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Asking about Response Frequency


Fighting Evil by Moonlight ๐ŸŒ•
Jan 20, 2013
Gaming Chair
So I have never really paid attention to this in the past, but response frequency is something that should be detailed in pitches or responses to request threads.

Look, I get it. Many of us are busy. We all work differently. Some of us work at night, some of us work at home, some of us only have a set amount of time we can follow up with this hobby. And to some of us, this hobby is a primary way to escape, while for others, this may be an option, but not the go to source for escapism or entertainment.

I am not even getting into school, exams, children, pets, etc.

Time is our most valuable currency in this world, and dedicating it to writing is a choice, not a requirement.

That being said, is it rude to ask about expected response frequency? I am not trying to lock anyone down, or kill RPs if you said youโ€™d post daily but you donโ€™t. I think itโ€™s just good to have at least a general outlook so you know what to expect.

For me, long gaps between posts can hurt the excitement, I can find my interest waning quickly and disconnecting from the characters established.

Iโ€™ve had partners who post every couple of days, partners who post multiple times a day, and partners that post maybe weekly, maybe bi-weekly, heck, Iโ€™ve had partners who basically post monthly, but it works.

Would you be offended if asked about your response times? Do you just rather reply when you reply and thatโ€™s the end of it?

I think itโ€™s a good thing to discuss.
I think it's completely fair. In fact, I think everyone should have their response frequency on their request threads to set expectations.

It's the same as word count. People want and need to know what your expected output is.
I've always put the frequency on my profile since I do think that it is one of those things that will be dealbreaker for some, and also to stop frequent pointless pokes when I have not replied in a day or two.

So I definitely don't see it as rude or anything, but a basic info that is sort-of mandatory for collaboration to work, since some people expect more fast-paced posting, while others like to take their time and take things slowly whether it's their preference or real-life situation not allowing the frequent posting, and these two extremes most likely won't mesh well as RP partners, and even if the pace is not a dealbreaker I just see it as a pretty basic and inoffensive question.
Would you be offended if asked about your response times? Do you just rather reply when you reply and thatโ€™s the end of it?
Of course I wouldn't be offended, that's completely normal and I keep that info in my request thread. In general, I think it's a crucial piece of information to share between writing partners. What happens when one side expects a couple replies a day while the other a couple replies a week? Disappointment, that's what.
Post frequency is absolutely a legitimate thing to find out about. As is any point of compatibility.

After a few days, I lose track of the story in my mind. Around a week, I've forgotten my character's name. It's silly to waste my time or someone else's creating this situation.
I don't think that's rude at all. It's better to know posting schedules up front that way if they don't align together with what you or a potential partner want then you can decide whether you move forward or not.
I like to tell people what I'm able to do and what I can't so they know what they're getting from me.
I do know that these things can change. We can start writing and you well know that I reply within 2 days. But I get sick, or my boss is being a asshat again, or I feel down in the dumps. Those 2 days can become three or four days, but Iโ€™d hope to communicate that with my active partners. If I donโ€™t, I can understand pokes, and hopefully understanding if my work has been chapping my ass, or I am very sick.
Unless there is an extremely good reason - and in that case, I let my partners know - I always reply within 24 hours. This is due to me having a health issue three years ago that made me unable to do anything for a bit and I lost several good RPs because of it. So I made that rule to keep me consistent and I've kept to it, only because it works for me.

Do I expect all my partners to have that same kind of rule? Hell no. Life comes first and so long as I have a vague idea of when they are going to post (as Seranda said, usually within their request thread), then that's fine by me. Also, real life always comes first so if that is an issue for some reason - whatever the reason happens to be - I have zero problem with that. Finally, if they simply tell me that they are no longer interested in writing with me, again for any cause, then I'm fine with that and just tell them it's cool.

I do have partners that post once a month, once a week, once every day or two, and even multiple times a day. All are good with me, and I don't ever try and rush them either. Even in the worst case scenarios, it is what it is, regarding RP, and you just have to roll with whatever you're given. No one owes anyone else at all, and so this is a fun hobby in the end and should remain as such.
I don't think it's rude at all. Based on what I see when I scout RTs, most people have it listed in theirs. In my opinion, it's something that should be given upfront. It's essential to determine compatibility.

My post frequency fluctuates. I sometimes respond multiple times a day to once a month. I list that in my RT thread to avoid being contacted by people who prefer faster, more reliable partners.
No one owes anyone else at all, and so this is a fun hobby in the end and should remain as such.
Then you shouldnโ€™t compromise to provide text for a partner on the other side.

I advise all who arenโ€™t feeling it to just let me know and Iโ€™ll rip off the band aid.

Donโ€™t waste my time.
Maybe not, I'm just a bit weird with how I choose to go about it; and yes, it can be a bit daunting at times. I also do the same with regard to partners and will tell them as well if I'm not doing great, so they can expect a delay.
Maybe not, I'm just a bit weird with how I choose to go about it; and yes, it can be a bit daunting at times. I also do the same with regard to partners and will tell them as well if I'm not doing great, so they can expect a delay.
Yeah, I think communication is what works best. Even if initially I say I will answer daily, things can happen, even something like my mood, and I can at least tell my partner that it might not be daily anymore. If they are cool with it, we continue, if not, I would understand.
I'd say it's essential to ask. One to (as mention above) manage expectations, those eager writers with less real life commitments on their hands need to know that I won't be matching that energy and output from the get go.

Secondly it sets boundaries. If I've told someone 'I'll post a couple of times a week' and they're poking for a response with a day, well then they either haven't paid attention to what I've said or don't care about my boundaries. Either way we're not a good match and I've ended RP's on that basis before and hopefully saved a lot of time and aggravation for all involved.
I'd say it's essential to ask. One to (as mention above) manage expectations, those eager writers with less real life commitments on their hands need to know that I won't be matching that energy and output from the get go.
Having more time to write does not mean less real life commitments. But I can see your point
It can be an awkward conversation, but I think it's not so much up for discussion if someone states their preferences in their Request Thread, then they get approached and it is not mentioned, it is more than reasonable to assume they "signed on" the expectations stated. If it is not, then it is actually good to just ask if oneself has a preference what the other person goes by.

I think nearly anything can be asked and even requested, it is just a matter of how you approach the topic and phrase yourself. If it is important, it actually should be addressed before the RP starts - and I do think it is important to most people even when they don't say it. There is a difference between being most comfortable with a back-and-forth lasting a few hours, and getting one post every other week - and vice versa for whatever reason.
And to immediately address the question - I wouldn't be offended at all. See the point about it comes down to how it is approached.
I openly state in my RTs that I do my best to reply on a weekly basis but have medical issues and work/life balance restrictions that can make it difficult. I know it's not for everyone, but at least I know those who approach me and those I contact are able to check my RT easily from my signature and that if they show/reciprocate interest it mustn't be an issue for them.
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