Mx Male Seeking Detailed Partners for Ongoing/Long-term Dark ERP Stories!


Sep 29, 2024
Hello everyone! I'm Octo. I've been RPing on various platforms for about 25 years, and now I'm here. I'm hoping to find partners to create some long-term/ongoing MxM stories with me. I'm down for writing on-site in PMs or forums, or off-site on Discord.

I have some plot ideas of my own, but I'm also open to discussing others if you have something in mind. Just know that I tend to prefer darker themes and I like a good mix of world building, character development, and smut. There are more details in the other sections of this post, but if there's anything you'd like to discuss, I'm always open to PMs!

To save you some time reading, here are my two big deal-breakers:
  • I only play sub/bottom. (I know, I know! Everyone's a bottom. It's the tragedy of our time.)
  • I only play OCxOC in original worlds (no fandom RPs).

What to expect from me:

  • Perspective: I write third person only.
  • Tense: I prefer past tense, but I'm willing to write present tense.
  • Style: Literate/advanced literate, descriptive but light on the purple prose.
  • Response length: Usually 300-500 words, though it can be dynamic depending on the context of the scene and my partner's style/preferences.
  • Response time frame: Currently I'm a little slower than I have been in the past, so 1-2 replies a week, and will do my best to be communicative if I will take longer than a week. Disclaimer: I have ADHD so sometimes time is fake or, occasionally, I am oblivious to the fact that it's my turn. I'm sorry in advance. Making fun of me about it is allowed.
  • Communication: I enjoy brainstorming with my partner throughout the RP, and am very comfortable with voicing preferences, requesting changes, discussing what's going well, and general chatter. I also try to be as communicative as possible if I'll be away for an unusual amount of time between replies. While I love good communication, I'm pretty laid back about ghosting. You can also disappear for an extended period and then reappear out of the blue and ask if I want to continue. There is almost a 100% chance that I will be down to pick up where things left off as long as I've got the time.

What I expect from a partner:

  • Perspective: Third person, please!
  • Tense: Past or present.
  • Style: At least literate, and please be descriptive! If you're into getting flowery/purple, that's perfectly okay as long as your meaning comes across!
  • Response Length: Multi-paragraph to novella is fine. Quality is more important than quantity; however, if your standard post is a paragraph or less it's difficult for me to stay engaged. On occasions when I get long-winded, there is absolutely no pressure to lengthen your responses to match me.
  • Response time frame: About the same as mine, so ideally at least once a week.
  • Communication: Talking through the plotting and world building stuff is definitely a must! I want us to be able to toss ideas around and develop them together. Do your best to let me know if you'll be unusually delayed with your responses, or would like to take a break or end the RP. (Again, though, if you feel like you need to ghost or you disappear into the mist for a while, there will be no hard feelings.) Non-RP-related chatter is welcome, but not required.

As mentioned before, I only enjoy OCxOC pairings. There are lots of great fandoms out there, but I don't like working within the constraints of someone else's canon.

As far as settings go, I'm open to a lot of options but I prefer some over others.

  • Fantasy: This is my favorite, because there are no set rules and we can completely tailor the world-building to the needs of the story. I'm always on board with including supernatural or horror elements as well.
  • Sci-fi: I'm down for sci-fi settings with the caveat that I'm not dedicated to realism and plausibility enough to do "hard" sci-fi. I'm always willing to sacrifice realism for the story, or just for the sake of getting weird with it.
  • Post-apocalyptic: It's not my favorite, but I'm open to it depending on the plot. If you've got post-apocalyptic ideas, we can at least talk about them! But no zombies.
  • Historical: I enjoy historical settings but the caveat here is the same as with science fiction. I've studied a lot of history but I will still hand-wave historical accuracy for the story. If that will drive you insane, we should probably skip the historical setting.
  • Modern: Realistic modern settings are generally my least favorite. Of course, there are some great plot ideas that work best in a modern setting, and I'm open to that. In the grand scheme of things, though, it's the least likely to pique my interest.

The following list of plots will be updated as I think of things. I'll keep them very basic here so that we can hash out details collaboratively. If you have something in mind that isn't listed here but you think our interests overlap, feel free to send me a message.

  • Prisoner x prisoner (or prison guard x prisoner, doesn't matter too much): Could be modern setting or could be a sci-fi/fantasy setting (at the moment I'm kind of leaning toward the idea of something sci-fi). Such a cliche premise, but still always fun to play. YC would be the one in charge, of course, and MC would be the one who falls victim to YC's whims for the sake of survival in the harsh prison environment. Could be a modern realistic setting, or we could go fantasy/sci-fi/post-apocalyptic with it. Could also incorporate omegaverse here if we wanted. For this plot, YC would ideally have a sadistic streak.
  • Creditor x Debtor: It's actually not even MC's debt, but he's gotten caught in the middle of it. This could work in lots of different types of settings. YC could be a mob boss, wealthy hedonistic nobility, powerful sorcerer, pretty much anyone in power who would be owed a large sum in exchange for protection or favors. Without MC's knowledge, someone he knows (friend, relative, whoever) offered him up as collateral. When they don't pay up... MC is shocked to learn that he's now essentially YC's slave.
  • Demon x priest: You play the demon, I play the priest. YC tempts MC and gradually leads him into doubt, blasphemy, and carnal pleasures. Ultimately there would be some sort of bad end involved in this one, like eternal torment, etc. This could be a modern setting, historical setting, or a fantasy setting with an invented religion. The more conniving and evil of a character you like to write, the better!
  • Alien researcher x human test subject: (I actually have a starter for this one already; I wrote it and then my partner poofed into the void. If you'd like to see it and discuss continuing from there, please let me know!) You'd play the alien and I'd play the human. Maybe YC abducts MC from earth and proceeds to study him and experiment on him. Or maybe MC is an explorer who gets lost or stranded on an alien planet and then winds up in the hands of YC that way. Wouldn't mind some weird alien anatomy and/or maybe some oviposition with this one, but neither is a requirement.
  • Currently (and always) open to creating plots that are centered on forced feminization or extreme cum inflation. If you've got ideas you want to toss around about either of those, let me know!

Current RPs/Currently closed plots:

  • Orc(s) x elf: You'd be at least one orc (but if you wanted to play multiple orcs, you certainly could), and I would be an elf who has fallen into your hands somehow. Perhaps a war prisoner, or possibly a thief caught in your settlement, or any other reason we might come up with. At any rate, the elf would be completely at the orcs' mercy.
  • Boss x employee: Could be a modern setting, or we could come up with something else and get creative here. You'd be the boss and I'd be the underling, ideally with free use and feminization elements, but there are lots of directions to go with a pairing like this. I've kind of considering the idea of a situation where maybe you're a lecherous exec who has a history of affairs with pretty secretaries, but this time HR hired a guy, and you're just going to have to make him into what you want yourself.
  • Conquering warlord x conquered prince: This one's returning to the menu after months of being on the "closed" list. You play the warlord, I play the prince. To legitimize his rule in the conquered kingdom, the conqueror forces the prince to become his new queen. Or, alternatively, perhaps a conquering army captures the prince and gifts him to their own king as either a queen or concubine. (This is a feminization plot specifically.)
  • Human x Android: I would play the android in a futuristic/sci-fi setting. While androids exist to perform technical jobs in many industries, humans have no qualms about using them for other purposes as well, since the androids are presumed to have no real feelings or preferences. This would begin as a free use type of scenario, and then slow build to romance over time.
  • Omegaverse plots: I'd play omega, you'd play alpha. Maybe a forced/arranged marriage, maybe a non-consensual bonding when the omega goes into heat at the wrong place and the wrong time, maybe something else we come up with together.

As far as kinks and limits go, there is a LOT of stuff I will play and not much that I won't. Feel free to peruse my F-List at your leisure. Most of the kinks aren't necessarily required, so if there are things you're not comfortable writing, that's fine! We can still talk through some ideas and see if we can come up with something that works for both of us.

Though the spring equinox had just passed, and the spring days should be leaving behind the chill of winter, there was a light snow falling in the dim late afternoon. The muddy street outside the Rose Moon was still visible through the white dusting. Across the road, a few hawkers were packing up their carts, collapsing their faded awnings and preparing to go home as the light began to dim.

At that hour, with daylight still filtering into the narrow street, the Rose Moon itself had yet to come fully alive, though there were several rough ne'er-do-wells inside who weren't concerned with the time of day. The owner and barkeep, Leonthil, an elf of middling years, was dutifully filling tankards of ale for the smattering of patrons. Two half-elves and a human were seated on the stools along the dingy bar counter, but clearly not together; they had carefully left space between them and studiously refused to make eye contact with each other in order to avoid being roped into conversation. The human occasionally spoke to Leonthil, making stilted small talk.

A long wooden table ran the length of the tavern, from the fireplace at one end to where the door opened out onto the street at the other. It was mostly empty yet, though as the evening grew dark it could be expected to fill with folk who had finished a difficult working day and wanted a pint or three and a bowl of stew before heading to their homes for the night. At the end by the hearth, though, three dragonborn and a half-orc were huddled together, tossing back pints of ale as fast as Leonthil's young human wife (his third, as far as the regular patrons were aware) could bring them. The group wasn't rowdy- yet- but they looked like a rough, intimidating sort, and were just tipsy enough to be exchanging raucous, no doubt exaggerated, tales of past brawls and petty thefts.

Before the hearth itself, a young elf was plucking a meandering tune on a lap dulcimer. The instrument was likely the most well-cared-for object in the tavern, the honey-colored wood gleaming in the firelight of the hearth. The elf's long copper-colored hair was hanging down past his shoulders in messy crimped curls that indicated it was plaited at some point before getting mussed up. His leather vest was open, the laces hanging loosely, and the neck of his faded green shirt was open and skewed. His appearance gave off the impression that he had just tumbled out of bed and into the tavern without making the effort to sort himself out properly.

The crowd gathered in the courtyard below, and Aidan was able to pick out faces he knew; the nobility who kept homes in the city, several prominent merchants, the highest-ranking members of the palace serving staff, a few of the city's most successful tradesmen. A smattering of the general citizenry had gotten lucky enough to crowd in alongside them, waiting to discover their fate and the fate of the kingdom. Though he couldn't make out any of their words, the anxious murmuring of the crowd wafted up to where he stood on the balcony.

From the towers at the city gates, a pair of bells chimed the hour, and an anticipatory hush fell over the audience.

Aidan forced himself to lift his chin and stand erect, as a proper royal addressing his people. The black lace at the end of his sleeves fell over his white knuckles where they clenched the stone railing before him.

"Good citizens of Carrith," he began, immediately regretting that he didn't have the deep, ringing voice of his father. At least it came out steady, despite how shaky he felt. "As you are all too aware, we have been at war for many long months. I, as well as many of you, have lost loved ones on the battlefield. It is with great sorrow that my first, and only, act as your king must be to surrender our kingdom. Please know that it is my duty, out of love for the kingdom and its people, to do this."

He paused in his speech. It took all his willpower to force himself to pry his trembling fingers from the balcony rail, and then to pull the golden signet ring of the royal house from his left forefinger and hold it out to Ulrich. It was the symbol of what his father had entrusted to him; a symbol of his stewardship over the kingdom and the people whose earnest, fearful faces now stared up at him. It galled Aidan to hand it over to the brutal man who had slain his father on the battlefield.

"With the passing of this ring, I am surrendering the care and rulership of the kingdom of Carrith to Ulrich of Braelon. He is your new king, and with his strength and the might of his army has shown himself worthy of receiving your fealty and obeisance. Accept his rule, and your families, land, and livelihoods will continue as they have always done."
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