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Junior Agents of SHIELD (DemonicOne & Dbspock)

While Courtney didnt want to ignore the problem, dealing with it right now with her head throbbing was not likely going to result in solving it either. She walked away towards the bathroom where she quickly grabbed a couple of aspirin and popped them into her mouth before washing them down with a drink of water before going into her bedroom and closing the door to change out of her robe into her pajamas.

Once she was changed she lay in bed for a moment before picking up her phone since she was unable to sleep and she started to look into the Injustice League and the staff that had come after her earlier that evening.


Skye shrugged "Maybe, who knows. Its what I was taught and Ive never had anyone really correct me. Even though I thought it was a bit odd especially given that my foster brother was a bit of a pervert but I digress." She walked to the door of Barrys room and was about to go in and find what character he wanted but she realized he still hadnt told her how he wanted her drawn.

"I know I dont have to draw it but I mean you asked me if I would and you said you would pay me for it right? So why wouldnt I do it? Its not like youre asking me for anything absurd. Its just a drawing of a female comic book character that may or may not have clothes on."
All the internet had to show about the staff was an artist rendering from the 1950's in a scientific magazine. At least until the 1980's when a comics character called the All-Star Kid started using one in the comics.

Courtney's research into the Injustice Society was a bit more promising. There were several links pointing her to newspaper articles from the fifties and sixties, but every link she clicked on said either 'file not found' or an apology that the newspaper had no been digitally scanned before it was destroyed in a fire. At least until Courtney clicked on the site that brought her to a conspiracy board. There, among the claims that the President was an alien and your neighbor was a werewolf were a couple threads that postulated Hitler had teamed up with the Injustice League and had almost found the Spear of Destiny, which would have changed the course of the war if they hadn't been stopped by either a secret government program or aliens.


"Your foster brother was very much a pervert and that's not at all normal." Barry couldn't help but feel he was losing out on a big chance here, but he knew it was wrong. This wasn't some little white lie with no real consequences...accepting any form of sex from Skye under these circumstances would have been the wrongest thing he could think of. he knew that better than he knew anything.

"Right." Barry agreed. He'd be happy to pay Skye for a drawing, but..."Only if you want to." He reiterated, then blushed as she mentioned the clothing thing again. "Uh...maybe in a bikini?" Barry suggested with a blush.
The more she looked at this the more she couldnt take her eyes off it. It was like a bad train wreck. You want to look away but its just so enticing that you cant. She wanted to learn more about this 'spear of destiny' so she posted a message on the forum under a fake name with a dummy email she had just created under yet another fake name. She decided to post and see if anyone knew anything more about the spear. What it did? Where it came from? And more importantly why would it be attracted to her and not anyone else in her family?


Skye shrugged "Yeah y'know I kind of figured that. Especially with what he did to me on my last birthday. But its whatever. So long as I cooperate and do what Im told I wont get in trouble and I wont have to go back so..." She shrugged. At this point she was still very much a broken young woman mentally. She had been indoctrinated by Lonnie into thinking that so long as she offered herself up for sex when it was asked she would be fine and never have to move away again.

"You keep saying that 'only if you want to' but I keep telling you I dont mind! Drawing is a passion of mine and its the one thing in my life I havent been absolute shit at." She said and picked up her paper and pencil. "Ill get to work on it and have you a rough draft by dinnertime."
The minute Courtney posted her message, she got a half dozen responses. Two just wanted to know if she was busy later, one promised her to tell her everything she might want to know about the spear if she sent them a nude photo, but one stood out from the rest. It used the handle 'Microchip' and told her the spear of Destiny was the spear the Romans used on Jesus Christ when he was on the cross, and it was supposed to have mystical powers. It was also supposed to be in either the Pentagon, Ethiopia, or Area 51, he wasn't sure which.


It certainly didn't sound like whatever to Barry, but he didn't want to push her. It sounded like she had too much of that already in her life. "You won't get sent back." Barry rushed to assure her. "As for cooperating...well, yeah. Mom and Dad have rules you are supposed to follow, but its stuff like going to bed on time and doing your homework. They'll probably assign you chores, too, but it'll be stuff like doing the dishes or taking the trash out. what you were thinking earlier." He nodded when she assured him she didn't mind making a drawing for him. "All right that's cool, but...could you make it a picture of us? Maybe as superheroes or something?" Barry grinned at her, quite enjoying the thought of having a drawing of the two of them on his wall.
Courtney was smart enough to weed out the creeps who only wanted to get into her pants and didnt have any real information. It didnt take long to do a mass block on all of them either. Eventually she got a message from a user names 'Microchip' who mentioned that the spear was what the Romans used to kill Jesus and something about mystical powers? {Something to look into later. If this thing has mystical powers then why is it in my house and not locked up somewhere?} She put her phone down, pulled on her sleep mask and proceeded to go to sleep. Whether she slept soundly or not though was an entirely different story.


"Well," Skye started off "Ill do whatever it takes to avoid going back to that place. Theres so many kids there and not enough beds or food to go around. the only reason I didnt run away was I dont have anywhere to run. I was constantly moved from town to town so I never got to make too many friends because the moment i did it seemed like that was the end of that home for me and I was going back the next day." She shrugged it off not wanting to think about how many friends she left behind in other cities.

"Hm? Us as...superheroes? I thought you wanted that one lady? The one from your comic? I mean if you want me to draw us then sure I can do that too I suppose." She shrugged as she was just confused why the major pivot from wanting her to draw a comic book character to wanting to make them into comic book characters.
The next morning, when Courtney woke up, the small of pancakes and sausage was in the basement. If Courtney checked, she would discover Pat, Barbara, and Mike in the kitchen eating said pancakes and sausage. But the first thing she would likely notice is that the staff was laying in bed next to her.


Barry nodded when she talked about the problems with her foster home. He'd heard about such issues, but never from someone who had lived it. "No matter what you do, you won't be sent back there." Barry told her firmly. Sure, he'd told her that before, but it seemed she needed all the reassurance he could offer. He shrugged and smiled sheepishly when she questioned his new choice of a drawing. "I already have comics full of Scarlet." He pointed out. "All I have of you is a picture I haven't even printed out yet."
Courtney woke to the smell of food coming from upstairs as she yawned and removed her sleep mask before looking next to her as she felt something else in her bed though she wasnt sure what. She looked and saw the staff in her bed. "What the hell?" She said to herself as she shifted up in her bed. She looked at the staff and decided to pick it up this time and see what happened.


Skye smiled softly when Barry reassured her she wouldnt be sent back and before she could get any more words out her stomach audibly grumbled. "Sorry about that." She laughed awkwardly. "Guess Im getting hungry. Ill get started on your drawing after food yeah?" She said as she looked at Barry "And thanks by the way. For making me feel so welcome. Its the most like home any place has ever felt like to me."
The staff lay there totally inert until Courtney picked it up, at which point it began to glow, not brightly, but if the room was dark it would have served as a night light. It also began to, not hum exactly, but vibrate at a frequency Courtney could feel more than hear. It also began to gently tug her in the direction of the door of her bedroom.


Barry actually giggled a bit as he heard Skye's stomach growl. "Yeah, I guess so." He reached out to take her hand, then quickly thought better of it in light of their previous conversation. He didn't want to push her boundaries. "Well, you should feel welcome because you are." He assured her, then turned and headed for the stairs. "Come's my turn to cook dinner, so we're having spaghetti, and you're going to help." He teased her, then turned red as he once again thought better of it. "I mean, if you want to." He hastened to add.

(Sorry about that...I thought I posted this)
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