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Issue Move to folder not working


Oct 1, 2024
United States
I have noticed that since I first started on this site ~2 months ago, the "move to folder" option in conversations does not work. When I select a conversation then the menu at the bottom of the page pops up with actions, if I click on "Move to folder..." it throws an error 100% of the time regardless of if I am on mobile or PC. See below for a screenshot of the issue.

This has indeed been a known issue for a while. You can still move individual conversations by opening them, clicking on the dropdown (which says "(Inbox)" by default) and selecting the desired folder from there.

That workaround doesn't help with conversations you've left, however.
I was aware of being able to move individual conversations as a workaround. Wasnt sure if this was a known issue or not so I wanted to get it on the radar.
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