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Sukie's Request

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Sep 2, 2010
Hello. This thread is to generally show you what I'll be up for. Please feel free to ask about certain genres or settings that I haven't put in here. I'm pretty much up for almost anything, give or take a few things that I will post below. I decided not to post a rabbit hole due to this. I've made one, but found it slightly restricting since it really depends on my mood as to what I will do. If I'm uncomfortable with it I will tell you no, other wise ask away!

Okay here are a few simple things for you to know first.

- In appliance to the rules, please do not ask me for anything that goes against them.

- I prefer role playing in PM, but will also rp in a thread if needed. I don't care for IM rping, but I will fold for an amazing rp plot.

- Grammar isn't a huge thing for me since it is my weak spot also. As long as I can understand it, there shouldn't be a problem. However, spelling is a different thing. I'm not a Spelling-Nazi, but please use your spell check. Easy- continuous spelling errors are very distracting for me. Please.. Please use proper capitalization in your sentences. Also it's easier to read your posts when you punctuate your sentences.

- I only role play in third person so I expect that from my rp partner.

- You can call me a semi-lit to lit. I don't expect you do write novels, but I do expect at least three sentences. One liners bother me so please try to avoid them like the plague. The occasional, - my brain is overloaded this is the only thing it could muster out-, is okay. It's completely understandable, but don't make it a habit.

- Texting language is a strict no-no for In character situations. I don't care if it's in OOC, but please note that I might not understand some of it because I don't text in life. So please don't feel offended if I ask you to spell out your words.

- Please send me something if you either get tired or want to quit our rp.

---- Won't Do ----
I will not RP any of these things that I post below

-Watersports, Scat.
- Very hard Gore.
- Mutilation, severe abuse.
- Shota-con, loli-con (( Obviously))
That's all I can think about for now.

---- Will Do ----

I usually play the submissive or in between role because I feel that I am not that dominant. I think if it came to it, I could try depending on the role play.

I enjoy both Het and Yuri, but sometimes it varies on the mood I am in to which I will do. Yoai is not something I have role played in a long time and have moved on from it. However, if you have a great nail-biting plot please feel free to ask!

Also, I tend to enjoy a margin of romance in my rps. Be it genuine or twisted in a manner.

-- Species
- Anthros
- Furries
- Demons, Angels (( Anything fantasy. ))
- Vampires
- Creatures
- Regular humans
- Magical beings

I will do almost any type of setting. Medieval, Sci-fi, futuristic, fantasy and modern. I'm not that picky with settings.
Pairings/ Genres.

- Arranged Marriage
- Forbidden love
- Highschool/ College (( Will need plot ))
- Kidnapping
- Non-con
- Force
- Bondage
- Black Mail
- scientist/ experiment
-geek/ human-like robot creation
- Slave/ Mistress
- Slave/ Master
- Teacher/ student
- Student/ student
- royalty/ servant
- royalty/ peasant
- slave/ slave
- boss/ secretary
- boss's daughter (son)/ employee

Okay that is all I can think of right at the moment. If you don't see anything that you are interested in, please PM me and we can talk from there.

-- Cravings/ mood ---
- Please don't just go by this. This is just one of my 'at the moment' cravings. They change occasionally, so please still PM me if your ideas doesn't match what I have below. I'm a very flexible person on most occasions.
{ Yuri - Definitely
{ Het - Yes.
{ Yaoi- Maybe

Right now I have a couple of cravings which I will write out below, if you aren't up for them just message me and I'll be happy to work something out.

Forbidden love- Be it a family duel, ignorance or something to that effect. Obviously this one requires romance.

Pregnancy Risk- This one can easily be doubled with one or two the other cravings I have right now.

Non-con- This one can be a one time thing or something that is long term, it doesn't matter to me.

Black mail- This can be doubled with non-con.

Age gaps-... within the TOS of BM of course....

At last, but not least I always wanted to try a non-con that twists off into a romance. Insanity.. I know, but I always wanted to try a twisted romance type of roleplay.

I'll be your Master in a Slave RP. We'll both be human by the way.
That pairing sounds good to me. I haven't role played Anthros or Furries in a while. Do you have a possible plot in mind?
A gentle bump for my page.

I am back for a while. Apologies for my absence. -bows-
I'd be willing to do an apocalyptic RP, possibly mixing in forbidden love if we did it right, and age gap depending on how you did your character.
I would like to do this with you if you feel up to being dom or at least a dominant switch.

Plot for Slave X Samurai (and the reason I put them in that order.)
Slave/Samurai RP in which the Samurai ,my charie, is actually the younger sister of the person she is pretending to be. Her brother was murdered and she assumes his name so as to be able to travel having learnt how to use a sword from her brother after the rest of their family died. On her journey for revenge she takes along her slave/maid (In ancient Japan they could be basically the same thing) and long time lover in public behaving like a harsh and cruel master as is normal while in private it is the lowly serving girl who takes control.

(At some point in the RP I would love it if there could be a situation which makes it necessary for them to pretend to have sex, with the Samurai taking the slave, so as to avoid suspicion of some sort)

If you dont know about Japan's history we could change it to Nobleman/slave or something like that
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