Star Wars: Fate Forgotten

Dec 12, 2015
This is my own work, if you read this and enjoy it, message me, it helps encourage me to continue.

Chapter 1

The war had been raging for afar too long, Republic and Sith forces stretched thin on every front, soldiers and Force users exhausted physically and mentally.
Dran Pirara sat with his hood up in a vain attempt to keep the rain from his face, the lull in combat had left him weary and body worn. He was the head of a division of spec ops soldiers on a jungle world and he wished that had never been assigned her.
The Sith had been searching the moon constantly for who knows what, but he was tasked with retrieving it at all costs.

The constant drip drip drip of water helped center his mind and he started to drift into a trance, letting the force fill him and ease the pains of his body.
But his peace of mind was short lived. “Sir?” Fran took a deep breath then looked up “what is it Captain?” The camouflage painted soldier held out a data pad and Dran looked at it. “The Sith have found a few entrances to what look to be catacombs, they weren’t made by any known sentient species.”

Dran continued to look over the information “what would you recommend? It will be hard to try and attack their positions with so few of our forces.” His captain nodded in agreement “it would be costly, but the urgency they are displaying lead me to think they are close to finding whatever they are her for.” Fran rubbed his brow, knowing what his captain would say next. “Sir….i think this will be the time that we will need to sacrifice for the greater good….scans show the catacombs are somewhat interconnected and are most heavily guarded at three key points…if we stage a night time assault on two of them, we may be able to weaken the third enough for you to sneak in to stop the Sith from achieving their goals.”

Dran looked up at the captain, a look of pained sadness. “you really think it’s the only way?” “No sir, but it is our best option given the time we have.”
Dran hated making decisions like this, the words of his former master never seemed so profound then now. -Remember Dran, Remember the difference between wasting lives and spending them, if you do not honor their willing sacrifice by putting forth your best effort, then that is a life wasted. Make their sacrifice mean something.-

The Captain held out a hand for the Datapad but instead Dran took his hand and pulled himself up “let the men know, tell them to eat and rest, we will start at nightfall.”
the Captain saluted and Dran walked off into the thick foliage, going to scout which point he would be attacking.

Chapter 2

The Jungle was deathly still as Dran crept ever closer to the edge of the trees, any moment his men would begin their assault on the enemy positions, and with luck those who were guarding this entrance would be pulled away to help defend.

The insects were infuriating, dean had to use the force to create a field around himself to keep the bugs at bay, then in the distance came the ‘boom’ of mounted rockets, a second later he could see the faint glow of the explosions, it had started. The sounds of battle were loud and chaotic, Dean could only imagine the death and carnage that was occurring, since he had told his men to remove all restrictions on explosives and weapons, if they were going to die he wanted them to go with smiles on their faces.

He waited and watched, but it didn’t seem like they were going to leave their post, till suddenly more then half the men turned and ran back into the caves, leaving only a token force to defend it.
His men would be remembered as hero’s, now he had a job to do.
Allowing the force to infuse his body he shot forward in a full sprint, moving many times faster then the average sentient was able to, he quickly cleared the distance.
By the time the enemy soldiers saw him it was too late.

He didn’t draw his blades, they were too noticeable and would likely draw other force users to combat him. But his strikes with his gauntleted hands were deadly enough, the first punch crumpled the man as he was hit on the side of his head, the next one neck simply broke from the force and the third took a savage knee under his chin which broke several teeth.

Only the fourth was able to turn and see Dran and attempted to raise a weapon, but she never got a chance, Dran was to quick and grabbed the blaster with one hand while the other grabbed the girls throat.
Mercy in this war was not a luxury he could afford, and it brought him no satisfaction to watch the life leave the woman’s eyes as his hand crushed her throat.

He dropped the body and looked for any other enemies but found none. “Few may die for others to live.” He murmured, even if they were a lie, they gave him the strength to continue on.
He turned and headed into the tunnel, pulling one of his double bladed lightsabers from his belt, but let the darkness hide his presence as it swallowed him.

Chapter 3

It was obvious that the Sith were using these tunnels as a temporary base camp, but judging from the various supplies and other things they had been here for longer then their intel had indicated.
There were rock breaker drills and mining supplies, but also a very large supply of fire based weapons, but it didn’t take him long to find out their uses.

In some of the side tunnels were piled bodies of man sized insect like creatures, comparable to ants and such, their chitinous forms black from fire, burned to death, probably the same creatures that had excavated these tunnels.

Several times he hid to avoid being seen by smaller groups of soldiers headed to reinforce their comrades.
By the time he was roughly a half mile underground, he saw it, a large open area filled with cages with more of the insect creatures inside.

Sean could see they were slowly being loaded on a transport, he could also see several Sith force users moving about, obviously too important to worry about the battle outside.
It looked like they were experimenting on the insects, using the force on them for some unknown results.
Dran could feel their pain, could feel the torture the Sith inflicted on them.

Then he saw the largest cage, and what looked to be a Queen version of the insects.
A man stood before the cage flanked by two others, one holding a staff like lightsaber and the other that looked like a scientist.

“We are running out of time doctor, if you cannot complete your research here then we will have to move the operations to one of our more protected planets.” The leader said as he put a hand on one of the cage bars.
“We are very close, the neural link is not something to be rushed my lord, those volunteers that have attempted to link with the queen have gone insane, attacking our own men, their will is simply too strong at the moment for us to control.”

“Will eh? Well…” the Sith Lord mused as he raised his hand and force lightning shot from his finger tips, the electricity arching all along the Queens body and she shrilled in agony “I’ll break her will, such a pathetic creature won’t deny me my destiny.”

The female holding the staff lightsaber laughed cruelly and Dran could see she was a Twiilek, not a pure blood though.

“Master…I wish to join the fight” rumbled the other, he was a hulking bruiser, probably one who used strength to win his fights.
“I said no, our work here is of paramount importance Stig, you will not deviate..”
His tone left room for no argument and the big Sith bowed his head before stepping back.

The female cackled again “so easily muzzled like the dog you are, it’s no wonder you won’t ever advance to a Sith, unlike myself” she preened
“Silence!” Growled the master.
“I sense that you will have your chance at combat Stig, but it will not be outside.”

He turned his head and looked straight up to where Dran was watching. “Why don’t you come out from there…little Jedi…” the tone was mocking and obviously he was far more skilled in the force then his two underlings.

Dran knew he was found so he left his hiding and jumped the four stories to the ground level. The two students ignited their weapons, the crimson blades humming with deadly power.

“I sensed something was amiss when the republic attacked, now I know why…such an ill conceived plan.” He turned his back on Dran to continue looking at the Queen. “This position is compromised…Doctor…begin the evacuation.”
The scientist nodded and typed something on his datapad, alarms started blaring and all the staff started moving things quickly.

“Now, I must be going, but my students here will be happy to entertain you, whoever brings me the Jedi’s head will receive my blessing to return to the academy to receive further training.”
Both of the students grinned and started advancing on Dran.

Dran ignited both blades of his saber, then pulled the second one from his belt and ignited them as well.
Four cyan blades cycled around him as he prepared to meet his opponents.

“Oh? A battlemaster? I wouldn’t expect to find one of your kind here of all places, you may prove a worth challenge for my students after all.” The master gloated.

The Twiilek struck first, her motions were those of a dancer and the range of her staff saber would have been deadly in close combat, but Dran had trained under the best known Battle master ranked Jedi the order had, Master Shiva Diivaara.

His blades spun round and round, blocking each strike with ease, his mind delving into the force and letting it guide his blades.

The larger student came rushing in and swung a two handed blow for his hip, Dran jumped sidelong and blocked, letting the momentum corkscrew him into a spin and he kicked of the wall, to get some open space.

Two opponents was a challenge for any Jedi, but within the order, it was known that Sith feared Battlemaster, even their Marauders were no equal match.

-to continue-
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