The last couple of days I been craving a yaoi rp so I desided to post it. I dont have many limits to be honest the only one i can think of at the moment is anything that belongs in the toilet stays in the toilet. At the moment im only interested in doing RP's over some form of IM. I tend to be more of a sub but that doesnt mean my characters are pushovers or anything and i have no problem having my characters make the first move. I like to work up my plots and pairings with my rp partners which is why i dont have any really posted here. I im forgetting anything or if your interested please pm me, post here or just go right ahead and add me on one of my instant messangers. Hope to here from some people soon 
AIM: leaquad15
MSN: wolfs-rain@hotmail.com
AIM: leaquad15
MSN: wolfs-rain@hotmail.com