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Mx Female The Virus (French / English)


Oct 18, 2024
🇫🇷 & 🇬🇧

Hello there! I hope you're doing great! 😁

Quick presentation: I'm a 21 years old French guy! I've been roleplaying for a few years now, and I'm currently looking for someone else to play a new one after a big break! Bonus points if you're French🇫🇷 too, but If you're not, no worries at all!

I have a lot of scenarios available, but here's my "main" one that I want to try! Note: this isn't a "definitive" scenario. Everything can be changed, depending of what me & my partner will want! If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate at all! I'm also more than happy to hear about your ideas! And I'll gladly answer any question you might have! 😊This is just an introduction, so of course, it's missing a lot of things, but again, everything can be discussed in DMs!

I have an absolutely ridiculous number of kinks, so I can't list them all sadly. But my only limits are overly gore stuff, vanilla roleplays (not a hard limit though), and the others are limits that everyone should have. (You know what I mean by that).

When it comes to the kind of writing that I like in RP, my only limit is the persons that do no efforts (very short and basic answers, SMS language, etc..). I'd prefer if you could make some answers that are not too short. Not novel-sized, but no one liners please!

I also want to add that I'm not too fond of the roleplays where we jump into the sexy time in just a few messages, that is honestly very boring. I like to create a little bit of story before jumping into that!

Sorry in advance for the potential mistakes in my scenario. I'm not a native English speaker, so it can be a bit tricky to spot all of my mistakes, in a text THIS huge ahah!


Thanks a lot to have read all this, I hope to hear about you soon in my private messages/Discord! :)

Here's the story, and a little more informations below it !



It was a rainy Saturday morning. Like all the mornings since my infection, I'm locked in my bedroom to prevent any « harm » to my family members…

It all started a few months ago, when they discovered this new virus. At first, no one believed it was real, it was too ridiculous to be true. No one knew from where it came, and if it was real. But the public opinion quickly started to change, as more and more persons started to get infected.

After some time, the scientists noticed that only men could be infected by this virus, as no case of female infected person has been reported. This virus is still pretty unknown, and the symptoms can vary from one to another. But some symptoms have been identified as common with this virus.

- Hyperspermia, which can lead to huge pain in the infected patient's genital area if contained for too long. Which forces the infected person to regularly ejaculate to avoid a too massive build up of semen, which leads to the said pain.

- Lunatic moments. Due to the pain, it has been reported serious alteration in the patient's behaviour. If the pain becomes too unbearable, the patient could be ready to do anything to ejaculate, thus getting rid of the pain. No matter what kind of things he'll need to do to achieve his release.

- Increased arousal. The hyperspermia triggers an unusually huge rush of dopamine in the brain when the patient climaxes. His brain getting quickly used to it, the infected person's arousal will get totally altered by this unusual dose of dopamine. Leading to a huge increase in his arousal.

All of that leads to a social isolation of the patient, with all the mental problems that it will cause. On top of the virus-induced problems.

Which explains why I'm locked here in my room. My family is so scared that I'll hurt my mother or sisters, that they lock me here, like a damn animal… With this pain that won't go away…

« I don't want to hurt anyone, I'm just sick.. Why won't they help me.. ?» I say, as I feel the arousal slowly but surely taking over my body. It feels like I'm burning from the inside, like a true fire has been lit inside me, with no way to put it out, except one… As I look to the half-filled « release bucket » next to my bed, as my mother call it...

I'm turning over and over in my bed, trying to get these thoughts out of my head… But It won't do anything… This pain keep getting bigger each minute that passes, all these dirty thoughts… It's… Not me… I've never been like that, I know that it's this stupid virus, but I can't control it… They keep getting worse and worse...



So here's the story ! I had the idea that we'd start the RP when I got contaminated by the virus, but still not aware of it. Seeing the first symptoms starting to show, until I get diagnosized, and then see the virus evoluation, and how we'd deal with it as it's progressing !

We could go to a LOT of different things depending on what we both want:

We could go as a blackmailing RP. Like you're one of my sisters, that could take avantage of me being ready to do anything to "release" the pain away.

We could go to something a bit sweetier. Like you're my mom who desperately want to help her baby to feel better, even if she has to do morally wrong stuff.

Or we could go the sex worker way. Me trying to see sex workers to release the pain away. And as a sex worker that I see, you could take avantage of my problem, and the fact that I have a lot of money to spend, and a lot of pain to release.

There's endless possibilities so don't be shy to tell me what you have in mind!
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