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Staff member
Jul 24, 2013


f a t h e r x f i g u r ex & xc y x
may include NSFW images or links.
credit to the lovely pink. for the intro picture, & reverie. for the post codes
x o x



lilith hawthorne.
โ€…birthday girlโ€…โ€…โ€‚โ€‚/โ€‚โ€‚โ€…โ€…18โ€…โ€…โ€‚โ€‚/โ€‚โ€‚โ€…โ€…preyโ€…โ€…

"I'm telling you, that wasn't Jason Voorhees.." a rather annoyed voice ebbed from a petite young woman, only taking a brief moment to sip on her iced coffee before going back into her explanation. "Roy was possessed by Jason - they aren't the same person."

A deflated groan escaped the young man who had been sitting on top of the picnic table in front of her, collapsing back into a stretched out position on the table top to cover his face with his hands. "Okay, okay, horror queen. Whatever you say." Despite the put on tone of annoyance, Lilith could see the smirk that was just visible underneath Xavier's hands. "I should've known better than trying to argue over slasher killers with you."

Footsteps approached the table the duo were sitting at, and a pressure on her shoulder caught Lilith by surprise. Whipping around to see who had grabbed her, the freshly turned eighteen year old's dark eyes were met with her best friend's. "Calm down, Wednesday," the blond giggled, and then gestured over her shoulder. "At least until you check out this Myers I found. He's.. like, super in character. He wouldn't even talk to me."

The trio of friends started to make their way back into the heart of the convention, with Amber leading the way in her sexy Pennywise costume. Tentatively, Lilith followed in her own Wednesday one, occasionally tugging at the hem of her black dress to ensure it was pulled down over her pale thighs. The outfit was completely out of her comfort zone, right down to the black ankle boots that adorned her feet, but Amber had insisted on the costume. Lilith was more reserved, usually spending the bulk of her nights locked away in her room reading, gaming, or desperately trying not to cut herself as she taught herself how to sculpt and whittle.

"He was right around here.." Amber's excitement was obvious as she took Lilith by the hand and tugged her to the right, nearly spilling her drink in the process.

Horror movies had been a huge part of Lilith's life since she was a young girl. One night while her aunt was babysitting, she'd come out for a drink and been mesmerized by the killer doll that painted the television. And although she'd been terrified of Chucky, it was the foot in the door that never went away. As she got older, it became an ever-growing interest, verging on obsession. One that up until recently, had always been a 'weird' obsession that made her stand out like a sore thumb compared to most girls her age.

"Yo, is that him? Jesus, Amber, how do you miss that?" Xavier's voice immediately forced the girls to pause in their tracks, and they turned to where their poorly dressed up Dracula was pointing. A hulking figure was standing still, hands at his sides, completely motionless. Amber gasped excitedly, and she squeezed Lilith's hand. "Oh my god, that's him! Doesn't he look so.. real?" Xavier scoffed, and all Lilith could do was stare.

Her dark eyes met the hollowed out holes of the Michael Myers mask, and she felt something electrifying pulse down her spine. It was impossible to see what the man beneath was looking at, but it felt like their eyes had connected. That they were staring directly at each other, even between the waves of people that walked over the leaf-littered path between them of the fair grounds. The birthday girl could feel her throat clench, and for a moment, she almost felt excited. Like she was gazing at the real deal - everything about him seemed authentic; the mechanic suit was speckled and dirty, ripped here and there to give off signs as though it'd seen some action. The mask was well done, too, and it kept any scrap of identity of the man beneath it well concealed. But the longer she looked, the bigger the feeling in her chest began to grow.. and Lilith's confidence blew over with the next gust of wind that passed them by.

"Come on, you have to get a picture with him! Isn't something like this on your bucket list?" Amber's voice shattered her deer in headlights stance, and before she could say anything, her older friend was dragging her forward by her hand. To ensure she didn't fall flat on her face, Lilith had no choice but to will her legs to work, and reluctantly followed the pull.

"Michaaaael!" Amber's voice was too upbeat, too sing-song.. like she wasn't calling out to some slasher impersonator. She pulled Lilith up beside her, as though she were offering the raven haired beauty up. "It's my friend's birthday, and she's just in love with you - well, who you're supposed to be, anyway."

Lilith could feel her cheeks redden with a flush, and she nervously clenched her coffee cup harder. "It's, uh.. it's a really good costume. You look.. amazing." She weaseled her free hand from Amber's and rubbed the back of her neck, resisting the urge to elbow her friend in the side for being so forward.

"Dude.. the whole silent thing is mega creepy.." Amber leaned in to whisper to Lilith when the man before them didn't say anything back, and she poorly stifled a giggle. And then grabbed Lilith's iced coffee from her hands, and gave her a nudge to send her a few steps into the gap between them and the taller figure before them. "I'm sure he doesn't mind a picture - looking like that, he's probably had a million already today."

Lilith's head tilted to maintain eye contact with the two hollowed out holes of the mask, and she swallowed the lump in her throat. "S-sorry.. about her.. she's a little.. over excited." Clearing her throat, she took another sheepish step forward, and then turned so her back was hovering in front of the man. A part of her wanted to lean back, to even test if there was a real person beneath the costume, but her nerves wouldn't let her. Instead, she awkwardly clasped her right hand over her left wrist in front of herself, and attempted to smile as best as she could as Amber started fumbling around with her cell phone to get the camera ready.

As the seconds ticked by, it was hard to focus on anything but the sound of the breathing over her shoulder.. and each exhale made Lilith's hair stand more on end. Like her body was warning her of the dangers to come.. signaling for her fight or flight to kick in.


unknown identity.
โ€…predatorโ€…โ€…โ€‚/โ€‚โ€…โ€…??โ€…โ€…โ€‚/โ€‚โ€…โ€…michael myers costumeโ€…โ€…

The shape stood unmoving, silent and frightening in the storm of human chatter, yet somehow outside it all, as though a barrier separated him from the living. Michael Myers, or at least what he represented, had always been outside of the normal flow of humanity, and so he played the role to the hilt. He knew this character, its unyielding posture, the rhythmic weight of his breath behind the mask. It had become second nature by now. A presence, cold and vast, like something forgotten. His body was taut, perfectly still as the trio approached, their voices blending with the surrounding din. They were flies, buzzing about. Amberโ€™s laughter too light, too sharp against the atmosphere; Lilith, awkward and quiet, her discomfort palpable, like the faint scent of fear clinging to her skin. Her wide, dark eyes locked onto him from a distance, tentative, unsure. She did not look at him as one might regard an actor in a costume, but as if she were staring at something far more ominous, something she could not name. His hand tightened on the knife that he held in his hand, its movement a small, intriguing motion as his knuckles tightened fiercely on the handle. And he saw it, that hesitation, that flicker of uncertainty in her eyes. It fed into him, made him feel larger, heavier. Like he might enjoy the thought of killing her.

Amber dragged Lilith forward, chirping words of admiration, but the words barely touched him. They were white noise, meaningless, drifting into the emptiness behind the mask. The mask of a killer, hollow and emotionless, its empty eye sockets staring back at her. Her breath caught as she stared into those voids, as though she could sense the predatory stillness lurking just beneath. And it was meant to be that way. Behind the mask his eyes were obscured, rendered all the more unnerving by the thick dark paint he had applied around them. The maskโ€™s hollow sockets seemed empty, deep, like black pits, giving no reflection of light. He could have been a stock photograph, a cutout, a mannequin. Save for the sound of his heavy breathing. It was all an act of course, right? Just a man embodying the terrifying presence of Michael Myers in the best place possible, a horror convention.

There was no acknowledgement of their words, why would there by, his head tilting down to gaze from his towering height. She was right to feel nervous, some abstract sense of recognition that all human beings have about danger. When their life is on the line. A tangible reality of creeping malevolence. And then finally the subtlest of nods preceded Lilith coming close for the photograph. His fingers twitched again, a brief spasm. He could end it all right here, in one swift motion, the blade slipping through soft flesh. Each passing second stretched out unbearably, and then the unthinkable happened. He touched her, and not in a fashion that any normal person would have called sane, but a horror enthusiast might very well fangirl over. As Amber raised her phone, about to click the shot, the man moved. โ€œMichaelโ€™sโ€ left hand came up and gipped Lilith by the arm, his fingers digging in securely. His right hand suddenly coming up, raising the knife high, as if preparing to stab downwards. In that moment there was a glint of metal, and Lilith would realize.

The knife was real.

The knife in his hand was menacing, cold and gleaming under the artificial lights of the convention. It was a butcherโ€™s knife. Long, nearly twelve inches from the tip of the blade to the end of the handle. The steal was clean, the edge sharp enough to catch the light in a faint shimmer. A perfect replica of his favorite weapon from the movies. How had he gotten a real blade past security? It should not have been possible. Her life was in his hands nowโ€ฆ

โ€œSay...MURDER...!โ€ Amber said with a giggle.
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