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Share your favourite roleplay settings with me!


Sep 30, 2024
Hey, I’m just starting out and am looking for ideas and opinions concerning Settings in Roleplay. Personally I tend to imagine myself into worlds, far far away, but I can see the appeal of playing “Everyday”-Like Settings…

If someone wants to take the time and share some of their most memorable Settings they have played or maybe something unusual or weird, that worked out pretty well, please go ahead 😎
Ohh, nice take on it :)

Historical Based topics definitely seem like a fun way to play something out, the "urgency" of some past times can definitely make things more heated...Ill have to keep that in mind!
My favorite RP setting of all time was inspired by Reboot, the 90s television show that helped pioneer 3d animation in television. The idea of jumping from world to world and being able to move our characters from setting to setting was a ton of fun.
My favorite RP setting of all time was inspired by Reboot, the 90s television show that helped pioneer 3d animation in television. The idea of jumping from world to world and being able to move our characters from setting to setting was a ton of fun.
Oh I see, havent heard of that Show before but the concept seems interesting, might have to check it out :D
Oh I see, havent heard of that Show before but the concept seems interesting, might have to check it out :D
Its animation style aged poorly (it was one of the first ones, after all), but its a very interesting premise. The show takes place inside of a computer, and the characters are programs who need to enter the games played by users to take the role of the game's characters. Bob, the main character, gives a neat little plot summary at the beginning of each episode so... here's the season 1 opening to give you an idea;
Admittedly I do a lot of "anime" or anime-ish roleplays because that's what I like. A lot of my RPs are some shape or flavor of fantasy. It can be medieval fantasy, or some kind of modern fantasy or steampunk fantasy, but magic and stuff like that is usually always a part of it in a small or big way.

I also like to do more un-serious RPs from time to time where I focus more on the characters rather than the setting or the plot, but there's usually some worldbuilding involved. I usually never use the same world I've created for two different RPs.
For table-top role play- Forgotten Realms. My most recent DM foe table-top, modified first edition AD&D, used the world of The Black Company. We were having a lot of fun until covid hit and shut it down.
Grey Box Forgotten Realms mixed with Glen Cook's Black Company, damn. I can envision that, Ten Who Where Taken and the Lady would slot in nicely. Doing something with Grey Box is a long term goal of mine.

Personally I've not really been consistent for my own games, typically homebrew settings that lasted a campaign. But I have been growing a deep appreciation for early Traveller lore. For free form I know I've enjoyed Star Wars and 40k in the past; but again it's usually some setting I've created.
I enjoy playing in a realistic realm so that I can portray myself into my own character. Generally my plots are build around a fetish I find fascinating
Sci-Fi - Colonized area of the galaxy, where it takes literally years to travel from one stellar nation to the next. Where governments are, mostly, accountable only to themselves and society is starting to take a dystopian turn.
I like a lot of different settings for roleplay, but my favorite has got to be Steampunk or Magipunk. Can't help but love a fantasy laden Victorian age, or a steam-engineer Victorian age. Maybe I just like the Victorian age with a bit of flavor? I dunno.
I enjoy variety in settings. However, I would love to explore ancient settings such as deep forests that no one has ever seen before or deepest oceans or perhaps even other planets. Deep forests seem to be my current favorite.
I feel that to me, the most effective and captivating fantasies are those that 'merge' with real life, are close to things that I know and like, kind of really activating my memory with all my senses that I can recall. Only with the element added that I couldn't find in real life :) :sneaky:
It is really historical setting usually in the 1950s, 1920s, or 1980s currently. I love doing it as I understand a lot about LGBTQ2+ history and my love for butch/femme couple within these eras with that enrichment of the history. It brings a different slice of life romace roleplay which is unique to it I find.
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