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[WB] World of Marvelion-Final Fantasy


Mystical Artifact
Apr 1, 2017
The Cosmos


The Holy Body of Marvelion
Satellites: The Eye of Purity (Moon)
Continents: Emmeria, Nymerco, Xordipel
Oceans: Phecola, Ciokamar, Ajinon, Oddorat
Geological Traits: Forests, Grass plains, Mountains, Snowfields, Deserts, Islands
Races: Human, Ealith, Kelden, Fey, Valkiria
Deities: Celestial Will, Earthen Glory
World Powers: Great Kingdom of Ormdal, Empire of Wracaera , Zarenbar Republic, The Holy Queendom of Valika, Island Nation of Aramis
Metaphysical Elements: Dragons, Crystals, Rakshasa, Dragoons, Celestial Will, Earthen Glory

The Great Kingdom of Ormdal
Location: Western Continent
Capital: Ormtannia, The White City
Populace: Humans
Settlements: Pearl’s Haven, Drakemouth, Moonstone Castletown, Fireglass Bay, Ansel, Cydol
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Leader: King Gustav Ormdal X
Religion: Dragon Worship, Crystal Worship
God: Celestial Will
Military: Kingdom Military

Vienda Republic
Location: Eastern Continent
Capital: Verdina, The Emerald City
Settlements: Arlette, Culdio, Luvin, Peridot Springs, Barrier Oak, Mog Village, Jadefall, Canar
Populace: Ealith
Government: Oligarchy
Leaders: The Emerald Council
Religion: Nature
God: Earthen Glory
Military: Republic Soldiers

Empire of Wracaera
Location: Eastern Continent
Capital: Hersilla, The Silver City
Settlements: Vasmark, Phoenix Cloud, Pyre, Runestone, Mithila City, Walleck, Sanctuary City
Populace: Human
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Leader: Emperor Cervo Archbrandr
Religion: N/A
God: N/A
Military: Empire Defenders

Holy Queendom of Valika
Location: Southern
Capital: Fólkvangr, The Amber City
Settlements: Golden Maiden, Enbarr, Victory Pillar, Marble Point, Gryffon Port
Populace: Valkiria
Government: Matriarch Monarchy
Leader: Queen Frigg Vanseer
Religion: Celestial Will
God: Mateus
Military: Valkeries

The Holy Island of Aramis
Location: West Coast Islands
Capital: Highstone, The Onyx City
Settlements: Serpent’s Rest,
Populace: Fey, Kelden, Moogle
Government: Triumvirate
Leader: The Three Seats
Religion: Earthen Glory
God: Ramuh, Carbuncle, Sylph
Military: Tri-Sword
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Celestial Will: The various pantheons or individual deities that are worshiped by the mortals on Marvelion, this also extends to the four Holy Elements.

Earthen Glory: The spirit of Marvelion whom is the creator of all life and magic, is often worshipped by the mortals, but moreso the four Marvelion elements.

Dragons: Powerful creatures whom are said to have been created through Celestial Will and Earthen Glory to destroy the Raksasha. They are bonded with Dragoons as their riders, staying by their side until the very end.

Crystals: Rare magical objects that are found under the Earth that are crystallized magic in physicals form.

Raksasha: Evil beings born from hatred and rage that are a scourge of all living things.

Dragoons/Dragon Knight: Magical knights blessed by Dragons, they have magic and superhuman abilities that makes them powerful as the dragons they are bonded with.
Human: A mortal race that was born from Earth, they are the most numerous on the planet, but only a small portion of the race can use magic.

Ealith: Being the only mortal race blessed by the cosmos, they are immortal beings that has the highest concentration of magic. They are attuned with nature and the stars that gives them blessings.

Kelden: A mortal race that was born from Fire, they are made from the essence of beasts that makes them more agile and stronger that most, and half can use magic.

Fey: A spiritual race born from Water, they are collection of spirits in the mortal plain that comes in shapes and sizes, and are either frequent or rare.

Valkiria: A mortal race born from Air, they are a monogender race of females with wings that enable them to fly.

Dragon: A mighty race of beings born from Celestial Will and Earthen Glory, made to protect Marvelion from the wrath of the Raksasha.

Earthen Glory
Phoenix: A being of fire in the shape of a mighty bird. As a symbol of death and rebirth, it's plumage has the power of resurrection

Susano: A mighty deity of Water in a suit of armor, the patron of warriors and swords as it commands its element to drown its foes.

Titan: A towering figure as tall as the mountains, its strength is vast as it shatters and shakes the ground beneath.

Slyph: A deity of Wind,

Celestial Will
Ixion: A holy stead that commands the force of lightning, it is said that its true master perished long ago, and it has taken his stead as the master of lightning.

Amaterasu: A goddess of sunlight, she controls the light and is the symbol of life and hope.

Chaos: A God of darkness and freedom, he is feared by the mortals and only has a small following, but there is no denying that he is just as powerful as his fellow deities.

Fenrir: A God of snow and the moon, it has the form of both a wolf and man into one as it has the power of cold and snow.

Bahamut: A black dragon whom is the partner of an unknown Saint, not much is known of it, but there are ancient texts of a similar dragon whom is said to have been the mightiest of all.

Tiamet: A white dragon who was the partner of the most revered Saint in history, it is named the "White Death' or the 'White Queen' for it's deadly beam that renders scores of enemies into ashes.

Faerie: A graceful looking dragon who looms in the enchanted forest of Titania as it's guardian, it has barely been seen by most so it is a mystery.

Quetzalcoatl: A dragon with the body of a serpent and the light of the rainbow. It is known as a creature of benevolence and peace, but is just as powerful when put in a dangerous situation.

Ifrit: A dragon of hellfire whom was the partner of a fortress saint, it's fire is said to be as hot as the fires of the underworld that punishes sinners.

Syldra: A dragon of the violent wave whom was the partner of a cold hearted saint, they have the power of controlling water to drown their enemies.

Raiden: A dragon who appears to bring good fortunes to those who sets their eyes on it, also commands the power of lightning as judgement.

Valefor: A dragon of the wind, it commands the clouds and winds, also said to guide travelers during their journey and pilgrimage.

Shiva: Considered to be the most beautiful dragon, it's command over ice gives it's skin a brilliant and lustrous glow, hiding a deadly blizzard waiting to be unleashed.

Dragoon: A special class of humans blessed the Heavens and Marvelion to bond with dragons. They are wielders of light spears and has amazing agility and dexterity in combat.
Weapons: Light lances, Spears, Halberds

Swordsman: Warriors that uses swords and other bladed weapons for high attack power, but are generally balanced.
Weapons: Swords, Daggers, Axes, Shields

Berserker: Warriors that focus on heavily weaponry and armor to bolster their attack and defense even if they are slow moving.
Weapons: Heavy Swords, Heavy Lances, Heavy Maces, Heavy Axes, Hammer

Thief: Nimble Rogues that aren't powerful, but makes up for it in speed and stealth to steal valuables during combat.
Weapons: Light Swords, Daggers, Boomerangs

White Mage: Magic users whom conjures the power of the Celestial Will to use white magic, to give support by healing and buffing their allies.
Weapons: Staffs, Wands, Scepters

Black Mage: Magic users whom conjures the power of Earthen Glory to use black magic, using the power of the elements to deal damages and debuffing enemies.
Weapons: Grimoires, Staffs

Archer: Practitioners of the bow and arrow whom are quick on their feet, accurate, and prefer fighting from a distance using ranged attacks.
Weapons, Bow and Arrow, Throwable blades

Gunner: Like their Archer counterparts, they are ranged fighters, but they can fight up close if they have to. They also rely on technology in their disposal to help them deal damage.
Weapons: Guns, Heavy Guns, Explosives, Tech

Monk: Fights whom uses their bare fists in combat, relying on their body for close quarter combat, but can also use bladed gauntlets.
Weapons: Bare fists, Gauntlets, Greaves, Bladed Gauntlets
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World Powers, Organizations, Guilds, Etc

Great Kingdom of Ormdal: A kingdom that lies in the north and central lands of Emmeria. It was established as the second oldest civilization on Marvelion by humanity after the Great Rakshasa Wave. It is also the most technologically advanced of all the nations.
Empire of Wracaera: An expanding empire on the north of Nymerco, made after the lost prince of Ormdall fled from the kingdom to create his own legacy.
Zarenbar Republic: A republic on the south of Nymerco, considered to the oldest civilization on the planet as the Ealith held their birthlands for millions of years.
Holy Queendom of Valika: A nation that takes up the entire continent of Xordipel except for the east, it is the home of the Valkeria gifted by the Fey to guard the majesty of the Feywood.
Island Nation of Aramis: An island archipelago west of Xordipel, made up of various tribes forming together by three Celestial Swords.
The Dragon City of Deist: A neutral city-state in Emmeria that is home to the Dragoons. It is also a wellspring of blessed silver that binds dragoons and dragons together. As of now, it lies in ruins after the War of Demonic Hearts.

King Gustav Ormdal X
The Emerald Council
Emperor Cervo Archbrandr
Queen Frigg Vanseer

The Three Seats

Kingdom Military
Orm Royal Guards
Republic Soldiers
Emerald Rangers
Empire Defenders
Superior Defenders
Golden Valkyries
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Merchandise Listing

Potion: Restores a small amount of HP
Hi-Potion: Restores a medium amount of HP
X-Potion: Restores a large amount of HP
Ether: Restores a small amount of MP
Turbo Ether: Restore a medium amount of MP
X Ether: Restores a large amount of MP
Elixir: Restores HP and MP to one user
Mega Elixir: Restores HP and MP to all party members
Holy Mist: Repel enemies on the field for a short while
Phoenix Down: Revives a fallen ally
Mega Phoenix: Revives fallen party members
Antidote: Cures Poison
Root Killer: Cures Sap
Eyedrops: Cures Darkness
Echo Paste: Cures Silence
Smelling Salts: Cures Sleep and Stun
Drake's Blessing: Cures Corruption
Heating Pad: Cures Frozen
Lucky Essence: Cures Curse
Focus Vial: Cures Provoke
Special Soap: Cures Oil
Chrono Restore: Cures Stop and Slow
Panacea: Cures all status effects
Grand Panacea: Cures all status effects of the entire party
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