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Dreamland (OOC) Need players


Sep 8, 2010
(Bare with me I just signed up to this site and I'm looking for people to try this rp with)

Dream Land

Carla looked around her, in complete disbelief. She was back in her dreamland again with everything exactly like she had created it. A beautiful world of make believe where she could escape to when she was a child, she was 17 when she had last been here. What could have possibly brought her here now?

Carla looked down at her body; she was wearing a beautiful white dress, the one she wore for her fantasy wedding here, but realised her mistake just in time. Catching sight of her reflection in the near by river, she realised she was 17 again. What was happening?

Suddenly she felt sick; her ‘dream man’ who had forcibly become the master and controller of HER dream world had brought her back against her will. Carla didn’t need long to guess what for. Revenge! For leaving him standing at the alter.

Her hands shot to her mouth in terror “Paige” she said aloud, she had a beautiful daughter since she last came here, where was she now? Carla’s heart started to beat violently inside her chest, never before had she been so afraid. Tears welled up in her eyes and we dropping down her cheeks, had it been possible that both worlds of fantasy and reality had collided? If so, her baby was in terrible danger.

No sooner had her daughters name left Carla’s lips when a loud and unmistakable evil laugh echoed through the land, and the voice that followed undoubtedly belonged to her ‘dream man’ Carlos.

“You know…she could have been mine Carla” His voice echoed deeply and nastily “I could have given you everything you desired, anything you wished. I’m simply claiming what is mine” He laughed again and whispered “If you want her back Carla, come to me and get her”. The voice faded, and Carla was left standing alone, completely alone. Nobody or no thing was around to help her, and she wondered just how much of her world he had taken over by him in her absence.

Carlos had even grown strong enough to call her back to her fantasy land unwillingly, and even kidnap the one thing she treasured most – her daughter, right from the grasp of reality.

With tears stinging her eyes and panic inhabiting her trembling body, she set off on the long journey to the boundaries of her created world, to his castle where she knew her daughter would be. Carla had taken too little care of this place when she had been forced to escape all that time ago, and now she began to realise just how much. Her guilt was overwhelming. The magical world in which she had created was turning into a nightmare land, from which there was no way of escaping, and it was all her fault.

Rules, Details and Information about the Role

* No God Modding!

* Any Characters or any species welcome. They can be good or evil I don't mind, it would be better if we had a balance between the two. Some can be on Carlos's side, some on Carla's, some pissed of at her for leaving them to stew in the mess, and some of them glad to see her and want to help her on her quest etc.

* Carlos needs to be taken before we start (Remember he is power mad and completly evil) and wants Carla for his own.

* I will play Carla.

*Stephen - A knight Carla meets along the way, one of the people who want to help her, and she ends up falling for him.

Anyone's welcome so you can choose how important your character can be to the role.

* Must be Detailed
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