Very Experienced, Multi-Paragraph Dominant Looking for Submissive Writing Partners


Oct 5, 2024
Thanks for stopping by. I'm not going to waste a lot of your time with a flowery opening. Below you will find what you can expect from me, what I expect from you, my major kinks that I would love to include in any RP, and some ideas I'm in the mood to run. I will keep this updated as I have new ideas or have too many concurrent encounters of the same one.

What to expect from me:

1) I have been roleplaying since 2004, and have done so on a number of sites. You can expect posts of between 500 and 1000 words per post in thread-based RPs, and between 250 and 500 in PM-based RPs.

2) I am now working full time as an attorney, and have been for the last several years. My job is very mentally draining and I spent most of it reading or writing, so I definitely will not be getting on to write every day. In fact, I'll probably sit down to write once or twice a week. So, realistically, I would expect a post on an average of a weekly or bi-weekly schedule for most individual stories. What I do promise is that when I do reply, it will be of a quality and length that I believe you will enjoy.

3) I have been roleplaying too long, and in too many formats, to have much patience for the monotony of short-post, missionary sex. The thrusting gets repetitive. That said, I'm here instead of watching TV or writing a D&D module because I'm horny. As such, the focus of my RPs is on well-written smut. I like sexual tension and drawn out buildup, but I'm not really looking to play an intricate mystery story where the protagonists hook up twice over the course of the novel. For ratio, I would say 50/50 smut-to-plot is where I generally live.

4) I have some fairly dark kinks. They are not for everyone, and I have no ill will if you look at them and walk away. That said, all of the kinks in all of my stories are negotiable. If you contact me and say "I really like the idea for The Coup, but can we do it without the adultery?" I will be happy to work with you on re-writing it to exclude that kink. That said, if you message me saying "I really like the idea for Building a Better Bride, but can we do it without the Mind Control," or something similar that excludes a kink the pitch is centered around, I will have questions about what your vision for an alternative telling of the story looks like.

What I expect from you:

1) If you contact me about a Thread-based RP, I expect you to be willing to hold up your end in writing quality and length. I post 500 words as a minimum in threads. I do not expect you to hold yourself to 500 words minimum, but I expect at least three meaty paragraphs. If you don't think you can give me three paragraphs of four sentences each as a general minimum, then I will probably feel like I'm doing all the work. I am willing to be more short-and-punchy in PM RPs, so if you like an idea and want to try it to see how much you are able to write about it, feel free to ask about doing it in PMs.

2) As I stated above, my life is insanely busy. Because of my work's schedule and impact on my level of mental energy, I understand that my posting schedule may be too slow for many partners. I expect you to communicate about where you're at if you're getting antsy and need a post to be prioritized in order to maintain interest. If you are communicating with me OOC about your needs, I am much more likely to prioritize them when I do sit down to write. In the worst case, if I've been gone long enough that you've lost interest, I expect you to PM me letting me know. There will be no hard feelings as long as you tell me before I spend half an hour writing a reply to what is already a dead thread.

3) I expect you to reach out to me by PM rather than through this thread.

My Kinks:

The below are kinks that I enjoy immensely and would like to include in any RP. If you like one of these kinks, and see one of my ideas that doesn't already include it that you would like to add it to, I can almost guarantee that my answer will be 'yes.' Additionally, if you want to propose an idea that is centered around one of these, I will also very likely be into it.

Pseudo-Rape (Defined as a scene which begins as nonconsensual, including resistance, before transitioning to acceptance and even enthusiastic consent as the victim awakens to the thrill of being dominated)
Raceplay (If you ask about adding this to an RP, I am going to want to know if you are a member of the racial group to be degraded as part of the sexualized fantasy, and the exact line where it stops being fun play and becomes abuse for you.)
Dominance / Submission Play
Hypnotism / Mind Control

My Plots [I will run up to two versions of each of these. Next to the title I will put how many I currently have going of each one.] :

The More They Stay the Same [Currently running 0]
Central Kinks: Pseudo-rape, Dominance / Submission Play

[Your Character] was raped during high school, or during a gap year immediately after. It was her first time, and it happened very suddenly, when one of the guys from her hometown grabbed her and had his way with her. Thing is, she loved it. She knew she should have reported it, but every time she thought about it, she got turned on all over again from how thoroughly she was dominated, and she ended up touching herself. A few days after it happened, she presented herself to her rapist, and asked him to use her more. He trained her as a sub, taught her to obey and beg and worship him. For a year, her life revolved around pleasing him, and she was heartbroken when he abandoned her to go to a college on the opposite side of the country from where she went. She started going to therapy in her freshman year of college, and slowly came to believe that what had happened was wrong, that he had abused her and gaslit her, that she deserved better. Years later, she's kicking ass, a successful businesswoman well on her way up the corporate ladder. She gets transferred to a new city to run a new office there. It's understood that if she succeeds there, she'll be getting the biggest promotion of her career. When she moves into her home in this new city, she catches a familiar scent. Her old master lives next door, and he recognizes her. He wastes no time in throwing her down and reminding her of her place. Each time he fucks her, she breaks a little easier. Each time she comes down, she takes a little longer to believe that she is really this empowered, independent badass that never needed him. The focus of the story is on the process of her self-identity being warped back to that of his eager plaything, and her therapy and support structures slowly falling away as she accepts that role again more and more.

Building a Better Bride [Currently running 0]:
Central Kinks: Hypnotism / Mind Control, Bimbofication

[Your Character] just got the best news of her life. All that work in graduate school paid off! She got a job running a manufacturing plant in this quaint little town in rural Arizona. Sure, it isn't in her field, but the hiring manager said he read her thesis paper, and that's what got her the job. Plus, the pay is insanely good, and the town looks just like one of those silly sitcoms from the 50s. Everything she can find about this place makes it sound like a real life version of a suburban fantasy. She gets on a plane to Phoenix, where she is told that her assistant will meet her at the airport. When she gets off the plane, she finds him, and he's a handsome man who anticipates her needs and gets in the car to chauffer her the three hour drive to her new home. While in the car, she smells something odd, and her head gets heavy. Later, she finds that she's the only woman who works in this quaint little town. Every other woman is a perfect little domestic housewife, and the longer she stays, the more she wants that for herself, when will her assistant just take over the management job and make her his perfect little housewife? And when did her body get so much curvier? Yeah, this one is basically the Stepford Wives, but using drugs and hypnotism rather than robotics. We would play both the scenes where she is clear-headed and herself (operating within the subconscious triggers my character leaves within her) and the scenes she doesn't remember, where he puts her under and implants new triggers in her mind, taking advantage of his control to use her in ways she won't remember. She slowly discovers the truth of what the town is and how it runs, but each time she peels back a layer, she's been changed just enough from who she was toward who my character wants to make her that she doesn't want to walk away.

The Coup [Currently running 0]:
Central Kinks: Pseudo-rape, Adultery, Enslavement
Setting Note: This pitch is premised on a high-fantasy world with strong magic, but can be adjusted to be sci-fi using technology or even historical / slice-of-life with sheer dominant sexual potency.

[Your character] is the Queen of a peaceful kingdom. Your people have avoided participation in any of the major wars that have rampaged throughout the world through the political ingenuity of your husband, the wise King. He realized long ago that expansionist military nations generally bow to a single leader or family, and that those families are unlikely to approve an attack on a city where their own blood is staying. As such, he began voluntarily boarding and educating the children of dictators and conquerors, free of charge, in the world-renowned academies of your capital city. Through this program, he has kept the eyes of hungry armies away from your people. Until now. My character is the son of an expansionist warlord who has been slaughtering his way through the surrounding regions. Your husband brought me on as a ward, as is his usual practice. However, unlike the other wards, who were often children or completely unschooled in magic, I am a battle-hardened warmage. Your husband doesn't know it, but I have the advantage of well-honed body- and mind-altering magic, which I use to force sexual pleasure on you, raping you after heightening your pleasure sensitivity by ten fold and leaving you mystically unable to tell a soul. Each time I claim you, you resist less, until you have accepted that I am your master, and eagerly seek to serve me. At that point, I kill your husband and command you to surrender your kingdom to my empire, which by this point, you are eager to obey.

Listen to Teacher [Currently running 0]:
Central Kinks: Corruption, Adultery, Dominance / Submission Play

[Your character] married her high school sweetheart, who went on to be very successful. You are a loyal wife and doting mother. You have worked hard to establish a comfortable, stable family and home life. Recently, your oldest child has started high school, and you have noticed that his grades are starting to slip. He was never expected to go to an ivy league school or anything, but specifically his social studies grade has barely been passing. A few months into the school year, you worry there might not be time for him to escape the school year with a salvageable grade point average. His other grades are what you expect, slightly above average, but that social studies grade is going to haunt him forever. You schedule a parent-teacher conference with his social studies teacher, who is excited to hear that you are taking an interest in your son's grades. It is only at that conference that the other shoe drops: The teacher reveals that your son actually has quite a gift for the material, and he's been grading him harshly on purpose. He's been doing it because their first project of the year, a family tree assignment, provided him a picture of you, and he knew he had to claim you. He offers you a deal: He'll start grading your son's work fairly, and even go back and retroactively give credit for the good work your son did before, if you agree to serve him for the year. He even throws in a promise: He won't command you to do anything sexual with him or anyone else unless you tell him you want him to. It seems like you can't lose at first, but as he teases and commands you more and more, and pushes your boundaries further, it becomes harder and harder to resist begging him to claim you. How long you take to break is an open question, but one thing is for sure: by the time the school year ends, you won't need the threat to your son's future to want to submit to this man.

Wanton Worship [Currently running 0]:
Central Kinks: Enslavement, BDSM, Dominance / Submission Play, Corruption, pseudo-rape, Exhibitionism, Multiple Female Characters

[Your character] has lived her life in the Catholic church. Whether out of dutiful faith, born-again fervor, or familial shame, she joined a convent as a Nun during her late teenage years. After several years of work in her role as Nun, she has been named the prioress of her monastery. However, there's a catch: She has been haunted by a demon for years. This demon latched onto her sometime around her initial taking of her vows or shortly before. When it first connected with her, it was little more than an imp, and it was all he could do to sensitize her body or spike her libido, temptations easily written off. However, as she has grown in authority within the church, the demon has grown stronger and bolder. Now that she is stepping into her role as head of a monastery, the demon is making his move. At first he uses her dreams to force unwanted pleasure on her. As she subconsciously embraces the pleasure, the demon gains limited control of her body, and makes her tease herself in increasingly brazen ways. Finally, the demon possesses local men to claim her body physically. He is bound and determined to saturate her in so much pleasure that she willingly converts to worship him, and freely gives him command of her, so that he may use her body and her position to corrupt the rest of her nunnery, and perhaps sabotage the church more broadly from within.

Chasing The Legend [Currently running 0]
Central Kinks: Dominance / Submission Play, Corruption,

[Your character] is an ambitious, up and coming agent with Interpol. She has been trying to make her career on bringing in a flamboyant, globe-trotting art thief who always seems an extra step ahead of everyone. He's a renaissance criminal, a master forger, conman and cat burglar in one person, and half her colleagues don't believe he exists. Still only a few years into her career, she finds herself in the right place at the right time with the right information to almost catch him. The chase turns flirtatious, then erotic. Over the course of years, she keeps pursuing him, playing a game of cat and mouse which makes her a legend on the police force even as she never actually manages to bring him to jail, and always seems to end up in his bed, often locked in her own handcuffs. In fact, as it happens more and more, it becomes harder and harder for even her to tell if she's all that disappointed when he gets away.

This story would play out as a series of chapters, each of which involves your character arriving somewhere where my character is about to pull a heist, her trying to apprehend him, and the two ending up in bed. Some chapters she stops his heist, other chapters he gets everything he wants. Each time he sexually dominates her, and each time she feels a little less conflicted about enjoying being dominated and a bit more conflicted about pursuing him. The ultimate end point, if we got to it, would be her admitting to herself and to him that she's his inside girl.

Archived stories: N/A

I will add plots as I flesh out their pitches. Remember to reach out by PMs if you have any interest either in the plots I have posted or if you have an idea that you think fits my kinks, writing style and preferences.
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