[CS] Octo's Character Collection

Character Sheet


Sep 29, 2024
A running list of profiles for characters I've brainstormed in the past. Some never got to be used, and others were made for past RPs that are now defunct. Some details can be reworked for a new plot if needed. This list will be added to and I'll eventually get around to adding in the face claims as well.

Name: Judas Cole
Age: 20
Height: 5'9" (175 cm)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue

Background: Judas' parents had big plans for him, sending him to good schools, getting him involved in things like soccer and swimming at an early age, keeping him active in the church youth group. He was their only child, and they hoped he would excel in life, get into a prestigious university, and make connections that would lead him into a prosperous career. He lost interest in soccer by middle school, and his swim performance was always middling at best; a spot on the varsity swim team never materialized for him. With very average grades as well, opportunities for top universities quickly evaporated. Still, he had always been well-behaved and polite, and his family clung to hopes for his eventual success... even if it wouldn't be as a doctor or lawyer as they had originally hoped. That all changed when Judas was 19. He was obediently struggling through classes at the nearby state college, but chafing at his parents' continued unrealistic expectations for his future. Some of his new friends weren't the wholesome youth group types he had grown up with. He hadn't really meant to get involved in the types of things his buddies were up to. He just drove them around sometimes and didn't ask any questions. But things only have to go seriously wrong one time. The best lawyer his parents' money could buy couldn't keep him from a manslaughter conviction, and now, at 20 years old, he's staring down a 15 year prison sentence.

Name: Eli Knox
Age: 27
Height: 5'9" (175 cm)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Gray

Eli grew up in a small trading outpost on a sparsely populated planet, where career opportunities were scarce. When it became clear that his twin sister would be their father's right hand in the family's modest business, Eli sought a future elsewhere. With no impressive connections or credentials, he considered himself lucky to land a secure job at the lowest levels of the Interplanetary Trade Commission's Resources & Expansion department. Now, alone on a small government craft that has seen better days, Eli spends months at a time surveying planets at the outermost edges of human exploration. It's important work for an expanding society, providing critical information to update maps, locate natural resources, and plan new outposts. But it's also risky; being alone that far out means that there is no one nearby to help in an emergency. In just a couple more assignments, though, Eli will be eligible for promotion. All he's got to do is gather data and make it home safely. Unfortunately, when his little survey ship goes down on one of the planets he's surveying, the communications console is badly damaged, leaving him unable to even send an S.O.S. back to his distant headquarters. He's effectively trapped, without any idea of whether there's even an advanced species anywhere on the planet that could help him.

Lorenzo Thorne
Age: 23
Height: 5'7" (170 cm)
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Hazel

Lorenzo is a young priest, one of the lowest ranking at his temple. He's grown up there; it's not uncommon for a family to dedicate one of their children at a young age, especially if there are several mouths to feed and they can cut expenses and receive a little divine favor in one fell swoop. So he's lived there since he was six, and in the last couple of years he's finally come of age to make his vows and become a junior priest. The temple serves several important roles in the surrounding community, beyond just serving as the center of worship for the immediately surrounding villages. They also provide charity to the poor such as food and clothing, offer scribe services for the illiterate peasantry, compose and notarize legal documents, and host large market days in the temple's outer courtyard. Lorenzo's niche in all of this is mainly that he tends to the grounds. Clearing the brush, maintaining the kitchen's vegetable garden, things like that. One day, in the course of his work, he discovers an overgrown little offering shrine from a time long past, when people worshiped very different gods. Inadvertently, he summons the deity it was originally dedicated to... which isn't a deity at all, but a demon who has been dormant for centuries.

Name: Etienne Landry
Age: 23
Height: 5'10" (178 cm)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue

Background: Etienne and his younger sister Adelaide were born on a small family farm outside of Baton Rouge. After their mother died of scarlet fever, their father struggled to maintain the farm and care for the children, and they were sent to live with a maternal uncle in New Orleans. At the time, Etienne was eight and Adelaide was three. They've lived in the city ever since. Uncle Anton Breaux runs a moderately successful variety store in a working class neighborhood, and has endeavored to make sure his sister's children received a decent education and upbringing. Etienne narrowly missed service in the Great War, having not quite been of age to enlist. Both Etienne and Adelaide, having completed a secondary education but not being well-off enough for university, now work alongside their uncle in the shop. Though Etienne will be expected to take over the shop one day, there are some aspects of the business that Uncle Anton hasn't shared with him. Over the last decade, one of the city's more influential gangs has crept into the neighborhood, and for several years now Uncle Anton has been caught up in the gang's protection racket. He pays them monthly to keep his shop free from vandalism, theft, and other criminal harassment, and to keep the eyes of the law turned away from the very modest purchases and sales of moonshine conducted at the shop's back door. Unfortunately, payments have recently been increasing, and even a successful shop can feel the pinch when its earnings have to support several family members and keep the business running. At some point, it could become unavoidable for Etienne and Adelaide to get drawn into their uncle's financial woes.
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