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Mx Female Looking for a romantic sub with a healthy appetite for intimacy


Jan 25, 2019

Pleasure to meet you. My name's Pan. I've been on and off BRM for a while, but due to recent events I've been given a bit more free time, hence my return.

What I've done:

I've done roleplaying and writing for give or take six years now. I've run games in real life for 5e, Blades in the Dark, Swords of the Serpentine, and more. I've done my share of posting, and I've done open-mic story-telling on stage too. I consider myself fairly literate, with an appetite for reading and a love of written English.

What I like in regards to sex

Traditionally I play very much dominant characters. In a gentle, guiding sort of way, I enjoy the intimacy enabled by the surrender of a partner. This doesn't mean rough sex is off the table, in fact I quite love it. But it's enjoyable to recieve the trust of someone willing to put themselves at my character's mercy. Being tied up, blindfolded, and kisses all over. Being given hickeys, eaten out with your legs bound, spanked, fingered, forcibly kisses, choked, all these are available, and more. My only big nos are cuckoldry, heartbreak, vore, scat, and comical things like hyperinflation or balls the size of basketballs. Sex is often one of two things. An extension of love, or the height of honesty and expression of passion and desire. I'd like emotions and fears, anxieties and excitement, that sort of thing. A space to be found, if you will.


I can reply almost daily, with at least 1 post a day unless life calls me away, probably more. Both here and discord is fine, I've no qualms on either. Post length I think should be flexible, enabling both descriptive paragraphs of exposition, but also quick back and forths that allow more interaction and spontenaity from both parties. I enjoy OOC discussion and chatting shit. I'm not one to turn down opportunities for new friends. Face claims aren't needed for me, but if you need one I can have a gander around.



This one layers the intricacies of a professional master-student relationship over the flames of desire. Your character would come to mine in search of shelter and a place to work, as well as an opportunity for new skills and self-sufficiency. A rebellious noble or desperate orphan, fantasy setting high or low, this presents an opportunity to build upon a relationship from multiple angles, and proves to be quite compelling for what I'm looking for. This could be bartending, smithing, alchemy, magic, a lot of room for tweaking.

Squire and the Wildling

Another flexible one, where we can play as either character. Two orphans of the battlefield find themselves stranded without hope of supply or company, with only each other and their wits to keep them safe. Only each other to keep themselves warm. This one lends itself to a more dynamic relationship, and also enables a switching between the top and bottom dynamic.

Love Among Thieves

Your character is a skilled thief and false-facer, infiltrating a notable person's entourage to retrieve items that would fetch quite the pretty penny. Unfortunately, my character had the exact same plan, and now both are in a light-fingered competition to out-finesse the other.

Others to come. If you have ideas along similar veins, please share em!

Hey! Thanks for making it here. I appreciate it, and you're awesome. No worries if it isn't your thing, I'm just glad you're you. Have a good one!
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