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Names and their importance and impact


Fighting Evil by Moonlight 🌕
Jan 20, 2013
Gaming Chair
I find myself often asking my partners “Western or Eastern” names. I can also add fantasy to that as well. Nothing makes me hit the breaks faster than going through some detailed planning and having a rock solid starter, only to see the the partner character’s name is Feets.

Not his nickname (hell, maybe he runs fast, or is lethal with kicks), no. His name is Feets.

In a run of the mill slice of life in a fictional county in Ohio it just doesn’t really work.

I think there are ways to work around it, but most importantly just communicate it.

I am honestly shocked how many RPs I’ve started without knowing my partner character’s name. It’s something I need to improve on. I’ve asked some to review the names if they wish. Some understand and make light of it, others feel offended and leave conversations.

I think it’s more important than people think. A recent PM I described the names I wanted to use, and the partner replied, “Those names are hot.”

That’s what I want. Every element of my character has to be enticing and appealing to YOU to keep you coming back. A name is just another part of it.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. - "Romeo and Juliet", William Shakespear

Face-to-face, a person's name is but one of many things we use to determine a person's overall value to us. Their name can often be not as important as other characteristics.

On paper, though, when all you have is a slab of text...a name becomes more valuable as a tool for judging a person. A name comes with a pre-determined set of characteristics, even if they're imagined.

So when you're telling a story on paper, a name is as important a characteristic as any other.
I used to google demographic information from areas and dates where my charter was born to see if there was anything that jumped out to fit the mood of my intended character. That can work for modern and realistic historical set games. Nowadays, I save time and ask GPT to fetch that info for me.

I occasionally use those random name generators, if my character is a specific race like a Zeltron or Halfling that has established naming conventions.

With the onset of text AI's, I can do things like take a mundane name that I feel represents my character and ask for suggestions on conforming that name to a different time/location/fantasy/etc.

It's never been communicated to me that my partner approved of or disapproved of a name I used.

I only ever think of it because years ago on here, someone complained about boring names for characters. I immediately imagined how it would affect the psychology of a realistic modern character to be named something fantastical. They'd have a complex and probably have been teased if not bullied. I agree that 'Dave' doesn't belong in deep space in the year 3000, but 'Erendriel' is not well-suited to a modern office workplace romance.

I guess I just place a lot more importance on the personality that's show to me. I think a name is as much a personality as heterochromia is a personality.

I have a partner on another forum that is playing a demon with a name with a lot of vowels in an odd combination. I have to copy/paste the name from their last post every time I reply. It's annoying. After my first experience with something like that years ago, I decided not to inflict finger-twister names on my partners to have to type a lot.
There was a time where every partner played a Jake or an Alex. And it was really confusing.

Not bad names, but how do you all end up with those same two names over and over lol
I am kind of in between on it. While I do appreciate seeing a cool name from a partner, I'm more interested in what that character does during the roleplay and how they interact with my character and how the story progresses. I feel like I'm more impressed by actions because in the end, as long as it's an appropriate name for the setting, etc, whatever my partner decides to name their character is up to them. The same for me.

Now I put thought into it by going for a trait of theirs or searching for meaning behind certain names.
I tend to ask what the character's name is, especially if I am writing the starter (which tends to happen more often than not). Also, there might be the simple fact that my character's knowledge of that name is critical or crucial to the RP itself.

I also sometimes admittedly will use name generators, though rarely do I use them exactly; it's more to get ideas and inspiration as needed, and they do work well for that.
I have some names that are complete offs (mostly exes and family members), so if those come up I ask my partner if they mind changing the name and explain why.
I have some names that are complete offs (mostly exes and family members), so if those come up I ask my partner if they mind changing the name and explain why.
Lol I do the same thing. I don't mind some similarities but for the most part, using my family member's names will be met with a request to change the name. I think that's reasonable and I will happily do the same any time in return.

I do not think I could write against a character named Feets either. Most names I'm fine with but at least make it something cool or something pretty sounding.
Lol I do the same thing. I don't mind some similarities but for the most part, using my family member's names will be met with a request to change the name. I think that's reasonable and I will happily do the same any time in return.

I do not think I could write against a character named Feets either. Most names I'm fine with but at least make it something cool or something pretty sounding.
Mood. I vividly recall an RP where my partner wanted to name their character Spanky.
I'm actually kinda picky about names when it comes to roleplaying. Mostly for my own character, but it's important that both characters have names that make sense and flow. In the past I pretty much almost exclusively used Japanese names, but nowadays I typically use more fantasy-sounding names since most of my roleplays are not set in the real world, but I'll still occasionally use Japanese ones if it suits the setting. I tend to go for more unique names that sound pretty to me, especially if said name can have a cute nickname attached to it. For instance, I have a Lillian who goes by Lilli and an Aurelia who goes by Aurie.

It lowkey takes me out of it when somebody comes at me with a name like 'John' or 'Bob' though. Doesn't happen often, but
man. No shade if that's your name in real life, but like, I have a pretty common-sounding name myself and I can't imagine using it or anything similar for a character I'm portraying. It's just... kind of boring, I guess? Although I suppose if you're doing a modern slice-of-life scenario it makes sense, but I hardly ever do those. Can't even imagine someone trying to come at me with 'Feets' or 'Spanky'. Nope.

And also - it's personally never happened to me, but I'd definitely have to ask someone to change the name if they ended up using a family member or someone else I'm close to in real life, so I completely sympathize with that point.

Edit: I forgot to add this on earlier, but something I always think about when naming my character is how natural it'll sound if the other character says it while in bed, lmao. Like, 'Maryanna' has too many syllables, but just 'Mary' would probably be fine. So the name has to sound attractive when being moaned as well, which is why something like "mmm, fuck me, Goose" just does NOT work haha.
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I choose a name on a combination of 1. Sounding good 2. Is it appropriate for the setting? 3. Does the name’s definition hint about something about my character in the story?

Vincent: Means "Conquerer" and I used this name for a character that had his body possessed by my main character for the entire story since he was “conquered”.
Connor: Means "Son of wolf" which I used for a werewolf character.
Tetsuya: Which has a couple meanings, but I used “Penetrate, arrow”. Because he has an armory of weapons at his disposal to penetrate his enemies with, and he uses a bow and arrow when fighting with his sword wielding bodyguard.

All are also perfectly chosen from the region and time period the stories are set in. Besides that I pretty much agree with sync but especially with:
So when you're telling a story on paper, a name is as important a characteristic as any other.
I'm so particular about names, especially for characters I care about. Throw away NPCs or side characters tend to get a random name that fits the setting and doesn't start with the same letters as the main characters. But even my bad guys get a lot of attention to their names, it shapes perceptions so much in my opinion.
I try to avoid judging personalities or characteristics based on their names. It seems a very unfair and stereotypical thing to me.

But I do care about character names being realistic to a setting. The one time I asked a partner to change their name was when we rped a medieval Japanese setting with locals, and he named his character Shawn.
Was it short for Shawnebushido?

I do not typically put too much thought into other people's character names, but when I come up with a name for one of my characters, I always dig into name meanings and try to have first and last names that go together. I don't necessarily mean that they mean things like a body of water and then the surname means bridge or something. I mean that they belong to the same language/region, so a Celtic first and last, Slavic first and last, Russian first and last etc.

If I am writing a long-term story or a character that is more than just fluff, I tend to put more thought into the name. I tend to focus less on the name meaning, and more how it sounds especially when paired up to the given and suname together. Every so often I like funky spellings, but I try not to get carried away there.

To address the title, I don't consider names all that important though, I just like researching names as I develop a character because I feel that process helps me flesh the character out.
The most important thing is for a character to have a name that is the impetus for a stupid pun that makes less sense the longer you stick with it.
I go through phases of liking letter combinations. Right now I'm really into consonant+H sounds, like kh and gh, and sharp sounds like isk. I always check the meaning, but don't rely on it. It's more about sounds: I like villains to have harsher sounds, and main characters to have fun nick names. I agree with Prose that looking at different names can help the process of filling out the character.
I'm dealing with a bad name currently. My partner seems hellbent on using it. So I'll give it a shot. Gonna feel stupid saying that dumbass name. lol. :confused:
For me, names are very important! Either I make names that reflect on the character's role or personality, or it's meant to be a sort of pun. My partners know this.
Names are interesting.. They are definitely flexible. Have a long flowering sounding name? Create a nickname for refering to him. I mean Bob came from Robert (not sure how) John from Johnathan or Johnson.... (And then you just realize that some of our ancestors were just utterly and completely boring or arrogant when name their kids.... My name is Eric.... he will be called Eric's son or Ericson. or JohnSON.

Johnathan, Daneil, Robert are all atleast to me fairly standard names but fairly timeless. So even if you want to use a more common name, see if that name has been short formed.

Granted I don't think I will ever use the name Richard..... as I don't know why Dick became a shortform.... Perhaps it ryhmes with Rick..
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