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Mx Any Two sides of the same coin.


Nov 2, 2024
Hi there everyone. This is my first post on this forum so it is likely to be terrible, but getting that out the way, I just wanted to say how much of a pleasure it is to meet everyone here. I'm a decently experienced roleplayer, having been in the hobby for about 7 years now (damn I'm getting old). I'm very much a huge switch, going from sissy to bull at the drop of a hat. I'm open to most kinks and ideas so don't be shy to throw something at me.

But enough about me, let's get into why you are all here in the first place. For my story prompts, I was really leaning on my switchyness and thus all these prompts will reflect that.

Bullied or Bully?

For this idea, I wanted to play off a classic. The bully and the one they bullied meeting back in college, but this time there is something that the bully does not know. The one they had builled for so long, now has a little blackmail on their side, and now controls them. One call and they are expelled from their dream college and all their work goes is for naught. What shall the bullied do with their new found power, and can they keep it?

I'm wanting this story to be a battle for power, with both sides trying to gain control over the other. Of course, kinks can be discussed but I do feel like humiliation should take a large role in this story. However, let's brainstorm together. Hope to hear from you all soon!
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