Brokk's Writing Samples


Oct 5, 2024
Hopefully this is the right area for this sort of thing.

Shadow Hunters themed writing sample

The gentle scent of incense wafted through the air of the bedroom. Its fragrance always reminded him of his earliest lessons in spellcasting when he was just a child, 100 years ago. His passionate dark eyes and youthful face clashed with the experiences and memories of over a century of living. Looking downward his gaze fell to the creamy skin of the sole occupant of the bed before him. The sheets and blankets were scattered about in a haphazard display as if some frantic battle for dominance had taken place not long ago in this very spot. Her body lay across the bed as if it were a perfect porcelain statue, displayed in a sensual pose. One's eyes would be drawn to the hills and valleys, the curves of which were smooth and voluptuous and seemed to beg to be touched and caressed. Any thoughts that this perfect creature was in fact a statue would be shattered by the sight of her heaving bosom, practically panting from her recent exertions and the slick sheen of sweat which covered her naked body.

The man himself was in a similar state. The hair on his head was matted with his own sweat, sticking to his forehead and dripping slowly down his face. The rippling muscles of his chest were clearly visible as it rose and fell with his own ragged breathing brought on by his exertions that night. The two of them had been at it for several hours so far and both were clearly showing signs of exhaustion. He had finally given in to his body's need for a short break in order to recover before beginning again.

Stepping over to a nearby table he carefully lifted a cool metal pitcher that contained water and poured himself a generous glassful, which he drank from greedily, replacing precious liquids to his body to help it recover and prepare for another round with this this gorgeous example of perfection laying on the bed and awaiting more of his attention.

He stepped up, close to the bed, gathering his mental and physical energies, preparing once more to do what was needed in seeking his satisfaction. He carefully inspected the silver manacles with their runic inscriptions glowing softly.

The demoness finally turned to face him with a hiss, spitting out her words at him. “You bastard, you will regret this. Summoning me here and chaining me down was your worst mistake in your life. I will never agree to your terms. I would rather die than become your servant”

(Generic writing sample)

Darkness surrounded him, cold and wet, pressing in on all sides, attempting to smother him and claim his life forever. His arms and legs worked furiously trying to propel his body towards what he hoped was the surface. Nothing seemed to change despite all of his efforts. There was no sound or light to guide him or judge the distance to his goal. His lungs were on fire, screaming with his need to breathe. He redoubled his efforts to keep his mouth and nose clamped shut for fear that he might involuntarily suck in the water that was around him. His body was numb and his muscles were beginning to cramp from the cold that was slowly seeping into his core.

He nearly gave a sob of relief when he finally broke the surface, shooting up far enough that his shoulders and arms popped out into the air before he crashed back down, with his lungs panting in their desperate need. He spent several minutes as his exhausted limbs tread water and his lungs breathed deeply, happy to be alive. Looking around it was difficult in the darkness to judge the distance but he thought he could make out some lights and assumed the shore would be in that direction. He began to swim slowly towards it attempting to conserve his strength as much as possible.

As he swam his mind was drawn back to events earlier that evening. He had just gotten himself a drink at the bar and turned around to head back to his table when a gorgeous redhead happened to stumble into him, spilling his drink on his shirt. An angry retort was hot on his lips but when he looked down into the emerald pools of her eyes, he felt himself sinking helplessly into them. He had never seen such a vivid shade of green in any eyes before. They seemed to swirl with an inner light that pulsed in a rhythm that matched his own quickening heartbeat. He had no idea how long he stood there mesmerized by them until they blinked and the spell was broken. The total silence that had been present during that moment was lost and in its place there was a rush of sound from around the room. That is when he realized she was speaking to him.

“Oh my god, I am so sorry. I’m such a klutz sometimes. Oh, no look at your shirt. Come on, we need to take care of that immediately. Let’s go.”

Grabbing his hand and not waiting for permission she began dragging him across the dance floor and towards the bathroom. He stumbled along after her, caught up in the moment and unsure even what to say. Pushing him inside one of the family bathrooms, she shut the door, and locked so that no one would accidentally intrude. She was very businesslike as she turned back to him, beginning to unbutton his shirt.

“Don’t just stand there, we need to get you out of this immediately if I’m going to do anything about that spill before it stains.”

(This is an RP scene between two characters in a bar. I wrote both characters)

She had been nursing a drink there at the bar for the last 2 hours while reading a book. During that time at least 10 men had approached her and she had shot all of them down without missing a beat. No one had seen her before and it wasn't clear if she just wasn't into men, or perhaps she was waiting for someone.

From his vantage point by the door he had been watching all of this with a growing sense of amusement. The increasing frustration of the men was growing palpable and each one that made an approach was watched and scrutinized closely by all the others that had been shot down before them. It was beginning to become a game and it was the perfect opportunity.

His replacement showed up and his shift ended. He made his way around the room talking to each of the men at the tables. Then he walked up to the bar and placed a $100 bill in an empty glass in front of her without saying a word.

She opened her mouth to send him away like she had all the others but the $100 caught her attention and she closed her mouth and looked at him curiously, the question clearly written on her face.

Now that he had her attention he finally spoke. “I bet you that $100 bill that I am the best kisser you have ever met.”

She scoffed. “You will definitely lose that bet. You should take your money and go.”

”I am absolutely 100% serious. If I am not the best kisser you have ever met then the $100 is yours.”

She looked over at the bartender. “Is this guy for real?”

The bartender replied. “Roan is always serious about these things and from what I’ve heard, he’s a damn good kisser. I’m not sure I’d bet against him on this one.”

She looked at Roan intrigued, but not yet sold.

”I can see you're not yet convinced. You think this is all some scheme to kiss you and then I'm going to take the money and run. How about we let the bartender hold the money and then once he hears your decision then he'll give the money to the winner.”

She looked at the bartender questioningly and he nodded his head, then she looked back to Roan.

“OK. But it’s entirely my call about whether you are the best kisser or not?”

He looked worried and let out a shaky sigh of relief. ”Absolutely. However I do have one stipulation. I need a little time to work my magic. It can't be a quick little peck on the lips. I need a full 60 second kiss with your full cooperation. The bartender can time it as well and we keep going until the time is up. Do we have a deal?”

She thought about it carefully, eyeing the $100 and then looking at Roan speculatively. Finally she nodded her head in agreement. “OK. Seems like easy money, because there is no way you can win this one.” She said confidently as she stood up.

The bartender took the $100 and pulled out his cell phone, ready to time the kiss. “I'm ready whenever you two are. I'll start the timer as soon as your lips make contact.”

He stepped towards her wearing a smile like he had already won the bet. His confidence seemed mountainous and unwarranted given that she has the final say. He carefully opened his arms as if inviting her into his warm embrace.

She took a step forward into his open arms. She looked tiny compared to him, and he seemed to loom over her, his head bending down towards hers and his arms slowly wrapping themselves around her as her arms instinctively started to reach up to embrace him as well.

The entire bar had fallen to a hushed silence. All eyes turned to watch the sight. The 10 men who had been shot down before wore looks of shock and dismay at this turn of events.

When his lips met hers, the timer started. His approach was slow and sensual. He barely brushed his lips across the surface of hers allowing each other a moment to feel the soft texture. His arms slowly pulled her closer until the soft curves of her body made contact with the rigid muscles of his own. The warmth of his body, as well as the subtle mixed scent of his soap and a hint of cologne swirled around her as his lips slowly embraced hers with a deeper hunger.

The seconds seemed to tick by slowly. His taste and his scent and his warmth seemed to make her head spin. The electric feeling of his lips upon hers sent a tingling sensation down through her body and the muscles of her legs began to feel weak and quivered in response. If it weren't for his strong arms wrapped around her she might have had trouble standing on her own. As it was, he had no intention of letting their lips part company for even one second until their time was up.

All too soon the bartender spoke up “That’s time!” She heard the words but made no move to pull away from his lips. The seconds continued to stretch longer and the patrons of the bar began to hoot and shout and their noises intruded upon their perfect moment. Both of them stepped away from the other blushing. She almost seemed to sag before she caught herself on her chair, clearing her throat, then reaching quickly for her drink, which she gulped down like a woman dying of thirst.

All eyes were on her, waiting for her decision. Realizing she was the center of attention, she cleared her throat again and spoke up in a loud voice. “Well, I must admit, that was far more impressive than I expected. However it was not in fact the best kisser I have ever had. I'm sorry to say, but you've lost that bet.”

From looking at him, you could not tell that he had just lost a bet for $100. In fact, he was grinning from ear to ear. “Clearly the lady is the winner.” He nodded to the bartender to let him know he had no complaints and that the $100 was hers fair and square. “Thank you very much for your participation in this little wager. I found it most enjoyable.”

He then went around the room to the 10 men he had spoken to earlier. Each one wore a disgruntled look on their face but they still reluctantly pulled out cash and handed it to him.

She watched all of this with a confused look on her face. As he moved towards leaving the bar, she intercepted him, putting a hand on his arm and wearing a questioning look on her face. “What was all that about?” She said as she slipped a card subtly into his back pocket.

”You mean those 10 men who you shot down earlier? I had made a bet with each of them that I could kiss you. It was the same as our bet. With a single kiss, you won $100 and I won $1,000. I also got an absolutely unforgettable experience that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. For that alone, you have my gratitude.”

He then walked out of the bar leaving her standing there in stunned silence.

Later on that night when he was getting undressed for bed, he found her card in his pocket. It had her name and phone number and a quick sketch of a pair of lips as well as two words ‘Call me’
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