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Final Fantasy X ( Vader x Ace )


Apr 23, 2010
A bounce in her step, Rikku made her way through the new Home that had been established by her father, Cid, at the turn of Spira's future. It was better than the last, spreading for miles upon miles, holding up arches of great gateways, leading into the vast city that flourished wildly. Though in the middle of a desert island, it no longer appeared that way-- not behind the walls of Home. There were trees, beautiful flowers, shrubs, and wonderful streets made from materials Rikku knew to be old machina droids. Al Bhed were spread through the city, but Rikku also noticed many new comers from the rest of Spira. Her lips spread in a wide smile as she took in the scene of the bussiling metropolis, glad to see her people getting along with the others and vice versa.

She had just come from visiting her father and, after being shown her new home, was busy exploring the rest of the new city. Her feet took her where they would, Rikku herself not caring where she ended up. Everyone was friendly as she passed them by; wishing she had company, she tried making small talk with a few folk, only to be told they were busy. Everyone seemed to be doing something, or going somewhere while Rikku had no destination nor objectives. How boring, she thought to herself as she padded through what appeared to be a park. Sighing, she dropped onto a bench, hanging her head. It was nice and she liked it here, but what was she supposed to do now? Before, there was always something to do, but now that Spira had finally settled, Rikku found little to no excitement. And with Yuna busy with her new work and everyone else busy with family, Rikku was left with her father, who she loved dearly, but now that she was here... what was she going to do? [/i]

Maximillion had only recently moved to Spira, he didn't know why but it just seemed like the right thing to do. He figured he could get some business done at least and make a bunch of money. Dressed in his new tuxedo he walked around the streets of his new home. Looking to see if anything would catch his interest. Or for at least to set up a shop of some kind, Max was big on money and he would sell his own grandmother for a couple gil. Apon looking around his eye caught someone, a girl...a rather attractive girl at that.

He tried to think of a way to approach her, a cool ice breaker or anything of that sort. But he couldn't come up with anything. As he racked his mind for something to say walked back and forth walking in circles eventually. Untill he decided he would let his heart do the talking. He moved threw the crowd of people until he finally reached the blonde. Grabbing her hand and kneeling down. “Oh what a joyus new home I found. If someone as beautiful as you are in it then this shall be the happiest place on earth.” Once he realized what he said he sighed. Regretting saying something so stupid.
Rikku didn't see the man approach until he was almost to her and she was struck by his display. Struck with what? She wasn't quite sure, but her face heated and she felt a smile pull at her lips as she looked down at her hand in his. "O-oh, you don't mean that," she said, knowing her face had to be beat red. Even more embarrassed, she pulled her hand away and coyly shied away. Her golden hair was pulled back in a massive heap of a pony tail, loose braids falling here and there, dawned with feathers and beads. Bright green eyes were hidden under thickly curled lashes and dimples appeared with her smile.
Max was in a bit of a tight spot, seeing as he had already acted so foolish...he might as well go with it. Even though he was sounding so stupid right now. "Oh but I do mean that, you are so beautiful. your golden hair shines like the sun itself...and." He couldn't take his own rambling anymore and stood up. His green eyes glistening as they looked on the girl that had caught his attention. He let out a sigh and smiled. "Sorry about that...may have gotten carried away there." He had a tendency to do that, so it wasn't unusual for Max. His cheeks had a light blush on them, not knowing what to say. "Uhh, Names Maximillion, but you can call me Max."
"Rikku," she said in a voice louder than she had planned. Quickly looking away as her blush deepened, she said, "I like your hair." It was, in all retrospect, a lame thing to say, but after his strange introduction, she was quite thrown off. It was rather sweet, a part of her felt, and his voice was a little more than captivating. And those eyes. Tilting her head, she scooted on the bench, making room for him to sit. Normally she would not indulge strange men with her company, but something about him intrigued her. A playful smile stayed on her lips as she turned to face the park; she took a large, grateful lung full of air, letting it out slowly. "Ahh, the air is so fresh here."
Max smiled, “That's a nice name.” He said, which was weird because he never complemented someone's name before. Also his hair had never been complimented before, quite the opposite in fact, most people called it grass hair and things of that nature. The man assumed that he was meant to sit down beside her, which he very happily did. There was just something about her...the way she dressed...her personality...he didn't quite know. But there was something about her alright. He took a breath in as well. “Ya, it's nice.” Maximillion looked at Rikku and tired to think of something to say. “ long have you been living here?” A pretty lame question, but he wasn't good at normal flirting.
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