Mx Male Chibi's Plots (Seeking Tops and Switches)


Sep 26, 2024
⋆₊‧.°.⋆🫧•˚₊‧⋆. Don't mind the mess, Fae at work housekeeping and making it pretty ₊‧.°.⋆🫧•˚₊‧⋆.

Hello and thanks for taking a peek at my search thread! I hope you'll find something of interest here~

Intro's are important so we both know the main expectations, but I know they're boring so I'll try and keep this part short! If there's anything more you'd like to know that isn't answered here, definitely feel free to ask if you find this thread interesting enough to shoot me a PM and find out more.

  • While I typically prefer playing uke/bottom/sub characters, I understand nearly everyone seems to prefer that and those of you that are willing tops get tired of being the top (that's what happened to me, which is why I had stop down from always agreeing to be top). With that said, I equally love and am open to a switch/switch pairing!
  • I write in third person pov, and prefer you do the same. I typically write on average 2-4 paragraphs, though if the muse is really going, or depending on context needed in a scene, can certainly write more. While you don't need to match my length, I prefer my partners provide a minimum of one paragraph. I find anything less is hard to have any real context or progress to assist in pushing the scene along. Of course, I understand there will be some moments and scenes where posts will be on the shorter, such as if it's a dialogue scene with a lot of back and forth context needed.
  • I'm not new to rping, and have been for 10+ years at this point.
  • Help me brainstorm! An rp is a two person effort (or more, for groups), so please don't leave all the plotting to me.

With that out of the way...on to the plots! If you have any modifications/suggestions for the below plots, or have any completely own ideas of your own, please bring them up! I welcome new ideas, or changes to my existing ones. I love when people reimagine plots and make them new again for me in an unexpected or different way. I also welcome any ideas of your own, even if they don't seem related to any of my plots.

An apocalyptic setting where humans' own creations of greed and desire for technological advancement have become their downfall. AI have taken over the world, and now treat humans as their slaves, pets, or whatever be it to entertain themselves. YC and MC, either knowing each other beforehand or not, get captured by an AI whom makes them it's own property. This AI in particular using it's humans as a part of an arena of sorts, where these AI that participate in this gladiator style of matches, have human pets/soldiers and such they throw into the ring to fight and win, watching the humans fight for amusement. The goal, of course, AI competing to have the strongest human. But what is common place here, is that the human fighters are often modified by their AI masters/owners to try and up their chances of winning. They don't care for the well-being or quality of life for the human, it all being about 'creating' the strongest human and seeing how far they can push their biological bodies. These modification include anything really, from amputating perfectly healthy limbs for metal ones, because, why not? And any other sort of trial and error experiments. Infusing blood with metal or chemicals, enhancing eyes for robotic technologically advanced ones, honestly whatever we can imagine.
My idea here was that MC being the fighter and YC being either a scientist, or doctor, or both. Most AI owners in this arena have at least one of each - though the fighters seen as disposable and some having a bunch. In any case, it revolves off our characters surviving, the medic/scientist type being the one that is forced not to fight necessarily, but forced and pressured to enhance the fighter(s) of their owner AI. This all eventually leading to them of course wanting to and trying to escape and the like, and it goes from there.
Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi | Horror/Dark(?)

If you're familiar with 'Alice in Wonderland', then, this is exactly what you're thinking. I don't have a specific plot worked out for this yet, but did want it to be something original, following the sort of concept of Alice in Wonderland, where the character Alex finds himself in an unfamiliar and strange world, with strange people, some not human. For example, Cheshire would likely be a Neko, then there's the The Hare, which would be like a Neko, just, rabbit instead of feline. Things of these sorts. I would prefer to play the Alex character. Yours could be anyone in the world of Wonderland, really, it's up to imagination.
Adventure | Action | Fantasy | Spin-off

MC lived with his family in a small village in the middle of nowhere in the desert. The village is small, and has little to no valuables, and impoverished like many villages and towns anywhere beyond the royal city limits. Because the village is so small, everyone knows each other, and everyone in the town is kind, and makes sure to keep up their share. They all work together and eat together as a huge family, sharing the rations of food evenly amongst everyone. MC is the oldest in his family with two younger brothers. Raziel is very caring and considerate towards his family, and always holds up on his share of work, carrying his part of his responsibility in the village. His dad is strict in making sure his sons do their share, because he is the village leader, but as strict as he is, he is just as loving. MC doesn't do all his responsibilities just for his father's respect and sake, but because he himself truly does care about the village, and everyone in it is family to him. It has nothing to do with his father being in charge, but because he truly cares about the wellbeing of the whole village, to him, the whole village is his family.
Although MC has a secret he keeps closely guarded. He is ill, and it isn't something as simple as a common cold. He doesn't dare tell anyone, not even his own family, for the cost of medicine and treatment, whatever it would be, he knows would be out of their reach. They can hardly afford remedial herbs, and MC may not be a doctor, but he does know whatever is wrong with him, is more than a simply tincture, even if curable. He doesn't wish to worry anyone and cause them to concern over him and stress. Despite his illness, he still works hard and does all he can for the village. Even the youngest of kids are working through the hot days, everyone doing their part. Once a kid is the age of 8, they begin to help out with the labor and work in the village, for the community working together, and everyone doing their part is vital for them all to survive the harsh, unprotected environment of the unforgiving desert.
While MC has lived in the hard working conditions of his village, the Pharaoh and his family live in luxury, with a palace, man-made springs, and imported favorable foods like juicy fruits and plenty of water. Though most of course fear the ruling family to outright say anything to them, it is a known consensus that the general public resents them, as they give nothing back to the families of the desert. MC is just the same, and despises the prince (and entire royal family) he's never met, a male who is said to be about his age, which makes Raziel resent him all the more. Having lived through some of the hardest conditions, MC doesn't mind and still loves his village and would do anything to help them, and thinking of the pharaoh and his son, the same age as him, as someone so ignorant to the world, and spoiled.

The basic idea of this, is the Prince would be YC, living all high and mighty with his family, and he's about the same age as MC. MC lives in a poor village in the middle of nowhere, far from any sort of stable civilization. What I planned to happen is there are these traders or something of the sorts, they capture MC seeing he is hard working and strong seemingly, and bring him to the rising Prince for his coming of age birthday, as a gift, essentially a slave since they believe he'd make a good one with how strong he is. (All civilians within the royal city expected to present the prince with a gift to honor the celebration of his coming of age. I imagine that age would be 18, but we could make it 21 if preferred to be a bit older.
YC could be as you desire. Perhaps a more cruel and spoiled Prince that puts MC to work, or one that is more considerate, and perhaps not the ignorant/cold prince that much of the population believe and assume him to be.
Historical | Adventure | Master/Slave | Dark

MC is a merman and washes up on the shore of a beach, not one that's usually too crowded or anything, though not quite deserted either. While the island is beautiful and prospering, not many people visit it because they do not know about this beautiful island that you can vacation on, or for a few in the small population of it, live on, as its not that big of an island. MC gets injured and washes up on the shore of this island unconscious. What I originally was thinking was that your character, a human, ends up finding MC and taking him in and caring for him. Other possible ideas could be that your character is out fishing, ends up accidentally injuring my character, either maybe a small-scale harpoon or other fishing gear.
Slice of Life | Fantasy | Comedy

Is the myth of Faceless real? If not, then what really happens to the bodies of the brave souls that wander into the Urhlmör forest, only to never reaper? MC, a recluse male in search of friends, doing anything to have his own friends and to be liked, goes into the forest for his 'friends' on a dare, to prove to his supposed friends that he is really strong, and not afraid of anything. All just to be liked by them. He travels into the forest that many have not returned from...will he ever return? Or will he find out the truth about the myth of the cursed Faceless man in the unending forest.

(Concept inspired from the myth of Slenderman, but you don't need to know about him if you don't for this rp. It's more so just the idea of a dark, creepy, unknown supposed monster lurking in the woods)

If you like super dark rps, I'm open to the potential of this turning much more gruesome too where basically MC, the human, and Faceless bond over more than just emotions and romance - they become a deadly murderous couple, killing other innocents or whomever together.
Slice of Life | Fantasy | Horror | Dark

In this world, there are very few nekos alive, and they are often hunted to be taken into labs for testing and experiments. If one is ever found they are to be turned over to the government and handed over to the expert scientists. If not handed over, then the person keeping and helping the neko is to be held under criminal charges for defying the laws of the government. It is said to be believed that there are less than 50 nekos in the world, and rarely ever seen because, just like cats, they are very quick and sneaky. Of course they know how dangerous their lives are, and how valued they are, so they hardly trust anyone and are constantly alone and traveling, staying away from wanting eyes.
I would prefer to play the Neko. YC could be whomever, perhaps a scientist trying to help him when he's caught, or a civilian harboring him and safe-keeping him, protected in his home. Could even be another Neko if desired.
Action | Fantasy

MC is a rare neko, but in this world, there are all sorts of other animal/human crossbreeds, simply, neko's are a bit on the rarer side. This is because Nekos had their time of high, were everyone everywhere wanted them, and so they were hunted down for various reasons, as slaves, toys, for money, etc, the reasons go on. In the ordinary market and stores, these various types of 'pets' (being animal/human crossbreeds) can be bought just as casually as one would a pet dog or cat. It a common normality in this world. MC however, though he's a rare, valued neko, he's sat in the "Pet Shop" for ages now. He's been bought out, but often returned. This is because he isn't seemed as desirable any longer. He used to be an obedient, playful, enjoyable and perfect companion, regardless the use someone wanted him for. However, after so long in this life, he's finally been broken - in a different way, not an obedient way. He refuses to talk, and has an empty look in his eyes from all the 'masters' and torment he's gone through. Will someone finally want to buy him, and keep him for good? Could they possibly bring back the life in the Neko, or, will they just use him as they see fit and usefully?

Basic idea is a master/slave type rp. The master can be more cruel or kind, whatever you'd prefer. It doesn't even need to be a full master/slave concept, the owner could be someone that, even if legally buying the pet and being it's 'owner', doesn't view hybrid pets in such a way most of society does, and sees them as an equal.
Master/Slave | Fantasy | Modern

MC had been madly, head over heels in love with his boyfriend of five years. He had been dreaming about their future together, a wedding, some adopted kids to add to the family, everything being perfect and happy. Until MC's boyfriend suddenly called it off, heartbreaking MC. MC fell into an uncontrollable depression. As dramatic as it seemed, he truly wants nothing to do but end everything. He had lived with his boyfriend for so long, cared and catered to him for five years, that he no longer knows how to function without him, and is actions away from relieving himself of the pain of living without him. Will someone care enough for the heartbroken male to keep him from giving up, and losing everything forever?
*I've done a normal slice of life style of this, as well as a fantasy style. Essentially where the other character was a supernatural/creature of sorts, that could feed off of emotions. Such a creature could be quite devastating and monstrous, but in this case did it to help others, such as those drowning in despair or heartache. We don't need to do this exactly (though we could if it interests you), but wanted to put this here as an example of how diverse and different themes/route this could take.
Dark | Modern | Slice of Life | Angst

MC is a very popular pianist, preforming at various upscale events and having quite a large fan base. He's known for his extreme talent as a pianist at such a young age, accomplishing a lot and quickly making his way towards fame and fortune. Of course, it's not like he's the most famous or wealthiest person around. There's always someone better out there somewhere. MC is the type of popular artist where he's quite wealthy from his talent, but only the interested know his name. The laid back artist who is married to his piano is recently in need of a personal butler in his home, along with the other servants already working there.
Some possible ideas to throw in could be supernatural, such as one or both of the characters being vampires, or some other creature, etc...
Modern | Slice of Life | Fantasy

In a vast land where it's either do or die, there are only the poor - and a rich family that rules the land. Latest news is a young male is wanted for supposedly going out and seducing with the King's son. The king was enraged when finding out about this, and of course didn't blame his own son, finding anyone else to blame, as to not taint or hurt the family pride, as the son is of course next in line to inherit the throne. It's not as though its unexpected for the royal family to sleep with people...but the King would not have it, his son sleeping with, letting alone falling in love with a poor peasant of a nobody, and a male at that. So the King pinpointed all blame and punishment on the male his son was with. The king declared the boys punishment death. Since the boy is escaping the Kings over powering rule, he is now wanted captured, and to be tortured for not abiding by the King. If he must be killed while being captured though then the King is alright with that, though prefer him be alive so he can torture the boy for what he did, for 'tainting' his son. The King has sent out a large bounty on the male for whoever catches him and brings him in, and the bounty price is doubled if he is still alive when brought into custody. Of course, in a land of the poor, everyone is tempted and swayed by the price on the male's head, so many have sent out to capture him, though because they are poor, they don't have the needed skills or techniques to find him, and travel to look for him, but there are some that do still try. And not all are unskilled.
MC: The fugitive
YC: Could be a bounty hunter, or the prince.
Action | Adventure
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