John Waters
From their first experiments with sex in their teens Ember and John had had a very intimate friendship but entirely on a playful level, and they had always told each other of their experiments, discoveries and experiences, (and later on their conquests). John knew when Ember had given her first blowjob within the hour of it happening and Ember had known the first time John had fingered a girl within just a few minutes after the girl had reciprocated with a handjob. As they grew more experienced these reports had become more detailed but this, what Ember was doing, the teasing, was a whole new level of physical intimacy between them and when she ran her finger along the sensitive underside of his throbbing cock it almost sent him into an orgasmic spasm. Then as he watched her lick the few drops of his precum of her finger he almost came again. But the coup de grace was when she pinned him down with the small of her back pressing against his now aching cock. He could literally take no more but then she kissed him and pushed the pink pill into his mouth.
He swallowed and waited with his eyes closed. He knew it might take a few seconds to take effect but it felt like forever and then he felt a tingling sensation both around his nipples and in his groin. The mix of the two sensation, growing breasts and also his cock swelling to a size bigger than even his most solid erection up to that point, probably in preparation for its transformation into a vagina, was however too much and no longer in control of his body he ejaculated against the small of Ember's back. His testicles and cock throbbed and spasmed more intensely than he had ever experienced before and he let out a loud cry of pleasure as he got a very small taste of a female orgasm because by the time he felt in control again, at least to some extent, he was now she.
Her thighs were still shaking and her lower abdomen was still contracting, as well as ... her vaginal walls, she supposed. Her nipples suddenly felt much more sensitive as they chafed against her t-shirt, which was now both tighter (over her breasts) and looser over her abs. The sensation of those post orgasmic spasms that had begun as a male ejaculation now seemed to demand more and rather than feeling spent Joan felt herself even more aroused than she had been before the transformation. She had a feeling that if she didn't stop, but continued to stimulate herself, or to be stimulated by Ember (or the man she would transform into after she took her pill) would lead her to unknown heights of pleasure, pleasure she had never dared dream about.
She reached down with her left hand into the loose underwear and felt the wetness of her cunt. She let out a groan at the unfamiliar feeling as it shot up her spine making her nipples stiffen to the point where they almost hurt. With her right hand she pulled her face close to Ember's face and returned the kiss and then in a low, almost breathless, whisper said: "Oh fuck wow. That was ... I don't fucking know what that was but I tell you a guy ... girl could easily become addicted to it."
She chuckled feeling aroused, happy and barely corporeal. It was more like she was no more than a bundle of nerve endings and sexual energy floating around the room.
"Is it ... always like that," she asked and bit her bottom lips.