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What it feels like for a girl/boy MsBloom x ColonelLiam


Jul 24, 2020
Northern Europe
John Waters

John hadn't been able to stop giggling as he made his way from the common rooms up to the dorms but he couldn't really say what was so funny. It probably wasn't anything at all really, just a reaction to the combination of a few beers too many and a joint. It had been the last party of freshman year at Harvard and in a couple of weeks he and his bff from way back Ember would be going home for the summer. She was just a few steps behind him and then as he fumbled to put the key into the door to the room they shared he remembered what had been so funny. With the queue to the bathrooms extending for what had seemed like miles the two of them had snuck out behind the fratority because they both needed to pee desperately, (again the result of a few too many beers). And having chosen a tree next to the bush where Ember had squatted down John had let out a moan as he began to relieve his bladder.
"It is almost fucking better than cumming," he had said and started giggling.
This had sparked a jocular discussion on the topic of what orgasms felt like for the opposite sex which had been going on between giggles all the way up to the third floor and still was going on as he finally managed to get the key into the lock.
"So like ... it is kind of explosive, like when the cum shoots out of the cock ... like ... I dunno ... when you unblock a hose with water being pumped into it but with no release until you ... remove your thumb from the opening."
Ember Jones

Ember followed John up the stairs to the room they shared in the co-ed dorm. Unfastening her skirt, she let it drop to the floor and flopped into her bed, her panty clad bottom breaking her otherwise board like frame as she lay on her tummy, head turned to the room.

"A blocked up garden hose?" she said, joining her friend in light airy laughter at that description of the male orgasm.

Slowly she got up and sat on her bed, sitting crosslegged, as she pulled her purse over and lit up another joint. Smoking in the dorms was an invitation for trouble but she was tipsy enough to ignore that particular risk right now.

She inhaled and coughed as he tried to hold the smoke in her petite body before she handed it to John. "So what if you just never take your thumb off the end? And why do so many boys struggle to put their thumb on it in the first place?" she asked with a smirk before blowing the smoke out, towards the window.
John Waters

John had similarly removed his clothes all the way down to his boxer briefs and for some reason one sock, holding the other in his right hand. As he pondered the question he took a deep drag on the joint, held the smoke and exhaled slowly, almost pensively.
"Honestly, I think it actually goes back into the testicles and well then you get blue balls, I mean ... we ... us poor sods born with the damned uncomfortable things, we get blue balls and it fucking hurts like a motherfucker."
Suddenly much less giggly and more serious he sat down on the bed next to Ember, handing her back the joint.
"What about you then? I mean do you too get something like that if your orgasm is interrupted? Or if you don't have one for like several days?"
Ember Jones

Ember grinned and rolled over on her back, aware of the warmth between her legs. She had been hoping for some kind of hook up that evening, but nothing had really come through and she idly ran and hand down her belly and over her panties. "So it hurts not to and that's why so many guys around here can't last more than 2 minutes?" she teased her old friend.

She pondered his question as she took another drag of the join. "It's hard to explain, with too many guys they only really start to warm me up before they're done. They think a few gasps and moans are the end. I don't even have to fake it because they think they already did it for me." she said somewhat sullenly. "In the end it just feels sorta empty and aching."

He hand the join back and then punched his upper arm playfully. "And you already know the answer to the second part. If I'm in the mood I'm like a cat in heat for a few days. But even then I don't think with my clit, the way you think with your dick." she said, sticking her tongue out at him. Her other hand was still stroking along the edges of her panties, inhibitions lowered. "It's hard to explain. I don't think you can really understand if you're not a girl."
John Waters

"Right there. That's what I mean," John said and turned on his side to look at his childhood friend.
She certainly had grown up and he had barely noticed. In many ways she was still this lanky, kind of tomboyish, flat-chested, girl with whom he used to play video games or go on bike rides in the country with, climb trees and get into fights with, back to back against all and any who made fun of either of them. Sure they still played video games together, and had each others' backs but it was as if until that moment he had never really seen her ... as a girl ... in that way.

She still was tall and lanky with a rather straight body shape and a relatively flat chest but still. She was absolutely gorgeous, he realised and to his embarrassment he felt himself getting an erection. This had never happened before, not because of Ember like now. To hide it he rolled over onto his stomach and continued his thought.
"You can't really explain it, and you can't really find out from experience, can you?"
Ember Jones

Ember saw how John shifted onto his stomach as he grilled her about the mysteries of the female orgasm. They had been friends and now roomed together long enough that she could recognize when he was trying to hide an erection, though she was so used to him being disinterested in his "Baton Rouge" friend that she didn't think that it was related to her now.

Still, it presented an opportunity taking another pull of the joint, she playfuly pressed it between his lips, and then shifted on the bed, moving to sort of lay over his back as she clawed for her purse.

After several long moments of writhing on top of her friend, she finally got what she wanted out of the little tote, and placed it in front of John. Ten packaged pills, 5 pastel pink, 5 baby blue were in their individual blisters, each stamped with "X-Change".

"Experience huh.... well have you ever considered taking one of these to answer your questions?" she asked. as she settled on her side next to John, taking the joint back and gauging his reaction to her ownership of a thousand dollars worth of the new genderswap drug.
John Waters

John looked curiously at the pills in Ember's hand. He had of course heard of this experimental drug, rumours and well something that largely sounded like the beginning of a conspiracy theory where no one was any longer supposed to be man or woman but everyone should be a sexless They. He of course had just shrugged off such insinuations but had at the same time felt that the idea of this new experimental drug was interesting. It was perhaps not something he had had talked about to anyone really, not even Ember, not before today at least, but he had been curious for a long time about what it felt like to physically, anatomically, felt like to be a girl, not just sex either but for instance things like riding a bike with a vagina instead of a cock and ball sack, the weight of breasts, not that Ember was particularly well endowed in that department but he was sure it would still feel different than what it felt like for him, and then there were the dreaded period as well. And even if he had never heard a single female ever speak of it in a positive manner (except perhaps when it appeared late and signalled that they had not got pregnant on their last recklessly condomless one night stand), he was still curious about it. None of this however had ever felt as if he did not want to be a man but rather what he found intriguing was the possibility to switch whenever he felt like it. He knew of course that there were side effects to this drug, some rather serious and severe, like for instance the one in a million chance that the effect turned out to be permanent.

And now here was his long time friend with five blues and five pinks. He couldn't help but wonder how she had come about them. They were supposedly both expensive and hard to come by since they were still considered rather experimental and not officially on the market yet since there was a lot of controversy about the moral aspects of it and the FDA had not yet approved it for commercial sale.
"Where ... did you get those," he asked and picked up the pink ones, (assuming they were the ones that turned a male into a female).
"I mean ... What? How ... how long have you had those," he continued and now sat up in the bed, not really bothering that he in that way exposed the erection he still had through his boxer briefs.
"I mean ... who were you intending to use them with ... I mean ..."
He fell silent and just looked at Ember and then covered his crotch with a pillow while still holding the pills in his hand.
Ember Jones

Ember grinned as her longtime best friend became more and more flustered. She could tell that he was struggling to hide his growing arroussal, though she didn't think she had anything to with it. John had never made a move towards her in his life apart from them practicing kissing in their early teens. Why would it be different now.

She took the blunt and took another drag, finishing it off and snubbing it out on the windowsill with one hand while she continued to rub herself absentmindedly with her other hand, the front of her panties growing just a little darker, and a distinct fragance joining the smell of marijuana in the room.

"You remember Cody?" she asked, referencing a boy from their math class she had gone on a few dates with but who had not been in a few weeks. "He tried pledging to one of the frats and as part of the initiation they made him take a pink pill. Not a basic like these, one of the ones you need to wait a while, or do something to make yourself change back. He bought these as a bundle. They're for couple who want to switch things up. Apparently the pharmacy didn't have any regular blue packs that day. Anyway, he bought it not knowing that taking a blue doesn't reverse taking a pink. Once he took one and realized he, well rather SHE, wanted to recoup some of the losses, so I go them cheap as a curiosity. " she explained.

She was how John was squirming behind the pillow and realized that his curiosity was getting the better of him and his body was reacting accordingly. "You know... you wanted to know how it feels be horny as a girl... I bet the feeling translates after you take a pill." she said in a tone that was part teasing, part thinking out loud to oneself.

Reaching out she snatched the packet of pink pills out of John's hand. "I want to see first though." she said, a wicked grin on her face. She had of course seen John naked before, and seen an erect cock, but never his. Only heard from girlfriends, but thinking she held all the cards right now, and with a potent mixture of alcohol and marijuana in her system she couldn't help but want to push his buttons.
John Waters

John nodded as Ember explained, he remembered Cody, but also couldn't taking his eyes off of her hand as it found itself on the front of her panties, clearly (if perhaps absentmindedly) rubbing herself through them. It was probably nothing more than the weed and the topic but still, the sight was mesmerising and even as she got to the point of how the pills she had bought from Cody could help them both understand a bit better what they had been trying to explain to each other without much success and then snatched one of the packets from his hand and declared that she wanted to see first he only barely looked up at her but when he did and saw her smile, realising she was dead serious he felt himself getting even harder, which he had not thought possible, his cock was literally trembling against the pillow and he also felt that he was on the verge of making a sticky mess in his boxers.
"Umm ... sure ... I guess. But then I want to see yours too."
Not that he had never seen Ember naked before, or for that matter a vulva and breast but tit for tat he thought and put the pillow to the side, revealing the bulge in his boxer briefs and the small wet stain at the front where he had leaked a rather considerable amount of pre-cum.
"Together," he said.
"On the count of three."
He counted to three and then pulled down his boxer briefs to reveal his 9 1/2 inch fully erect, trembling and leaking cock.
Ember Jones

She giggled at John's "tit for tat" or maybe in this case "tit for cock" negotiation. Thinking that John was still unaware of her as woman, she agreed but continued to tease him. "Oh... did you finally remember that I'm a girl too? " Glancing down at the stain on his boxers, her grin widened. "Looks like it. Alright on three."

Due to wearing a bra and panties, it took her longer to get out of her underwear.First she unclasped the bra and tossed it across the room. By the time John's obviously needy cock was visible she was just hooking her fingers into the waistband of her panties.

Sliding those down her legs she lay back again on the bed NSFW, her inner exhibitionist enjoying the feeling of being looked at, even by someone as disinterested in her as John. Taking a deep breath of pleasure she looked over at her longtime friend, and his impressively sized cock. John, despite not being the biggest guy, was certainly well endowed particularly for his body size. Ember found herself licking his lips slightly at the sight of the hard rod, almost weeping precum.

Still feeling like she was in control, she shifted and ran a single finger along the underside of his cock to collect some of it. Licking her finger clean she looked him in the eyes for the first time in a while. "You're throbbing... ready to burst. You're ready and I'll help you."

She had never been strong and John could have easily moved her if he wanted, but she was quick. Throwing her leg over his midriff she could feel his hot cock head pressing against the small of her back as he pinned John beneath her. Taking the string of pinks she popped one of the pills out of it's bubble. "I want you to know what it feels like..." she said, her own desire evident as the heat of her cunny and the juices running out of her could be felt on John's tummy.

Placing the pill on her tongue she cupped John's face in her hands she leaned in to kiss him. Unless he fought her, her tongue pressed into his mouth and pushed the pill into his.
John Waters

From their first experiments with sex in their teens Ember and John had had a very intimate friendship but entirely on a playful level, and they had always told each other of their experiments, discoveries and experiences, (and later on their conquests). John knew when Ember had given her first blowjob within the hour of it happening and Ember had known the first time John had fingered a girl within just a few minutes after the girl had reciprocated with a handjob. As they grew more experienced these reports had become more detailed but this, what Ember was doing, the teasing, was a whole new level of physical intimacy between them and when she ran her finger along the sensitive underside of his throbbing cock it almost sent him into an orgasmic spasm. Then as he watched her lick the few drops of his precum of her finger he almost came again. But the coup de grace was when she pinned him down with the small of her back pressing against his now aching cock. He could literally take no more but then she kissed him and pushed the pink pill into his mouth.

He swallowed and waited with his eyes closed. He knew it might take a few seconds to take effect but it felt like forever and then he felt a tingling sensation both around his nipples and in his groin. The mix of the two sensation, growing breasts and also his cock swelling to a size bigger than even his most solid erection up to that point, probably in preparation for its transformation into a vagina, was however too much and no longer in control of his body he ejaculated against the small of Ember's back. His testicles and cock throbbed and spasmed more intensely than he had ever experienced before and he let out a loud cry of pleasure as he got a very small taste of a female orgasm because by the time he felt in control again, at least to some extent, he was now she.


Her thighs were still shaking and her lower abdomen was still contracting, as well as ... her vaginal walls, she supposed. Her nipples suddenly felt much more sensitive as they chafed against her t-shirt, which was now both tighter (over her breasts) and looser over her abs. The sensation of those post orgasmic spasms that had begun as a male ejaculation now seemed to demand more and rather than feeling spent Joan felt herself even more aroused than she had been before the transformation. She had a feeling that if she didn't stop, but continued to stimulate herself, or to be stimulated by Ember (or the man she would transform into after she took her pill) would lead her to unknown heights of pleasure, pleasure she had never dared dream about.

She reached down with her left hand into the loose underwear and felt the wetness of her cunt. She let out a groan at the unfamiliar feeling as it shot up her spine making her nipples stiffen to the point where they almost hurt. With her right hand she pulled her face close to Ember's face and returned the kiss and then in a low, almost breathless, whisper said: "Oh fuck wow. That was ... I don't fucking know what that was but I tell you a guy ... girl could easily become addicted to it."
She chuckled feeling aroused, happy and barely corporeal. It was more like she was no more than a bundle of nerve endings and sexual energy floating around the room.
"Is it ... always like that," she asked and bit her bottom lips.
Ember Jones

Ember watched in fascination as her best friend changed beneath her. John's once strong angular jaw, softening, his eyes getting bigger, lips pouting, hair lengthening to frame a rounder, feminine face. She was so caught up that John's , eruption against her her lower back caught her by complete surprise and she let out a cry of surprise and just a little pleasure as she felt the hot sticky cum splatter against the small of her back and start to drip down her bubble butt.

"Got excited huh?" she teased reaching behind her and collecting a bit with her finger, getting a more substantial taste of what she had tried moment before. "I think.... you may have just gotten a taste. I haven't heard of someone coming mid transformation. Seems like you enjoyed it though." Ember said, gently reaching out and cupping her friends new face. "Gosh.... I wasn't expecting you to be so cute this way John..." she said, rubbing her thumb along John's cheek.

Joan, slowly feeling like she was once more in touch with the physical world, gave a nod at Ember's comment and then confirmed that she had certainly enjoyed the combined male and female orgasm in mid transformation although she was not sure which had had the most influence of her body's reaction to it.

After the comment about how cute she was she reached for her phone on the bedside table, opened the camera and switched it to selfie mode and the she was. Her hair still raven black but all else was different. Her eyes, lips, nose and even the shape of her face. Not even her mother, or rather John's mother, would have recognised her. And, she agreed with another nod, she was cute, cute as a button one might even say.
"Hold on," she said and gently pushed Ember off of her and stood up.
She walked over to the closet, where on the inside of the door there was a full size mirror. Damn she looked good and as she stood there she began to slowly remove John's clothes until she stood perfectly naked in front of the mirror admiring her female body. Her soft round breasts which she couldn't keep her hands off, her curves that were slim but not without form and there ... below her belly ... a small tuft of well groomed pubes. She could feel the warmth and wetness emanating from her cunt as it roused. So this is what it feels like to be horny as a girl, she thought to herself and couldn't resist reaching don with her left hand to touch it.
"Your turn now Ember," she said after more than five minutes of self-adoration and fascination with her new body.
"I want to see what a hunk you'll turn into."
Ember Jones


Ember giggled as Joan managed to push her off of her own body and got up to start inspecting herself in the mirror. Fishing out her own phone, she bit her lower lip and began to record her transformed friend as they explored their new body. With 5 minutes to spare, Ember managed a quick little orgasm, something to take the edge off before she saw Joan turning and managed to get her phone out of sight again.

Ember had always preferred men, but that hadn't stopped her from having a few hook up with other girls, or engaging in a threesome or two, so her attraction to John in this new body didn't surprise her. However she had never known John to be particularly taken with other boys, so the words coming out of his female form surprised her.

Laughing lightly, she teased her friend. "Someone is eager! I didn't know you were so interested in hunks!" she said with a smile, playing withe one of the still wrapped blue pills between her fingers idly.
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