NBx Female Futa X F search


Oct 1, 2024
United States
My rules:
My only actual rule is this, respect. I follow the golden rule above all else. Respect to me is a two way street if you respect me I will respect you. I will treat you with respect as long as you continue to do so to me.

Pairing Preferences:
Suffice to say that I dont exactly have any preferences in terms of pairing. If you would like a specific pairing then by all means please tell me and I would be more than happy to oblige you. That said I do not have a lot of knowledge in terms of "ships" as it were so forgive my ignorance in that regard.

Plot ideas:
Currently I do not have any plots in particular that I wish to explore so if you have any I am open to them. I do not have any plots in particular that I simply wont do, im comfortable with anything and everything you can likely come up with.

Kink and Sexual preferences
I would say that above all BDSM is probably my #1 kink. This includes but is not limited to: Spanking, whipping, caning, toning, restraining/being restrained, Dominance, Mastery and Submission. As for sexual preferences I lean more towards preferring to play straight or lesbian pairings. Gay pairings are not an automatic no from me so if you wish to do one please feel free to approach me with any idea you may have in mind and I will hear you out.

I hope that this helps everyone understand what I enjoy with my role plays and my writing. As for reply length it varies depending on my partner. If you give me multiple paragraphs I will do my absolute best to give you the same in return. I dont have a strict policy on grammar or spelling but please do your absolute best to try and use correct grammar or at least close to it to where it makes sense.

My Replies may be inconsistent. I will do my best to reply in a timely manner but with my work schedule it is hard for me to reply on the weekends (Friday-Monday). If you have any questions feel free to DM me. I wont bite...unless you want me to.
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