Mx Female ꜱᴘᴏᴏᴋᴇᴅ || 10/2/2024

Devils Temptation

Jan 14, 2021


Status: Open & Looking || 10/2/2024
Discord // PMS // Threads || Long-term & Short-term
Horror & Dark Fantasy Search


❯ Introduction

Got an itch for something blood-curdling? All the way from downright terrifying to that mildly spooky fix, I got a little something for everyone. Call me Dev, Devil - this is my October cravings thread. Accordingly, all of the plots ahead have some hint of horror or paranormal in them mixed into them. I can come up with some very depraved plot seeds so anything unsettling will have a warning behind it. Tread carefully, yeah?

That being said... if anything does appeal to you? Let's write something absolutely frightening together. I'll be looking forward to hear from you!

❯ About Me || My Characters

I tend to skip this section since I like to get to know my partner through DMs but in general you can expect the following from me - vastly laid back partner. I do not care how fast you post, how much you post, yada yada. If your post is engaging, that's all that matters. From me, you can expect anywhere from 400 to 2000 words per post, anywhere from 1 to 3 days. I tend to yap away a lot in OOC since I love to chat and brainstorm. I enjoy making visual posts that look pretty to read for my partner, a little bit like a meal to savor. Other than that, if you want to know anything just ask. I'm very open!

As for characters, I tend to write fairly domineering and forward men. There is an absolute canyon-sized variety between most of them. From downright psychotic all the way to sweet and gentle that flip on a dime. The theme on this thread will have them leaning a decent bit more towards unhinged, though. I adore romance and will probably implement some warped, twisted sense of it in these stories. Only thing I ask from my partner? Make an engaging gal and we'll get along just fine. I will write anything from your worst nightmare to your wildest fantasy all in one neat little package.

❯ Plots

More or less, my cravings fall into three categories. Spooky - light-hearted paranormal stories (think cuter more playful supernatural and paranormal plots), scary - more traditionally horror (murders, demons, all around usual run of the mill horror), and terrifying (think abnormal, end of the world mind-fucking horror). Pick the flavor that suits you best, I'm in the mood for all of it. Anything set below isn't set in stone, I want my partner to talk and make this story our story.

  • ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇʀ ᴡᴏʟꜰ

    Supernatural // Werewolf x Human

    Abandoned at birth, YC had been cast away into the woods at a young age in the hopes that she would just perish quietly without a trace. Through some stroke of luck, however, her wailing is discovered by a community living in those woods. Taking pity on the girl, they decide to raise her within secrecy in their community - isolated and sealed off from most of humanity. Although some of the werewolves argue that her presence would inevitably lead to their discovery, the more empathetic side of the pack decides to inevitably raise her.

    Years later, she has grown into a fairly spirited and adventurous girl still under the perception that she is a wolf. Despite her best efforts, she's been kept from any rituals and transformations throughout the years, primarily by MC1 who is her childhood friend and the most likely candidate to be her mate - but all of that comes crumbling down when she overhears the truth of her origin and comes up with the idea to escape and witness the outside world. That opportunity comes in the form of MC2, a trespassing human in the woods who stumbles upon her. Suddenly, she has the option to see what is beyond those woods, but it comes at the price of giving up everything she's grown up with.

    tl;dr - MxFxM story of a human girl raised by werewolves that decides to escape one day.
    ᴛɪʟ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ᴅᴏ ᴜꜱ ᴘᴀʀᴛ

    Paranormal // Ghost x Widow(er)

    MC & YC were madly in love, the type of picture book romance that most people would fantasize about. An untimely death would cause their picturesque marriage to shatter into bits. Although MC/YC try to stay hopeful, their mental state starts to deteriorate rapidly and they start to contemplate death. One day, they decide to just bite the bullet and give up entirely - sleeping one last time with an heirloom from their lover.

    The next morning, MC/YC wake up right alongside the faintly translucent body of their lover. Certainly not alive but... not quite dead either. Their relationship isn't quite the same as when the other was alive... but maybe that isn't so bad as long as the two are together, right? From then on, MC/YC starts to be haunted by their spouse and they slowly go on their way of recovering from their grief and rekindling that affection that was so deeply rooted between the two of them.

    tl;dr - Cuter, light-hearted story about a dead spouse 'haunting' their partner and staying by their side post-death.

    ᴠɪʟʟᴀɢᴇ ᴡᴀʀᴍᴛʜ

    Fantasy // Demon x Witch

    Thoroughly scorned by the village she has grown up in due to being a witch, YC lives isolated in the outskirts of the country. Constant fear of retaliation and being hunted down for what she is plagues her every day, to the point that she is eventually pushed too far. Acting on some darker magic, she decides to summon a demon and lay ruin to the entirety of the village that cast her out.

    Once summoned the demon, YC, acts on her deepest wishes... which ironically is NOT the destruction of everyone and everything in her path. It is the fairly simple desire to just have someone that does not see her as disgusting or terrible. MC keeps YC safe, but also caters to that much softer urge in her core to just be accepted by someone or something - and though it pushes her further from the other humans she, at the very least, has one companion in that world that she can give into entirely.

    tl;dr - Witch summons a demon to destroy the village, spell ends up giving her a demonic lover instead.

  • ᴛʜᴀɴᴀᴛᴏᴘʜᴏʙɪᴀ

    Paranormal // Death x Human​
    ((WARNING - Includes themes of self-harm and suicide))

    YC is deathly afraid of dying. Both the process and the sight of it. Having grown up in a life where she constantly has people torn from her, she is widely paranoid in every capacity when it comes to death and it invades her every thought. However, unfortunately for her, YC's time is coming soon and though she does not know it, Death has already begun to prepare to take her life. Somewhat sympathetic to her plight, he decides to make her last few days sweet.

    Appearing handsome, well-dressed, and suave - Death takes his sweet time to seduce her and bring her out of her shell. He helps her to enjoy her life a little more freely without fear and concern that any moment might be her last. YC takes greater risks, feels more contentment, is not constantly plagued by that concern that at any given moment she could die. Inevitably, however, the further she comes out of her shell the closer she comes to her death. Her time is running out. Illness, mental sickness, or something completely out of her control - she WILL die, perhaps even pushed to do so by Death himself.

    tl;dr - Girl with a fear of death learns to enjoy life from Death, just to have it snatched from her hands at the very end.

    ʟᴏᴏꜱᴇ ᴇɴᴅꜱ

    Modern // Affair Partners​
    ((WARNING - Includes themes of adultery and murder))

    MC & YC were madly in love at one point in time. Certain conditions caused them to pull away, perhaps going to different cities or schools and inevitably they broke apart. Much further down the line, they end up reconnecting. Both are 'happily' married to their own respective partners... but something is missing. That spark isn't quite there... perhaps there is something horribly wrong with their marriages. Or maybe delusion is making them think they're missing something... and so, inevitably, an affair begins between the two of them.

    While they play it risky, they never get caught and their spouses are none the wiser... up until the two couples are invited to the same luxurious dinner thrown by the mayor of the town in the city's largest mansion. Mildly nerve-wracking, but the dinner goes well until an ominous realization is hits both MC & YC that their affair is going to be exposed. So, they come up with a plan. A little murder mystery game is played out at the end of the dinner and MC & YC decide to individually kill their partners to keep the knowledge of their affair safe.

    tl;dr - Murder mystery style story between two adulterers that kill their spouses to protect their warped romance.

    ᴊᴜꜱᴛɪꜰʏɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴀɴꜱ

    Modern // Serial Killer x SA Victim​
    ((WARNING - Includes themes of rape and murder))

    YC has undergone heavy abuse for as long as she could remember. Close friends, family, even the man she was inevitably forced to marry at some point. Domestic abuse and sexual assault are all too common in the town she lives in, all hushed up by people far more affluent than her to the point that the only thing she can do is grit her teeth and take it. Reports of a chain of murders hit along the path leading up to her town... though it's brushed off. She has worse things to worry about, like that nightmare life of hers.

    Until, one day, everything falls directly in front of her face. YC's spouse never comes to bed that night, something YC discovers is because his dead, mutilated corpse is sitting in the living room with a mysterious man watching the news report about the serial killer running loose. Rather than terror, some hint of elation hits her and despite how brutally MC murdered her spouse, he shows no interest in harming her. Even assuring her that he plans to leave very soon. YC knows that one of her abusers being dead does nothing for her - but what if the rest perished? She gives MC an offer, to help him orchestrate the death of every scumbag in that town... and one by one, they start to pick off every vile trash that wronged her.

    tl;dr - Heavily abused woman is silenced by a powerful town that openly tortured and assaulted her for years. Serial killer arrives and she conspires with him to destroy every single one of her abusers.

  • ᴅᴇꜱɪʀᴇ

    Apocalyptic // Survivor x Monster​
    ((WARNING - Includes themes of rape, murder, grotesque body horror))

    Inspired by the manhwa and drama series Sweet Home. When the 'plague' hit the world, it took mere days for everything to crumble into pure chaos. Unlike a zombie virus or an extremely deadly and viral pathogen, the plague was something that warped and converted a person's body into whatever their deepest desire was. Oftentimes, turning them into completely grotesque monsters that single-mindedly follow whatever the desire of the individual was pre-transformation. Shambling across the remnants of society, every day is a struggle to both survive and stop one's desires from morphing a person beyond recognition.

    YC, a survivor, encounters MC in an especially close call where she ends up realizing that MC is in the process of turning... not quite there yet, but not quite human either. He appears mostly human at a glance and can fight against the monsters - ultimately even if she is terrified by him, she is forced to remain by his side for survival. But, the further they travel, the more they come to realize that the plague isn't something that can be cured. Rather, it seems to be the end destination for all humans... and it begins to affect her as well.

    tl;dr - Virus turns most of humanity into grotesque representations of their desires. YC encounters one of these half-turned monsters and they travel together before the plague starts to overtake both of them.


    Paranormal // Human x Doppelganger​
    ((WARNING - Includes themes of murder, cannibalism, and mental torture))

    It was hard to say when everything happened. At some point, society began to be infiltrated by them. They spoke as human, acted as humans... nothing at all distinguishable about their appearance. That was until YC had a run in with the truth. Isolating real humans, the monsters whisk them away to a secluded area and proceed to devour them - eventually taking on their body. The first time she encountered something so gruesome, she ran to tell authorities... just to be ridiculed. Laughed off. As if she was some sort of lunatic.

    ...But that was just the start of the realization. From the moment she made that police report, they started to try and isolate her. Coworkers, family members, friends... all attempting to get one on one with her. They were aware that she knew of their presence and would stop at nothing to devour her too. Due to their strange practices, however, they continue to play it casually, attempting to simulate scenarios where she would naturally be isolated. One day? She makes the mistake of being alone with MC, perhaps being seduced by him. Eventually, he reveals himself as a doppelganger to her. Instead of killing her, he's mostly amused by her circumstances. She begs and pleads with him to tell her what's going on, but he just taunts her more - tells her if she really wants to know what's happening... why not stick by him and watch more instances of devourings?

    tl;dr - Silent takeover of human society where doppelganger style monsters isolate and devour humans. YC falls in love with one that chooses not to kill her, keeping her along instead so she can understand the true nature of what is happening.

    ɴɪɴᴛʜ ᴄɪʀᴄʟᴇ

    Supernatural // Villainess x Devil​
    ((WARNING - Includes themes of murder, rape, and debauchery))

    YC is not a good person. Lying, assaulting, cheating - there is no lack of what she would be willing to do so long as it accomplishes her goals. At some point, her retribution hits. The Devil pays a visit to her and assures her that one of the most painful seats is awaiting her in the deepest layer of Hell. However, he also comes to her with an offer. He is intrigued by this human that seems more demonic than demons themselves are.

    He gives her an offer. One life a day. Either she kills someone, ruins their life, or corrupts them. For every victim that she sets on the path to Hell, the Devil will let her remain alive one more day before taking her soul. Completely unhinged and desperate, now with tools at her disposal for running as rampant with her depraved desires as she wants - how far will she go to ensure that she remains out of Hell?

    tl;dr - Evil lady gets visited by the Devil who wants to send her to Hell. He gives her an offer that for every person she kills or ruins, she can stay alive one more day and then sets her upon the city.

❯ Contacting

Anything caught your eye? Great! I'd love to hear from you. If my ideas don't quite make you itch to write but if you have something in a similar vein/theme, I'd love to spin something between the two of us. Regardless, don't overthink or fuss too much. As mentioned, I am very easy to get along with. Try me.
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