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Mx Female Drinking from the wrong Human - Slice of Life Vampire Romance & Life Between the Realms - Demon/Spiritual Sensitive Romance Plot


Oct 11, 2019
Drinking from the wrong Human - Slice of Life Vampire Romance

To think, you choose to drink the blood of a human, only to suddenly feel... tipsy. Before you knew it, you were cheerful, sociable, puking in the kitchen sink, then eating some chips you found. This chair in the corner is nice, but the world won't stop spinning. That human's blood had a high alcohol content, crap!

Hmm, morning. Sun light through the window... this... isn't your room. Or your bed. Actually, your recent 'snack' is in the bed too.

Welcome to my slice of life vampire romance. When I say it like that, it sounds pretty lame. Anyways, this is the odd romance between a vampire and a human that meet under odd circumstances. Your character, a vampire, is seeking some blood, but lately has struggled to find any whule staying incognito. They're a bit of a gamer, so when her college classmate invites her to an Arcade bar, she makes an attempt to find her 'snack'. She socializes, games a bit, gets cozy and competitive with a few, and finds her 'snack'. The thing is, she didn't concider the blood alcohol content, and he has a rather high tolerance, so she didn't consider that either. The end result? Drunk vampire.

I'd like for this to be a good mix ratio rp, where I do expect plot as the backbone, but smut is fine. You tell me what you're looking for, and we'll discuss it.

Life Between the Realms - Demon/Spritual Sensative Romance Plot

Hey, yo so I'll just get to the point.

You died, you big dumby.

Now, out of the grave of my omnipotent demonic contractual power, I revived you, kept that soul from leaking out of the hole in your chest... and back... damn, it went all the way through. Yo! There's a hole in the wall!


Right, so, I fixed ya, congrats. You refused to die. Now, I want a contract with you. You can refuse, but, I used my soul essense to plug the hole in you, so now, well, you can see souls, spirits, and such. And noticing the naughty ones will get them angry. You'll want some demonic artillery to back you up.


So, sign here and let's begin the slaughter...

And after, we'll get that other hole plugged up.

The one in the wall. What're you a succubus? You perverted mortal.

Right, so welcome to my RP plot with no name yet. The bases is well, you bit the bullet, and died. I, a demonic entity in the area decided to stop you from fully dying by reattaching your soul to your body, but now you see dead people, yay! So, will you ignore the demonic savior and attempt to navigate your world now changed forever, or will you contract with your demonic savior?

This will be a long term rp, so come prepared for that. It'll be plot heavy, but sure some spice can be tossed in. I like my spice. I write about 3 to 6 paragraphs a post, am detailed in my descriptions, and will supply a nice bit of worldbuilding and plot to keep you entertained. I just need someone to play our star of the show. That's you.

The setting is modern day, so this'll be fun. Expect dark humor, some dark themes, and a fun, exploitative rp world. As for your character? Suprise me. Any questions, shoot me a message, especially if you're interested.

Alternative Plot

You, a demon, have been made aware of a human's passing in your 'shop'. So much for lying low. To the humans, you are just another human. To local demons and their habitats, you are a peer, some close, others, not so much. There are those that kling to old ways, and spread chaos, but most simply seek to exist. Modern society has changed the world much from the pass, and things are much more tamed. Usually.

That was till this human got stabbed stopping a robbery in your shop. Now his soul stands in the room, only visible to you as his body fades. To him, everything is a blur, numb, cold, unfeeling and detached, all but you, whom he sees clearly.

Demons can form contracts, and you could save him using demonic energy, contract or not, but the result will be a permanent ability to see and interact with the supernatural. And some horrors don't like to be noticed. So, patron demon of this shop, er, rather, your habitat. What will you do?

So this is a sort of dark, slice of life, supernatural, romance plot where you play a demon shop owner who lives as a human till you and my character are thrusted into this situation. (To help, I'll add another demon that walks in, a peer of your character's that'll sort of explain it to them in the first few post). Demons basically forgot his to demon.​
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