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NSFW: Mak's Journal (Dream's, thoughts, and ERP experiences)


Nov 17, 2024
In the Desert

Mak's Journal

This is a new experience for me. My office is filled with Paperblanks, Moleskines, and serious leather-bound journals, neatly occupying various nooks and crannies. In fact, I'm practically surrounded by them. Yet, many of them remain empty. I'm sure there's a word for someone who collects blank journals but doesn't write in them—a word that goes beyond simple procrastination. Whatever that word is, I'm its poster child.

There's something about this format that's overcoming my usual hurdle to journaling. So, I figured I'd write about the kinds of things one usually puts in a journal: dreams, thoughts, and something specific. And since we're on an ERP site, why not write about that too?

Dreams (11/19/2024)

I dreamt of Blake Lively and some dark-haired woman in a secret club, discussing the actions of petty gods. It was a fleeting memory when I woke up and the only part of the night's dreams I could recall.

It's strange because I don't follow Blake Lively or celebrities in general. My reaction to them is usually, "Oh, hey, they're still making movies." I do dream about gods and fantasy themes often, but my mind usually generates original characters for those scenarios. This time, I suspect my subconscious got lazy and pulled Blake Lively from a recent YouTube clip I watched—a "Deadpool vs. Wolverine" blooper reel with her in the thumbnail.

The dream reminded me of the comic series The Wicked + The Divine. Maybe my brain needed to fill a role and just grabbed the most recent stock image. Who knows? I still don't know much about Blake Lively beyond this.


This morning, I woke to the sound of my partner navigating the halls, herding our animals toward the bed. Soon, I was surrounded by our dogs and cats like a Disney Princess. I joked about it, calling myself a "Disney Prince" because Disney princes get dogs and cats, right?

At the time, it seemed funny and lighthearted. Writing it down now, I realize how unusual it is for me to even think about Disney or celebrities—it's not my usual mindset. Maybe that's why this morning felt so oddly whimsical and offbeat. Still, it's a fun way to start my first journal entry on an ERP site, shared with a void of strangers.

ERP Thoughts

I've met some wonderful people here, and we're creating amazing stories together. I'm looking forward to seeing where they go. I've ERPed before in Second Life, mostly in para-RP style, but diving into a full story format like this is going to be exciting.
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Mak's Journal

Ah, day two of this indulgent little narcissistic experiment. I feel rather foolish this morning, writing in a journal accessible to strangers. And yet, here I am, worrying about whether this is silly or embarrassing—how others might view it. But you know what? Screw it. I want to do this.

Dreams (11/20/2024)

No long-form dreams again—it's been a while since I've had one of those. Last night, my dreams were all about having good conversations with people. Ambiguous people, never fully defined. I just kept waking up feeling content, like I had genuinely enjoyed talking to someone.

I think this is the result of spending more time on this site, making social RP a bigger part of my life. It's interesting how much these little interactions have influenced me.


like mead. There, I said it. Not the store-bought, bottled stuff, though. I mean good mead—locally brewed and enjoyed among friends. Random thought for the day, but it just popped into my head.

I'm not much of a drinker anymore. I used to drink more, but now I only drink socially, and even then, most drinks taste bad to me. The exception? A well-made local meadery mead. There you have it—so exciting, I know. But that's where my mind is today.

ERP Thoughts

I had my first round of ERP in PMs with a couple of amazing partners, and honestly? It's been fantastic. The quality of the stories, the engagement, and the writing have all been chef's kiss.

That said, I did have to learn a little about tense. I naturally default to present tense when I write, and I caught myself doing that here, too. My partners were using past tense, which makes sense, so I adjusted accordingly. No complaints, just an interesting little habit I noticed about myself.

I'm so glad to have found such a welcoming and positive community. It's been a refreshing break from the usual stresses of life.

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