Hello, all! In contrast to my BBL-Build-A-MILF-vs-Bully prompt thread, this thread is a collection of a pre-made Big-Booty-Single-MILF-vs-Sons-Bully scenarios that require less choices. Easier to get into the meat of the plot and action right away. There will be more scenarios added in the future, but for now I will just lead with this one.
What I'm Looking For In A Partner:
I'm looking for a creative [F] who wants to play the Female characters in a long-term story (I will play the male characters unless otherwise requested), either here or on a platform like Discord, and who enjoys the psychological and story-telling aspect of roleplaying. I want to know what her character is thinking and feeling, I want to know how the actions and reactions of those around her affect her, and most of all I love when those feelings conflict and contrast. Betrayal doesn't have to be evil, it can be wracked with guilt, it can be dismissive, it can feel like there's no other options, or it can tell itself anything it wants to hear in order to continue getting what it secretly wants.
I'm pragmatic when it comes to roleplaying. Some responses may only require a few sentences, some may make you feel like writing multiple paragraphs. I don't like placing arbitrary minimums or limits or on my RP partners. I tend towards a handful of paragraphs myself.
I'm also pragmatic when it comes to life. We have busy lives and aren't always available to roleplay. I'm looking for someone who doesn't need to back-and-forth roleplay in a session (though we can do that too if both available) but someone who is okay with sending a response every day or so unless something comes up.
Where these scenarios end up going is up to us to figure out. Each is meant as an opening to a longer-term series of events and half of the fun is figuring out where we should take it.
Also let me know if there's any additions or subtractions to the chosen prompt that you'd like to include.
tl;dr Section. Images are NSFW
I recognize that I write too much, this is a short teaser section so you can search for what you're interested in.
Scenario 1: Upper Middle Class Homemaker Lela and Leland vs High School Jock Connor - The Study Group: Lela, a sweet and caring widow (with a secret past as a dancer) who was left with enough to remain a stay-at-home-mom in an upper class neighbhourhood, hosts her nerdy son Leland, her sons best friend Eugene, and a few other nerds for a weekend sleepover and study group. The group is crashed by Connor, an aggressive and dumb High School Jock who bullies the nerds into doing his schoolwork for him. A quick trip to drop off a forgotten textbook leads to Connor meeting Lela, and sticking around a lot longer than he meant to.
Alternate: Upper Middle Class Homemaker Angela and Ashley
Alternate: Upper Middle Class Homemaker Daphne and Dix
Scenariao 2: Trailer Trash Sara and Sasha vs The BBC Gang - BBC Birthday Blowout: Sara has had to be tough ever since her husband left, leaving her alone with a wheelchair-bound son. Or at least, that's what she tells herself. Sweet, bubbly and a little ditzy on the outside and always sporting her signature pair of undersized daisy dukes, Sara is a very naturally manipulative woman, taking advantage of situations to get what she wants. When some of the local gang members from her son Sasha's class show up at her son's Birthday Party, she'll get a lot of what she wants and more.
Alternate: Trailer Trash Kelly and Kyle
Scenario 3: Police Widow Eva and Evan vs The BBC Gang's Drilla - Cops and The Culture: A widow, Eva's husband was accidentally gunned down a year ago during a shootout between two local young gangs. Eva, always one to forgive and remain open-minded, is working to move on, but her son Ashley is convinced one of the thugs and bullies at his high school did it. Wanting to help her son heal, she invites the alleged shooter to their downsized apartment to speak to him. Finding out that he was indeed at the confrontation, she wants to understand the Black Culture that he comes from that lead to the incident, even if it means Ashley has to learn how to turn the other cheek.
Alternate: Police Widow Ava and Andy
Important Limits:
- The bullying of the Son is an active and ongoing part of the story. I find a lot of bully prompts are really just a set-up for some steamy romance or taboo hook-up and the bullying victim is shuffled off into the background or backstory. This is not one of those prompts. The son is going to be very present and actively bullied by the other characters, and his situation is going to be something the Mom grapples with. He's also not going to enjoy it. He's not going to jerk off or be a willing or semi-willing cuck. My prompts have been called Misery Porn before and that's not that far off in the case of the son's treatment.
- The MILF will not have a boyfriend or husband or partner present. I'm again not into willing cuckoldry, and the presence of a male authority figure provides the kind of emotional and physical security that I feel robs the prompt of fun potential.
- I prefer the cartoonishly curvy porn-star or instagram model look. If you want to play a skinny Hollywood starlet or more realistic single mom, this probably is not the prompt for you. I prefer them visually anwyays, but I also love viscerally easier it is for her to be a target of lew and crude behaviour just based off of sex-doll looks.
- Pregnancy: Is a story changer. I'm not against it but too much time passes for it to be glossed over, so it's not something that will just be added in lightly.
- Gangbangs: Can happen, but will not be a regular occurence.
- Anal and Violence: I don't care for violence for the sake of it, nor am I interested in the grosser side of rough sex, I care more about the mental and emotional aspects of them.
Easy example: A judoka breaks his arm off of a throw in a competition.
What I'm not interested in is how the sound his arm made when it cracked, what direction his arm was facing, if there was anything sticking out (GROSS), nor the intricate description of the landing.
What I'm interested in is the effects. Did the pain and agony cause him to cry? Was he embarrassed because his girlfriend was in the crowd? How did having his arm in a cast negatively affect his life? After his recovery, what kind of fear did he feel when he was thrown again at his first practice? What emotion does he feel when he sees the person who threw him again? How does this affect his competitive career or hobbyist enjoyment of Judo?
So things like violence, anal (you know what comes out of there), throat fucking are things where I will concentrate less on the gross and gooey and more on the affects of what they're doing to the characters.
Hard Limits
No scat
No forced bi/gay (some cum play is okay)
No futa
Any cuckoldry is involuntary and causes nothing but shame and frustration, it will not be something the cucks are turned on by
No beast
Kinks and Interests:
- Bullying: The reason I love bullying is the social and physical unfairness of a situation. The son will be physically weak and socially polite, but a bully either decides to push through social norms or expectations, or just doesn't care about them, in order to do what they want with who they want. It forces mental stress and duress on those who didn't deserve it, forces them to make choices about what they can or can't do about a situation, forces dominance and struggle for the good while the bad are rewarded for it, and overall provides a lot of juicy and hot situations to play with.
- Pushing Through Boundaries: I like it when she doesn't like it, and I like it when she has to mentally cope with it. She looks how she looks, wears what she wears and feels how she feels, and is left with the emotional burden of it all while surrounded by those who mean her son harm. Every law she lays down and rule she tries to enforce is going to be ignored, pushed through or tricked out of in some way or another.
- Mental Gymnastics: Speaking of mentally coping, I'm also a fan of mental gymnastics. Victim blaming and creating excuses for the bullies due to obliviousness/ditziness/stress and pressure only increases the struggle of the son.
- Good Intentions Taken Advantage Of: Similarly, bullies taking advantage of the well-intentioned to have their way adds a lot to a situation. It creates a mental attitude that allows for a lot of exploitation, guilt and lying about social and cultural norms to those who want to learn and want to do the right thing.
- Betrayal or Failure of Authority Figures: Overall I'm also a fan of the betrayal or failure of a protective authority figure to do their job properly. A mom is supposed to care for her and protect her son above all others, a teacher is supposed to protect their students, a cop is supposed to protect civilians from harm, but these bullies are able to short circuit those situations anyway.
- Groping, Spanking, Objectification and Narrow Quarters: All of my bully characters are going to have large hands, and they're going to use them pretty freely. The bullies are going to be paying a lot of attention to her proportions in very inappropriate ways. Boys will be boys, they just won't be able to help it, they'll invade her personal space to make her feel uncomfortable while staring directly at her body parts, they'll rub up against her in narrow spaces, they'll swat and spank and grab in any situation with anyone present.
- Blowjobs, Throatjobs, Titjobs, Assjobs and using a woman's body as a footrest or table for food are all super hot to me and I'd like to include them on the regular.
Please use the term "Fat Ass [name of the MILF you've selected to play here], reporting with booty!" in your opening message so I know you've read the important parts of the prompt.
Scenario 1: Lela and Leland vs High School Jock Connor - The Study Group
Alternates: Angela and Ashley
Daphne and Dix (pronounced Deese)
Lela - Upper Middle Class Single Mom. Loves cooking for others. Has a past as a risque dancer
Leland - Lela's high school aged son. Short and physically weak. Academic honor roll and nerdy interests.
Connor - Star wrestler who needs to pick up his grades to continue on the team. Tall, strong and aggressive.
Leland's friends - Background characters, the other members of the study group.
Location: Lela's two story home with a basement. The hallways on the second floor are annoyingly narrow.
Personality Characteristics:
Lela: A single mother, Lela lost her husband while her son was very young to a car accident. A combination of a good insurance policy, smart investments and the good money he'd made from his job (there was a bit of an age gap between the two) allowed the two to retain a comfortable lifestyle despite Lela not working. She continues to wear her wedding ring, still has her wedding dress in the closet, and keeps her husband's prized college athletics trophies on display in her bedroom (some lower division wrestling runner ups and one tournament win title).
She took the loss of her husband hard, and dedicated herself to making sure Leland grew up right. Loving and caring, she was also stern and supportive and not afraid to crack the whip or bring down a punishment if need be to keep Leland on track. The efforts have paid off: Leland is a perennial honour roll student and in line for a scholarship to a good college. She couldn't be prouder, though secretly she does worry about his lack of success with girls over the years. She's still confident that he'll come out of his shell in college and having a high paying job and good future will only increase his prospects. The two maintain a great, if stereotypical, mom and high-school son relationship.
Far from wanting to be a ditzy trophy wife, Lela is a very dedicated homemaker. Her house is spotless and well kept (except when the boys come through). Her biggest passion is cooking, something she adores doing for any and all visitors she receives. A kind word and a full stomach are always available at Lela's household.
She does have a bit of a past that she is embarrassed about. She was dancer in a "risque" profession (doesn't necessarily have to be a stripper but I'll leave this up to you, she won't admit it but there may be evidence floating around on the internet) and was a huge hit with the clientele due to her curvaceous body. She is very proud of her body but every once in awhile her dancing gets away from her and gives a bit of an eyeful to anyone in the vicinity.
Despite raising such a proper son herself, Lela does get turned on by male aggressiveness. She'll focus in on making that aggressive man happy, often to the point of excusing his poor behaviour with flimsy reasoning or even chastising others for not going along with his wishes. She will feel guilt at his bullying but will reason that it's about time Leland learned to toughen up and fend for himself.
Leland: Your typical high school nerd. He's a few inches shorter than his mother who herself is not very tall (a fact that annoys him, especially when she wears heels, he feels it accentuates his shortness). Academic performance is easy for him, something that allows him to finish his work quick and still have time for his biggest passion, video games.
He has a very typical teenage relationship. He thinks she's embarrassing when she hangs around him and his friends too much (especially if she starts dancing) but doesn't feel a lot of ill-will towards her. He has very little memories of his father, though the amount of framed pictures on every wall and desk in the house makes sure he at least knows what he looks like. He still wears tighty-whitey underwear, something that Connor finds hilarious.
One thing that gets the ire of Leland is those giving incorrect facts or insisting that he is wrong, because he rarely is. He will argue in every situation regardless of how backed into the wall he is, something that comes off as obnoxious to others and causes Connor to bully him.
Leland's Friends: Other gamer nerds like him, they love coming to the house due to how hot Lela is and how much she feeds them. None of them are particularly crude or forward about it (remember, gamer nerds) but it annoys Leland how much they fawn over her and embarrasses him when they catch her dancing. Connor's arrival will make them nervous to continue the study group.
Connor: Tall, blonde, stocky and muscular for his age, Connor could be easily cast in American cinema as your classic 1980s bully just on looks alone. That muscle isn't for show either, as Connor is good enough at amateur wrestling to be easily lined up for an athletic scholarship. The only thing standing in the way of that is his poor academic performance. Connor has always skated by on coaches and teachers looking the other way to keep the school program going, but an administrative change pulled a new Principal in charge and she insists that all of her athletes perform well not only on the mats but in class as well. This has left Connor in a bit of a bind, as he's never bothered doing much studying or homework and it's too late to learn now. Having overheard one of Leland's friends talk about their study group, Connor decides to forcefully crash the group and make these nerds do his work for them.
Leland and his friends despite being nerds don't actually have anything bad to say about jocks. They're not into sports, but they're not against them either. What they do have bad to say about is Connor himself. If he was cast as a said 1980s bully, he'd be accused of method acting every day and all the time. He loves all the classics: wedgies, swirlies, stuffing nerds into lockers, and using his size and athleticism to roughhouse. He loves watching those weaker than him squirm and struggle while he has his way.
He's not much better with women. He has no problem laying on hands, saying lewd and crude things and looking at and staring at what he wants, when he wants. He has very traditional ideas of a man's place and a woman's place, and a woman's place is making him food and draining his firehose.
Opening Scenario: Connor's arrival for the weekend study group will be sudden. Despite Leland's protestations, Lela will insist that everyone is welcome.
Scenario 2: Sara and Sasha vs The BBC Gang - BBC Birthday Blowout
Alternate: Kelly and Kyle
Sara - Trailer Trash Single Mom. Bubbly and a little ditzy, though with a manipulative side. Has a QoS kink.
Sasha- Sara's mostly wheelchair-bound son. Good academic performance, high level fighting game player.
Sasha's Friends: Background characters, initially hanging out at the party.
BBC Balla: A jock and high school basketball star. One of the few BBC gang members who might have a real future.
BBC Bizzy: A hustler, scammer and drug dealer. Lies about sharing a birthday with Sasha.
Other BBC Gang Members: A few background characters.
Location: Sara's small trailer near the entrance of the park. Very narrow hallways and small rooms.
Personality Characteristics:
Sara: Sara is very bubbly, a little ditzy and quick to laugh and smile when she has one of her "blonde moments". Well, on second glance, on first glance you usually notice her very cheeky daisy dukes that leave little to the imagination of what she's packing. She's very personable, the kind of woman who gives off warm feelings and calls everyone "honey" or some similar kind of pet name.
A single mom, Sara's man walked out years ago, leaving her alone with her disabled son Sasha. She's not shy about sharing some of the struggles she's experienced over the years with money being tight.
Underneath it all, Sara is a narcissistic and manipulative. She's scamming the government with Sasha's disability (without his knowledge) and is very quick to lay the charm on any case worker who comes by. She's very quick to react positively to compliments and affirmation even from total strangers, something that annoys Sasha to no end as she tends to forget about him while doing so (especially when she's wearing her daisy dukes, nothing worse than seeing mom's ass while she's flirting with a stranger).
She has a Queen of Spades kink, displaying one as part of her tramp stamp on her lower back and having a number of necklaces, bracelets and shirts at her disposal. Finding out her son is "friends" with these nice young men and that they share a birthday is going to induce her to include them in the proceedings.
Her relationship with her son, like any of the rest, is opportunism. She pushes him to do well in academics so she can buy him a larger house in the future. She's warm and caring when she wants something, wants attention or needs him to grin and bare it for a bit. Sasha complaining leads to her guilting him for his condition and for her always looking after him, something that does affect him. She'll be cold and cool down when he's acting in a way she doesn't like, often ignoring him and forgetting he even exists when she's talking to someone who's complimenting her.
Her reaction to bullying is mostly muted. As long as Sasha isn't really getting hurt, it'll just be considered "a little bit of fun" and "nothing meant by it."
Sasha: A wheelchair-bound high schooler, Sasha is going to succeed despite the odds and roadblocks life has put in his way. He doesn't remember his father nor does he think about him much. He does well academically, and has a passion for fighting games like Street Fighter and Smash Bros.
Born with advanced degeneration in his hip and leg, Sasha can actually walk a little bit. Unbeknownst to him, his condition can be improved with rehab programs but Sara won't pay for them (harder to keep up the disability scam if her son can walk). The trailer is very cramped quarters for someone with a wheelchair as well.
His relationship with his mom is a rollecoaster. Her emotional manipulation is embedded deep, allowing her to play him pretty easily the way she wants. She knows just what to say to motivate him, shut him up, get him to endure anything, think of her first and anything else she could want. A regular faceful of her daisy dukes and that stupid tattoo (he doesn't know what it means) are just icing on the cake as his wheelchair eye level is eye-to-eye with it.
Sasha's Friends: A handful of nerds and gamers. Despite being his friends, they really only come around because of the way Sara teases them and how she dresses. She's always winding them up with little flirtations, especially about playing spin-the-bottle with them. Otherwise, they'd game with Sasha online. They are not going to be very comfortable with the arrival of the BBC Gang.
Bricked, Ballin' Cookin' AKA The BBC Gang: Your typical modern gang of young black teens. Scamming, drug dealing, getting into shootouts with rival gangs and trying to make it big as drill rappers is part of their game. Not residents of the trailer park though they consider it "part of their territory." They go to the same high school as Sasha, though attendance is spotty. The other teens give them a pretty large berth and stay away from them when they're around.
BBC Balla: Balla is one of the exceptions to the above. 6'5", large hands, long tattoo covered arms and a killer three point shot are going to net him an easy college scholarship. Scouts think he has a lot of potential. He is a regular at school and forces nerds to do his homework for him. His latest schoolwork mule transferred however, so he's looking for another, which is part of the reason the gang shows up at Sasha's in the first place. He is a very physical bully. It amuses him greatly that Sasha can't run or defend himself, which leads to Balla wheeling him around, accidentally dumping him off his chair and using him as a prop for his jokes and humiliations. He'll enjoy trying to see how far he can make Sara go in front of Sasha (very) and how much he can get away with around her.
BBC Bizzy: Bizzy aka The Business is also a bit of an exception to the rest of the gang. On the shorter and scrawnier side, Bizzy is nevertheless still strong for his frame and age. He has a small amount of tattoos but they're hidden. He gives off a bit of a nerdy black kid vibe, which he uses to his own advantage when dealing and scamming. He's a smooth talker, someone who talk himself into and out of many situations. It will be his initial lie that he shares a birthday with Sasha that will get the BBCs invited into the birthday in the first place. He'll steal Sasha's things, use Sasha's wheelchair to hide his drugs, and generally see what kind of lewd games and situations he can talk Sara into.
BBC Gang Members: Two or three other gang members who are just hanging around for the food, Sara and to film a rap video (that Sara will most certainly be involved in)
Opening Scenario: Sara, Sasha and his friends are hanging out on the porch waiting for Pizza to arrive when the BBCs show up and convince Sara that they're friends of Sasha and Bizzy shares the same birthday.
Scenario 3: Eva and Evan vs BBC Drilla - Cops and the Culture
Alternates: Ava and Andy
Eva - Single mom and widow of a deceased police officer. Open minded and forgiving.
Evan - Eva's high school aged son. Still angry over the death of his father, he's certain that one of the thugs at his school was the shooter.
BBC Drilla - High school aged gang member and aspiring drill rapper. Was present at the shootout that killed Eva's husband.
Location: The small apartment that Eva has had to downsize to. Hallways are narrow and walls are so thin that you can hear everything behind them.
Personality Characteristics:
Eva: A bombshell, Eva has otherwise been a sweet and submissive woman most of her life, which lead her to being open-minded of other people's points of view and opinions, and forgiving of perceived offenses and infractions. She could still lay the law down if she needed to, but it was so rare that she came off more like a pretty doormat. She would mind the house and her son and her husband would make the decisions and lead the way. This structure all came crashing down after he was caught in the crossfire of a gang shootout. She'll never quite get over his death but one year later, recognizes that it's necessary for her to move on. She has still kept most of his personal items though. Wedding rings, clothes (even her wedding dress is tucked away in the closet), his uniform, his prized sharpshooting trophy. She also has tucked away some handwritten letters and messages meant for Evan later in his life should he ever pass away. Her facebook profile continues to heavily display him and she has yet to add any new pictures since.
Suddenly being thrust into the position of leader of the family unit has played on her nerves heavily. She constantly fretting and worrying about every little thing, struggling to make decisions and not certain how she should handle Evan, who's still taking his father's death hard.
This has left her vulnerable to exploitation by any man who talks a little bit strong to her or recognizes that her boundaries are flimsy and easily pushed through and that her opinions can be shaped by whoever she's in the room with. She is so keen on understanding that she'll let a lot of things go or allow for a lot of excuses, including bullying. Turning the other cheek is the only way to teach others that fighting fire with fire only produces more fire.
On the side, she makes a living as a seamstress and costume maker, running a side business where she uses herself to model her various available wares on the internet. Evan is the only one who's technically saavy enough to help her take the pictures and upload them, which he finds to be an annoying chore. She also has an interest in poetry.
Evan: Scrawny and small for a high schooler, Evan himself has dreams of growing up to be a police officer, enforcing the law and keeping people safe the way his father did. He loves video games where you get to play as the good guys. It's bothered Evan how society has recently started treating cops as the bad guys while the criminals who are dealing drugs and committing crimes are considered victims. Evan is actually quite serious about this in general, whereas Eva will chastise him about it, concerned that he's using it to conceal burgeoning racist feelings towards the black youths who killed his father.
This will be further compounded by Evan's insistence that one of his high school classmates was responsible for the accidental shooting but got away with it. Evan's insistence that she take his misgivings to the force is a step too far for her, so as a compromise and against his wishes, she'll invite the young man over to hear his piece.
Despite being demonstrative about things he has misgivings about, he'll generally give in to his mom's wishes, the warmth of her voice giving him a sense of safety and security even when there may not exist any and a need to perservere so she can see things for what they truly are.
BBC Drilla: A member of the Bricked, Ballin' Cookin' Gang, BBC Drilla is a muscular and tall for his high school age, an aspiring rapper, and most concerningly, a real shooter. He carries a loaded glock on him at all times and isn't shy about telling people that he's "caught a few bodies", though his rapping about his exploits isn't very good.
Evan catches on to Drilla's claims when one of Drilla's songs not long after claiming that he "caught a fed, now they dead." Eva will insist that the father wasn't a fed but just a regular local police officer, but Evan doesn't think Drilla is smart enough to know the difference (he's not).
The truth of the matter is that it absolutely was Drilla's bullet that killed Evan's father and that he was able to escape the scene and discard the weapon. Drilla is proud of it, having endured many injustices and a tragedy due to the police (one of the other BBC members was shot by police).
He'll take advantage of Eva's vulnerability and cluenessness to have his way with her and humiliate the "pig's" son, while also portraying himself as a downtrodden poet (using classic songs that Eva's never heard and genius lyrics to fake it) and artist forced into a harsh life by the world around him. He'll paint the police as an oppressive force, portray his lewd and crude behaviour ("bitch") as just part of his culture and something she can take pride in learning, and use her connections to other elements at the precinct to get away with things. He'll even attempt to get her to model more "urban style" and make Evan become part of his "video production crew."
Much like Evan, Drilla is also reactive, very quick to punch, push or throw Evan around if he tries to start something or insinuate something. However Drilla was also be quick to justify his actions in a way that will speak to Eva just right to let it go or turn the other cheek.
Scenario: Evan's insistence that Drilla was the perpetrator leads Eva to invite him over to confront him about his words and behaviour, despite Evan's misgivings that they should be going to the police instead.
What I'm Looking For In A Partner:
I'm looking for a creative [F] who wants to play the Female characters in a long-term story (I will play the male characters unless otherwise requested), either here or on a platform like Discord, and who enjoys the psychological and story-telling aspect of roleplaying. I want to know what her character is thinking and feeling, I want to know how the actions and reactions of those around her affect her, and most of all I love when those feelings conflict and contrast. Betrayal doesn't have to be evil, it can be wracked with guilt, it can be dismissive, it can feel like there's no other options, or it can tell itself anything it wants to hear in order to continue getting what it secretly wants.
I'm pragmatic when it comes to roleplaying. Some responses may only require a few sentences, some may make you feel like writing multiple paragraphs. I don't like placing arbitrary minimums or limits or on my RP partners. I tend towards a handful of paragraphs myself.
I'm also pragmatic when it comes to life. We have busy lives and aren't always available to roleplay. I'm looking for someone who doesn't need to back-and-forth roleplay in a session (though we can do that too if both available) but someone who is okay with sending a response every day or so unless something comes up.
Where these scenarios end up going is up to us to figure out. Each is meant as an opening to a longer-term series of events and half of the fun is figuring out where we should take it.
Also let me know if there's any additions or subtractions to the chosen prompt that you'd like to include.
tl;dr Section. Images are NSFW
I recognize that I write too much, this is a short teaser section so you can search for what you're interested in.
Scenario 1: Upper Middle Class Homemaker Lela and Leland vs High School Jock Connor - The Study Group: Lela, a sweet and caring widow (with a secret past as a dancer) who was left with enough to remain a stay-at-home-mom in an upper class neighbhourhood, hosts her nerdy son Leland, her sons best friend Eugene, and a few other nerds for a weekend sleepover and study group. The group is crashed by Connor, an aggressive and dumb High School Jock who bullies the nerds into doing his schoolwork for him. A quick trip to drop off a forgotten textbook leads to Connor meeting Lela, and sticking around a lot longer than he meant to.
Alternate: Upper Middle Class Homemaker Angela and Ashley
Alternate: Upper Middle Class Homemaker Daphne and Dix
Scenariao 2: Trailer Trash Sara and Sasha vs The BBC Gang - BBC Birthday Blowout: Sara has had to be tough ever since her husband left, leaving her alone with a wheelchair-bound son. Or at least, that's what she tells herself. Sweet, bubbly and a little ditzy on the outside and always sporting her signature pair of undersized daisy dukes, Sara is a very naturally manipulative woman, taking advantage of situations to get what she wants. When some of the local gang members from her son Sasha's class show up at her son's Birthday Party, she'll get a lot of what she wants and more.
Alternate: Trailer Trash Kelly and Kyle
Scenario 3: Police Widow Eva and Evan vs The BBC Gang's Drilla - Cops and The Culture: A widow, Eva's husband was accidentally gunned down a year ago during a shootout between two local young gangs. Eva, always one to forgive and remain open-minded, is working to move on, but her son Ashley is convinced one of the thugs and bullies at his high school did it. Wanting to help her son heal, she invites the alleged shooter to their downsized apartment to speak to him. Finding out that he was indeed at the confrontation, she wants to understand the Black Culture that he comes from that lead to the incident, even if it means Ashley has to learn how to turn the other cheek.
Alternate: Police Widow Ava and Andy
Important Limits:
- The bullying of the Son is an active and ongoing part of the story. I find a lot of bully prompts are really just a set-up for some steamy romance or taboo hook-up and the bullying victim is shuffled off into the background or backstory. This is not one of those prompts. The son is going to be very present and actively bullied by the other characters, and his situation is going to be something the Mom grapples with. He's also not going to enjoy it. He's not going to jerk off or be a willing or semi-willing cuck. My prompts have been called Misery Porn before and that's not that far off in the case of the son's treatment.
- The MILF will not have a boyfriend or husband or partner present. I'm again not into willing cuckoldry, and the presence of a male authority figure provides the kind of emotional and physical security that I feel robs the prompt of fun potential.
- I prefer the cartoonishly curvy porn-star or instagram model look. If you want to play a skinny Hollywood starlet or more realistic single mom, this probably is not the prompt for you. I prefer them visually anwyays, but I also love viscerally easier it is for her to be a target of lew and crude behaviour just based off of sex-doll looks.
- Pregnancy: Is a story changer. I'm not against it but too much time passes for it to be glossed over, so it's not something that will just be added in lightly.
- Gangbangs: Can happen, but will not be a regular occurence.
- Anal and Violence: I don't care for violence for the sake of it, nor am I interested in the grosser side of rough sex, I care more about the mental and emotional aspects of them.
Easy example: A judoka breaks his arm off of a throw in a competition.
What I'm not interested in is how the sound his arm made when it cracked, what direction his arm was facing, if there was anything sticking out (GROSS), nor the intricate description of the landing.
What I'm interested in is the effects. Did the pain and agony cause him to cry? Was he embarrassed because his girlfriend was in the crowd? How did having his arm in a cast negatively affect his life? After his recovery, what kind of fear did he feel when he was thrown again at his first practice? What emotion does he feel when he sees the person who threw him again? How does this affect his competitive career or hobbyist enjoyment of Judo?
So things like violence, anal (you know what comes out of there), throat fucking are things where I will concentrate less on the gross and gooey and more on the affects of what they're doing to the characters.
Hard Limits
No scat
No forced bi/gay (some cum play is okay)
No futa
Any cuckoldry is involuntary and causes nothing but shame and frustration, it will not be something the cucks are turned on by
No beast
Kinks and Interests:
- Bullying: The reason I love bullying is the social and physical unfairness of a situation. The son will be physically weak and socially polite, but a bully either decides to push through social norms or expectations, or just doesn't care about them, in order to do what they want with who they want. It forces mental stress and duress on those who didn't deserve it, forces them to make choices about what they can or can't do about a situation, forces dominance and struggle for the good while the bad are rewarded for it, and overall provides a lot of juicy and hot situations to play with.
- Pushing Through Boundaries: I like it when she doesn't like it, and I like it when she has to mentally cope with it. She looks how she looks, wears what she wears and feels how she feels, and is left with the emotional burden of it all while surrounded by those who mean her son harm. Every law she lays down and rule she tries to enforce is going to be ignored, pushed through or tricked out of in some way or another.
- Mental Gymnastics: Speaking of mentally coping, I'm also a fan of mental gymnastics. Victim blaming and creating excuses for the bullies due to obliviousness/ditziness/stress and pressure only increases the struggle of the son.
- Good Intentions Taken Advantage Of: Similarly, bullies taking advantage of the well-intentioned to have their way adds a lot to a situation. It creates a mental attitude that allows for a lot of exploitation, guilt and lying about social and cultural norms to those who want to learn and want to do the right thing.
- Betrayal or Failure of Authority Figures: Overall I'm also a fan of the betrayal or failure of a protective authority figure to do their job properly. A mom is supposed to care for her and protect her son above all others, a teacher is supposed to protect their students, a cop is supposed to protect civilians from harm, but these bullies are able to short circuit those situations anyway.
- Groping, Spanking, Objectification and Narrow Quarters: All of my bully characters are going to have large hands, and they're going to use them pretty freely. The bullies are going to be paying a lot of attention to her proportions in very inappropriate ways. Boys will be boys, they just won't be able to help it, they'll invade her personal space to make her feel uncomfortable while staring directly at her body parts, they'll rub up against her in narrow spaces, they'll swat and spank and grab in any situation with anyone present.
- Blowjobs, Throatjobs, Titjobs, Assjobs and using a woman's body as a footrest or table for food are all super hot to me and I'd like to include them on the regular.
Please use the term "Fat Ass [name of the MILF you've selected to play here], reporting with booty!" in your opening message so I know you've read the important parts of the prompt.
Scenario 1: Lela and Leland vs High School Jock Connor - The Study Group
Alternates: Angela and Ashley
Daphne and Dix (pronounced Deese)
Lela - Upper Middle Class Single Mom. Loves cooking for others. Has a past as a risque dancer
Leland - Lela's high school aged son. Short and physically weak. Academic honor roll and nerdy interests.
Connor - Star wrestler who needs to pick up his grades to continue on the team. Tall, strong and aggressive.
Leland's friends - Background characters, the other members of the study group.
Location: Lela's two story home with a basement. The hallways on the second floor are annoyingly narrow.
Personality Characteristics:
Lela: A single mother, Lela lost her husband while her son was very young to a car accident. A combination of a good insurance policy, smart investments and the good money he'd made from his job (there was a bit of an age gap between the two) allowed the two to retain a comfortable lifestyle despite Lela not working. She continues to wear her wedding ring, still has her wedding dress in the closet, and keeps her husband's prized college athletics trophies on display in her bedroom (some lower division wrestling runner ups and one tournament win title).
She took the loss of her husband hard, and dedicated herself to making sure Leland grew up right. Loving and caring, she was also stern and supportive and not afraid to crack the whip or bring down a punishment if need be to keep Leland on track. The efforts have paid off: Leland is a perennial honour roll student and in line for a scholarship to a good college. She couldn't be prouder, though secretly she does worry about his lack of success with girls over the years. She's still confident that he'll come out of his shell in college and having a high paying job and good future will only increase his prospects. The two maintain a great, if stereotypical, mom and high-school son relationship.
Far from wanting to be a ditzy trophy wife, Lela is a very dedicated homemaker. Her house is spotless and well kept (except when the boys come through). Her biggest passion is cooking, something she adores doing for any and all visitors she receives. A kind word and a full stomach are always available at Lela's household.
She does have a bit of a past that she is embarrassed about. She was dancer in a "risque" profession (doesn't necessarily have to be a stripper but I'll leave this up to you, she won't admit it but there may be evidence floating around on the internet) and was a huge hit with the clientele due to her curvaceous body. She is very proud of her body but every once in awhile her dancing gets away from her and gives a bit of an eyeful to anyone in the vicinity.
Despite raising such a proper son herself, Lela does get turned on by male aggressiveness. She'll focus in on making that aggressive man happy, often to the point of excusing his poor behaviour with flimsy reasoning or even chastising others for not going along with his wishes. She will feel guilt at his bullying but will reason that it's about time Leland learned to toughen up and fend for himself.
Leland: Your typical high school nerd. He's a few inches shorter than his mother who herself is not very tall (a fact that annoys him, especially when she wears heels, he feels it accentuates his shortness). Academic performance is easy for him, something that allows him to finish his work quick and still have time for his biggest passion, video games.
He has a very typical teenage relationship. He thinks she's embarrassing when she hangs around him and his friends too much (especially if she starts dancing) but doesn't feel a lot of ill-will towards her. He has very little memories of his father, though the amount of framed pictures on every wall and desk in the house makes sure he at least knows what he looks like. He still wears tighty-whitey underwear, something that Connor finds hilarious.
One thing that gets the ire of Leland is those giving incorrect facts or insisting that he is wrong, because he rarely is. He will argue in every situation regardless of how backed into the wall he is, something that comes off as obnoxious to others and causes Connor to bully him.
Leland's Friends: Other gamer nerds like him, they love coming to the house due to how hot Lela is and how much she feeds them. None of them are particularly crude or forward about it (remember, gamer nerds) but it annoys Leland how much they fawn over her and embarrasses him when they catch her dancing. Connor's arrival will make them nervous to continue the study group.
Connor: Tall, blonde, stocky and muscular for his age, Connor could be easily cast in American cinema as your classic 1980s bully just on looks alone. That muscle isn't for show either, as Connor is good enough at amateur wrestling to be easily lined up for an athletic scholarship. The only thing standing in the way of that is his poor academic performance. Connor has always skated by on coaches and teachers looking the other way to keep the school program going, but an administrative change pulled a new Principal in charge and she insists that all of her athletes perform well not only on the mats but in class as well. This has left Connor in a bit of a bind, as he's never bothered doing much studying or homework and it's too late to learn now. Having overheard one of Leland's friends talk about their study group, Connor decides to forcefully crash the group and make these nerds do his work for them.
Leland and his friends despite being nerds don't actually have anything bad to say about jocks. They're not into sports, but they're not against them either. What they do have bad to say about is Connor himself. If he was cast as a said 1980s bully, he'd be accused of method acting every day and all the time. He loves all the classics: wedgies, swirlies, stuffing nerds into lockers, and using his size and athleticism to roughhouse. He loves watching those weaker than him squirm and struggle while he has his way.
He's not much better with women. He has no problem laying on hands, saying lewd and crude things and looking at and staring at what he wants, when he wants. He has very traditional ideas of a man's place and a woman's place, and a woman's place is making him food and draining his firehose.
Opening Scenario: Connor's arrival for the weekend study group will be sudden. Despite Leland's protestations, Lela will insist that everyone is welcome.
Scenario 2: Sara and Sasha vs The BBC Gang - BBC Birthday Blowout
Alternate: Kelly and Kyle
Sara - Trailer Trash Single Mom. Bubbly and a little ditzy, though with a manipulative side. Has a QoS kink.
Sasha- Sara's mostly wheelchair-bound son. Good academic performance, high level fighting game player.
Sasha's Friends: Background characters, initially hanging out at the party.
BBC Balla: A jock and high school basketball star. One of the few BBC gang members who might have a real future.
BBC Bizzy: A hustler, scammer and drug dealer. Lies about sharing a birthday with Sasha.
Other BBC Gang Members: A few background characters.
Location: Sara's small trailer near the entrance of the park. Very narrow hallways and small rooms.
Personality Characteristics:
Sara: Sara is very bubbly, a little ditzy and quick to laugh and smile when she has one of her "blonde moments". Well, on second glance, on first glance you usually notice her very cheeky daisy dukes that leave little to the imagination of what she's packing. She's very personable, the kind of woman who gives off warm feelings and calls everyone "honey" or some similar kind of pet name.
A single mom, Sara's man walked out years ago, leaving her alone with her disabled son Sasha. She's not shy about sharing some of the struggles she's experienced over the years with money being tight.
Underneath it all, Sara is a narcissistic and manipulative. She's scamming the government with Sasha's disability (without his knowledge) and is very quick to lay the charm on any case worker who comes by. She's very quick to react positively to compliments and affirmation even from total strangers, something that annoys Sasha to no end as she tends to forget about him while doing so (especially when she's wearing her daisy dukes, nothing worse than seeing mom's ass while she's flirting with a stranger).
She has a Queen of Spades kink, displaying one as part of her tramp stamp on her lower back and having a number of necklaces, bracelets and shirts at her disposal. Finding out her son is "friends" with these nice young men and that they share a birthday is going to induce her to include them in the proceedings.
Her relationship with her son, like any of the rest, is opportunism. She pushes him to do well in academics so she can buy him a larger house in the future. She's warm and caring when she wants something, wants attention or needs him to grin and bare it for a bit. Sasha complaining leads to her guilting him for his condition and for her always looking after him, something that does affect him. She'll be cold and cool down when he's acting in a way she doesn't like, often ignoring him and forgetting he even exists when she's talking to someone who's complimenting her.
Her reaction to bullying is mostly muted. As long as Sasha isn't really getting hurt, it'll just be considered "a little bit of fun" and "nothing meant by it."
Sasha: A wheelchair-bound high schooler, Sasha is going to succeed despite the odds and roadblocks life has put in his way. He doesn't remember his father nor does he think about him much. He does well academically, and has a passion for fighting games like Street Fighter and Smash Bros.
Born with advanced degeneration in his hip and leg, Sasha can actually walk a little bit. Unbeknownst to him, his condition can be improved with rehab programs but Sara won't pay for them (harder to keep up the disability scam if her son can walk). The trailer is very cramped quarters for someone with a wheelchair as well.
His relationship with his mom is a rollecoaster. Her emotional manipulation is embedded deep, allowing her to play him pretty easily the way she wants. She knows just what to say to motivate him, shut him up, get him to endure anything, think of her first and anything else she could want. A regular faceful of her daisy dukes and that stupid tattoo (he doesn't know what it means) are just icing on the cake as his wheelchair eye level is eye-to-eye with it.
Sasha's Friends: A handful of nerds and gamers. Despite being his friends, they really only come around because of the way Sara teases them and how she dresses. She's always winding them up with little flirtations, especially about playing spin-the-bottle with them. Otherwise, they'd game with Sasha online. They are not going to be very comfortable with the arrival of the BBC Gang.
Bricked, Ballin' Cookin' AKA The BBC Gang: Your typical modern gang of young black teens. Scamming, drug dealing, getting into shootouts with rival gangs and trying to make it big as drill rappers is part of their game. Not residents of the trailer park though they consider it "part of their territory." They go to the same high school as Sasha, though attendance is spotty. The other teens give them a pretty large berth and stay away from them when they're around.
BBC Balla: Balla is one of the exceptions to the above. 6'5", large hands, long tattoo covered arms and a killer three point shot are going to net him an easy college scholarship. Scouts think he has a lot of potential. He is a regular at school and forces nerds to do his homework for him. His latest schoolwork mule transferred however, so he's looking for another, which is part of the reason the gang shows up at Sasha's in the first place. He is a very physical bully. It amuses him greatly that Sasha can't run or defend himself, which leads to Balla wheeling him around, accidentally dumping him off his chair and using him as a prop for his jokes and humiliations. He'll enjoy trying to see how far he can make Sara go in front of Sasha (very) and how much he can get away with around her.
BBC Bizzy: Bizzy aka The Business is also a bit of an exception to the rest of the gang. On the shorter and scrawnier side, Bizzy is nevertheless still strong for his frame and age. He has a small amount of tattoos but they're hidden. He gives off a bit of a nerdy black kid vibe, which he uses to his own advantage when dealing and scamming. He's a smooth talker, someone who talk himself into and out of many situations. It will be his initial lie that he shares a birthday with Sasha that will get the BBCs invited into the birthday in the first place. He'll steal Sasha's things, use Sasha's wheelchair to hide his drugs, and generally see what kind of lewd games and situations he can talk Sara into.
BBC Gang Members: Two or three other gang members who are just hanging around for the food, Sara and to film a rap video (that Sara will most certainly be involved in)
Opening Scenario: Sara, Sasha and his friends are hanging out on the porch waiting for Pizza to arrive when the BBCs show up and convince Sara that they're friends of Sasha and Bizzy shares the same birthday.
Scenario 3: Eva and Evan vs BBC Drilla - Cops and the Culture
Alternates: Ava and Andy
Eva - Single mom and widow of a deceased police officer. Open minded and forgiving.
Evan - Eva's high school aged son. Still angry over the death of his father, he's certain that one of the thugs at his school was the shooter.
BBC Drilla - High school aged gang member and aspiring drill rapper. Was present at the shootout that killed Eva's husband.
Location: The small apartment that Eva has had to downsize to. Hallways are narrow and walls are so thin that you can hear everything behind them.
Personality Characteristics:
Eva: A bombshell, Eva has otherwise been a sweet and submissive woman most of her life, which lead her to being open-minded of other people's points of view and opinions, and forgiving of perceived offenses and infractions. She could still lay the law down if she needed to, but it was so rare that she came off more like a pretty doormat. She would mind the house and her son and her husband would make the decisions and lead the way. This structure all came crashing down after he was caught in the crossfire of a gang shootout. She'll never quite get over his death but one year later, recognizes that it's necessary for her to move on. She has still kept most of his personal items though. Wedding rings, clothes (even her wedding dress is tucked away in the closet), his uniform, his prized sharpshooting trophy. She also has tucked away some handwritten letters and messages meant for Evan later in his life should he ever pass away. Her facebook profile continues to heavily display him and she has yet to add any new pictures since.
Suddenly being thrust into the position of leader of the family unit has played on her nerves heavily. She constantly fretting and worrying about every little thing, struggling to make decisions and not certain how she should handle Evan, who's still taking his father's death hard.
This has left her vulnerable to exploitation by any man who talks a little bit strong to her or recognizes that her boundaries are flimsy and easily pushed through and that her opinions can be shaped by whoever she's in the room with. She is so keen on understanding that she'll let a lot of things go or allow for a lot of excuses, including bullying. Turning the other cheek is the only way to teach others that fighting fire with fire only produces more fire.
On the side, she makes a living as a seamstress and costume maker, running a side business where she uses herself to model her various available wares on the internet. Evan is the only one who's technically saavy enough to help her take the pictures and upload them, which he finds to be an annoying chore. She also has an interest in poetry.
Evan: Scrawny and small for a high schooler, Evan himself has dreams of growing up to be a police officer, enforcing the law and keeping people safe the way his father did. He loves video games where you get to play as the good guys. It's bothered Evan how society has recently started treating cops as the bad guys while the criminals who are dealing drugs and committing crimes are considered victims. Evan is actually quite serious about this in general, whereas Eva will chastise him about it, concerned that he's using it to conceal burgeoning racist feelings towards the black youths who killed his father.
This will be further compounded by Evan's insistence that one of his high school classmates was responsible for the accidental shooting but got away with it. Evan's insistence that she take his misgivings to the force is a step too far for her, so as a compromise and against his wishes, she'll invite the young man over to hear his piece.
Despite being demonstrative about things he has misgivings about, he'll generally give in to his mom's wishes, the warmth of her voice giving him a sense of safety and security even when there may not exist any and a need to perservere so she can see things for what they truly are.
BBC Drilla: A member of the Bricked, Ballin' Cookin' Gang, BBC Drilla is a muscular and tall for his high school age, an aspiring rapper, and most concerningly, a real shooter. He carries a loaded glock on him at all times and isn't shy about telling people that he's "caught a few bodies", though his rapping about his exploits isn't very good.
Evan catches on to Drilla's claims when one of Drilla's songs not long after claiming that he "caught a fed, now they dead." Eva will insist that the father wasn't a fed but just a regular local police officer, but Evan doesn't think Drilla is smart enough to know the difference (he's not).
The truth of the matter is that it absolutely was Drilla's bullet that killed Evan's father and that he was able to escape the scene and discard the weapon. Drilla is proud of it, having endured many injustices and a tragedy due to the police (one of the other BBC members was shot by police).
He'll take advantage of Eva's vulnerability and cluenessness to have his way with her and humiliate the "pig's" son, while also portraying himself as a downtrodden poet (using classic songs that Eva's never heard and genius lyrics to fake it) and artist forced into a harsh life by the world around him. He'll paint the police as an oppressive force, portray his lewd and crude behaviour ("bitch") as just part of his culture and something she can take pride in learning, and use her connections to other elements at the precinct to get away with things. He'll even attempt to get her to model more "urban style" and make Evan become part of his "video production crew."
Much like Evan, Drilla is also reactive, very quick to punch, push or throw Evan around if he tries to start something or insinuate something. However Drilla was also be quick to justify his actions in a way that will speak to Eva just right to let it go or turn the other cheek.
Scenario: Evan's insistence that Drilla was the perpetrator leads Eva to invite him over to confront him about his words and behaviour, despite Evan's misgivings that they should be going to the police instead.
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