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She's attracted to you - Part 2

Foxy Lady

Jan 30, 2014
United Kingdom
'I have a question and I want you to give me an honest answer.'

That's Francesca. She is speaking to Grant. They have been a couple for two years now. They met and work together in the accounts department of a large company.

'Go ahead, shoot.'

Grant grinned and expected her to smile as he quoted the words she had used to him that morning, just before they left for work. Fran had been writhing on the bed and was desperate that they finish in order to catch their train.

She did not smile. Whether or not she recognised her own words from earlier that day, she was looking serious.

'This is important, Grant. It has to be honest. That's all I'm asking for. There is no catch. Just an honest answer.'

Grant tried to look serious and sincere.

'OK, honest, I promise. What is the question?'

Fran paused before speaking.

'Grant, are you sexually attracted to Judith?'

He stared back.

'What ever makes you think that?'

'I am NOT saying I do think it, although I admit I am slightly troubled by the lack of a straight answer, which I told you I needed.'

'OK, OK. No, I am not sexually attracted to Judith.'

Judith was their co-worker who had joined their team a couple of months before.


She approached with an expression that he had not seen before.

'Yes, honestly. AAAHHHHHHHH. Shit.'

Fran's hand was clamped on his balls. He grabbed her hand and tried to pull it away, but she tightened her fingers.

'Stop, no, please, stop this. You're hurting meeeeeeeeeee-eee.'

'Good and I'll hurt you more if you don't give me an honest answer.'

'I h-h-ha-ve-ve-ve.'

'This is important.'

Grant was squirming.

'You're hurting me, Fran, please stop this, you can cause damage doing that to a guy.'

Fran gave a vicious twist and pulled her hand free.

Grant staggered back and sank onto the sofa, doubling over his crotch and moaning. Fran approached him, but he held out an arm to keep her at bay.

'Don't come near me. You're danger. You can damage a guy. Make him sterile, impotent even.'

He doubled over as a spasm of pain bit into his gut.

'Why don't you believe me?' he managed to gasp at last.

'I do believe you, darling, but I needed to know.'

He sank back, breathing deeply as the pain gradually subsided.

'Why,' at last he felt strong enough to find out what this was about, 'why do you need to know?'

'I need to know,' Fran settled close to him on the sofa, but did not make any move to touch him, 'because she is sexually attracted to you.'

'You're kidding, she's never shown any sign of being attracted to me, sexually or otherwise.'

'Oh yes she has.'

'I've never noticed,' Grant protested.

'That,' Fran informed him, 'is because you are a man.'
'Come on then, Fran, tell me what I've missed.'

'Well, for a start, there's the amount of time she spent watching you when you're not look in her direction.'

'OK, but you can hardly expect me to see what she's doing behind my back.'

'True, but what about how often she goes over to consult you about a point or calls you to show you something on her screen.'

'She's new. They are all genuine queries.'

'Sure they are. We can all find reasons to ask a colleague for their opinion, but we don't. I've been keeping count. If you don't believe me, keep a record. And, by the way, the fact that you're not noticing tells me a lot about what your mind is on at the time.'

'And what might that be?'

'Well, her huge boobs for a start.'

'You know they don't interest me. That's what first attracted me to you – that you had small tits.'

'She actually rubs them against you. I've not seen you move away in disgust. Have you thought how that makes me feel?'

'No, because it doesn't mean anything to me. Nothing.'

'So what about the way her pupils dilate when she's talking to you?'

'I don't spent my time looking into her eyes.'

'And the way her cheeks flush when you're talking?'

'That's just her makeup.'

'The hell it is. And her nipples, don't tell me you haven't noticed them – with those tight tops she wears, they're visible from outer space.'

'This is-'

'No, don't just don't tell me you don't like large nipples.'

'I wasn't going to.' She brushed his hand away as it made a move on her nipples, which were bulging prominently. 'This is ridiculous. You'll be telling me next that her pussy is getting wet.'

'As it happens, that is exactly what I was about to do.'

'And tell me, pray, how you know.'

'It's the way she shifts in her chair when she's been with you.'

'Is that it?'

'Yes, what more do you need? She's fidgeting because her pants are wet.'

'It sounds to me,' Grant snapped, 'that you are the one who is paying her a lot of attention. Like maybe you're the one who's sexually attracted to her.'
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