Mx Male Pick a Prompt, Start an RP

Ace of Hearts

Aug 27, 2024
New York State, United States
So I have decided to do a bit of a gamble here. I'm going to put some prompts up, and if you are interested in any of them, just go ahead and send a starter my way! They can be PMs or threads, I'm find with either.

I post between two and six paragraphs normally, depending on the material I'm working with and if I'm moving the scene along. Depending on work and other real life things, I try to post a few times a week, and sometimes can actually post back and forth over the course of a few hours, or the entire day if I'm staying home.

I play masculine presenting male characters and request that you do the same. This does not mean super buff muscle head guys or anything like that. Just obvious masculinity, not feminine in appearance. Usually I use reference pictures, but we do not have to do that for these, since they are meant to be a quick way to get something started. We can definitely stick with written descriptions - if you do want to include real face claims, feel free to make note in your post, and I will do the same when I respond. I will play any role/position for these; bottom, top, or vers.

These prompts are meant to give you a quick way to get an RP, but that doesn't mean the RPs themselves are going to be quick. Not that they can't be, they can be a one-off type of thing that's just a single scene and then done. Or we can carry things on for a while. Some prompts may be built for a more long-lasting RP.

Once a prompt has been taken, I will mark it as closed on the thread. I will NOT turn you away if someone else has sent me a starter and I haven't gotten to updating this thread yet. I do not mind having multiples of the same prompt, it's really not going to be the end of the world.

You may send me an OOC message as well, but you do not have to plan anything. Just start things off and I'll reply, I promise. If you have questions, I definitely understand that, and feel free, but still start the RP the best you can, and that way you'll get an answer and a post, and you're not waiting for things to be "figured out" before you enjoy some writing!

I do have an F-List that you can check out. Now on to the prompts!

SEASONAL prompts will be listed first. CURRENT SEASON: Halloween!

YC is hosting a Halloween costume party. MC has been friends with him for years, and was always such a tease. He knew that YC was dressing up as an angel... so of course MC shows up as a barely dressed, very sexy devil. And this time YC decides that he's going to one up him... and do everything he can to put something good in him.
MC and YC are college students that live in different dorm halls, but are in a couple classes together, and see each other fairly often. They might have flirted in the past, but nothing ever came of it. Hallowen is here, and all of the dorms are having a trick or treat event, where each building takes turns handing out "treats" to the other students.
Both of us will be playing multiple characters, all of whom graduated high school the previous year and are reuniting for Halloween. I would like it to be three each. You can take your pick as to who you want to play and I'll play the other three. All six are going to a large cabin in the middle of nowhere, situated in the thick of forest. Once night falls, creepy things start happening. Very much wanting this to be a horror themed RP (with smut still, don't you worry) where the characters start getting killed off one by one.
Character A - Jock. Going to college on a football scholarship. Boyfriend of Character B.
Character B - Theater kid. He goes to a different college from A. And he's been living it up and cheating on A. Adding more to the drama is the fact that Character C knows about it.
Character C - Quiet, nerdy type of guy. He's been best friends with D for forever and has a huge crush on him. While at a party at B's college, he caught him having sex with someone else.
Character D - The straight guy. Or at least he's always believed that he's straight, and definitely passes as such. But something about C has just been getting to him.
Character E - Free lover, free spirit, definitely into horror and everything Halloween. It's his uncle's cabin that they're staying at.
Character F - The new guy. He joined their friend group his senior year, and he's still navigating things with them all, but definitely likes them.
Both of our characters are a part of the nobility. YC has had a thing for MC for quite some time, but due to the times and society's expectations he has held himself back. A masquerade is being hosted by MC's family, and YC takes it as an opportunity to make his amorous feelings known. It's the perfect time, as everyone's faces are hidden, and it's impossible to know who is doing what exactly.
Supernatural forces are real, but humans have always considered them to be fables, fairy tales, and horror stories for spooky times. MC has decided to dress up as a vampire for Halloween, handing out candy and having a real good time. YC is drawn to him and decides that he's going to have a little fun with the guy that thinks it's okay to dress up as a vampire.
Just a little cute thing where our characters go out on a day long date, doing fall things like apple picking, going through a corn maze, etc. Sometimes I like to do a really easy and basic thing.
It's a Halloween wedding! Our characters could be a couple guests that don't know each other, the groom and his best man, two groomsmen, etc. We could add all sorts of kinks to this and keep it in the Halloween spirit at the same time.
MC has been having a nightmare series for a while. It's like a story that plays out over multiple nights. And every time, YC shows up as the hero to save the day... and things start to get steamy. The scary part is always very scary, but MC can't help but get excited to go to sleep every night, in the hopes of seeing YC again... and actually going all the way with them.

FANDOM Prompts down below! Feel free to try to give them a seasonal spin if you want!

If you're as much of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan as me, you'll recognize this as a quote that Xander says to Willow after finding out yet ANOTHER woman he was attracted to was a demon. Obviously this was a joke... but then later that night, Xander starts to wonder if maybe it isn't such a terrible idea after all. Now what happens when he ends up falling for a guy that's not human? Someone like... Spike, maybe? You pick which role you want to play and I'll play the other!
Based off the OG Charmed series. MC is a witch that has been targeted by a coven of warlocks for his power. He has only just recently become involved in protecting the innocent, and so hasn't ever needed a whitelighter before now. YC has just been assigned to him by the Elders, and it's going to be up to him to make sure that MC doesn't end up doing anything to get himself killed.
A Post Harry Potter RP. MC is the current Divination Professor at Hogwarts. YC is an artist that lives in Hogsmeade. During a benefit for St. Mungo's, MC is doing readings for people, with all of the money raised going right to the hospital. YC decides to get a reading done, and MC uses both palmistry and tarot cards, which together determine that YC has met "the love of his life" very recently. He then goes on to describe a couple other things that leads YC to believe that this "love of his life" is none other than MC. When he proposes this possibility, MC is caught off guard, but tells him that that's just not true. But YC has already decided that this must be the case (he's the type to think something and immediately latch on) and goes out of his way to find out just who MC is and starts sending him owls and trying to catch him in Hogsmeade whenever he goes.
A Marvel RP. Lately, Johnny Storm has noticed that his sister has seemed kind of off. He has tried asking her about it, only to be brushed off. So he decides to ask Reed if he knows what's going on, and after a bit of digging he has come to realize... she is not Susan! It appears that a ultra life like synthetic cyborg is in her place. It doesn't take long for them to figure out that Victor Von Doom is behind this, and now it is up to them and Ben to find her and save her. I would like to play Johnny, and you play Reed. We can both utilize Ben, Susan, and Victor as needed, and potentially have other characters join in as well. How things get steamy can be figured out once we get a feel for things!
A Marvel RP. Weapons of great magnitude have been getting into the underground of New York City, and Spider-Man has been on the receiving end one too many times. But no matter what he does, he can't get a step ahead and winds up being unable to figure out where exactly they're coming from. So now the time has come that he ask one of his best friends for a little bit of help. The Human Torch is bound to be a real life saver in this one. Of course there is the caveat that Johnny has that cool swagger, which may or may not have charmed Peter.
A Marvel RP. Bobby Drake's powers have grown at an exponential rate, no doubt in part to Emma Frost's connection to him when she used her own abilities to tap into his. Now he's really worried that he's going to lose control, and believes that he shouldn't have this kind of power at his disposal. He has always been able to go to Scott Summers about his angst with being a mutant before, and maybe he's the one to go to now. If he knew that Scott was having personal issues of his own concerning Jean Grey and Emma, he might not have bothered him. He certainly didn't plan on becoming yet another complication in the man's personal life. I would be playing Bobby and you'd be playing Scott.
A Marvel RP. Logan (Wolverine) is determined to open a new school for mutants, years after Xavier's Institution was destroyed, and Professor X was killed. Bobby was the first one that he went to for help, and together they found a suitable facility and started the school, recruiting others as teachers. Acting as the school's accountant, Bobby had no idea that there might have been other motivations behind Logan's decision to recruit him immediately. Who knew he had started to develop feelings for Iceman?
A DC RP. Jason Todd spent the past few years training under multiple masters of martial arts. He was believed to be dead back home, Bruce not realizing that Jason's body had been swapped out for a fake. Ra's al Ghul saw to all of this, and his daughter, Talia, warped his way of thinking so that he believed everything that happened to him was Bruce's fault. Now he has returned to Gotham City, with one goal in mind. Destroying Batman. But maybe this obsession is rooted in something a little different...
A DC RP. As a child, Garth grew up in Poseidonis believing that he was "The Promised One," a new king that would unite all the kingdoms of Atlantis and lead them into a time of prosperity and peace. When Arthur Curry showed up, having been told about his own lineage, Garth immediately stepped aside. But now Garth's uncle, a sorcerer that has been sealed in Shayeris, is finally free from the curse that bound him there, and seeks to eliminate his nephew, the rightful ruler of Shayeris. Garth learned a lot from Arthur, but now that his own magic is surpassing that of other Atlanteans, can he rely on Arthur to keep him from being swayed by the raw mystical energies he is able to wield? I would be playing Garth, you would be playing Arthur.
A DC RP. Originally they were teenagers, and known as the Teen Titans. But they are all far grown up, and now just go by the name of the Titans. For years, they handled street level issues, and helped the Justice League whenever possible. Now, a large threat looms over the entire planet, and together, Garth and Wally West have decided to go back in time to eliminate the threat before it even has a chance to strike. I would be playing Garth, and you would be playing Wally.
A DC RP. During WWII, Alan Scott, the very first Green Lantern (although not part of the Green Lantern Corps.) was captured by Nazi super soldiers, and was experimented on in a science lab. During one of these experiments, the Speed Force was tapped into, which destroyed the lab and sucked Alan Scott in. In modern day Gotham City, the Court of Owls has received intelligence of an assassin from the future that they want to bring to the current times to put an end to Batman. Calvin Rose, a future Talon, is pulled back to the current day, and is forced to do as they say, or risk them ensuring that his future wife is never even born. When he's pulled back to today, the loop of the Speed Force that Alan is trapped in is released, and he is also put into this world. It may be crazy, but can a man from the future hope to rely on a man from the past to bring justice to today, and put an end to the Court of Owls?
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