A foursome is never equal is it?


May 26, 2016
Hi there! So the first thing I will say about the idea below is that I am open to the idea of playing either of the couples if I find my partner is engaged and invested in the rp. However I would prefer to play the more dominant male.

The idea is very open to settings and scenes. This could be based at a house party where everyone is strangers, it could be best friends all on holiday together, it could be two married couples who are neighbours. I am very open to discussing any settings.

What I am looking for however is a roleplay involving four characters, two males and two females (I was looking to play one female one male each but could be persuaded otherwise, although I want to play at least one male). The scene will evolve into a foursome between the four characters however it is very clear that one of the men falls behind, whether through experience or size, or even just nerves, and ends up watching. I would also be open to the idea that one of the guys actually just gets turned on watching and is supportive of the other three having fun as long as he can see it.

Meaning that the night ends up with a threesome with one guy watching or very minimally involved.

If this type of scene is something you would enjoy then drop me a message and we can discuss more! Like I said at the top I am open to playing any of the roles if I find the right partner :)
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