Mystical Artifact
- Joined
- Apr 1, 2017
- Location
- The Cosmos

Here are some things you need to know:
I will still keep Alice as the main character, but she will be a normal human being. Her role could still be portrayed by Milla Jovovich, but if you want, you can just imagine your preferred actors and actresses in the roles.
There are six movies in the series, but for now I will focus on the first three. However, if inspiration hits, i’ll rewrite the other three, but will not make anymore than the six existing films.
I ask that you please do not post in the threads, if you have anything to say, contact me in my DMs, thank you.
That’s it for now, so please enjoy reading!

The setting is Raccoon City, August 2002 and inside of an apartment is a young woman named Alice Abernathy, looking over a cluttered wall of newspaper pages, various notes, pictures, and other nicknacks. She is either a journalist or a private investigator who is trying to figure out a mystery. For the past few weeks, people have been attacked in the Arklay Mountains, most ended up as fatalities and the path to the forest has been restricted by the RPD until further notice. At first, it was assumed that it was caused by a strange surge of animal attacks, but later victims show that they have been attacked by humans. Alice believes that Umbrella is a part of the bigger picture. It is a world famous pharmaceutical company that is funding Raccoon City. Her Boyfriend/Fiance/Husband Matt works for the company here in the town, but he has been transferred to a facility on the outskirts before the attacks. He is an inside man, feeding her information only in small bits to not attract attention. The last message is a cry for help, and given her the location of the facility. Since he is in danger, Alice decides to rescue him. At the same time, STARS is sent into the forest to investigate the murders. It consists of Albert Wesker(Captain), Jill Valentine(Lieutenant) Barry Burton(Back up), Rebecca(Medic), Joseph(Rear), and Richard(Communications). Alice gets to the Spencer Mansion, bringing a handgun just in case, but she doesn’t get to use it quickly as she is being chased by a pack of Cerberus, basically zombie dogs. The STARS team is the same after landing, and are attacked by another pack which results in the death of Joseph. They run for their lives, running into Alice as they spot a large mansion and take shelter within.
After having a good freak out, Wesker advises a course of action: getting into contact with Brad(Pilot) so they can escape. They are forcefully split up, Jill and Barry are with Alice after they have their first encounter with a zombie and after exploring a bit, discover that this place is Umbrella property. They reunite with Rebecca and Richard later on, and inside of a computer room, they find out that Matt is indeed alive. He contacts Alice on a computer, as he is trapped underneath the mansion. Along the way, they avoid traps, solving puzzles, and encountering more horrors within. Richard is killed by Hunters, reptilian monsters that are quick and deadly, but they escape by heading down into the underground labs.
Wesker joins the group as they venture deeper and are separated once again. Alice is alone this time, but she does find Matt. He is happy to see her, but he tells her everything. Umbrella is responsible for what is going on, having created a virus that turns the living into the undead and making monsters. He also explains that he has been gathering evidence that would hopefully expose them if given to the right people, but not in Raccoon City since they have a powerful grip there. Wesker comes up from behind them, revealing himself to be an inside man. This version of Al is very much loyal to the company, and the reason he is here is to destroy the place and any evidence along with it, plus, collecting a special item. He held the two at gunpoint, but kept them alive as he needed Matt to get the McGuffin he was carrying. They enter into a giant room where the Tyrant is sleeping in the tube. He orders Matt to activate the machines to extract the blood from its heart, otherwise, he would Kill Alice. He does so, but before anything can be done, the rest of the STARS team comes in. They already know that he is a traitor, because he led them into a trap while they were separated. The Tyrant is released by accident and everyone is running for their lives also avoiding the creatures and Wesker as Alice snatched up the sample. Matt runs to activate the self destruct button, he succeeds, but is shot. Wesker threatens her to hand over the sample, but gets into a fight with Jill and along the way is 'killed' by the Tyrant and the sample is destroyed. Matt sacrificed his life to let the other survivors escape up to the rooftop and Brad is there. The Tyrant follows them up until the final battle begins and victory is theirs. The movie ends with them escaping in the nick of time, the mansion is destroyed, and they ride into the sunset back into the city.
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