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Sorry, No Seggs (MxF, FxF)


On My Way to Finding My Way
Sep 5, 2022
Lockwood Manor
Hello, I go by Chippairaptor, but call me whatever you like. I suppose I should get some important factoids out of the way first:
  • 29 year old male from the US (CST)
  • Absolutely adore anime aesthetic, and anime and manga inspires a lot of my writing
  • Been writing since I the tail end of elementary school (and RPing since middle school), but I prefer to keep my posts between one and four paragraphs (with each paragraph being 5-7 sentences); I endeavor to use proper spelling, grammar, etc., and I appreciate partners who do the same
  • My favorite genres lean towards science fiction, science fantasy, and fantasy
    • I am a MASSIVE hopeless romantic, and I like it when RPs have at least a romantic subplot; as far as romantic pairings go, I prefer MxF (with me as M) and FxF
  • I love OoC chat as long as it's not too personal; I love animals, so tell me about your pets or anything like that
  • I have several mental health diagnoses (including autism spectrum disorder, depression, and seasonal affective disorder), and I appreciate partners who are understanding of that

So what am I looking for? Glad you asked! For now I'll start with the fandoms I enjoy and feel comfortable enough to write in.
  • Jurassic Park/World
    • Exploring a post-Fallen Kingdom world where dinosaurs and humans must learn to coexist
    • Xenofiction written from the perspective of a dinosaur, inspired by Raptor Red
  • Halo
    • UNSC-Swords of Sanghelios joint team fighting Banished, Created, and Coveneant remnants
  • Digimon
  • SAO Alternative: Gun Gale Online
  • Monster Hunter
  • Alien
  • Highschool of the Dead
  • Pacific Rim
  • Monsterverse (as well as Godzilla in general)
  • Bionicle
  • Girls' Frontline/Project Neural Cloud (I have a plot idea I would love to play out if anyone is interested!)
What kind of original ideas/concepts do I like? Let's start with a few.
  • Military sci-fi
  • Mecha and kaiju
  • Isekai
  • RPG-type setting
  • Post-apocalyptic
  • Hunting monsters
  • Lost worlds
  • Humans and androids
  • Trapped on an alien world
  • Magical girls
I'll update this as time goes on, and I hope someone might take me up on this! If interested, shoot me a PM!
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Been playing a lot of Helldivers 2, and I would love to do some military sci-fi inspired by it, Starship Troopers, and Halo.
Giving this a bump. The trailer for the new Jurassic World film is leaving me unfulfilled. I want to write a story where dinosaurs are animals, not horror movie monsters (unless something like the Indoraptor gets involved, in which case a sadistic monster might be fun to try to survive against) or mooks being controlled by someone with a remote. I have a few ideas off the top of my head, and would love to brainstorm.
Bumping. Craving:
  • Monster Hunter (the Wilds beta has me in a mood)
  • Jurassic World
  • come to me with fantasy or sci-fi ideas!
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