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Fx Male Mytty (Saarah)'s RP Request Thread!


Awoo? Awoo!
Apr 18, 2020
Hello! It's been a while since I've been around! I am planning on changing my name when possible, please call me "Saarah" if possible.

I'm looking for some RP partners! To be honest I'm very much hoping to be able to do stories in the settings I'm working on, to explore and just have fun. But I'm open to doing other things too!

Okay so! Here we go. I like to do longer-style RPs with actual storylines (even though they can fizzle) but I'm also willing to do some shorter one-shots (especially with people I know). I like smaller slice-of-life plots, as well as large, save-the-world plots, and everything in between. I very much prefer to play the submissive, bottom female/omega type of character. I do like plenty of smut, though.

My biggest kink, I would have to say, is impregnation -- including ABO/Omegaverse Mpreg. I really like happy stories/families/couples/harems. I know that conflict is needed for stories, but I prefer to keep away from themes that are too dark, especially without prior discussion.

Some of my other favorite kinks include: Exotic equipment (I really like knots), Light humiliation (Like being called a cute little slut or "my breeding bitch" or such), and rough but still loving sex. I will add more as I think of them and if I remember to.

Communication is a must for me. I like to chat and make friends with my writing partners, instead of keeping it to being "just business". I enjoy plotting and workshopping... and if someone is willing, I quite like to share my solo writing and maybe RP in my settings!

Find my settings below! Feel free to send a text if you have interest!

Listed alphabetically we have:

  • Archipelago: A modern-ish post apocalyptic setting where the world was shattered into a number of isles following world-wide war These isles, floating aimlessly above the core, are surrounded by a dark mist which is extremely difficult to navigate through. Creatures made of pure darkness -- phantoms -- spill from the core, impervious to bullets and heavily resistant to other standard weaponry. On the moon that orbit the archipelago lives the Immortal, a strange but gallant humanoid that created a sanctuary. But it's not a safe haven for the people, instead it is an academy to help train special people, known as metafolk, how to use their unique abilities to fight the phantoms and protect their home from further destruction.

  • Battlesoul: A fantastical modern-ish setting inspired by fighting games/anime. To certain people, fighting is more than a hobby, a way to blow off steam. It is a way of life -- or rather, the essence of their lives. These Battlesouls are driven to train their style and perfect their skills, and driven to challenge other battlesouls. The reason for this compulsion is unknown, but those with it will invariably have skills beyond other people with martial arts, magic, a weapon... Given the immense power level of a battlesoul, the world government saw fit to create specialized arenas for them to fight in. Of course, these fights were televised, with battlesouls becoming celebrities, and a world-wide tournament system being put in place.

  • Crucible: Fantasy LitRPG. Life on the surface has become almost unsustainable due to the massive amount of extremely strong monsters that call the land home. The folk have been forced underground, living in one large bastion of a city which was built around the base of the massive tower known as the Crucible. With resources and material difficult to come by outside the walls, noble adventurers venture into the crucible, travelling further and further up it's seemingly endless levels in order to gather monster parts and other items necessary for survival. Thus are these resources used to outfit the adventurers with better gear, so they can hunt stronger monsters and help the city survive. And thus does the cycle continue.

  • Era of Ur: Galactic Science Fiction. Following the discovery of a parallel plane full of energy known as Ur, humanity was able to leave their home system to spread amongst the stars. With FTL and other technology being powered by Ur, humanity entered a golden age even as they encountered and befriended the other species that call the Milky Way home. However, despite the relative peace of the galaxy, not everything is perfect. Beyond your occasional pirate, the Urbeasts -- denizens of the Urplane, -- stalk the shadows, seeking for opportunities to strike. They seem to be drawn to the usage of Ur, so any ship that is set to engage in inter-system travel is armed as well as their crew. Lately, the attacks seem to have been happening more and more often, leaving many to wonder why...

  • Kenterra:
  • My flagship crystalpunk-fantasy setting. Long ago, the Dark Lord imprisoned the great mother spirit of the world Kenterra, and enslaved the twelve races of kin, In her last effort to save her children, Kenterra dispersed herself. Powerful crystals of solid Kenergy sprouted from the ground like mushrooms. These crystals, which became the basis for all technology on Kenterra, as well as the newfound ability for the kin to weave kenergy into magical spells, finally allowed the kin to rebel and defeat the Dark Lord. Once he was gone, strange dungeons began popping up across the land, full of monsters and loot. Though the kin live in peace with one another, Guilds and freelance adventurers delve into these dungons to clear them. Some hope doing so will return great mother Kenterra to them. Others feel it is Kenterra herself preparing her children for another fight against darkness...
  • Kenterra is the planet that the kin live upon. Kenterra is the Mother Goddess, progenitor of the dragons, forces of nature and guardians of life. Long ago, however, Kenterra was but a lonely woman, a lonely hunk of dead rock floating through the void of space. It wasn’t until the Primordial arose and found his way to her that Mother Kenterra was no longer alone. The Goddess and the Primordial – named Tael – grew close. From this bond came the dragons. Creatures born of love, and powerful forces of nature. With the combined powers of the dragons, life flourished on Kenterra. And so did the Kin emerge. Each dragon was made the patron of a kin, to lead them through the ages.

    Not all was always well on Kenterra. There were fights, disagreements, wars. It wasn’t until the twin darkness, Chaos and Ruin, attacked that the kin saw what they could accomplish if they worked together. Utilizing woven Ken – magic – and weaponry powered by Crystallized Kenenic Energy – Known as Kenencrystals (or simply Crystals in common parlance) – the war against the twins was won. But not without cost. Mother Kenterra and Tael sealed themselves away from the world, sacrificing their own freedom to save their children. The dragons disappeared, leaving in their place the Dragon Towers.

    Now, a millennia after the Twin War, Chaos and Ruin have broken from their prisons. Ruin’s Miasma once more creeps into the night, feeding off the nightmares of kin. Chaos takes these nightmares and makes them reality, a force of dark creatures to fight their battles. It is time for the kin to once more join forces. The twin darknesses, however, make this difficult with their powers. Nightmares, fear, paranoia. But a new hope has arisen in the dragonborne. With their special abilities, thought to be born of dragonsblood, they are believed to be the saviors of the kin. To defeat the monsters at the crown of each tower, and seal away the Twin Darkness forever.

    Yet another legend exists. That of the Taelesol. It is said that, until the Taelesol is found, the dragonborn will be unable to succeed. That the kin will forever be disparate, fighting a losing war on their own. That legend does not stop the Dragonborne from trying, though.

  • Lektra City: A cyberpunk-type setting taking place in one large, neon-coated city surrounded by little else. Lektra City is tiered, with the tier you live on indicative of your "importance" to the city. On the highest tier, you have those that the city considers "indispensable" such as the CEOs of the three major corporations that fight for command of the city. And on the lowest tier, you have your average folk that work outside of the Big Three, among others. There are also the tierless, hose who refuse to submit to the system. Generally mercenaries of various kinds, there are some who work for the Big Three, as well as those who fight against the inherent inequality by stealing from the rich and helping the poor -- with a little cut for themselves, of course.

  • Rampage of the Forces: A world where the forces of nature are controlled by the Great Beasts, which wander the surface of the planet – causing destruction and change in their wake. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, the forces are revered by the people of the world. Though they can cause destruction, the people are well used to such, and their settlements are suited to utilize the changing terrain. However, lately,.the forces have begun to rage – a far cry from their usual aimless movements. There are even stories of people being attacked by servant fae of the forces, raising the question of "Why?"

  • Regios: What do you do when giant monsters threaten your home? You make fighting mechs, that's what! The Reus, massive creatures of which no two are ever quite alike, have been rampaging in the systems of the Empire for generations now. And not long after it began, the Regios were created. Though smaller than the Reus, each Regios is a custom-made, specialized maching piloted by an elite driver, trained specifically on that Regios through their entire time at academy. When a team of these drivers takes on a Reus, the people cheer for their heroes.

  • Skysea: On a world where the land floats on a sea of clouds, the era of colonizing has begun. A race between kingdoms and nations to explore more of the world. It is a time of expansion and adventure, of pirates and navies, of freedom. Many freelance crews make a living as privateers, hunting down the pirates that attack the innocent, or even as freelance explorers for a nation. There is plenty of opportunity for those who know where to look.

  • Stellar Souls: People are able to live their normal lives thanks to the force called The Stellar. A group drawn from all walks of life, these young men and women are gifted a second life after a brush with the forces of darkness. A stellar creature, to become their familiar, bonds with them, infusing their life force with the power of stars! In exchange for this, the First Star expects each Stellar to fight for the light, to slay the malformed creatures of dark and shine bright in the night!
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Bumpity bump-bump! No new settings or plots, but I'm always open! I'd love to do my settings, but it doesn't have to be one of them
Bump! I have a new/reworked setting that I would like to RP in if someone is interested. It's not wholly done yet, but the basic history should be enough to give ideas for the setting :D
(Would also love to discuss it if anyone wants)

Kenterra is the planet that the kin live upon. Kenterra is the Mother Goddess, progenitor of the dragons, forces of nature and guardians of life. Long ago, however, Kenterra was but a lonely woman, a lonely hunk of dead rock floating through the void of space. It wasn’t until the Primordial arose and found his way to her that Mother Kenterra was no longer alone. The Goddess and the Primordial – named Tael – grew close. From this bond came the dragons. Creatures born of love, and powerful forces of nature. With the combined powers of the dragons, life flourished on Kenterra. And so did the Kin emerge. Each dragon, each Pandryl, was made the patron of a kin, to lead them through the ages.

Not all was always well on Kenterra. There were fights, disagreements, wars. It wasn’t until the twin darkness, Chaos and Ruin, attacked that the kin saw what they could accomplish if they worked together. Utilizing woven Ken – magic – and weaponry powered by Crystallized Kenenic Energy – Known as Kencrystals (or simply Crystals in common parlance) – the war against the twins was won. But not without cost. Mother Kenterra and Tael sealed themselves away from the world, sacrificing their own freedom to save their children. The dragons disappeared, leaving in their place the pillars of gods.

Now, a millennia after the Twin War, Chaos and Ruin have broken from their prisons. Ruin’s Miasma creeps into the night, feeding off the nightmares of kin. Chaos takes these nightmares and makes them reality, a force of dark creatures to fight their battles. It is time for the kin to once more join forces. The twin darknesses, however, make this difficult with their powers. Nightmares, fear, paranoia. But a new hope has arisen in the dragonborn, the Pandrylyr. With their special abilities, thought to be born of dragonblood, they are believed to be the saviors of the kin. To defeat the monsters at the crown of each tower, and seal away the Twin Darkness forever.

Yet another legend exists. That of the Taelesol, the son of Tael. It is said that, until the Taelesol is found, the dragonborn will be unable to unite. That the kin will forever be disparate, fighting a losing war on their own. That legend has not stopped the Pandyrlyr from trying, though.
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