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Diva Academy (Salt-In-The-Wound x LittleCloud)


Sep 12, 2022
The campus of Diva Academy was a modern marvel of construction built from cutting edge amalgams of glass, metal and a few things that modern science hadn't quite caught up with yet. The Diva's had impressive resources of their own and the network of supporters and allies they had built up from their years as glamorous defenders of freedom and justice were equally happy to contribute to ensure that their new project would have everything it needed to house, train and support the young heroes of tomorrow.

Upon his arrival Emil wouldn't have much time to appreciate any of this as he was met by a member of the Academy's support staff, a pretty young woman with short brown hair wearing a white and gold uniform, and bundled across campus in to one of the plainer looking buildings, lead down its labyrinthian corridors and stairways until he finally came to a stop in front of an unremarkable door.

"Just wait in here please." His guide asked brightly "The presentation will start shortly."

Through the door he'd find himself in a waiting room with a few chairs and a small table with a selection of refreshments but he wasn't alone, leaning over the table was a girl with firey red hair umming and ahhing over wether she should have a full fat soda or not while another girl with short multicoloured hair ran through a series of warm-up stretches, her crop top and bike shorts making her look far more at home in a gym than the small area they were all sharing.
Emil had thought that throughout his life he had seen a lot of particularly impressive works of artifice--spending his early years floating about military bases, driving past pieces of equipment worth more than either of his parents would have made in their entire lives. This academy silenced him, though, and he wished he had more time to be awestruck by the sheer scale and complexity of it all, before he was ushered away down campus towards a rather unassuming building--at least comparative to the academy's other offerings.

...Even then, the Interior of this place was bizarre. Most school buildings he had ever been in had the same plaza style of construction--A rectangular corridor that allowed easy access to a wide variety of rooms and ultimately connected back in on itself. This different. Staircases you had to walk to from other staircases, dead-end corridors with nothing down them...

He wondered why this was. Defense, possibly? The part of his brain that had been trained for recon got a bit giddy at the idea of leading unsuspecting assailants on a wild goose chase through this building's endless and perplexing architecture. Though he also knew it was just as likely it was to accommodate rooms that had been specialized for specific classes: As would need to be when dealing with superpowered individuals.

Finally they arrived in the waiting room. Immediately he felt a bit subconscious. He tucked the hem of his jacket into his pants, made sure none of his leg was visible, and ensured that no-one could see between the jacket of his sleeve and his glove.

...Perhaps this was a bit much, but as Emil saw a glimpse of skin on the back of his arm...

...blatantly visible graft lines where the new skin was installed. An odd glimmer of light as sunlight graced the mirror-skin implants...


Just sitting in here waiting around was going to be a bit awkward, he should talk to someone. The girl with the multi-colored hair was in the middle of a workout, and... while this was a weird place and a weird time to be exercising, it was generally considered distasteful to interrupt a girl in the middle of a workout. He approached the girl at the refreshment's table.

"Hey there! My name is Emil, what's yours?"
The girl over by the refreshments had vaguely registered that someone else had entered the room but she wasn't really bothered by it, not when she had important soda problems to puzzle over but when Emil actually spoke suddenly that didn't same so pressing any more. Spinning around she almost seem confused to see him standing in front of her but that expression melted away almost immediately and was replaced with a bright friendly smile.

"Hi! I'm Klara, that's with a K, how cool is this place? You're here for the school right?"

"Pfft." There was a laugh from behind them and suddenly the girl with the brightly coloured hair was next to them, drawing a squeak of surprise from Klara with a K, she had a cocky grin on her face and one arm confidently draped around Emil's shoulder "Be real. Guy's don't have powers."

"They can." Klara countered "I think I read about it in Teen Hero. You guys want a drink?"
"Yeah, I'm here for the school. I-"

Before he could finish his statement, he felt a pressure around his shoulders. The training he had gone through by this point almost pushed him into a fight response, but he was able to avoid cracking his composure. He looked behind him to see that it was the girl that was working out--the one with the colorful hair.

He wiped some hair away from his eyes, and nodded at Klara.

"Yeah, just grab me whatever you're having."

He was going to have to answer this question--powers were almost exclusively a girl thing, guys very rarely developed them--something like 100 times less likely.

He did not have any powers. Or, rather, he could not claim that he had been born with any powers, because he had not. He was fully aware that there would be some judgement, considering he was given his powers. He was going to have to cross those waters eventually.

"Yeah, I have powers. Just like I assume the two of you do?"

He looked backwards toward the girl with the multi-colored hair.

"What's your name?"
"Danni." The girl replied, vanishing to appear on the other side of him while Klara finally settled on diet soda and held one out for him, clearly this was someone who was exceptionally comfortable in the use of their powers and had no problem in showing them off. "So what are they then?"

The wild haired girl wasn't about to let her line of questioning drop just yet, I mean if Emil had powers then he wouldn't have any problem showing them right?

"Ooo I'll go first." Klara chipped in, placing her can back on the table "You guys might want to step back a little."

She would give the pair a moment to move back if they wanted to and then with a moments focus her powers activated, her skin turning a bright crimson and her close seeming to vanish as she became wreathed in flames like an infernal Venus and floated a few inches off the ground.

"Pretty cool right?" The human-cum-elemental asked, her voice losing none of its brightness in the transformation and even Danni had to admit that it was indeed pretty cool but it wouldn't hold her attention for long and then she shifted back to the boy in their midst.

"Your turn."
He was about to open the Soda, before jumping just slightly when Danni appeared on the other side of him. He could do something similar--though the mechanisms by which they could achieve that power was most likely very different.

He felt panic welling up in his stomach. He was not so uncomposed that this would cause a big issue for him, but it was an awkward situation that Emil did not know how to progress: Luckily, he was given a couple of seconds of leeway when Klara began to demonstrate her powers. He turned around to look at her.

...The sight was extraordinarily impressive, though. The immense heat radiating off her body as she floated in the air, skin like freshly forged steel--glowing red hot and bursting forth with flame...

Emil felt the heat lick up against his skin as it moved forth from her skin. For a few moments he actually forgot what he was going to panic about in the first place: But then he was brought out of this state, and Danni decided quickly that she still wanted to know what Emil's powers worked.

"My powers? Well... I have a few of them.... Ah, they aren't half as interesting as what Klara has going on, though.'

If a power was simply defined as any feat not obtainable by an average human, than he could do a lot. He could climb up the walls and around the ceiling, he could leap between roof-tops, he could turn invisible, swallow poison without even being remotely affected--Hell, he could jump off the Burj Khalifa and land like he had just stepped off a curb.

The thing is, it was more than that. A power was something special about you, something you were born with. Something that was not given to you. That was not Emil. To say he chose a steely heartbeat and glass eyes would be Incorrect, but he was not born with them. His powers were given to him, and even if there was a good reason for that, he was not sure they would understand.

If he gave them a demonstration, they would have questions. Questions he could not answer.

He racked his brain for anything that could get him out of this situation.
Klara gently touched back down on the ground and luckily for her modesty her clothes returned just as her skin lost its brilliant red hue and return to normal. Now she didn't have to worry about boiling the contents of the can with a touch she picked up her drink and popped it open with a hiss before she took a sip, eager to see what kind of cool powers Emil brought to the table.

All eyes in the room were on him and as the seconds ticked by it seemed like he would have to come clean and reveal his secrets to the eager girls...

Until the room was suddenly filled with a beautiful and melodious laugh before a shimmering image appeared in the centre of the room, a beautiful ethereal woman with soft sky blue hair that seemed to glimmer with the same light as her gossamer robes stood before them, this was Mistress Avalon, the Diva's very own Queen of the Arcane Arts.

"Hello my little darlings~" The image cooed "I'm so glad to see that you're all getting along on your first day but it's not going to be all fun and games., it's time for you to prove that you have what it takes to follow in our footsteps. I'm sure you're up to the challenge."

With that the walls of the room they were in fell away like they were part of a cheap set to reveal that they were no longer in the bland corridors that they had come from but in a junkyard surrounded by stacks of rusted out vehicles and mountainous piles of scrap, the sudden change of scenery causing Klara to cover her mouth and let out a surprised gasp while Danni went with a slightly more forceful "What the hell....?"

A satisfied smirk played across the image's features before it held out one arm and conjured a golden trophy in the palm of her hand, a long haired woman striking a heroic pose "One of these is hidden somewhere nearby and it's your job to find it. Make sure you do your best, I'll be watching~"
Emil would have been sweating if such a thing was possible for him. A Synthetic Heart, Synthetic Blood and Synthetic Skin meant that he was capable of no such thing, but he felt almost a phantom sensation of suddenly feeling cold and clammy as all eyes were on him. Certainly he could get away with a little demonstration, keep them guessing? Tell them their exact body temperature or start crawling around on the walls, nothing that would pose too many questions, at least not right away...

...Then a laugh he did not recognize. It definitely wasn't either of the two girls in the room, both of them had somewhat higher pitched voices, and this was a lower, contralto laugh. He wheeled around on his heel to see who it was, and found someone that judging by their stature, was most definitely not a student.

...In-fact, as he took a decent look at her, he realized that this... this was more than likely one of the very owners of the academy themselves--a Diva in the flesh! He was not shocked to meet one of them, and he was not prone to starstruck, but he couldn't help but be awash with a certain sense of awe when she was in the room with them.

...Could this be all of them, though? I mean, this didn't exactly make a class, but it was absolutely possible that they were being split off into groups, so mayb-

The walls quite literally gave way around them, falling down onto the ground to reveal that they were in an odd dystopian hellscape, one that absolutely did not reflect the campus grounds or the surrounding area. Mistress Avalon was the Queen of the Arcane Arts, so he wouldn't doubt that had something to do with it.

"My God..."

...This most likely wasn't even Mistress Avalon, but a projection of her, and he had no doubt that this place was a similar projection. Still, within that projection was a trophy they had to find, and this place. looked and felt real enough.

...Well, they had a find a single hand-sized trophy in this surrealist hellscape of rusted metal. She said it was nearby but that could mean 100 yards or 1 mile. Not to mention the mountainous size of these wrecks... They were reflecting light into his face, the wrecks--despite being patched with rust--were a bit hard to look at...

...Wait, that was it!

The overwhelming majority of the metal here was going to be Iron and Aluminum, maybe a bit of copper. These metals absorbed heat differently. This meant nothing to a normal person, but for someone with Infravision, it meant a whole lot more.

...Still, this was assuming a lot. This assumed that the trophy was actually gold and not buffed brass or ormolu, that it wasn't buried so deeply he couldn't detect it, that this kinda method would even work in this little challenging grounds Mistress Avalon had made for them....

...Worth a shot!

If any of the girls had a mind to look, his eyes would twitch for a moment, the pupils unfocused--before returning to normal. He looked over to Klara.

"Hey, Klara, can you make some heat? I have an idea."

At a later time, he would have to explain how exactly he was doing this: But rather that than being thought of as useless.
"Laaaaame." Danni bemoaned as the image of Mistress Avalon explained their mission before it winked out of existance, she had been hoping for some bad guys to bust up or maybe an assault course but here she was stuck with a scavenger hunt! Where was the fun in that? Well the quicker they got this done the sooner they could maybe actually do some cool heroine stuff.

"That trophy's got my name on it!" She declared before vanishing off in the blink of an eye to reappear atop one of the scrap mountains, stopping to rummage through it for a few seconds before vanishing again, it was entirely possible that she didn't really have much of a plan.

Klara watched the other girl disappear from view until Emil spoke up, she didn't have any better ideas than rummaging around in random piles of junk either though she was glad that it sounded like the boy did.

"You bet I can!" She said proudly, her body undergoing the same blazing transformation they had all already seen until she was floating in front of him, the temperature already starting to rise as the flames danced around her "Just tell me the plan."
"Alright, so..."

Emil began to climb up random piles of junk, looking around. He... He moved up these mountains of scrap with shocking ease, despite the fact that his physical shape appeared to be pretty human in nature, and he did not have clawed or webbed hands that would make such a task easier...

..The girls might not have noticed that, though. Emil just hoped they weren't paying attention, as he scanned the piles of Junk with his eyes.

"So I uh.... I know you're going to need a better explanation later on, and you'll get it, but I can see temperatures. Different metals absorb heat differently, and the stuff the cars are made out of absorbs it a lot differently than the stuff I think the trophy is made out of.

He was idly sifting through the junk, opening car doors and moving piles of scrap around. He dropped back to the ground and readjusted his clothing--pulling up the tall neck of his jacket and pulling down his sleeves to make sure not an Inch of skin was visible, besides from his face.

"At ambient temperatures, this doesn't mean much of anything. If we heat things up a little, though, It might pop out."
"That's so smart!" Klara enthused, already conjuring a ball of flame in each of her outstretched hands and turning her attention to nearby piles of junk that didn't already have one of her new friends on them, she'd almost certainly lose points if she melted on of them while they were looking for the prize. Were they getting points? She wasn't sure but Mistress Avalon said she was watching them and that was close enough.

"I guess I better heat it up then!" With that the fire lanced out from her like a perky living flamethrower and washed over the refuse, quickly starting to heat up the metal and causing the air around to warp and shimmer.

Emil's plan went off just like he had said, to his enhanced sight the different metals stood out clear as day amongst the flames and there near the top of one of the heaps of scrap, nestled amongst the rusted dross was the unmistakable silhouette of the prize that they were searching for.
Honestly, she fanned the flames with more Intensity than he was expecting: It took a little bit on his end to even be able to sort through the now scalding hot scrap without hurting himself. Luckily, the plan went off seemingly without a hitch. His vision was a mix of cool and warm colors, depicting cooler, softer temperatures for some metals and hotter ones for others. The shape of the trophy stuck out like a sore thumb.

He grabbed hold of some steaming dross and tore it aside, feeling the warmth spread through his false-skin as it landed on the ground behind him. He began to rustle around in the cabin of an abandoned car for a few moments, before he threw aside a tarp and saw the Trophy beneath it. He grabbed it, and quickly turned back around to make his way down the pile of scrap.

Approaching the girls, he raised the trophy high up into the air with a wide smile on his face.

"Got it!"
"We did it!" Klara banished the streams of flames shooting out from her as she gleefully clapped her hands together in celebration before she practically threw herself towards Emil with her arms outstretched. He had more than enough time to dodge out of the way of the impromptu hug if he was feeling skittish but if he didn't he would be rewarded not only by the pleasantly warm sensation of the flames that swirled around her scarlet form but the sudden realisation that her clothes vanishing upon transformation wasn't some kind of illusion and that there was suddenly a very naked girl wrapped around him.

Elsewhere in her mystical Sactum of Sanctuary (or maybe it was just her office), Mistress Avalon's hands danced gracefully over the myriad scenarios she had dropped would-be students in like a master puppeteer and turned her attention to the scene in the junkyard for just a moment before nodding approvingly. Emil's solution was a creative one to be sure and had shown quick thinking and teamwork but there were other traits that a successful hero needed...

Like being able to deal with a surprise.

With a flick of her wrist the piles of scrap around Emil and the two girls began to rumble and shake before starting to skitter across the ground to a single point as if they were being pulled together by some unseen force, stacking up on one another until it formed an enormous vaguely humanoid pile of mangled metal that through back its head and let out a bestial roar!

Emil at first was afraid of melting when she went in or the hug, but he would be surprised that the fire felt less like the swirling Infernal tempest that surrounded her, and more like the gentle warmth of a fireplace on a winter evening. Then he felt a very distinct softness against his chest, and it did not take a great deal of thinking to figure out what that was. Luckily for him anything resembling a blush would be obscured by the flames dancing about his form. He wrapped his arms around her back, and did his best to recover his rapidly shattering composure.

"Y-Yeah, that's great! We did it..."

The surprised that came shortly after was more of a blessing than a curse for Emil, as he did not know if Klara had been wrapped around him for 3 seconds or 3 years as every moment felt like an eternity for someone so inexperienced and unexposed to touch. He freed himself from Klara's embrace at the sound of Scrap clanging together, and looked at the thing it was creating. At first he assumed this was their next test... and, well, he was partially right.

What he saw next was a massive, hulking golem, seemingly intent on their destruction--Emil wasn't going to make sure.

If the girls were looking at him, they could observe that he started glowing, like light through a prism, before vanishing from view all-together.

Attacking the thing might be effective. It depended on where he hit it, his sword would glance off steel but slide right through aluminum and glass--But he wanted every advantage, and this thing did not look particularly dexterous. If he put it on its back, Klara and Danni could have a field day with it.

Emil got a running start, and grabbed a piece of exposed metal jutting out from the thing. He tried to use his momentum to topple it onto the ground.

Assuming all went well, he'd run back out of its reach. No reason to take changes.

Free Action: Concealment
Standard Action: Trip
Advantages Used: Improved Trip, Move-by Attack, Quick Draw

"Soooo we got a plan?" Danni asked as she blinked back to the other two students, eyeing the metal colossus with something between shock and excitement "Don't get me wrong I'm pretty awesome but that thing looks a little out of my weight class."

Utterly oblivious to the effect she was having on Emil, Klara untangled herself from their improptu embrace and turned to stare up at the scrap golem, conjouring a fresh ball of flame in each hand as her flames flared back up around her. "Well there's three of us and only one of them, that's pretty good odds right?" She asked, looking back at Emil for confirmation, after all he'd come up with their last plan and that had worked out great!

Unfortunately there wasn't going to be much time for them to formulate a plan as a pair of lights flickered into life on top of the giant man-shaped pile of scrap and it took its first heavy lumbering step towards them, splintering the ground beneath it and sending out shockwaves that shook the very earth around it! Floating just off of the ground Klara wasn't bothered in the slightest but despite her athletic prowess Danni was just a hair to slow and was sent sprawling to the floor as the ground erupted underneath her feet.

Scrap Golem
Move in to close with the gang
Standard Attack with Ground Smash, Klara is immune because she's floating but Emil and Danni need to make a DC20 Defence Save and then a DC25 Toughness Save against Damage, a DC20 Fortitude Save against Dazed/Stunned & DC20 Athletics/Acrobatics check against being Tripped. If you pass the Defence Save you can reduce the rest of the saves by 5.
Klara Fine

His sword was in a resting position across his shoulders, looking up at the colossus of scrap metal that was about to come battering down onto them. He wasn't sure what this thing was capable of, and he was trying to get a decent gauge of their chances. He should let the two girls do the brunt of the fighting, clearly he wasn't going to be able to take this thing on by himself--he had currently lost the element of surprise, afterall.

He wanted to wait until the thing was in a more vulnerable position, then he could make his move and give Klara and Danni the opening they needed to get in and do some real damage. He looked up at the thing, watching as it approached them.

"Well, It's pretty heavy, If we could knock it on it's back I think it would be pretty helpl-"

Then the thing took a massive heavy step towards them, cracking the ground beneath them and putting Emil on his face, utterly Incapacitated...

Or so he thought, by pure instinct, he had rolled with the force of the attack away from it. It still hurt like hell, but he wasn't Incapacitated, just a little dazed. He would need some time to set-up.

"Ugh... Keep... Keep it occupied, I'm going to try something!"

With that, Emil vanished from sight.
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"Just leave it to me!" Klara called out, utterly unphased by the mechanical monsters earth shaking steps by dint of the fact that she simply hadn't been on the ground when it happened (for some reason many energy manipulators also happened to be able to fly, nobody was really sure why) before she looked around and saw a distinct and sudden like of Emil "Where'd he go...?"

"I guess he does have powers." Danni helpfully chipped in from where she lay sprawled out on the ground, craning her neck to make sure he hadn't just ducked out behind a pile of trash or something.

Where Emil wasn't or wasn't at that exact moment didn't exactly change Klara's plan anyway and she ascended higher in to the air until she was almost at eye level with the golem and let loose with another torrent of flame to melt the metal monster back in to the slag that it had come from. Unfortunately the monster didn't particularly seem to mind this at all and just continued with its inexorable march forward even as some of the detritus at its edges began to melt and drip off on to the ground.

"You're not hitting any crap that matters!" Danni yelled up at the flying girl, yanking on a sturdy looking piece of pipe that jutted out of the creature and pulling it free now that she was back on her feet "You got to find out where it really hurts and go hard! Like this!" Flickering up and down the golem it looked to anyone watching like Danni was everywhere all at once striking out at the thing with her impromptu bat looking for that one weak spot that would send it crashing back down to the ground.

For its part the Golem simply regarded the two figures buzzing around it like a pair of annoying insects and let out another roar, casting its glowing gaze about them as bolts of energy scythed out from its eyes with a burning crackling snap!

Fly higher
Standard Attack Scrap Golem with Flame Blast: 1D20+8 = [5]+8 = 13 DC23 Toughness vs Damage with Secondary Effect if that hits. Miss

Teleport into Close with Scrap Golem, this stands her back up from Tripped thanks to the Change Direction extra and activates her 'Flicker' ability. She is Deflected at 1d20+10 until her next turn.
Standard Attack Scrap Golem with Flurry: 1D20+12 = [12]+12 = 24 DC19+Multiattack Toughness vs Damage & DC14+Multiattack Defence vs Impaired&Vulnerable/Disabled&Defenseless if that hits. Hits
Scrap Golem Toughness vs DC21: 1D20+15 = [6]+15 = 21 Resists but the Scrap Golem always takes at least a Bruise
Scrap Golem Defence vs Impaired&Vulnerable/Disabled&Defenseless (DC16): 1D20+5 = [14]+5 = 19 Resist

Scrap Golem
Standard Attack Klara & Danni with Lamp Eyes, they have to make a DC20 Defence Save then a DC25/20 Toughness Save vs Damage.
Klara Defence vs DC20: 1D20+8 = [2]+8 = 10 Fail
Klara Toughness vs DC25: 1D20+8 = [15]+8 = 23 Bruise
Danni Defence vs DC20: 1D20+15 = [1]+15 = 16 Fail
Danni Toughness vs DC25: 1D20+5 = [20]+5 = 25 Crit Resist! šŸ˜®

Dazed (DC15)/Bruised x1
Flamebird Bruised x1
Deflected (1d20+10)/Bruised x1

Scrap Golem Bruised x1
In this current state, Emil wasn't going to be able to do much of anything. He didn't know if this thing could see light signatures beyond the normal human range, but if it couldn't than he was mostly safe from the thing until he made his next move. He needed to recuperate a little. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, listened closely to his surroundings--he was trying to fend off the dizzy feeling he had gotten from being clobbered by the golem. His spatial awareness had been completely destroyed by that attack, he wasn't sure he'd be able to hit something standing two feet in-front of him in this state.

Slowly, the triples of things he was seeing faded into doubles, and then into singles. The ringing in his ears ceased and there was no longer a distinct sense of Vertigo whenever he so much as turned as head. The worst of it was over for the moment, and he could get back to the fight. Still--He was going to have to do a bit of waiting. He was going to wait until this thing was done doing whatever it was going to do, otherwise the entire point of knocking it down would be moot: It would be back upon its feet before the girls had so much as a chance to do anything.

Looking at the two of them, he couldn't help but feel a sense of inadequacy. Danni was moving everywhere at once, hitting the thing from every possible angle at speeds that even Emil's cybernetically enhanced eyes could not track, meanwhile Klara was aloft in the air absolutely torching this thing. Compared to the two of them, his own powers had to seem utterly banal...

Then again, the two of them weren't currently Invisible.

Klara took a pretty meaty hit from the thing, but she seemed to be otherwise alright. Danni on the other hand seemed utterly unfazed as the bolts of energy hit her. With the two of them still relatively hale, this gave him all of the opportunity that he needed to get in and do some damage.

He ran in, jumped up, grabbed some piece of junk sticking out, and tried to use that leverage to topple the thing over.

If all went well, he would land on his feet and draw his sword.
There was an old saying in boxing 'The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall' and that certainly seemed to be true today, the street sign Emil grabbed hold of came free from the monster's leg, surrounding chunks of trash crumbling away as he landed back on the ground. Unable to compensate for the sudden change in its balance the golem let out a confused roar and took another step forward before it toppled forward, the impact shaking the ground hard enough to send junk tumbling down from nearby mounds.

"What the hell...?!" Danni's form stopped flickering just long enough for her to look confused at the downed colossus, its haphazard form twitching and scrabbling to find purchase to raise itself back up.
"I bet it was Emil!" Klara cheered as she hovered above the golem, her new friend had given them a great opportunity and now she was going to make the most of it! Swooping down she landed next to Danni and placed both her hands flat against a car door on the monster "I've never tried this before, I hope it works!" Before Danni had yelled at her for not hitting the parts of the golem that mattered and she wasn't exactly sure how to tell tell the difference (and to be fair neither did the other girl) but that wouldn't matter if she just hit all of it right? In an instant Klara's body flared into radiance and the golem was engulfed by her flames, lighting the entire creature up like some monstrous effigy.
Once again Danni found herself just staring at the sight in front of her, she honestly hadn't thought much of either of the two would-be students she had found herself paired with but in quick succession both had proved her wrong, if she didn't act quickly this fight was going to be over and she wasn't going to have down anything! Snapping out of it she vanished again and threw herself in to action.

There was a rhythm to the way that Klara's flames danced across the golem's body which meant if Klara timed it just right she could strike without incinerating herself. Blinking in and out in time with the fire but failing to do much more than annoy the burning monster.

Wreathed in flame and melting fast the golem couldn't find the leverage to pull itself back to its feet but that mean it was useless and it struck out at Klara but the girl-shaped inferno barely seemed to notice, flames wavering for one moment before they reasserted themselves.

Fly in to Close with the Scrap Golem
Free Power Stunt Phoenix Burn, Damage 12 (Continuous, Improved Crit 2);Accurate 2
Standard Attack Scrap Golem withPhoenix Burn: 1D20+9 = [18]+9 = 27 DC27 Toughness vs Continous Damage if that hits Crit!
Scrap Golem Toughness vs DC32: 1D20+14 = [4]+14 = 18 Staggered & Bruised
Scrap Shedding: 1D10 = [5] = 5 Doesn't Activate
Already in Close with the Scrap Golem so just blinking around to activate 'Flicker'. She is Deflected at 1d20+10 until her next turn.
Move-By Standard +2 Power Attack the Scrap Golem with Flurry: 1D20+15 = [8]+15 = 23 DC21+Multiattack Toughness vs Damage & DC16+Multiattack Defence vs Impaired&Vulnerable/Disabled&Defenseless Hit
Scrap Golem Toughness vs DC23: 1D20+13 = [18]+13 = 31 Resists but the Scrap Golem always takes at least a Bruise
Scrap Golem Defence vs Impaired&Vulnerable/Disabled&Defenseless (DC18): 1D20+5 = [17]+5 = 22 Resist
Teleport out of Close

Scrap Golem
Standard Attack Klara with Scrap Fist: 1D20+10 = [13]+10 = 23 DC25/20 Toughness vs Damage & Weaken Toughness if that hits. Hit
Klara Toughness vs DC25/20: 1D20+7 = [17]+7 = 24 Bruised

Bruised x1
Flamebird Fatigued/Bruised x2
Freestyle Deflected (1d20+10)/Bruised x1

Scrap Golem Prone/Stagged/Bruised x2
The adrenaline was pumping through him now. After his scrape with the Golem that almost resulted in him flat on his ass and disabled, watching these two was the most beautiful thing he could think of. The way the aluminum scrap of this creature's body was heating up and turning golden-white before dripping off onto the floor beneath them, and the more solid steel parts were starting to turn a nice, cherry red as Klara brought all the rage of the sun down onto this creature.

Dani, on the other hand, was waiting to strike until the Iron was hot. In this weakened and defenseless state, every one of her punches was going directly into the steel chassis of this golem and making a nice little dent. He was not sure if this creature had the capacity to feel pain, but if it did it had to be in Absolute agony at the moment.

It hit Klara, but she didn't even seem to care. Like throwing a cup of water onto a roaring bonfire, it just spat it back out.

Now, Emil had to make his move.

This thing was hard as steel, he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to pierce through it, but he sure as hell was going to try. Running up to the thing, he hopped onto its back and lifted up his sword. He aimed down, and tried to pierce through the scrap monstrosities center-of-mass.

Move into melee-range with the Golem
Attack: Attack Golem w/ power attack (5) w/ sword 1d20+10=[12]+10=22
IF HIT: Resistance vs. DC23
Move-by-attack: Moving out of Melee range with the Golem
Advantages Used: Move-by-Action, Power Attack

As he plunged his sword deep into the thing's chassis, he had no idea whether or not it had any kind of effect, or if it even hit anything worth hitting--but he was not standing around to find out. He jumped off the Golem and moved out of attack range, leaving it to the affections of the two girls.
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