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[CS] Projections of a Starcaster

Character Sheet
Character’s Name: Aster Bambino
Species: Unknown - Humanoid
Age: 23
Gender: Feminine | Complex gender relationship, but AFAB and Feminine
Height: 5'1"
Trait 1: Daydreamer | Ideological
Trait 2: Music lover
Trait 3: Clever
Color Scheme: White, purple, pink

What do they love and fight for?
Astra has a love/hate relationship with humanity. She has been failed by most of the people in her life, so at the start of the story, will desperately want to protect everyone, but be jaded. She's a martyr that put the needs of others over her own too much, and now has to understand that people didn't ask for that. She's learning to fight for free will, and for herself. She will do anything for true love!

What do they hate and fight against?
She hates being told what to do and current systems in place that fail people. She's an idealist with dreams of saving the world against all evil. Anything not aligned with true love doesn't have a place in the world. Now, she's not going to be cruel to anyone about it, but she's got a bone to pick with just about everyone in charge that isn't doing more.

What is keeping them from their goal?
Astra was born sick and struggles doing basic tasks as a human. She is weak physically, and it makes her an easy target. Ghosts possess her easily, and her forgiving nature basically sends signals out drawing everything into her. She's literally got demons to fight!

Who is there to help them?
Astra is on her own. She was raised JW and her family still practices, but she understands the Gods to be very different from what her family taught her to believe. Because of this, she's on her own. She had a friend who called himself the Aurora, but he cursed her and left her on her own. At the start of the story, the only person in Astra's corner is herself.

What is their main goal?
She wants to start a revolution against everyone in charge, every system who failed her, and every deity she sees in the way of human happiness. That's what she thinks her goal is. Her real goal is to learn to love again and be soft. She had to harden her heart too much, and though she thinks she's soft, this girl has no real love or trust for anyone.

How do I want them to grow?
Naïve and innocent to start, Astra needs to learn to grow up. She has a very childish way of seeing the world with black and white thinking. She needs to understand grey morality a lot more. As someone who was always lawfully good, Astra needs to let herself be a little chaotic.​
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Océane-Estelle Rousseau
Character's Name: Océane Rousseau
Species: Human
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Height: 5'10"
Trait 1: Sarcastic
Trait 2: Logical
Trait 3: Explosive
Color Scheme: Tangerine, Green, Gold

What do they love and fight for? (What do they care about that they want to keep/protect?)
Love? Love? What kind of joke is that. Océane doesn't like to think about love. She's broken-hearted and doesn't feel like there's much in this world worth protecting aside from herself, at least that's what she'd tell you. She secretly loves her twin sister to the moon and back and would do anything to repair what happened between them. Once she broke her sister's heart though, she hardened her own and chose hate.

What do they hate and fight against?
Now we're talking! Océane hates everyone and everything. Children, cold weather, other people. She's a combative little spitfire who doesn't like being told to do anything, so anyone pushing their will on someone else, Océane is going to have something to say about it! Well, a younger version of her will. In her older age, she's learned to shut up more and keep her rage bottled up. It's only a matter of time until she either fully rebels and goes apeshit or finally finds something worth protecting.

What is keeping them from their goal?
Her wealthy family has her under a chokehold of control. While she wants to get out from their thumb, she's also used to living a certain way. When she's tried to break free, they had her committed to the psych ward, lying about her behavior and using her record as an angry, angsty teen against her. Her combative nature didn't do her any favors in the hospital, either. She's learned to act chill even when she has none. Her heart is closed off and her real goal is to find love, but how can someone with so much anger feel anything but contempt?

Who is there to help them?
Her family is there financially. As long as she follows their rules and does what they want, she's got some kind of aid. As far as emotionally, she's got an excellent therapist. That is to say, Océane is a loner without many friends or close connections.

What is their main goal?
Her real goal is to find someone to soften her.

How do I want them to grow?
I want to see Océane flourish. She's a creative designer who thinks she has nothing more to offer the world. She thinks she's the only one she has to rely on and is confident in certain abilities, but puts it all down as technical skill over anything inventive on her part. I want to see her soften, love, and accept herself and the people around her. She's a perfectionist that can't handle her own imperfections, and she needs to learn to let that go.​
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Character's Name: JoonJae
Species: Alien - Tiefling - Fae
Age: 20something
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Trait 1: Playful
Trait 2: Artistic
Trait 3: Feminine
Color Scheme: Lavender, White, Gold

What do they love and fight for? (What do they care about that they want to keep/protect?)
JoonJae is so full of love, love for his family, love for art, love for himself. He wants to protect everyone around him, but more than anything, he wants to protect people's freedoms to exist. He was always pushed to be something for everyone around him so when he finally has a chance to be his true self, he'd do anything to protect it and remain true to who he is.

What do they hate and fight against?
He hates old people who think they know best. Yet he's always trying to fuck older people who think they know best. He's an enigma for sure.

What is keeping them from their goal?
His family is from another planet, and they aren't very well off. Both his economics and youth keep him from doing the grand things he dreams of.

Who is there to help them?
His older brother Junseo is there for him in a heartbeat at all times no matter what. JoonJae can do no wrong in his brothers eyes, and his sweet bee brother is going to protect this boy at all costs. Thanks to his older brother, JoonJae has been allowed to live a life unburdened by the responsibility his parents put on him.

What is their main goal?
In his species, JoonJae's sex doesn't matter. He's still the family princess and it's his job to get married off to someone at some point and keep their race alive. That said, he doesn't want to do it and wants to be free to love and share himself across the fucking galaxy. Basically, he wants to be free of his marriage contract - even if he doesn't know who he's meant to marry.

How do I want them to grow?
He has to learn to be mature and think of others. JoonJae has been allowed to be selfish his whole life without worrying about the consequences. If he wants to be a noble prince, he's going to have to realize that love requires accountability and responsibility. His brother shouldn't be bailing him out forever, after all.​
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Moonflower Princess
Character's Name: Moon | Princess | Fae
Species: Alien - Fae
Age: 20something
Gender: Sick of gender (Female)
Height: 5'0"
Trait 1: Whimsical
Trait 2: Silly
Trait 3: Innocent
Color Scheme: Galaxy and Pastels


What do they love and fight for? (What do they care about that they want to keep/protect?)
Princess loves everyone to the point of martyrdom. She loves love. She struggles understanding a lot of things, but love is always at the core of her intent, even when she's messy.

What do they hate and fight against?
Honestly? Hate and cruelty altogether. It's hard being in the human world as a nonhuman. Not everyone is kind and she's from a very sheltered tower. Truly, her own world wasn't the Utopia she grew up believing in, and it's been hard to handle. She can't stand to see another person hate or degrade someone with a heart, and would take that pain on herself before letting someone else carry it.

What is their main goal?
Her goal is to understand humans and have a fun time with them. She wants to find a human who understands her quirks and doesn't judge her, but also to behave appropriately in normal social situations.

What is keeping them from their goal?
The biggest thing getting in the way is her inability to understand them and her shyness. She struggles to know the balance between too much and not enough. She's working on it, so really, aside from hate being unconquerable so far, she's the biggest thing getting in her way.

Who is there to help them?
Princess has a team of otherworldly beings communicating in her head. She does have a few friends and family, but they don't understand her alien ways. The aliens, or the fae are trapped in other dimensions and speak to her telepathically.

How do I want them to grow?
The Moonflower Princess has a lot going on in her head. I want her to get out of her head and learn to live a little! She is lonely and spends much of her time being esoteric, but that doesn't work for social beings.​
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