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Fx Any I want to be bad


Mar 24, 2020
Good evening Bluemoon, it has been a while since I have made any kind of request thread and I have that need that I hope I can find some lovely writers to fill. I tend to write multi-paragraph posts, so please be prepared to match that if you find yourself curious at all. I am going to make this request thread fairly open because I prefer discussing ideas with a partner. However, I will give some thoughts about what I want.

So, as the title implies, I want to write big, bad girls. I love writing enormous furry females with equally large curves. I also really love getting to play a smaller female, love interest to your character who will suffer emotionally against my superior females. YC in the role is a smaller male overall, but will be forced to grow enormous genitals, large enough to catch the attention of my females.


Forced growth
Forced male orgasm
Excessive cum
Hyper balls/cock
Hyper breasts
Large female
Emotional suffering
Species play

Honestly, there is a lot more but I just wanted to get something out there to be seen.
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