly, her eyelids pulled into a narrowed part, seeking the darkened shape around the room. Feeling him was one thing - she had remembered nights alone in her cell of solitude, imagining the rough caress of the being she had sworn herself to. But she wanted to see this being, as well. "How I've longed to hear your voice again.. to feel your touch. To make good on the promise I gave you several years ago."

Very slowly, she lifted herself from her prone position, drawing back the duvet that had been her only barrier to conceal her body heat. A shudder escaped her red lips as the chill bit at her collarbone, but it didn't dissuade her. Delicate fingers traced up to her right shoulder, finding the fabric of her nightgown's strap. As she slowly began to slide it down, she sought out those red gleaming eyes once more, growing more and more desperate as she searched with to no avail.

"Show me yourself-" she whispered into the crisp atmosphere, pulling her right arm from the strap completely. Her right hand then lifted to mirror the same movement with her left strap, taking her time, inviting it to watch. "-as I show you myself. Allow me to feel you-" her words trailed as her heartbeat began to race, a touch of red spreading across her high cheek bones as she relished in the sultry request. Isadora laid back down, allowing her hands to trail down her sides, until her fingers felt the hem of her nightgown. And as she slowly began to bunch the material within her palms and start to raise it up her thighs, she exhaled with another shiver. "-as I feel myself, for you."

A demented sense of love wrapped around her petite figure as the night gown began to lift past her untouched sex; a longing she had never known before. Isadora had such a need to be desired, to be wanted, that she was blind to the pact she had actually sold herself to. And as she slowly arched to free the material from her body, casting it aside to fall to the floor, a smile settled on her lips for the first time in over a year. A smile full of innocent expectation; to feel herself be whisked away by her saviour and protected for the rest of her life. To feel him caress her soft skin, and make her feel whole.

"I.. am ready."

the unhallowed

"the devil comes as everything you've ever wished for."


To be loved by that which knew only hunger might for some be a curse, but if such was the curse that befell Isadora Van Wych then it was a beautiful one. Her audience though was spectral, and as such that unearthly drive to possess her could only be felt as a vibration of shadow itself, given manifest life with such terrible presence that it drove away all sensation of reality, leaving them alone in their sanctum of twilight adoration. This was the true nature of a manifestation, a destiny that she had not been born into but forged for herself on that starless night so long ago, and now her beloved had come to her. As Isadora undressed the silence itself seemed to breath, the curtains amid the canopy of her bed rising and falling in lifelike synchronicity. Night held weight, bearing down upon her, chilling her skin even as the fire continued to roar, no longer seemingly needing fuel to survive. The only fuel necessary was the stark heat of their misbegotten love. The depths of human desire were a paltry thing compared to that which was the shared the room with her now, and her request was a sweetly spoken benediction to be taken in every way a woman could offer a man. Yet here paramour was no man.

Are you ready, it said with no hint of mockery in its voice. I doubt that, Isadora, but such concerns are far beyond us now. I do not sleep, so to say that every waking moment has been filled with thoughts of your pristine flesh holds a meaning that no mortal man could attain. You are perfect, and I would mar such perfection for my pleasure. And I will.

The sound of his voice drifted away and then there was stillness, nearly endless in its existence, not the absence of sound but as if sound itself were simply being absorbed. And then the onslaught. Oblivion manifesting before her very eyes. Winds whipped with vicious force round the room, yet Isadora was protected in the eye of it, the incorporeal being swirling faster around her. Remnants of furniture slid to smash into the walls, mirrors shattered, deadly glass flying with maelstrom force before embedding into wood. Flickers of light within the stormfront, the remnants of the fragmented glass shards. Tendrils of smoke lashed the air, and then it collapsed inward upon Isadora, enfolding her in its embrace. As it do so the remains of the devasted room fell to the floor with a clatter, ignored now as the Unhallowed took shape. Limbs formed first, its arms around her slender body as the shape coalesced, then the torso, then a head. Below the hint of legs could be found, though he remained not fully manifest, as if unsure of the habitation of this reality. Full formed he gazed down at her, unearthly and terribly exquisite. Skin the hue of obsidian, gleaming night shorn hair, curls moving faintly as if by some unseen force. He was clad in nothing but himself, nude, and exotic. Were there muscles beneath the skin that moved the flesh or was it merely a simulacrum of life itself?

And its red eyes burned.

Those eyes never left her as the being leaned back on the bed, leveraging on the mattress, the hands which had touched her moving along the slender frame of her body. It was not a caress that most would have welcomed. Nails, razor sharp, left trails of red irritation on her alabaster skin as he caressed the subtle waifish curves. From the top of her thighs up to her knees where he splayed her open, widening her for his vision. Isadora Van Wyck might be a virgin, but the Unhallowed treated her as if she were a whore ready for his taking, spreading her lewdly in the shadowed light of flame. A slow needy groan left his throat, rising deep within his chest, desperate want clawing its way up into his face as those eyes widened at the delicious sight of her succulent flesh.

Show me, Isadora. Show me exactly what is mine.

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isadora van wyck

"don't let the devil hear you weeping, or darkness comes as your friend."

All that time spent alone had filled Isadora's mind with a fantasy of how this night would come to be; how losing her virginity to her protector would feel. But nothing had prepared her for what was to come, and there was a nagging voice in the back of her mind as the furniture within her bedroom began to shift and slam.

The encircling wind and sounds of crashing, breaking, and pieces of her room being forcefully broken apart caused her heartbeat to pound louder in her ears. The wind lashed and whipped at her bare skin, hardening her perky pink nipples more than her arousal ever could as goosebumps began to spring across her flesh. Her dark raven strands of hair were barely touched by the aftershock of the breeze, which was obviously much stronger around the bed than over her, and her mind reeled to try and make sense of it; was this His doing? Was he protecting her once more from what would have been an aggressive attack, or was this His manifestation taking hold? The young woman kept repeating the words that had seemed to come from no where and everywhere all at once, repeating them over and over in her mind as her body reacted to the chaos around her. Her fingers dug into the silk sheets on either side of her, feeling her body tremble with a confusing mixture of fear and lust - but she never made an attempt to move, to pull herself from the chain of events that were clearly underway.

Isadora could never run from Him.

The smoke wasn't unexpected as it cascaded towards her in separate limbs, all joining together before her like she was its magnetic pull. And before her golden eyes, that familiar shape began to take hold once more; she could feel the limbs of his arms snake around her, pressing the mattress down beneath her as though he'd always been there; she felt his presence take up the space over her with ease; and those red eyes.. Isadora wanted to look down his form, to satisfy her curiosity and finally lay her eyes on the figure's solid form, but it was impossible to look away from those glowing red eyes. She felt her panic and fear immediately cease, and a deep breath escaped her lungs, as though he were sucking her very life from her lithe frame. And her head tilted into her pillows to follow him as he settled back between her legs, as though he belonged there. The grip she held onto the sheets at her sides dug in deeper, and her body was once again overcome with an overbearing feeling of heat and desire as she felt pressure on her skin. And then her lips parted, and a deep gasp erupted from the back of her throat, ending in a hissed wince as she realized the heat that she was feeling was from the way his talons dug into her flesh, marking her as his own.

Isadora's heartbeat was once again in her ears, and her body writhed underneath him. Her lungs began to expand and empty at a rapid pace as her body dealt with the possessive pain, and her back arched as her thighs were forced open, splaying herself to his vision. A shudder escaped her lips and she felt a rush of heat smash into her face, an aggressive blush taking hold over her pale features as she came to realize he was devouring her with his eyes. And the way his voice boomed once more in her mind had her hands shaking within their grip, eager to do as she was told, but also terrified to let the sheets go.

With a thick swallow, the young woman pried her hands from the silk below them, and after unsuccessfully attempting to hold back a wince as her fingers dragged over a fresh mark his talons had left on her hip, her hands came together between her spread thighs. "All of this.." she sighed in response, her hands shaky but growing more confident as she felt her fingers slide over her inner thighs. The heat there wasn't from his rough touch; instead, she knew it was from her own body, her desire and lust still unmistakable even through the pain. She glided her fingers over the wet surrounding skin, slowly following its trail to her virgin slit, which was already slightly stretched open from the way he positioned her legs. Once she felt its bare opening, Isadora's left hand came to rest on her mound, and she used her middle finger and index finger to help spread her lips further for his eyes. A soft gasp escaped as her right hand slowly came to meet against her slick entrance, and the moment she touched herself, it was like something inside of her kickstarted that hadn't quite been activated yet.

Her back arched once more off the bed, and her hips squirmed as her right index finger slid up her soaked slit, and came to settle on the throbbing nub of nerves above it. "All of it. All of me. All yours to claim." The words escaped her mouth, she could hear them with her own ears, but she didn't remember opening her lips.. vocalizing the thoughts that were booming within her mind. It was as though her body was working on its own instinct, an instinct she didn't know she had. And with a deep breath, Isadora's index finger dipped back down from toying with her clit, only to plunge without pause inside of her.

the unhallowed

"the devil comes as everything you've ever wished for."


Promised horrors were reflected in the unnatural eyes that gazed upon her, and beyond the horizon of its strange gaze lay fields of agonizing pleasure. There was nothing but a satisfied encouragement in the darkened mien, the obsidian visage a frightening tableau mixing lust, agony, and need into a mingled emotion with no clear human definition. This was an eternal maw somewhere within the Unhallowedโ€™s spirit, swallowing all that Isadora was capable of giving akin to the moon eclipsing the sun, casting a spiritual shadow cross the beauty of the young girlโ€™s soul. And the beauty before it whispered her undulating want, promising him the bounty of flesh that was spread now to slake his unholy hunger. And what an offering she was, spread with the erstwhile endeavor of a flagrant whore, a growing recognition within her flesh that nothing had ever inspired such a heady mixture of slickness beading upon the folds of her magnificent mound. The realization was like a flower blossoming in the womanโ€™s mind, and the Unhallowed watched it manifest in her demeanor as the restraint of societyโ€™s demands fell away in the privacy of their unsacred abode. Here, in the bedroom of Wyck manor, in the remnants of Isadoraโ€™s desecrated life, they created an unholy heaven to their love.

Hands touch her thighs once more, but now they clamped down upon her gorgeous alabaster skin, the inhuman appendages alien in their length, each coming to that razor sharp tip which cut into Isadoraโ€™s flesh. There would be no mistaking its presence now, no wishing away the nightmare. It thrived off the terror it instilled within her, and yet even through her fear the angelic woman was a willing servant to itโ€™s want. She would give, and give, and give of herself until there was nothing left to be taken, should the Unhallowed so crave it of her. A low hiss could be heard as it watched her fingering herself, deriving a perverse pleasure from the exhibitionistic delight Isadora began to experience. As her own wanton needs manifested, so too did the Unhallowed grow in desperate want, its eyes blazing as it fed off the heat radiating from mortal form. There could be no doubt, not any longer at least, that it was a symbiotic relationship formed. Energy granted and given in turn, feeding and returning tenfold. And the Unhallowed would destroy the world, would murder and rampage, simply for the sight of Isadora nude before its very eyes.

It has been you, through countless eons, calling to me, Isadora. Drawing me onward, through oblivion. I am the absence of warmth, but you are the fire which sustains. Light in the dark, dawn upon the blasted landscape of my existence. And I must taste of you, life upon my tongue.

And taste the Unhallowed did.

In some twisted sick incarnation of communion this creature, for it could not be granted the honor of being called man, whispered its prayers without the presence of air within its lungs. It spoke them between the thighs of Isadora Van Wyck, the seat of her divine womanly sexual this things altar. Lowering itself in fascinating fashion, for no human skeleton could move in such grotesque unnatural motion. The dark locks of hair were all Isadora could see as the Unhallowed joined her fingers at that tight crevice, a tongue coming to caress as it pushed with exotic depth inside of her cunt. This time the noise that grew was not a hiss, but a horrid mewling like that of a beast feasting upon the finest of meals. Wicked yearning noises as its mouth began to work, face pressing close, drinking from the chalice of her sex with a lewdness that was unheard of. Most would have said that the act of oral sex was often a refined one, done with the pleasing intention of eliciting the softest of sighs. There was no such poised skillfulness granted from her dark paramour. The intruding appendage wiggled, it worked, it inserted further than it had any right to do so. But more importantly, it reveled. The beast between her thighs rejoiced in the slick cream that coated its tongue.

Pray with me, Isadora.
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