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Mx Female [M or GM4F] Build-A-MILF: Big Booty Mom vs Wimpy Son's Bull[y][ies] [New Nuerotic Overachiever Personality Type Addded]


Oct 14, 2024
Hi all. This is a collection of prompts that revolve around a MILF with a big, thicc booty and/or Brazilian Butt Lift, her wimpy son and the way his bully injects himself into their lives. All characters are of legal age as indicated in the forum rules.

As an [M]: I will play all the male characters and have more of an internal focus on the son from my side.

As a [GM]: The primary focus will be more on your character(s) and I will showcase how the people, scenario and world react to your rolepaying and choices.

Quick GM Option I'll randomize or build your MILF and scenario for you and then you can plug and play quickly

The Dealbreakers:

TBH my prompt is long, my interests are picky and there's only so much we can retain on the first read. These are the common deal breakers I run into both from my end and prospective partners ends.

- Passive Long-term RPing: I have a full time job that is not a regular shift, so my preference when it comes to RPing is not necessarily live responses, but just responding when you can and then the other person responds when they can. If we're both online at the same time, nice, if not, then no big deal. I let my partners know when I'm likely to be available especially on days off, but the job can be taxing and I'm not always into it either. As a baseline, expect a response every two days at the least.
- Short-Term RPing: If you'd like to set up a quick scene, then list off your options and we'll jump right into it for as long as the session lasts.
- Private Messages or Discord: I like somewhere where we can keep notes.
- Writing style is best described as two or three paragraphs per post, though I'm of the type where sometimes you may only need a few sentences or you might need a few more paragraphs to get the story across. I included part of a previous RP below as an example. Whatever serves the story the best is the proper amount.
- I'm open to different scenarios, kinks and alterations made to the overall prompt, though I am set on quite a bit of it:

1) The son's bullying and/or misery is an active part of the story. He's not just a background character to set up some steamy taboo situation, he's going to get bullied, humiliated or shamed pretty regularly, and he's not going to enjoy it.
2) Unless otherwise stated in the specific prompt, I'm not interested in the MILF having a boyfriend or husband.
3) I'm not really a fan of little sister characters. Big sisters somewhat, but not as a replacement figure for the MILF unless there's a large age-gap between them.
4) I prefer the curvy porn-star or instagram-model look. The skinny Hollywood look is something I don't find appealing. If I can see rib-cage (yes I know they suck in for pictures, you know what I mean), they're probably too skinny.

Big Thing To Keep in Mind re: Violence and Anal

- My prompts can get pretty dark. Some RPers have described them as misery porn before. That can be pretty true, though the exact degrees depend on the setting we put in place and the personalities of the characters. A firm difference I also want to establish: I don't care for gore or violence for the sake of it, I care more about the mental and emotional aspects of it.

Easy example: A judoka breaks his arm off of a throw in a competition.

What I'm not interested in is how the sound his arm made when it cracked, what direction his arm was facing, if there was anything sticking out (GROSS), nor the intricate description of the landing.

What I'm interested in is the effects. Did the pain and agony cause him to cry? Was he embarrassed because his girlfriend was in the crowd? How did having his arm in a cast negatively affect his life? After his recovery, what kind of fear did he feel when he was thrown again at his first practice? What emotion does he feel when he sees the person who threw him again? How does this affect his competitive career or hobbyist enjoyment of Judo?
Kinks and Limits


Brazilian Butt Lifts/Breast Implants/Lip Filler/Cosmetic Surgeries, tight clothing, jiggling tits and ass, assjobs, titfucking, blowjobs, deepthroat, facefucking, cumplay, spitting, slapping, hitting, punching, hair pulling, name calling, casual disrespect, swirlies, displays of dominance, hidden bullying (appearing attractive and friendly to her but mean to targets of bullying), bullying and humiliating betas, athletes utterly wiping the floor with out of shape nerds, outfits, free-use, dub-con, no-con, obliviousness, flimsy excuses, betrayal, busty women in tight quarters or narrow situations with men, cockteasing, bending over in suggestive situations, mental gymnastics/excusing the behaviour of a vicious bully, involuntary cucking, misery porn, some blacked/raceplay/bbc, size differences,

Harder limits:

No scat
No forced bi/gay (some cum play is okay)
No futa
Any cuckoldry is involuntary and causes nothing but shame and frustration, it will not be something the cucks are turned on by
No beast
No gore/violence as described

Softer limits:

- Anal is treated like violence. It's gross, we know what comes out of there, so I won't be into explicit descriptions so much as the feelings that it's causing.
- Gangbangs or multiple men if it makes sense for the story can happen here or there, but not something I regularly focus on.
- Pregnancy is 9 months long and gets in the way of a lot of story-telling. As a later scenario in the story or an ending, we can play with it, but not something I'm looking for as a regular thing.

Please include the phrase "Fat ass MILF, reporting with booty" to your initial message especially if you're read the above, especially if you want clarification on certain things.

Build Your MILF

Overall Scenario:

It had been years since it felt like you'd done something for yourself.

Now it wasn't for a bad reason. After your husband passed, you took it upon yourself to honor his memory as best you could and raise your son the right way. You didn't want him to end up a criminal like many of children of single parents did. So you heavily focused on working to provide both of you and to make sure he was well looked after. Your husband's [salary, insurance policy and investing acumen and/or your career] left you well off enough so that you were both comfortable without him.

It worked. Your son has never been in trouble and always performed well in school. You couldn't have been prouder, and you knew your late husband would be looking down with a smile on his face. The work still wasn't done of course, he still still had to pass, find a job and start his own life, but the foundation had been established. Yeah, you worried about his prospects for a wife of his own (he spent too much time in front of a computer, was scrawny despite how much food he ate and was shorter than you, boy did he hate it when you wore heels, he was raised to be polite and proper), but surely a well paying job and the college experience would fix all of that.

Those sacrifices did come with a cost. You haven't dated in years. You haven't touched a man in years. You haven't gotten... well, intimate, for years. You were a stunner when you were younger, but it had been so long that you just weren't sure if you had it anymore.

Living Situation:

Option 1: Well-Off Trophy Wife:
Your husband had a well-paying job, smart investment strategies and an impressive life-insurance policy payout, allowing you and your son to live comfortable lives even after his passing. You never want for anything. You live in a nice house in a nice neighbourhood.

Option 2: Well-Off Working Woman: Your husband had a well-paying job, smart investment strategies and an impressive life-insurance policy payout, which supplemented your own career and aspirations. You've never wanted for anything and were able to have a career while still being there for your son. You live in a nice house in a nice neighbourhood.

Option 3: Getting By Single Mom: Your husband had a decent job with an okay life-insurance policy when he passed. Between, that, government benefits, and perhaps a decent job or two, you've managed to make ends meet and get by with a decent life. You watch your money but can still spring for things here and there. You live in a single-story house in an okay neighbourhood.

Option 4: Poor Single Mom: Times were tough after your man passed away. You worked multiple jobs, live in a run down apartment in a small space in a bad neighbourhood, and make just enough to get by okay. There is enough money put aside to still have special occasions and support your son.

Option 5: Trashy Single Mom: Times were tough after your man was put away/was shot. You worked multiple jobs, live in a run down apartment in a small space in a bad nieghbourhood, and make just enough to get by okay. Despite it all, you always seem to have enough for makeup, be manicure'ed, pedicure'd, have your lashes and nails done and have something nice to wear.

Fill In: - Job or how she otherwise makes or has money
- Backstory on what happened to the husband/babby daddy

References: Pick one or feel free to suggest your own as well, as long as they kind of fit the theme I'm going for

NSFW Links in Spoilers

Favourite Reference:

Lela Star 1 2 3 4 5

Kim K can obviously be subbed in for this.

Other Favourites:

Daphne Rosen 1 2

DjHannahb 1 2 3

Amy Anderssen 1 2

Ava Addams 1 2

Maria Gjieli 1

Bella Bellz (better as an extra character) 1 2

Ryan Conner 1 2

Sara Jay 1 2

Amy Jackson 1

Eva Notty (dirty blonde but there is some dyes 1 2

Alura Jenson TNT 1 2

Carmela Clutch 1 2

Violet Myers 1 2
Ms. Sethii (Indian) - 1 2


Option 1: Natural

And to boot, the standards of beauty had changed over the years. Small butts used to be a thing, but between reality shows that followed celebrity families and hip hop music that blew up the charts, it seemed like large, rounded backsides had become the thing. You'd always hated how big yours was, but well... maybe experimenting with a tighter wardrobe to see if things really had changed isn't the worst idea? Your son seemed taken aback the first time he saw you wearing something different.

So far, no one has really commented on it either, so you've been wondering if anyone else has noticed.

Well, someone's noticed...

Option 2: BBL
And to boot, the standards of beauty had changed over the years. Small butts used to be a thing, but between reality shows that followed celebrity families and hip hop music that blew up the charts, it seemed like large, rounded backsides had become the thing. You'd always admired them from afar.

And, well, now you're admiring it in the mirror. You want to get back in to the game, and you finally did something for yourself. Your son seemed taken aback the first time he saw you with your new Brazilian butt lift, but he never said anything. Even after you started accidentally knocking things over while getting used to the new proportions. So far, no one has really commented on it either, so you've been wondering if anyone else has noticed.

Well, someone's noticed...


Option 1: Sweet but Ditzy/Oblivious: Great looks and sweet as can be (to the point where she embarrasses her son regularly in public) but never known as the sharpest spoon in the drawer. She easily falls for any old lies and stories (can include porn logic) except when it comes to her son, who she always suspects is up to something. She is very handsy and is always willing to dish out hugs to an embarrassing degree. Her reaction to bullying is to always have a flimsy excuse to downplay or excuse the behaviour or not even see it as bullying.

Option 2: Stern but Supportive: A great mother, she runs a tight ship and always makes sure her son excels in what he puts his mind to and doesn't accept anything less. She aso treats her own expectations as a mother the same way. A great cook, amazing host and keeps a clean and tidy household. Her major weakness is that she's afraid she's never quite enough as a single parent, which leads to her being easy to guilt and easy to be taken advantage of a strong man without shame. Her reaction to bullying is to be protective of her son while also emotionally worrying about whether she's doing the right thing by fighting his battles for him. A tough nut to crack.

Option 3: Wonder Woman: An alpha woman who expects the best in all aspects of her life even if life hasn't always gone the way it's supposed to. She's the woman who will defines "intimidating" and can be seem to come off cold and harsh when she just knows how to push through and get things done. Though she's proud of her son's brain, she's always felt he's needed to "toughen up" physically and laments his weak and frail body, which she blames on her husband more than anything. Her big weakness is that she gets turned on by displays of male dominance towards her or others. Her reaction to bullying is to be accepting of some of it as tough love, and to be internally conflicted due to being turned on by it.

Option 4: Cruel/Sadistic Domme Mom: A manipulative woman who enjoys the pain and suffering or others. She loves nothing more than to toy with emotions to get her way, whether that be other people or her own son. She will not outright bully her own son, but will always use guilt, emotional manipulation or a passive-aggressive cutting remark to toy with him. Her interest in his bullies will be two-fold, both for herself, and seeing how far she can let them go with the son. Her reaction to bullying is to subtly encourage it and set her son up to be bullied.

Option 5: Bleeding Heart: Sweet and supportive as can be, she's really otherwise gotten into supporting social justice and diversity causes. A lot of it is just for show and she's not very well-educated on the concepts, which drives her son crazy. A good sob story will always be sure to melt her heart and soften her stance... even if the story seems a little far-fetched and a not necessarily on the up-and-up. Her reaction to bullying is turn the other cheek and not judge others for the class structures, toxic masculinity and cultural issues that have lead to them acting out in that way.

Option 6: Anxious and Powerless: A sweet and supportive mom, she is a bit of an over-worryer and that's led to her son being a sheltered and overprotected in his life. She's a little too careful and a little too worried about things, which makes it easy for a mean and shameless man to prey on her guilt and her worries and to utterly ignore her emotions when she tries to push back on concerns. A push-over, her reaction to bullying is to talk a big game but ultimately do nothing about it.

Option 7: Selfish: A manipulative woman, she only appears to be a great mom when other eyes are on her, but in reality, she's very selfish and uses emotional manipulation to get her way. Her son is more just an accessory to boost her ego, do the chores around the house, and make big money for both of them in the future, and she knows that she can get what she wants out of him with just the right level of guilt tripping, positive affirmation and attention when he does what she wants and coldness and ignoring of his issues when he otherwise doesn't. Her reaction to bullying all depends on how she feels about the bully.

Option 8: Femdommy Mommy: She loves her son and tries to set him up for success, but his overall lack of manliness just can't help but fill her with disgust and revulsion. She is quick to find the flimsiest excuses to chastise, punish and restrict her son's activities, in order to coerce and prod him into becoming more of a man. The epitome of "this hurts me more than it hurts you" and "you're the one who caused this situation in the first place." Her reaction to bullying is to encourage and accept it as necessary tough love, because nothing else has worked.

Option 9: Soft Femdommy Mommy: She loves her son... a little too much. She has a deep fear of abandonment which has in turn lead to her raising her son to feel he is weak and powerless and that only she can help and solve his problems. She of course never quite does, often creating new problems in the process, keeping the cycle of dependency strong and unbreakable. She will react to bullying by rushing to her sons aid, immediately claiming that she will fix and solve the situation, but generally only encouraging and helping the situation continue, all to encourage his continued dependency.

Fill-In: Any other traits you want included

Option 10: Neurotic Overachiever: On the surface, you display the same traits as the Wonder Woman. She's the woman who will defines "intimidating" and can be seem to come off cold and harsh when she just knows how to push through and get things done. Few men dare to cross her from how tough she seems to be. This attitude to push through things is why her son has such high academic standards.

However, her high achieving is fueled entirely by anxiety. She worries about every little thing, every small detail, and frets over whether she's really doing the right thing. One example is that those same standards she enforces on her son has lead to him being unsuccessful with women and physically not very strong, which has worried her to no end. Her mental state seems like a fortress from the outside but is entirely a house of cards ready to flop over at the first sign of being pushed through.

Her reaction to bullying will be to talk a tough game but her fretting and anxiety about the various outcomes mean it will lead to nothing being done about it.

Her Son:

This is a stock character in mind that only needs a name and some other defining features added. Any elements can be changed.

Stock Traits:

- Smart at academic work
- Poor at social situations. He's never had a girlfriend and doesn't have more than a friend or two.
- Spends a bit too much time on the computer or playing video games or otherwise doing his nerdy hobbies.
- Physically he is frail and weak. Very unathletic.
- Short. His mother is two or three inches taller than him, a trait that annoys him when she wears high heels because it accentuates how short he is.
- Is easily embarrassed in public while out with his mom due to how others react to her body.
- Is generally well-mannered and treats people with respect.
- Will easily fold in situations involving confrontation and physical altercation. He'll try to seek his mom's help if it persists but he knows the help she can give is somewhat limited.

Fill in: Other traits you want included
Relationship details between mom and son

School Situation:

High School Senior:
My preference due to there being a stronger reason for the son to be "trapped" in the situation as it develops. It also allows the bullies to be younger.

College/Scholarship: His academic prowess has lead to him earning a scholarship and a free ride at a local college that doesnt have a long commute.

College/Paid: Even without his academic prowess, college was already paid for (mom's connections, mom's "connections", being well off etc).

College "Senior": It's the final year of the first four years of his degree, a scholarship that has afforded him many opportunities to excel, though despite his academic accolades he's very much unknown around school.

Optional: The Presence of the Husband
The husband is long gone, but there are many keepsakes, pictures and sentimental objects of him sprinkled throughout the house. All the more things or the bully to use to humiliate the son.

Examples of Mementos

-silver star and Medal of Honor
-Basketball trophy for winning the state DII league when in high school. can be contrasted with the athlete
-picture of us at our first date
-Our wedding rings which are in a shadow box on a dresser or something
-His guitar with which he made a song and proposed to me with
-A snowglobe he brought for me the day he was shipping out since it was at christmas, never to be seen again.
-A handwritten letter to the son about being a strong man
-A video recording of dad congratulating the son for graduating high school, college, getting married, other key milestones
-A framed picture of the first basketball game dad took son to
-The giant stuffed lion dad won for him at the state fair
-A mixtape he made me that is one of a kind. I never backed it up or copied it to modern media

Choose Your Bully

All-American Bully:
The tall, stocky and strong, dominant wrestler with an iron grip who's made your son's life a living hell for years has sure noticed. Large cock, blonde hair and blue eyes. What started as him dropping off his homework for your son to complete their "group project" (he's not very smart and his athletics requires him to do well in class) will turn into him becoming a regular in the household as he poses as your son's friend. He's crude, cocky, and has no problems putting a woman to work making food and cooking and cleaning while he does what he wants. His style of bullying is classic high school tropes (wedgies, swirlies, roughhousing etc).

The New Refugee: A new war has created many foreign refugees with broken English, and the mom just happens to believe it's the family duty to take one in. She wasn't expecting him to be her son's age. He is tall, dark, gangly and pretends that the lewd and crude things he does and says is because of his "culture" when really he's just taking advantage of the situation. Very cunning. His style of bullying is siphon away the son's things, intimidate him into doing things expected of the bully, and to make the son do humiliating things that are part of "his culture."

The Fake Refugee: Similar to the new refugee, except this guy is faking it. He is either a local who's claiming to be a refugee to get away with the things he does, or he's a former child soldier who's faking being a refugee in order to escape and get an easy life for himself.

Exchange Student: You've taken in an exchange student! He was going to billet with another family but things changed quickly and you offered to take him in instead rather than him lose the opportunity at life in a new country. Otherwise same as the New Refugee.

The Bricked/Ballin'/Cookin'/BBC Gang: Why settle for one bully when there can be a group of them? The local gang who's always scared and intimidated your son? Well, they've sure noticed you, and now you are your son are going to end up in a situation wtih a lot of new houseguests!

I tend to play three "main" gang members and then the background characters are there:

- The Athlete: The only gang member who's going to get out of the hood some day due to his athletics, specifically his basketball skills. Overly tall, can palm a basketball with one hand, huge cock, covered in tattoos. Otherwise similar to the All-American Athlete in bullying.

- The Hustler: This guy is always finding a new scam or new hustle to make money. He knows how to cook up, he sell drugs and stolen goods, he knows how to talk his way into women's pants. He's also the least "gang" looking of the gang members, with only hidden tattoos and a skinny frame, though a still large cock and solid muscle. He's short like the son. His bullying style is to steal and use the son's stuff, make the son his gopher by threatening him with the Drilla's wrath, and brag about the things he does with the mom.

- The Drilla: Tall and bulk muscular, covered in tattoos and always carries a gun on him. This guy has caught a few bodies in the streets before, including having killed a couple of rival gang members. He's also an aspiring drill rapper who likes to boast and brag about his actions. His bullying style is to slap around the son and force him to film and edit his rap music videos (with his mom as a starring character of course).

The rest of the gang members will be background characters as needed.

The Bully Pheromone: This one is a little more sci-fi in essence. Men in general have become less manly and more beta over time due to a combination of social and biological factors in the modern world. This has led evolution to adjust by creating men born with the "bully pheromone", a gene where women just can't help but allow a guy to do what he wants, and a gene where other men just can't help but feel the flight/fear response in his presence. How it's played will depend on how we treat the pheromone:

- Light: Women will feel subtly turned on by his bad behaviour and won't be able to explain it otherwise. Men will feel nervous and worried in his presence.
- Medium: Women will feel submissive when he touches them or talks to them in a direct and strong way, and won't know why no matter how much mental gymnastics they apply to the situation. Men will in turn also freeze and do what he wants out of fear when he acts that way.
- Hard: Women are basically free-use to him as they get irrationally turned on by his touch or his commands. Men are paralyzed with fear and follow his commands.

Fill In: Other traits or ideas
Your limits when it comes to the son being bullied

Optional Characters:

Son's Beta Best Friend
, Eugene: Your son's beta best friend has sure noticed. He's had a crush on your since forever. You're his angel, and he's always willing to lend a hand, offer some help and just be an overall good guy. He treasures the hugs and kisses you give him, the compliments you pay him. Him and your son both got accepted to the same local college, meaning he's still hanging around even into his early 20s. Your BBL/backside became quite something he can't keep his eyes off of.

His only problem: You're oblivious to his feelings. The problem he doesn't know about: You think he's actually gay. This leads to lots of hilarious hijinx where you treat him like a gay bestie, not worried what he sees about your body, asking him about outfits, not worrying about brushing up against him in the narrow confines of your house. You're driving him absolutely crazy, and you don't realize it. And it'll get even worse when the bullies get involved.


- Skinny beanpole, but at least he's almost 6'0" tall (5' 10 1/2")
- Blushes in the presence of pretty much any woman, stutters when he talks to them
- Tiny cock to the point where it doesn't even stick out when it's hard
- Always jumps to offer help and assistance/a real nice guy
- Academically okay
- Perhaps his mom is part of the story too?

Other women: Double the booty, double the fun (or even more? An option for a different responsible adult who in turn also gets entangled with the bullies and other characters. Use build-a-MILF and let's create some interesting side characters!

Eugene's Mom
Big Sisters(s)
School Counselor
Local Cop(s)

Short Term Scenarios: If you don't want to play a longer term RP, here's some short term scenarios

Mom Catches The Bully Red-Handed: Mom catches the bully in the act, and somehow the bully turns the situation around to his own benefit.

A Knock At The Door: The bully shows up at the door because he forgot to pass something along to the son, only to let himself in and work on the mom.

A Chance Meeting At The Grocery Store:/Mall: Mom and son are shopping only to run into the bully

Confronting The Bully: Mom and son invite the bully over to confront him on his actions.

Sons Birthday Party: Its the sons birthday, which usually only has one or two people present, but this year, the bully shows up.
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