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So who else is an aspiring writer?


Dec 23, 2024
Harrisburg, PA
Hi all! Through my years roleplaying I've met some other people who are trying to develop their writing skills through roleplay. And I've also met plenty of folks who are just into roleplay for the fun of it. So who all here is aspiring to be a writer of some kind and who is here for the vibes?
I have no illusions about my capacity to make any kind of career from my writing. I write here for the fun of it. My writing is reasonable, and there's always room for improvement.
I come here periodically for vibes alone, but writing is a thing like reading; you develop your writing skill with every message, forum post, instagram post, etc. It's more of a muscle than a skill, so... it's always gonna be a little bit of both :p
I do plan to publish my Valorverse into some kind of novel or graphic novel at some point down the road. I do a lot of writing for fun, too. So, I'm in both camps.
I try. Emphasis on 'try'. Even if you don't come up with something all that good, it's worth at least putting the practice in.
I like partners who challenge me as a writer. If that be long posts, complex scenes, and/or near flawless writing. I've off and on had thought about publishing, but with AI and most people having the attention span of a nat these days, I don't really think about it anymore. I still might want to write a few books for myself one day, but I kinda doubt I will. It's the pressure and help of having someone write with me that makes it productive. Still, writing is a skill; a fun skill to me, so it is something I would like to keep getting better at. I've always enjoyed writing over reading too. I never read books... but I love to read my partners' replies to my writing!
As in, if I want to write a book or a poetry anthology? Heavens, no. Once upon a time, sure, but that's long since gone out the window. That doesn't mean, however, that I'm not passionate about my stories! I put a lot of effort and thought into each and every post I do. My stories are my babies.
I'd say I am, yes, though I have terrible trouble putting word to paper outside of the context of roleplays.
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