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Fx Male Historical Based Plots


May 6, 2023
I've been neglecting my historical based plots for a while, and would love to write one with an interested partner. These would ideally be more plot centered rather than smut.

-A mail-order bride pairing out on the American west
-A lady in waiting, freshly brought to court, selected by a king to be either his next mistress or his eventual queen
-An older man (mid 30s-early 40s) wedding the daughter of his late friend (early 20s) to support her (could be Regency, Victorian, etc)

I'll add more as they come along!

I have small plots for each, but we can always talk them out together. :)

About Me:
  • I've been roleplaying for around 20 years.
  • I typically write at least 2 paragraphs a post.
  • I write in 3rd person.
  • I won't write anything too extreme when it comes to kinks.
  • I like plotting and chatting OOC, but please remember this is not a dating site.
Ideally I'd like to write this over PM rather than a board, but I can ultimately write it wherever. I ask for my partner to be literate and willing to actively plot with me. I also ask that my partner be comfortable with my spotty schedule. I will ONLY write with those 21 and over.

I'm sure there's plenty more to talk about, so send me a PM if you're interested!
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